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Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Obv the boyfriend sux balls and needs to learn tough love when it comes to mafia.

I don't pay attention to the mafia's AtE because I never know if it's faked or not. >_>


Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
I got a little bored so I decided to play a game of epicmafia on a brony alt I have named Lantie. There are two PRs in the setup and three PR claims so one has to be mafia. I correctly ousted the more experienced player, mmmcrepezzz, as being mafia. As I gradually begin to press on her, she begins to accuse me of ganging up on her with "friends". Note that she completely ignores any of the reasons I try to present to her and instead states that I'm in cahoots with everyone in the room. Her boyfriend, FormerlyKnownAs proceeds to try to swing the lynch the real townie and off his girlfriend. KrizJ, mafia partner to mmmcrepezzz, engages in a chainsaw defense attacking me for being biased even though I'm the clear. I call him out and her boyfriend yet again defense KrizJ for using a chainsaw defense. Before we can lynch mmmcrepezzz she suicides to avoid losing to us because she is butthurt and mad while her boyfriend immediately follows.

Game: http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1393783
This is painful to read.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Thx xonar for your youtube playlist while I catch up on mafias. Morale booster (cuz I wanna play LoL and now I'm tired god mafia takes a chunk of time eh?)

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Acrostic said:
I got a little bored so I decided to play a game of epicmafia on a brony alt I have named Lantie. There are two PRs in the setup and three PR claims so one has to be mafia. I correctly ousted the more experienced player, mmmcrepezzz, as being mafia. As I gradually begin to press on her, she begins to accuse me of ganging up on her with "friends". Note that she completely ignores any of the reasons I try to present to her and instead states that I'm in cahoots with everyone in the room. Her boyfriend, FormerlyKnownAs proceeds to try to swing the lynch the real townie and off his girlfriend. KrizJ, mafia partner to mmmcrepezzz, engages in a chainsaw defense attacking me for being biased even though I'm the clear. I call him out and her boyfriend yet again defense KrizJ for using a chainsaw defense. Before we can lynch mmmcrepezzz she suicides to avoid losing to us because she is butthurt and mad while her boyfriend immediately follows.

Game: http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1393783
Ahahaha. Okay, I'm gonna respond to this first because it's more recent. Epicmafia competitive users will do anything to get a refund. In any given game, if they lose, they will report and try to abuse the rule system. Literally people will stop trying if a player is ISPing (Insufficient Participation) and lynch based on the fact it's reportable. There is other instances too, since the line between trolling is not set and Epicmafia couldn't create a good rule system if it hit them across the head ten times. I can't even count how many times someone wants to report me for gamethrowing under stupid pretenses like "He didn't claim fast enough" or "he voted against the clear." I have literally seen reports for these two things, and I've seen them get refunded. Not only that, but the forums are a complete mess and I saw your other wall and I'll get to that eventually too. The mindset of Epicmafia is horrible. The only Good Players (which are very, very few) get inflated on their egos and their pixels that they become near insufferable. I am the kind of player who wants to take his time, who wants to sit down and analyze the situation instead of voting randomly and hoping I'm right. I have gotten yelled at many times for this and some ******* will kick for no transparent reason other than he's a impatient ****. The sole gameplay of Epicmafia does not consist of scumhunting and being productive, it consists of being the loudest person there and the guy who has the most points or trophies. Some people would say that this is completely wrong in Competitive and this is only a Training standard, but I will bet money if a player like Maxwell were to vote someone at any instance, the braindead sheeps of epicmafia would vote with him just for the sake that they recognize that he's way better than them and would rather try and have someone else win the game for them. This is the literal mindset and it's sad. Nobody wants to actually try anymore, they want to pray to god on false pretenses and piss-poor meta that they're right on a player and ignore any argument they have simply because in epicmafia being logical means you're scummy and trying to survive. You want to be a good player at epicmafia? Spam incoherent things and use a lot of caps. Brownpimp007 just won another gold and that's his complete style of gameplay.

But don't take my word for it! Try and get through training. Any of you. I ****ing dare you. I didn't even go on how terrible training is, but let me tell you that they don't even play mafia there. Training's mindset includes "Sheep the clear" "Lynch between CC's" or "let someone else lead."

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Time for this wall.

