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Dibbz Monthly #3 Results/Shoutouts

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
I hope everyone had a great time at the tournament last Sunday. Thank you Randall, Xyro, and Alex for helping me with TIO. :) I hope it was run smoothly for my first Tourney hosted.


1: Lee Martin ( Lucario, Snake, Mk) 92$ *Split with Sethlon then played out*
2: Sethlon (Falco) 92$
3: Nikzor (Dedede, Wolf, Kirby) 22$
4: Cyphus (DK) 11$
5: Pierre (Lucas)
5: Xyro (Samus)
7: Randall (G&W?)
7: Seiya (Pit)
9: Sudai (Rob, Olimar)
9: Holy Chef (Ic's)
9: Eet
9: Furbs (Yoshi)
13: CJ (Snake, Dedede)
13: Jackets (Wario)
13: Bre
13: Batto (Martha Stewart)
17: R0ni (Mk, Falco)
17: Corey
17: Tyr
17: Devon
17: Freddy
17: Savon
17: Bomber
17: Mura Rengan (Weegee?)
25: Ricky B (Marth)
25: Zack Dvo
25: Arcadia (Fox?)


1: Fixed Arrow (Lee Hyro) Snake/Mk, Toon Link 60$
2: Magical Unicorn (Cyphus Pierre) DK, Lucas 40$
3: We Call Blue (Nick Sudai) Rob/Olimar, Dedede
4: Green Lesbians (Xyro Sethlon) Samus, Zss
5: Top Tier (CJ Roni) Snake, MK
5: Holy Seiya (Holy Chef Seiya) IC's, Pit
7: The Weasle Burgers (Corey, Tyr)
7: Purple Knights (Mura,Savon) I don't remember after this/?!!?
9: Banana Dang (Avery Austin)
9: Game & Watch (Bre Randall)

Also, for people wondering... Hyro (Hyrulian Royalty) was not able to attend the singles portion of this tourney due to ACT/SAT. I honestly think he would have placed Top 4 though. :)

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
team finals were soooo intense. best 3 out of 5. we were in winners and cyphus/pierre won the 1st set on the 5th match. then me and hyro won the 5th match of the second set. :0


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2006
Lee, for characters, Cyphus used Pikachu against Nick, I did indeed go all G&W, as did Bre. HolyChef used MK along with IC, and EET used Olimar/ Wario, I think.

Fun tournament.

Seiya, we'll have to get our friendlies in next time. I would have played after teams, but we needed to go.

Sethlon, your Falco was a lot of fun to play against. It's really good.

Furbs, in the one or two games we played, your Yoshi really surprised me. I didn't know he could do that stuff.

HolyChef, our set was fun. I missed out on your IC, but I hope to see them next time.

Nick, you're too nice; the king cake was good. Fun set, maybe I'll be able to give you more of a challenge next time.

Cyphus, I know I keep saying this, but I'll eventually beat your DK, haha.
Bre's G&W is getting better, that's for sure.

Good job on running your first tourney, Lee!

Ricky and Roni are too cool. I better see both of you at Gameware!


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Lee: Awesome job hosting, you did a great job. =) We didn't get to play friendlies though, that made me sad. =( But you were busy, it's all good. Thanks for letting me be your loud tourney voice. <3 <3

Sethlon: Omg, Falco way too good and scary in your hands. Sorry I didn't provide more of a challenge, I'll work on that for you next time. You a nice guy too.

Cyphus: You should've had me. Pure and simple. I know you'll get me next time though so it's ok. Good close matches despite that though. =)

Pierre: If our matches were any closer, I'd pee myself every single time. Way too good man. ^_^

Randall: You provided a good challenge, especially that second set. I really thought you had me, it was way too close. Good ****e. =D

Sudai: <3333333333333, I'm sorry brackets made us fight so soon. They were still GG's. =) I love you and had fun with you on the weekend, though. =3

Xyro: Samus ridiculously good. Ggs, we should play again sometime.

Arcadia: Ggs man, your Lucario came out of no where and really took me off guard.

Ricky B.: I <3 you man, thanks for letting us stay at your place as always, I had a blast. =D

r0ni: Butthole good, we didn't get to play. =( Shoobidy-boobidy-bop! I <3 u.

