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DG Interview Thread: Walrus? Toasted


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Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Fave cereal? If i were a cereal, which would i be and why?

Now same question but you now


DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
[collapse=The Deed is Done]
who has the greatest muscles ever glyph?
Hands down, Mashad. Ever heard of Plato's Cave? Mashad is like the physical form of muscle perfection. So GREAT is his build that we can't even look upon it, only see the majestic shadow it casts upon the wall.

What would happen if we armwrestled?
I know you hate anime but there is a perfect gif for this.


Future Glyph EDIT: Never did get that gif to ****in work. Gifsoup for some reason just would loop the very beginning of the video for like .5 seconds over and over instead of the part I wanted.

Watch from the point I linked to about 3:49 for the full effect


Would something similarly and/or more destructive happen if one of us armwrestled Mashad, or would we just lose an arm and wake up in a crater full of our own blood, wondering where our arm went?
If only we'd be that lucky. Most people who arm wrestle Mashad are found thousands of miles away from where they initially started, and are often mistaken as victims of being mauled by a bear or some kind of shark (little know fact, bears and sharks have actually never killed anyone. All Mashad)

As a totally hetero appreciator of Muscle Science, are you more of a fan of the lean and chiseled look (Bruce Lee, Sly, and Batman for you goddamn punk kids) or the bulky, as big as possible look (the wrestler Kane, Arnie, and Bane for you goddamn punk kids)? Which of the two do you personally aim for, regardless of that? Which would you say you're closer to, regardless of the one you admire most and/or are aiming for?
Honestly I really have a hard time saying one is better than the other because there's so many ****in badasses that come out of each category. They're BOTH legit as ****.

That being said, I'd personally prefer to have more of the Batman build than Bane. Having that much muscle just seems excessive when you're living a normal life and not a super villain or pro wrestler or governor.

What's your current workout routine?
Currently, actually not much. I run at least every other day, and I've got a set of weights I'll mess around with in the basement but getting out of high school sports and having that competition on the horizon did a number on my motivation to really push myself to improve. I still am considerably stronger than most of my friends, but just not to the degree I COULD be.

The biggest issue is working out feels like more of a chore than something I'd choose to do now. Once I get out of community college, I'm planning on getting back into some rec sport there just as something to sink my effort into and hopefully put some drive back into my workout routine.

Glyph, have you watched Kaiji?
I don't even know what that is.

So obviously I googled it. Main character has a HELL of a nose but it does really look like something I could get into, at least based off the little blurb I read about it.

Was it a single roleblock or a double roleblock?
Some background for those of you who weren't in Bingo mafia with J and myself.

I was traitor, and knew J was scum. I saw some easy things to push off of D1 and nearly got him lynched. During that period of time, J had claimed ... I don't know, tracker or something. Some PR. The day rolls around and me, being a snarky ******* like I am, ask J:

'So J, were you roleblocked or DOUBLE roleblocked?'

Of course I meant this to show there was no way J wouldn't have been roleblocked during the night before, but J decided to pretend he had been 'double roleblocked' and to try to incriminate me for it. It was one of the biggest surprises I've ever had thrown towards me, and even more so when some people were agreeing with him (SPOILER IF YOU GET ROLEBLOCKED ONCE YOU CAN'T GET ROLEBLOCKED AGAIN. THERE IS NO OTHER ACTION TO STOP, AND THERE IS NO WAY YOU WOULD EVER KNOW).

Of course me and J were both scum and rode off to a mafia victory in the end, but GOD that was a hard time to get through hahahaha.

Are you actually muscular IRL or is it just a meme?
You might want to sit down for this because I'm going to go waaaaaaaaaaay back into the history of Glyph on this one. Or don't sit down I'm not the boss of you how the hell would I know what you do.

Rewind to 2010. I was a young, charismatic senior in high school, and I came across a hero on youtube named 50 Tyson. If you know who he is, then you know he needs to introduction. If you don't, here's a video to watch:


Though not from this particular video, one line of his in particular really stuck with me:

'I may be Autism
I may be special ed
But I'll still lay you out with my big muscles'

I'm trying to get through this interview as quickly as possible without leaving any hugely important details out, but I couldn't find the video that was from. I didn't look very hard.

Anyway! This, at least for myself, was the origin of the 'big muscles' phrase. When someone said something I didn't like, I would threaten to lay them out with my big muscles. Over time, it started to become a part of my identity (both online and off).

So to answer the question, its really both. I'm not in the best shape right now (see earlier questions) but I'm certainly still strong, though most of the internet just has heard it because of my boy 50.

If you, EE, and Marshed all worked together, could you three compress a black hole?
Like a balloon animal. What shape did you want?

You seem to be into super powers. So excuse me while I ask you a butt load of super power related questions.