Acrostic said:
It's fine. I increasingly disliked playing mafia there and the only reason to continue playing was develop a relationship with the horrendous community. Gary invited me to the skype group and I found everyone there atrocious. They basically built an insular community on complaining about the public user base behind their back and making passive aggressive attacks in games and on the forum board because they have the safety net of a gossip group to feel superior. What's even more saddening is that training/newbie lobby is exactly the same with their own insular community playing most hours together and lynching outsiders first in any given game.

A long time ago I brought it up with Gira that the community had fallen in terms of quality and he told me that it was just me reaching some sort of personal plateau. At this point, I think he's delusional. The game is no longer about mafia, it is about people making compulsive decisions and erratically voting in the hopes that someone manages to get lynched at the end of the day cycle. The player base that cares is more or less incredibly crass and hot headed especially because they have to deal with an increasing influx of apathetic newcomers who are just there for night actions and setup mechanics. They are all still awful in my opinion. I did go back two or three months ago to play a game in competitive. I found the entire mafia team and explained it as logically as possible, but was lynched which resulted in town losing because I found mafia too quickly and therefore had to have bussed two of my partners for the win.

Content decline isn't really something that is exclusive to epicmafia. At some point, even forum boards reach some apex of activity and content before they start dwindling into obscurity or become some type of juvenile gossip/hate site. When that happens you've just got to abandon ship and move on. Hint hint soup. Hint hint.

Even though I find you highly irresponsible, I know you didn't intentionally do it on bad intention. Empire explained the situation to me. I still okay-sies with you, but I'm definitely not trusting you with anything from now on. For instance with that one mafia game we were playing where you asked for my alignment, I lied to you because I didn't trust you not to leak it to the skype group. And again I didn't lie because I dislike you, I lied to you because I don't trust you to keep a secret without slipping. So as mafia, I lied and told you I was town so that if you ended up telling someone else and it trickled down, it would help me out in the end.
I tried thinking about what to respond or what to add to this but you sum up my feelings on Epicmafia pretty nicely. I have no idea why I stick around, I guess it's just a good timesink. There are some people I've met and liked before but really either they realize this sad, sad reality or they've already left and gone on to bigger and better things.

I didn't even go into how terrible the moderation team is and how bad the community is. I believe there's about 10 reports open right now, but about 50 or something were just made and closed within the last three hours. I didn't even mention how many cheaters there are, and even the player who don't cheat get accused of cheating. I didn't even mention how someone will cry and ***** and moan if someone loses the game for them and Epicmafia users how the emotional maturity of a 6 year old and will resort to insults simply because they mishammered despite all the times they did themselves. I didn't even go to how players will report others for harassment for reasoning like this, and yes, the attacker is the one who will report them for harassment. I didn't even name players like Dave who do almost all these things and no matter all of my attempts to be nice to the guy he gets like a spoiled baby ***** and has to resort to insulting me when I FoS him for his poor play (Tunneling for no transparent reason, piss poor meta accusations, getting upset when I ask him to explain his reads) or the fact he tunnels me just because he can't read me. I didn't even go to when I am right about him, he scoffs at the idea and his ego is so inflated that he gets mad and just makes up a ton of excuses. I didn't even go to how any player much like Dave lynches me and then blames me for getting lynched, this includes other players who aren't me. I didn't even go into the vicious circle and heiarchy of epicmafia. So much to complain about, so little time.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas

But yeah, it's true. My approach to Mafia was pretty bad when I came here from EM. Don't think I'll ever go back there considering the number of apathetic players and newbs playing in comp/training lobby. At most, I'd go into sandbox and play a 12 man day vig set up for fun or piss people off. Come to think of it, I've only really played a handful of serious games there, and said games aren't nearly as serious or high level as the games here. Too many sheep/follow the cop/apathetic players over there. It's also too fast and there's too much **** going on and sometimes it can be hard to analyze relations when so much text is flying all over the chat scren.

Aside from that, I prefer the community base here. Eventually you'll get used to everyone and subsequently meta becomes a more solid, tangible argument...whereas there's too many people at EM and meta can almost never be that convincing of an argument.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
I would think finding small errors is easy if you're used to coding.

No, the opposite. The more proficient you are at coding, the more you think in the big picture and miss the small things. Someone learning how to code will see small errors more quickly, because they're closer to the syntax than to the scope of the work.