Eric and Freddy: I'm proud of y'all for coming out and wrecking it up for not even having played the game in month. Had fun with you guys, we'll have to hang soon.

Seiya: Ggs, your Pit caught me off guard. It's gotten pretty good. Don't expect that to happen again. ;)

Furbs: Nice Yoshi, I was really impressed. Excellent spacing and tricking me into grabs.

Hyro: <3, you know I'm just messing with ya about the strawberry cream cheese cake. =P We'll get to play soon enough, I'm sure. Don't worry. =)

I really hope everyone enjoyed the king cake and hopefully I'll try and get a new treat for the next Dibbz... Or re-do King Cake or Cookie Cake or something... =P


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2008
*love from seiya*

I <3 LOUISIANA! im moving there end of story....

Lee: say boiiiii good shtuff man nice job runnin the tourney but for once id like to lose to somebody other than you in winners bracket lol your lucario too good but i was stoked that i actually did ok against you haha thanx for holding my bag will u be coming to texas anytime before Whobo?

Nikzor: Seriously that king cake was sex in my mouth i love you for bringing it thanks so much. good job on 3rd btw ha and lawl at the DDDs we saw on the powerlines haha, lol glad i got my revenge from pools last time but still it was soooo tough your DDD too good :)

Cyphus: we didn't get to play again :( next time for sure :D i love you and your beard :p and those matches against xyro were sexy XD

Pierre: haha everytime i saw you there was always a smile on your face :) play me next time!!!!!!!!

Randall: this guy is hella cool! and ya man we most def. have to play next time even though we had all day i didnt get as many friendlies as i hoped for :( o well next time! i bet your G&W is beast now lol

Sudai: We didnt play :( hope all goes well with you and your issues.

Holy Chef: Good stuff on teams man it was fun teaming with ya. your IC are sexy sorry i had to play so gay against them but i just couldnt afford to get grabbed lol

Eet: HOLYYYEFFFF!!!!!!!!! dude! our tourney set was by far my favorite one! just cuz it was so epic! i cant do anything against warios with pit and yours was so good so i was forced to use my second which i have NEVER used in tourney play and i didnt know the diddy olimar match up at all. it was awesome though my adrenaline was pumpin i was shaking i had to give you a hug afterwards :D

CJ: hey man glad to have finally gotten to play your snake, too bad it was our first tourney match lol ah but on halbred your snake was so scary i didnt know what to do lol good stuff though we'll have to play more next time. sorry about norfair :/.........o and tell your mom that i can honestly say that the bowl of amazing awesomeness she gave me was the best i have ever tasted! ask Nik dude i was crying it was soo good :)

Jackets: we didnt get to play i dont believe :( we'll have to next time for sure kk :) and ha dude my shirt loves you too it didnt light up cuz of sound it lit up cuz you were around :p ha rhyming FTW!

RONi!!: dude you and rickyB are the coolest Evarrrrrrr! and im glad we finally got to play lol once we got on that Wii they werent taking us off. dude your falcos so good its different i couldnt put my finger on it but its not like other falcos lol and LAWL @ turning MKs tornado around to suicide too funny :p

Bomber: good friendlies man i had fun playing your PT "how can you hit a poor defenseless animal?" lol too funny.

Mura: good frindlies man and our match in teams was so much fun it was too epic!

RICKYBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!: DuDE you and roni are the coolest EVARRRRRR! and one day we'll finish our set its 1:1 so dont forget lol and you HAVE to play pokemanz with me next time kk you're marth got so much better i was proud of you :)

Arcadia: you my friend have got a beast Fox lol i kept getting caught off guard by his quickness ha you hit me with 3 Fairs in a row i was like WAAAAAT lol and his Usmash is tooooooo good i enjoyed our friendlies :)

Hyro: HAHA dude we could not get a game in for anything!!!!! geez seriously like 6 interruptions haha lawls @ playing with a wavebird that made me chuckle. when are you coming to texas so you can get your revenge :p? lol if not then maybe i can play u next time Louisiana hosts another big tourney your TL is mighty fun to play.