Give each of the following Dgamers a super power:

Yourself - I still really really REALLY love the power I got in Virg's game, which is also a bit complex to describe. In a nutshell, its portals but I have to physically touch the surface I want to make it on. I've sunk so much time into making that power as broken as possible that I can't even really want a different one now.
EE - God Virg really broke me for this question, and it doesn't help that I really don't like to assign powers lol. EE I have a hard time seeing as anything but the indestructable man.
Swiss - Is 'super ego' a super power? Seriously though, I think its called 'the word of god' or something. Pretty much anything you say, people instantly believe to the fullest extent.
Ryker - Energy redirection (oh hey another virg quest power!). Something I think Ryker does very well in reality is take someone's own momentum and use it against them (I see it a lot in his mafia play at least). Its just a natural transition.
J - Gender manipulation, easy
Gova - Broken question, Govaface is already a super power. No mortal can look upon it and feel anything but bliss.
July - We're getting into people I don't know very well on a personal level now, but I'd have to say
Gabe - (I don't know who Gabe is, goddamnit)
Zen - Mafia Clarvoyance
Soup - Ability to taste like any brand of soup at will
Stew - Ability to taste like any brand of step at will (fun fact I am literally JUST now realizing the whole Soup/Stew play on words and it makes me smile)
Gorf - Sweet Dreadsf
Who in Dgames would make up the "Dgames Justice League?"
Myself, EE, Gova, Ryker, and KevinM.

Who would be the "Dgames Team of Evil" who opposes them?
I keep trying to make this question 'Who don't I like in DGames' but its just not falling out. If ever there was a question better left unanswered, it was this one.

And don't worry if it was you, you'd know it. I'm not very good at pretending to like people because I am an *******.

I'm trying to think of five unique psychic powers, but I can only think of the following three:

The ability to distort light
The ability to read minds/communicate telepathically (I'm grouping these two together because it would be underpowered otherwise).

Any suggestions for the final two.
Yes, but they're actually ideas I'm saving for AGame related stuff! One that I used recently was I guess in the same vein as the 'distorting light' one, but a bit different.

Basically the dude could came temporary insanity, in which your allies looked to be giant monsters who were trying to kill you. He just sat in a chair and laughed while people would turn on their friends and brutally murder them.

How did you get into adventure game modding?
Out of necessity. During the very early stages of The Tournament (Tery's thread), EE, Ryker, and myself all found ourselves very attached to out characters and thought an AGame was pretty much a requirement at some point. But we couldn't find a mod anywhere, and so eventually I took it upon myself to give it a shot and here we are.

What's your favorite Agame ever?
I honestly don't think I can point at a single AGame I've played an say 'that one is my favorite'. EE's done some beta runs that I absolutely adore, Virgquest has been hella fun, and even Sold's beta made me laugh so hard I nearly cried on multiple occasions.

From a mod's standpoint though, I'd have to say my favorite was Calamity2. Not by a huge margin (well a huge margin over the first one), but still certainly my favorite. I just really loved the atmosphere of Daffodil Tower and the NPCs I got to dream up.

Do you plan to ever host another adventure game again?
You played in one last night :shades:

Every potential adventure game seems to fail. There are so many games that never have there hype realized. How do we stop this vicious cycle?
I wish I knew, really. Its just too much of a tall order these days to get multiple people online. AGames of that magnitude really have to be approached in the way EE did his Batman game I think, though I don't even really know much about that style to even say that concretely.

If you could pick a superhuman power that wasn't strong enough to make you a super hero, what would it be? Why?

I'd probably say x-ray vision. If only because I could cheat like ****ing CRAZY at so many things and just write it up as luck.

Top 10 favorite fictional characters.

Top 10 favorite shows, anime or live action.

Top 10 video games.

If you could hang out with 5 Dgamers that you haven't already met in irl who would they be?
[collapse=Fictional Characters]
Doug Rattman
Sterling Archer
Garth/Pretty much all of Wade's Randolph's characters
Zapp Brannigan
Mitsuo Yamaki
The Ice King
Ganondorf (specifically his WW version)
Cave Johnson

God I don't even think I can really order these guys, I love all of them so damn much. If you for some reason have a physical need to have them ordered, then uhhhhhhh I guess this is the order, even though its probably not. Deal with it.

I also had to come back and add Aku and X9 later since the fact that I didn't have them at the start was frankly inexcusable.[/collapse]

[collapse=TV Shows]
Spoiler expect to see a lot of show that my favorite characters come from

The Office (older stuff, moreso)
Breaking Bad
American Dad!
Gurren Lagann
Digimon (seasons 1-3)
Samurai Jack

Turns out I don't want too much TV[/collapse]

[collapse=Video Games]
Final Fantasy X
Sly Cooper Series
Jak and Daxter Series
Super Smash Bros. Brawl (minus, if you count that)
Fallout 3
Batman Arkham Asylum (loved City too, just not as much)
Tales of the Abyss
Donkey Kong 64
Baiten Kaitos
Banjo Kazooie[/collapse]

As for people I have not yet met, I'd have to go with:

EE, Ryker, yourself, Gova, aaaaaand Laundry.