Sounds like Rake needs a better IDE though.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yes, I did mean your faves haha. :p

I need a replacement for Taco Bell Mafia. It has ten pages and is in D1. If you would like to replace or be put on the replacement list, please hit me up.
Edit: Slot filled, thanks Rajam. :cool:

Deleted member

Eww, Epic Mafia. Played a few games there back in 2010 and I never again want to go back. The GameFAQs equilvent of Mafia.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
I remember no Xonar, John, WashedLaundry trolling setups with breaking the game via Skype and then throwing games.

Because we all hate the place.



Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
A question for you computer savy dGamers: What's the best free or at least cheap virus protection I should get for a PC these days? My parent's free 60 day Norton trial has run out and I'm convincing them to not pay $60 a year for virus protection. They don't even use the computer for much, just general browsing/banking/email etc. I ask this because I've used a mac for 3 years now and thus usually don't have to deal with this ****. I used to use AVG free on my old pc but I thought I might as well ask around.

#HBC | Nabe

Beneath it all, he had H-cups all along
Oct 21, 2010
Can't breathe, but the view is equal to the taste
If you're on a PC and want something free and no-nonsense, use MSE or Avira. Anything these don't catch, a user deserves to get.

The proof is in the pudding for old, computer-illiterate users. Say that they should give it a month or two; when they end up not having viruses after the fact, they'll believe in their programs. A paid-for program is believed in by merit of having paid for it, so the time limit and a receptive audience is what's necessary is what's necessary to turn people to free software.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Microsoft security essentials is all I've used since windows 7 came out. I torrent, download, etc. as long as you're careful, MSE is all you need.



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Just saw Looper, great movie. If you like action movies/sci-fi thrillers, it's a nice combination of both and I definitely recommend it. Small spoilers (quick general synopsis): It's basically about a dude (henceforth referred to as MC, main character) who is
paid by people from the future (crime bosses) to kill people from the future. Said future employers send people from the future to the past so that the MC can kill them. Future employers do this because it's hard to dispose of bodies in the future (presumably it's near impossible to get rid of them without bloodied hands), so they use people like the MC (called loopers) to do the dirty work for them, and then loopers burn the bodies to ashes to hide the evidence.

Would say more, but it would reveal too much.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
yo bard how's the bruce willis factor in that movie

does he turn in a legit performance and beat down a few ***** in the process or kinda phone it in as he sadly tends to on occasion


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Bruce Willis factor was good. Tons better than Expendables Willis. Wouldn't say he's nearing 5th Element levels of Willis, but he's definitely up there. Lays the beat down pretty hard to say the least, and his character is actually pretty legit.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
I actually thought Willis was pretty good in Expendables 2. Kinda phoning in the action stuff, I guess, but Church is supposed to be a clinical and kind of dull character about stuff like that. That scene where he's talkin' to Barney about how he "owe [him]" and just smarming up the place, oh man. Loved that scene.


The End of an Era
Aug 28, 2011
A question for you computer savy dGamers: What's the best free or at least cheap virus protection I should get for a PC these days? My parent's free 60 day Norton trial has run out and I'm convincing them to not pay $60 a year for virus protection. They don't even use the computer for much, just general browsing/banking/email etc. I ask this because I've used a mac for 3 years now and thus usually don't have to deal with this ****. I used to use AVG free on my old pc but I thought I might as well ask around.
At my work I put AVG on computers that come in, but I have heard really good things about NOD32/64 antivirus.

Personally I have been using avast! for over 5 years.

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
RR continues to be adorable.

I'm not going to touch on the whole psychiatric problems thing because I feel that is something that you need to work out with your doctor. Ok screw it. I'm not sure how you were diagnosed with those three problems, however you should work out with your doc or even with someone close to you in real life that you can trust if there is a root problem. Like I'm pretty sure if I had problems socializing with other people and my ADD prevented me from doing well in school, that I would consequently have depression.

Unless your doctor put a syringe into one of your lobes and it came up serotonin deficient, it is very hard to tell whether someone is depressed as a result of a medical deficiency. Even though some people may speculate other people have a serotonin deficiency, they can't quantify it. Why? Because there is no standardized measure for how much or how little of a neurotransmitter has on someone's mood. You can be depressed without having depression and how you deal with that is not with meds, but by trying to figure yourself out and making proactive attempts to make yourself happy or trying to change parts of yourself that make you depressed.