Avery: This man has got amazing hair! ha it was nice meetin ya i saw u playin melee not sure if u do brawl but u should teach me some melee sometime n thanx for the shirt comments they were very much appreciated :D

MAH TEXAS BOIIS: thanks for coming along with me the ride there and back was awesome cept for the ride to get and drop off sethlon that was scary ha but COAST TO COAST is tooooo funny and Xyro thanx for the little present you left in my car, not your controller :)

geez took me forever to type this, hope i didnt miss anybody and if i did im SOOOOOO sorry


the tourney was a lot of fun but the best part was just hanging out with all of LA :)



Smash Ace
Oct 9, 2004
Lee Martin - too good. good tourny -- but you didnt give me any gumbo, *****. <3 maybe one day well actually play brawl together.

Sethlon - didnt rly get to play you but good ****? .. shoulda played more melee XD

Nick - thanks for the ride, and putting up with us and being nice <3 we didnt actually play vs each other much huh

Cyphus - you always put me in losers but your beard is too ****ing sexy for me to care

Pierre - we never brawled :( but if i remember right(lol) we did get to smoke lol

Randall - did get to play you even in friendlies but its been awhile, your match vs holy chef was too good

Seiya - yeah dude our match was the ****. i was totally content losing their just cause we had such a good set. If you couldnt tell, I wasnt familiar with oli vs diddy either lol. but wario <3 your pit was sexy too. good ****, i was def feeling the adrenaline , as much as eet can, yknow.

Sudai - I hope you werent disappointed with your placing, bracket ftl. but the whole trip was fun, hope you feel better about w/e again

Bre - good match in losers. <3 your gw is good

R0ni - dude we never got high or played smash together. oh wait we got high. but yeah, one day we should actually play. but yeah get the **** down here this weekend

Mura Rengan - your luigi was good, it was a close match when you used him <3 melee was fun too.

Ricky B - thanks for the housing, sexypants. i think we played a couple at your house but if orgot .. good **** hanging out anyway? lol

freddy - noob


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2006
Pensacola, FL; Jersey City, NJ
1: Lee Martin ( Lucario, Snake, Mk) – good **** winning and repping LA. Nice seeing you again too.

2: Sethlon (Falco) - good **** repping texas. Some of the most epic matches ive seen in a long time.

3: Nikzor (Dedede, Wolf, Kirby) – I may never play ur d3 and that makes me sad lol.

4: Cyphus (DK) – good **** in teams. i was hoping to get you in brackets to see how my ic’s did against dk in a for serious set. o well. I lol’d when u said seiya had a cool shirt but you’d never wear it. U explained its because u could never pull it off but still lol.

5: Pierre (Lucas) – nice games in teams. We need to get each other in singles brackets again.

5: Xyro (Samus) – samus is pretty ****ing scary after seeing that **** u were

7: Randall (G&W?) – nice performance and placing. I just picked mk because I was getting far in the tourney and had no idea who u were gonna pick. I didn’t kno who u were till u picked g&w and did ur tag since we never really met. Next time we play ill use ice climbers for sure.

7: Seiya (Pit) – good **** in teams. I had mad fun teaming with u. I think we could’ve placed even higher but o well. Good **** beating me in singles too. Everybody has to play me gayer than usual but its ok since 0-death is pretty gay too.

9: Sudai (Rob, Olimar) – nice friendlies. i still wanna play ur rob even though that matchup is pretty bad lol.more fun for me.

9: Holy Chef (Ic's) – get wrecked hardbody.

9: Eet –fun melee games. I think…….. don’t kno if we played lol

9: Furbs (Yoshi) – way to rep yoshi. Best yoshi ive fought since pride. U guys play way differently and still ****. Put me in ur combo vid lol. I shouldve used a tag put ive stopped recently

13: CJ (Snake, Dedede) – I was expecting u to get a way higher placing but watevs. I got wrecked myself. Next time we see each other I wanna play ur Mario vs my Mario. Ive been training my Mario for a while. U should come through for Pensacola on the 28th

13: Jackets (Wario) – play more brawl. Or better yet, get back into melee and play IC’s again. nice set with u in singles

13: Bre – double game and watch in teams was scary. Good games.

