Since others are opening up here in the social I will.
I've been told by a psychiatrist went to on Tuesday, I have aspergers, ADD, and have depression problems.
I'm not sure how to approach this, I've known I've been more anti social unless people could link with my common interests, but I wasn't expecting the rest of this. Aspergers was not expects but I guess it makes sense, how I'm good at math and social studies but suck at English and Science stuff.
Why I can focus super well in certain aspects but miss out on others. It makes sense I guess.
But at the same time, I feel bad off it, like it's a problem I have and I'm not sure how to deal with it since I don't know what to do from here.
I was told to miss a semester of College to figure this out, and even after it all, I don't know what to do right now to make it better. I suck at school, its hard for me to get invested unless I am interested which is why I was recommended to go to a Technical college.
But ability to interact with people is hard, I don;t know how to talk to people normally without thinking hard about what do with them or talk to them on how to interact. College was easy at that aspect, I got to know my roommate easily, and other people, but when I needed to leave, I learn how much I regret not being not social with people. Most of my school friend left for the military in Hartland, WI.
I got only a few left and work restricts me a lot from interacting with them more, as well as them. So I'm not sure how to meet new people, going to a bar seems bad for me since I already like to drink, but I want to get to know them better than that, I go to a gym but I don't talk much since I'm not sure what to say, nor at the library I go to so I can check out book and read there.
I'm not sure how to reach out and meet people more, that is where I struggle the most. What can I do here?