I think on general principle, everyone can agree that we tend to like people who have things in common with us. I have big issue with people who are better at me in things that I NEED to be better in and also have self-esteem issues where if I'm falling behind, I will just isolate myself until I get back to pace because "being behind" is something that I feel embarrassed about since there is no logical reason for me to be behind anyone else. Top that with a narcissism complex where I dislike myself, but dislike people who I feel are "below me" even more and the amount of people I actually like online and in real life are honestly extremely narrow and conditional.

And it's not like I can help it, I'm just this way and the only ways I can deal with other people I don't like that much is by doping myself (I never played a single epicmafia game without drinking OR on some type of analgesic just to DEAL with people in a GAME) or finding some related sport (this is one thing where skill level discrepancies does not get to me) to relate to them/branch out.

And even though I've got issues, I know everyone else does too. I don't think you should miss the semester in college. Well, you can. But at some point you've got to deal with it. Personally speaking (and I know what applies to me doesn't apply to you), time doesn't fix anything. It just makes problems decay and rot until you've given in to apathy instead of running it through and getting some scars while it is still fresh. Impulsiveness is never good like Ryker mentioned previously about Gheb/adumb's comment to soup. You need to assess whether taking time off will benefit Red Ryu in as pragmatic and an honest fashion as you can muster. Will taking time off really help you? What are the problems that might come up from it? And after dealing with all of that, what is your final decision as Red Ryu the strategist AND Red Ryu the human being.

I'm introverted. However, I guess I'm different from a lot of people because I'm not upset about it. I really dislike a lot of people I meet, but I can still function because the person I loathe lives in the same house as me and I haven't twisted her neck yet or bashed her head in with a crow bar, so I can deal with all the crass and ridiculous people in the world since no one is nearly as intolerable or suffocating as her.

I don't know so much about good methods to branch out and connect with strangers, but I do know that a lot of people are messed up. The amount of people that come in to the shop to buy something related to masking a drug test, trying to buy something for depression, trying to buy something for anxiety, problems with concentration and memory, and a wide array of over the counter cognitive/mood enhancers are astounding. A lot of people are crazier than they let on and I think that everyone wants friends, however there is a whole lot of social pretense that you need to work through before you can develop some type of connection with whatever they have hiding under their covers.

Reread this when not on phone, best post I have read in a long time and even better with the advice.



Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I actually thought Willis was pretty good in Expendables 2. Kinda phoning in the action stuff, I guess, but Church is supposed to be a clinical and kind of dull character about stuff like that. That scene where he's talkin' to Barney about how he "owe [him]" and just smarming up the place, oh man. Loved that scene.

Hmmmmmmmmm, in Expendables 2, he had some moments. The scene you were talking about was one of them, but I just didn't feel his presence outside of that as the plot progressed. Then towards the end I just wasn't feeling the action. Like he had some drive-by shooting scenes and some bland fight scenes (I actually feel like most of the fight scenes in that movie lacked strong meaning or depth) but it didn't feel like the Willis I'm accustomed to. Probably had more to do with the fact that there was comedic effect in each scene while he was also not really a "main" character per se (he's necessary for plot progression but he's also not really necessary at the same time. Eh.)

Either way, if you liked him in Expendables 2, then you'll love him in Looper, easily.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
@ Xonar: Y/Silver was a great character. Jinrui wa suitai overall was pretty great in terms of fitting into the slice of life genre.

@ RR: No problem.

I think that when I had problems in college with learning or loneliness, I would start to develop an interest in psychology to rationalize or identify with my disturbed state. Generally this manifested into a small collection of Malcolm Gladwell books, Valenstein's Blaming the Brain, a small atlas of the human brain, and I'm itching to collect books into how we memorize or retain information. My interest didn't quite develop into a psychology minor (thank god) although I did manage to cram in systems of psytherapy and abpsych. Although I still regret not taking physiopsych and quantmethods.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Jinrui is in the limbo that is... not really SoL, but it kinda fits the criteria. Just like Tsuritama, and Natsume... and a lot of other shows I like. I hate SoL though, way too boring.

Jinrui was great and I appreciated it for being one of the only anime to be conversation based and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Not to mention the OST, art and ending :3
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