13: Batto (Martha Stewart) – Martha stewart is pretty top tier. How did u not win?

17: R0ni (Mk, Falco) – need to play u

17: Corey - need to play u

17: Tyr – had a fun time playing ur wolf. Its been like months since ive played any
wolf. I liked when u spiked nana with up b. I was like wtf.

17: Devon – need to play u

17: Freddy – need to play u

17: Savon – good job jv10 stocking me and seiya on rainbow cruise that one match
lol. Nice counterpick

17: Bomber – need to play u

17: Mura Rengan (Weegee?) – nice playing you in melee and brawl doubles. Very close set. I liked playing brawl rainbow cruise up until you guys jv12 stocked us there lol. jab to upB is mad broken

25: Ricky B (Marth) – your marth is pretty solid and you played mad smart against my IC’s. I usually don’t have a hard time against any marth players since I played NJ marths and dan over here. Brackets can be gay. U shouldve placed way higher.

25: Zack Dvo – need to play u

25: Arcadia (Fox?) – need to play u

hyrulian royality - i really didnt kno who u were either until i noticed ur toon link was mad good while we were playing. i was like ok u must be u lol. we should get another set in next time we play.

Melee peeps – gg’s. pritch, ty for the tips. im gonna keep with melee and improve by the next time u guys see me. Lol at g&w dthrow into 9 hammer


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
LOUISIANA and Lee! Thank you so much for throwing this event, it was really fun and i got to see some new people as well as old frineds. The 2 biggets highlights of this trip was the match with Cyphus(i seriously was shakin after that match, you mad that whole 5 hour trip worth while) and the KING CAKE(ive never heard of it and texas DOES NOT have it). Lee your first event was ran good and the over all feel of the tourney was really happy. Like no one got mad or was cursing, people were laughing and having fun. VERY good job! And thank you for the Dr.Pepper.....i really needed it!


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
Oh I see. NOW we make a results thread. XD

*copy and paste*

Xyro - I've been waiting for those matches for a while now XD Tooooo fun. Zairs + spam = sex. I watched your combo video a while ago and that's what made me love zair so much lol

Seiya - Lolwut. We tried so hard for friendlies, I think about six times before we got to play! Missing power strips, tourney matches, missing tv's, someone else having ups XD But we made Texas wait for us and we finally got to play! And ****, crazy pit, boy was wavedashing across the stage and **** lol Hopefully we can play some more next time I see you and I can get my revenge >: )

HolyChef - I had no clue who you were when we first played, but then you grabbed me and I died 0_o Then you told me you were HolyChef and I felt better Craaaaaaaaazy ice climbers. Great friendlies, those matches were intense!

Leeee - I lol'd @ kingjohn. Too fun going to Wu's and Ricky's house the night before! Ricky had some good cookies lol. We gotta do that again next time! And staying up all night and only trying to go under FD with random characters? That's some pro *** **** XD Oh and dude, my mom said your a nice guy! lolwut I don't know how you managed it, but she likes you, awwwwesome. Good stuff in teams, not sure if I did much but hey XD About CoT4, my mom said just find out how much the plane ticket is and that we should buy tickets soon since they'll be more expensive the longer we wait. Oh and if it's around $250 I can go (which it is!) Lemme know whenever you find out more stuff like who we'd be housing with and ****.

Nick - gg's in teams, too bad we couldn't do any friendlies Thanks for the king cake, it was amazing! (but it would be better if it were strawberry cream cheese :p)

Cyphus - gg's in teams! Sometimes even when I thought we got this, YOU got this. No friendlies this time, but next tourney we have to! Lol @ us all manning up and not splitting the pot

Pierre - HAHA your PK thunder and usmash can't touch me no more! ...too bad your fsmash can Crazy friendlies, always the most epic matches.

Pritch - lolmelee. Hit me up sometime so you can teach me more tricks! That game is fun as hell 0_o I'ma start playing it a lot more now, I <3 combos

RickyB - Marth got toooo good. I couldn't even get back on the stage half the time!

r0ni - lolbutthole. fun friendlies, they weren't lyin when they said you got better :o

Arc - I can't count how many friendlies we did XD I bet you hate that up B huh :p you got better and better each match, gg's!

