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Cream Team

Dec 30, 2013
What's the beef with the guy with the cat avy? He seems like a classy guy going for a chick in rehab.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
In broad terms, I never really liked anime. There were certain shows I liked, however a large part of anime plots are simply recycled from older models that were successful with a slightly different spin to be treated as an original series. Anime itself has become its own medium and status quo. Which is sad because there isn't much of a status quo to speak of when it comes to serving as an insightful story telling medium. For similar reasons, I've decided to not purchase shows like The Newsroom, which is a fictional show about a new broadcast team that actually tells the news. The writing is above average for a tv drama, but when you consider the reality of what you are buying and what you show HBO by buying it then you realize that people want the truth, however they will find refuge in a fictitious show rather than spend that time looking at the real news for their own interpretation and opinion.

Although it's not even remotely close to payment, using anime icons indicates that I generally support the current industry and I'm someone who consumes it regularly. To which I don't. I think there is way too much garbage presented as anime, because it is anime and visuals have taken precedence in presentation over actual writing much like the news relies on sensationalism (Herman Cain's affair, Michelle Bachman's religious views) instead of real coverage. It's not a medium that I endorse as a whole.
oh god shut up

(reason im here actually is because im looking for that enders game post of yours but came across this garbage)

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ......... Bob is building an army.
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ ......... ☻/ This tank & Bob are against Google+
Il███████████████████]..... /▌ . Copy and Paste this all over
◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙◤........ / \ . SWF if you are with us



Fraud at Smash
May 8, 2008
Being the most hated
░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ .........
▂▄▅█████████▅▄▃▂ .........

I'm not with you, just feel like posting a tank.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
oh god shut up (reason im here actually is because im looking for that enders game post of yours but came across this garbage)
I disliked the movie. I left in the middle of it. I thought it was a horrible presentation of the book.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
It's funny, because movies are not visual presentations of books. I've heard they sometimes do other things.
Cheeky. Am I be allowed to be offended if the movie misinterpreted core devices within the book. I can assume that you've read the book and watched the movie making this a relevant response rather than just a comment encapsulating the regurgitated idea that movies are a different medium and have a different purpose than just faithfully depicting the source material, right?

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Cheeky. Am I be allowed to be offended if the movie misinterpreted core devices within the book.

Maybe if you, like, wrote the book.
I can assume that you've read the book and watched the movie making this a relevant response rather than just a comment encapsulating the regurgitated idea that movies are a different medium and have a different purpose than just faithfully depicting the source material, right?
No, it's pretty much just the bolded part.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
Wow guys. I've never realized that movies are a different form of medium than books and also are directed by producers who are completely different from the author. I also never realized that there can be ulterior motives a producer may have for a movie other than adding in high quality Transformer-esque scene play in order to present in movie clips to capture the Michael Bay audience instead of playing to the intelligent subtlety of the source material because god forbid you lose on making a blockbuster movie. I never realized that there are assholes who having a general opinion will try to present a strong counter opinion to a very negative opinion of a singular event and bring it to the attention of the latter that their counter-comment is actually relevant to the quoted material.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
Wow guys. I've never realized that movies are a different form of medium than books and also are directed by producers who are completely different from the author. I also never realized that there can be ulterior motives a producer may have for a movie other than adding in high quality Transformer-esque scene play in order to present in movie clips to capture the Michael Bay audience instead of playing to the intelligent subtlety of the source material because god forbid you lose on making a blockbuster movie. I never realized that there are *******s who having a general opinion will try to present a strong counter opinion to a very negative opinion of a singular event and bring it to the attention of the latter that their counter-comment is actually relevant to the quoted material.
Don't feel bad. Now you know.


#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
PJB I'm not continuing the conversation because 1. you've acknowledged that I understand your underlying point by bolding my comment. 2. I can't discern why you are posting a snarky response to my initial post and it appears that continuing the discussion isn't going to reveal why you responded with such a tone. 3. You haven't seen the book-movie that I've read and watched which means if we were to pursue a line of discussion it wouldn't really be relevant to the original point. And 4. I'm not that invested or interest in the Ender's Game movie, you, or your opinions to try to be civilized because I don't think you have more depth than what you've already contributed. If any of these points are false, then feel free to add more. I won't necessarily be responding.

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
The interesting thing is that you clearly understand why the movie is different from the book, yet you're still here citing that difference as one of it's major flaws. I don't need to have seen it to know that doesn't add up.

#HBC | Acrostic

Jan 31, 2010
The interesting thing is that you clearly understand why the movie is different from the book, yet you're still here citing that difference as one of it's major flaws. I don't need to have seen it to know that doesn't add up.
It does add up.

