[glow]Lucid Dreaming[/glow]
There are 5 layers of lucid dreaming each containing two levels within each layer: Major & Minor.
Layer 0
-Not quite lucid.
-Thinking about being lucid while in your dream, but not recognizing that you are dreaming in that moment.
Ex: While in dream, thinking "
Man I hope I have a lucid dream tonight".
-Brink of lucidity/non-lucidity
-Recognizing that some things are odd or surreal.
-Being able to reset your dreams/change the out course when you don't like the current direction.
-Waking yourself up from a nightmare.
I did it once. I realized the situation in that nightmare was so ****ing prepostorous that it had to be a dream. I then jumped out the window and flew away to go play basketball.
I've only had a "lucid dream" once as well (if you define a lucid dream as 'becoming aware during a dreaming state of being and consequently being able to consciously manipulate the dream). It wasn't anything special though, I more or less realized I was in a dream while someone was about to stab me, and then I pushed myself out into a different room (like, everything around me just shifted into a different room). Think the room was white, but can't remember exactly. Then I forced myself to wake up.
Layer 1
-Realizing you are in a dream, but then immediately waking up because of this awareness (unintentionally).
-Realizing you are in a dream and choosing to wake up with full intention (similar to L0M but more calculated).
One: I was throwing the frisbee with a friend of mine in the street at night. He threw it over my head, so I went back to get it. On the way, I started to think "Man, that would be scary if stuff monsters and stuff were hiding in the bushes over there. That would make this a pretty scary dream. Wait a second... this is a dream..." And then the bushes started to rustle (as did my jimmies). At that point I thought to myself "This is no dream... IT'S A NIGHTMARE!!!" I proceeded to forcequit the dream. Forcequitting the dream was really really weird.
Oh hot damn we're talking about lucid dreaming? Maybe yous guys might have some advice
I've been trying to lucid dream for a while now (while also putting forth next to no effort to make it happen). I was really interested in the WILD approach, and have certainly felt SOMETHING happen but it never leads into a dream (its hard to describe the sensation, but it feels like everything getting dark and static-y)
Other than that, there's been like 2/3 distinct times where I've realized I was in a dream and the dream just .... breaks. Everything freezes and I can't make it move. The frustration makes me wake up within seconds every time.
-Realizing you are in a dream for a bit, but eventually lose grasp on that realization.
-Realizing you are in a dream and then having a "false awakening", waking up from a dream into another dream.
Ex: You realize you must be dreaming, but then wake up and proceed with your morning and get ready for school. In reality you are actually still dreaming and are woken up later by your alarm.
Layer 2 (First Layer of actual "Lucid Dreaming")
-First layer of prolonged dream experience
-Realizing you are dreaming, but not really understanding everything that comes with that.
-Not fully aware of logic of the real world.
Ex: Trying to convince your dream characters that you are dreaming. This is illogical to do since the dream characters are just figments of yourself.
BSL said:
Two: I was asleep during reconciliation (yay catholic schools?), and in my dream, I fell asleep (INCEPTION!!!!1!1). In the level 2 dream, I was sitting next to my friend watching YouTube videos. I went in and out of level 2 a few times. Then in the level 2 dream, the class period ended. All of a sudden, I realized I had my laptop and no where to put it. I then realized I never brought my laptop to school, and instead it was a dream. I ran out the room, and was immediately in the parking lot. I then tried to run to my car to drive to the moon or whatever, but it was like I was on a treadmill. I had to grab onto a fence, and pull the ground along as I stepped by grabbing the fence next to me. I awoke when I started the car.
-Still don't fully understand all the implications of being in a dream.
-Dream characters understand more than you do. Will attempt to aid you.
Ex: Dream character telling you that you are in a dream or that something you are doing is illogical.
Layer 3:
-Understand the full implications of what it means to be dreaming.
-Dream characters still not aware.
-Only able to control bits. Still seem like an observer of the dream rather than in full control of the dream.
-Understand full implications.
-Clear vivid.
-Still unable to fully control.
-Dream characters "understand" that they are figments of your imagination.
Layer 4
-Fully broken through.
-Clear vivid.
-Full control (god mode). You consciously manifest everything.
-Dream Characters don't realize they are part of your imagination.
-Fully broken through.
-Clear vivid.
-Full control (god mode). You consciously manifest everything.
-Dream characters do "realize" they are a part of your imagination.
Detailed 5-part video of the layers.