CJ - Billy Hobsley was it? I asked my friend he said he was a tall, skinny black dude, with a mini fro. Sound about right? XD Anyways, how do you know him? Does he smash? GG's man, cool guy, fun to play with. You had me sweatin in teams and crazy grenade stuff! MINEGAMEZ lolol

DJ - Prolimar. lolwut. You kept up with me and this is the second time you played brawl in how many months? 4? ...**** lol

EJ - ok i'll stop


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2008
17: Tyr – had a fun time playing ur wolf. Its been like months since ive played any
wolf. I liked when u spiked nana with up b. I was like wtf.
That was probably the only beacon of hope in that whole match for me! You play a really killer Ice Climbers. I had no idea what I was up against. I've heard about the deadliness of IC, but never experienced it before. Man. That was hardcore.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 13, 2008
Oh, and I wanted to say a few things more:

Xyro: It was great just to see you play Samus. Freaking revelatory, really. Probably the most amazing thing I've seen in Smash yet. I've heard a lot about you, but I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was fun playing you and Sethlon in teams, too: I got annihilated, but it was fun and an honor.

Sethlon: Best Falco I've ever seen, hands down. That was just an amazing match with Lee. I loved that positioning you did with the pivot grab. Really crafty stuff.

Furbs: Dude, your Yoshi is awesome, and like with Xyro, I have to give a big salute for playing a very unconventional character with panache. I wish more people spent the time to make an impact with characters like these. They deserve it.


Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Arc- fun friendlies. I <3 your fox. Wana fight you again for some more fox exp.

Seiya- even though we only managed to have 2 matches, wining only 1 of the 2, I REALLY enjoyed fighting you. Come to LA soon, I want to fight you again.

Holy Chef- I humbly accept your challange. Next time your at a tounry with me, come find me or something and we can have some matches.

Bre- G&W and Ditty were good. gave my PT a run for his money. Pretty even matches if you ask me. Nice job in our brakets too. You kept me at bay very well. GG's. Look forward to fighting you again sometime in the future.

Ricky B- I think you were just having an off day, still enjoyed our matches though :) gotta fight you again sometime.

Hyro- lol sorry about that last match with our TL ditto.... god I felt like a todler playing TL XD o well. I'm just gona use PT for now on, so maybe we can fight more and I can get some TL exp.... which is odd because I should know how to counter you, seeing as you are a fellow TL player >.> lol.

Xyro- need to play you more for samus exp. your samus is too good.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
Alright, alright, here are my shoutouts.

Ricky B- Thanks a Falcon load for letting us stay at your apt before the tourny! That **** was so fun, and we had the most epic matches, can't wait until we hang again, stay cool bro.

Roni- CRAZY MUTHUFHUCKA! We didn't get to play pump cause that Old f@g COP! gahh we should just p!ss on his face next time and show him who's boss.

Hyro- Good TL man :] can't wait to play you again.

Sethlon-**** man your falco is like a soul crusher man! LOL good ****! Like seriously man. Also good games in melee, i wish we could have finished our 2 out of 3 :] roy too good.

Lee- By far the best tourny ive ever been too besides INN IV LOL. and it was BRAWL! MINDGAMES?!?

Bre- Nice set we had man, felt like my heart was gonan fly out of my chest in our set. Don't worry though, I learned how to tech in brawl now >:]. Also we gotta get some wc3 tft matches in. My acc is setsuma.eks

Eric, aka EET- Noob.

Mura- nice job improving your melee game :] sure have jumped up in your consistency. Good **** :]

Cyphus- Dude, I love you man, without you my soul is incomplete like the king of the ... ?????? :]
Aside from the gay ****, Thanks for teaching me some stuff with my falco and pika, ect. youre awesome :]

sudai- you know your love.

randall- LOL @ melee teams.

Seiya- Dangerous pit dude ahaha, good ****, can't wait to play you again.