First, Ender's game isn't a novel that was written to be built into a Michael Bay movie. It's a movie about the maturing process of a kid, a genius kid. One of the book's core ideas highlights that social classification of people as geniuses or mediocores or ones who don't make the cut doesn't deny the fact that even geniuses are humans with vulnerabilities. Yes, even a genius grapples at the challenges presented to them and seeks companionship from others to help them when they feel distressed. That is one core message that is not carried by the movie. That there is a subtle human element of doubt even within people we consider flawless and it's gratifying to identify with this sense of human feeling with people who we consider to be confident, brash, and fearless. Ender's Game the movie doesn't allow us to get inside Ender's head to the same extent as the book, we can only guess at the blatantly given facial cues and spoken statements. The duplicity between the confident speech and the fearful doubt is not depicted or reproduced by the film.

Second, a real discussion on this with respect to movies being faithful to their book sources would have to credit that 1. not all movies have the same degree of faithfulness to their original source (also different approaches to faithful adaptation i.e. Ted Woolsey's translation of FF VI) , 2. not all books have material that are well presented for movies, and 3. not all book-movies will have the same degree of success in presentation despite their level of faithfulness to the original source material. A real general discussion on this would quickly break down a simple polarized discussion setup because it comes down to a question of degrees. For example, in the Hobbit series, Frodo doesn't begin on his journey to Mordor until many years after his encounter at The Shire. However, in the movie this journey begins almost immediately. Contrast this to Ender's Game, where the high CG effects at the end of the movie contrast with the description of the book that Ender's only visualization were dots. The difference in presentation is tied to a crucial point Ender's Game, meanwhile in The Hobbit the difference doesn't detract from the journey, it simply makes the entire film more cohesive for the audience without detracting from the book's portrayal of the journey itself.

Edit: **** the Fox News tie-in. **** it.
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Rhymes with Jerkus
Jul 9, 2007
Private, while I appreciate the point you're trying to make, I think this subject is more nuanced than "movies and books are different so don't ever complain about adaptations."

Ender's Game is an interesting example in that it's a book that essentially can't be adapted into a movie very well, to your point. Movies and books are different and things you can achieve with the written word can't always be replicated on screen with the same meaning. So an Ender's Game movie, to be worthy of any kind of effort put into making it, would need to succeed at different things than what the book does. Capturing Ender's inner dialogue that Acrostic brought up earlier is just something a film can't do, and isn't meant to do. But that's kind of one of the only really important elements of Ender's Game, so if you can't make that work, then I question the pursuit of an adaptation in the first place.

When license to a popular/acclaimed work is acquired for the purposes of adaptation, and the resulting adaptation rejects core elements of what made the source material popular/acclaimed in the first place, it reveals a cynicism in the acquisition. I haven't seen the Ender's Game movie, so I can't comment on the divide between itself and the book in specific, but I can throw my support behind the idea that an adaptation that doesn't honor the foundations of the material upon which it is based shows no respect for its core fanbase and therefore deserves none in return. At that point, it is clear that all you have is a mediocre movie that throws all of its eggs in the "name recognition" basket, hoping people who were never really into the source material to begin with buy into the new thing because it seems Big and Important (see: The Great Gatsby).

You can still make a serviceable spectacle movie out of the filmable pieces of a thing like Ender's Game, and I don't think it's wrong to like some movies on that basis (see: my opinion of the new Star Trek movies), but if a movie succeeds in that way, it does so in spite of its source material, not because of it. And that rightfully pisses off the fans of the original work, because it tosses aside what made that work special in the first place, in favor of mass appeal. At that point, you might as well just call the movie "Kids In Space: Also Harrison Ford Is Here." That just wouldn't sell as many tickets, which is the whole point.

I wrote more than I wanted to.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
It's not so bad given that I (we) grew(grow) up in this weather. And i love winter (even -40 days). Just gotta bundle up. Does it suck walking into a north wind at -40 ? **** yeah, but you do it anyway. Puts hair on your chest.

true stories from winters past:
-Roads are ice. And i dont mean like a little, i mean a solid sheet of ice which people drive on. (aka slide in circles on)
- My pants have frozen walking home, and even waiting for a bus (and i mean solid, as in i had to defrost them to be able to bend the leg).
- You can slide on flat shoes on the ice instead of walking
- i have pushed a date's ride out of a snow ditch
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#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Why does Zen keep banning himself or for that matter why does he keep leaving? I know that it's a way to fend off an addiction but I think putting such a restriction on himself only impulses him to break it. It's not healthy to lock yourself up in a jail cell, it's more natural to slowly lose your dependence and gain your independence. I would know, considering I have had impulses to visit a certain site that I've mentioned a couple of times before but I really don't even want to talk about. I actually gave into my impulses but I literally just remember why I hate it so much and why I quit it in the first place that I couldn't even stomach a single game.

And that makes me feel good about myself. I don't think Zen hates this place or anyone here so it might not be the same situation, but I think he wants to feel like he has something more than DGames, which is fine.

Now, Deathconciousness on the other hand, he's a different story. I have no idea why he keeps coming back to this site or instantly assumes he's welcome in the first place. He hasn't really contributed anything at all to the community and the majority of his posts are accumulated from his time spent on 4chan.
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