Nick- Thanks so much for letting me ride with you guys, sorry for the crazy late notice.. but yeah the king cake was so good, also kick *** job with your placing man. keep up the GS :]

To anyone else i forgot, youre awesome, exept for you batto, you are cancer.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
Setsum...did you play Marth? Or GW? I don't recognize Setsum...maybe I heard you real name at the tourney? Gg's though!

And Bomber, I forgot :O gg's and that PT is awesome! lol


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I should of gone to this :(. <3 Lee.

Lee, you are going to win CoT4 right? :p

Lee Martin

Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2005
Baton Rouge, LA
I won't be able to make it. I'm sorryyy^^ Tell Sethlon to win it for me! I'ma start saving my money for Genesis. Plane tickets now are just crazy.


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I won't be able to make it. I'm sorryyy^^ Tell Sethlon to win it for me! I'ma start saving my money for Genesis. Plane tickets now are just crazy.
:( :( :( :( :( :( I though you were going? :(.

Maaannnn :/.

Get someone to drive you lol.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Oh, and I wanted to say a few things more:

Xyro: It was great just to see you play Samus. Freaking revelatory, really. Probably the most amazing thing I've seen in Smash yet. I've heard a lot about you, but I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was fun playing you and Sethlon in teams, too: I got annihilated, but it was fun and an honor.

Sethlon: Best Falco I've ever seen, hands down. That was just an amazing match with Lee. I loved that positioning you did with the pivot grab. Really crafty stuff.

Furbs: Dude, your Yoshi is awesome, and like with Xyro, I have to give a big salute for playing a very unconventional character with panache. I wish more people spent the time to make an impact with characters like these. They deserve it.
thank you. that means so much. i mean that


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
theres like a 10% chance ill go
Dude make that 10% chance happen. This is your chance to show everyone how much you fricking **** at this game. Everyone is going to be at this tournament. EVERYONE.

I'm going to drag you there lol.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 13, 2008
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Dude make that 10% chance happen. This is your chance to show everyone how much you fricking **** at this game. Everyone is going to be at this tournament. EVERYONE.

I'm going to drag you there lol.
I bet Richards Simmons won't be there. =O


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2007
1: Lee Martin - I love you, with a passioN!!! :O
Thanks SO MUCH! for everything, the great time and the gumbo!! anytime you need a favor don't hesitate to ask, whether it be in texas, california, or whatever part of the country i got your back :)

2: Sethlon - The protomen are amazing, i went out and got their album lol

3: Nikzor - GG's thanks for the friendlies! :)

4: Cyphus - you're amazing! I love fighting DK, but it's probably because i dont know the matchup at all (i like playing characters i never get a chance to play :) )

5: Pierre (Lucas) - man our sets in bracket were so close! I had a lot of fun man! next time you come to texas I'll be ready :p

5: Xyro (Samus) - Thanks for making this one of the best weekends EVER!!!! seriously man its too fun hanging out with you!

7: Seiya (Pit) - <3, thanks for making this trip happen man! we all owe you a lot!

9: Sudai (Rob, Olimar) - Thanks for giving me some ROB exp. like i said to cyphus i love playing characters that i never get to play :)

9: Holy Chef (Ic's) - Fun IC's! and GG's!! I'll be sure to put you in the combo vid! that egg lay cancel combo was too good :D

17: R0ni (Mk, Falco) - Dude, you're not just good, you're butthole good! seriously man you're one of the chillest smashers out there!

17: Tyr - GG's first round man! and thanks for the props! haha comments like that keep me going with yoshi! also you should stick with bowser! i have NEVER seen someone play bowser irl, next gimpyfish much? :)

25: Ricky B - Fun playing pokemon cards with you! we'll be sure to get some more games in!

anyone I missed i just gotta say, all of LA is awesome!! and thanks a lot for making my trip out there as fun and accomidating as possible! I'll be sure to return the favor someday!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 15, 2008
Seiya- Dangerous pit dude ahaha, good ****, can't wait to play you again.

ah dude sorry i forgot you in my shoutouts but i rly couldnt remember if i played you or not, which one were you? were you the one that brought your little brother?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 12, 2006
ah dude sorry i forgot you in my shoutouts but i rly couldnt remember if i played you or not, which one were you? were you the one that brought your little brother?
Nope, long hair, falco player, red shirt.
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