If you and EE were to be locked in a DBZ style Final Super Arena Battle of Honor-Glory, and your fists connected with each other going at the same velocity, would the resulting blow back of ki destroy all life on Earth, or merely most of it? If the latter, would the surviving organisms remain in a relatively dignified state of existence, or would mercy killings be morally necessary?

Also, what is your favorite color?
Circus I'm disappointed, you should know we would have moved to a barren world away from civilians and hard to draw buildings. Even the most evil of villains for some reason agree to that.

But you should notice I did say 'world' and not just somewhere else on Earth. Because when EE and I throw down, there's gunna be .... collateral damage. And not just physical damage either. Men everywhere would throw themselves from the highest of buildings in shame, and women would spend most of their time forming a massive human pyramid trying to get closer to our amazing space battle.

And then I worked really hard to find a gif of Finn saying 'baby blue, BOY style' but I couldn't so I guess just pretend.

Make a joke about Rockin.
What's black, white, and likes to kiss boys on the mouth?

Rockin. Rockin is all of those things.

Pick your town ten townies and why.

I'm also realizing as I go over this in my head that a lot of these picks will be justified as 'because they are good at mafia' and I'm okay with that.

Ryker - He is good at mafia and eats his tacos/burgers the way God intended.

Circus - I don't even care if Circus plays or not as long as he's posting gifs. Instant win for his faction, every time.

Swiss - I don't really know Swiss but I hear he is good at mafia.

Gova - Universal morale boost. He's like a lava hoola hoop.

It was about this point where I realized you didn't ask what my ideal town was, it was who I thought was best as town in DGames. Well SCREEEEEEEEEW YOOOOOOOOOU I like this question even better so I'm gunna just roll with it.

Kary - I think Kary is one of the more underestimated players in DGames, its nice having someone who seems to get my line of thought and not think I have tin foil wrapped around my head.

Sold2 - Brightens my day. And he's good at mafia.

What is that, seven now? Jesus EE I don't even KNOW that many people in DGames, what are you trying to do to me?!

Jupiter's Biceps - if only to warn myself about events that have not yet occurred while we were hydraing. Or look up all the winning lotto numbers and pass those on. Oh man and I could even give you the Canadian winning numbers so we could BOTH get rich (well as rich as you can get off of something like the Canadian Lottery, which I assume is like our lotto if 90% of the hicks and otherwise outstanding citizens weren't constantly paying into it).

Pick your mafia 3 scumbuddies and why.
1. Ryker. Never been aligned with him as scum (outside of a hydra), and probably because mods see us on their word document or whatever and go 'oh god no' and change one of us to town. Which is fair.

2. Vinyl. Surprised? I am a little too, but hear me out. When I'm scum I like to set up really really silly things. Things that most people hear about later and tell me 'wow you're a moron' but I do them anyway. Having a convincing fall guy is pretty damn important and opens up a lot of potential avenues that would be much harder with a player with a better background.

3. You, the reader! You're my FAVORITE scum player of them all! I sure do hope we're aligned next game because it would be a dream come true!

Favorite play ever in a mafia game (not one of yours) by a townie?
A very recent one, but I gotta give it to Zen for his wackness in Necromafia. Lucky? Yeah probably. But still hella insane and just a neat end to a game.

Same but for scum?
Radical Fiction in (I think) FFVII mafia. One of those thing I look at and just go 'damn'.

Favorite play of your own as a townie and why?
Play?... as a townie? I don't understand the question.

Favorite play of your own as scum and why?
Goddamn I want to say Bingo mafia but I really think that's been usurped by Gigabots mafia. Just ****in CRAZY the stuff we did in that game.

My favorite part was either nailing Xonar as the indy or the great lengths we went to to prove ourselves as town in Lylo. **** was redic.

Indy applies to the above questions, I guess.
I actually can't remember any times I was indy and didn't replace out or just do really badly so I guess all of them.

Favorite scum performance and why? This is of your own heh.
Of just me? Early bingo mafia, vs J. I was very happy with all of my play throughout Bingo mafia but I really liked the stuff I accomplished right off the bat there.

Favorite town performance and why, again, your own.
There you go again, talking crazy! SPEAK ENGLISH EE.

Make a joke about Rockin.
Why did Rockin cross the road?

Because there was a guy on the other side who said he would have gay sex with him. Also Rockin gets hit by a car as he crosses and goes to Hell because homosexuality is a SIN

What gave you the idea in Virg's AGame to open up a portal on the moon? That was pretty much ****in' genius.
I can't take full credit for that idea (NEITHER CAN YOU RYKER YOU BONER) since it came up organically while Ryker and I were talking about our plans in a skype call. If I remember correctly, it probably had something to do with Portal 2's ending (which initially seemed just to be just a funny joke but then we were all 'wait holy **** what if we actually did that'.

Tell errbody about your plans for playing Electro in Spidey.
I only remember two things, one being I was gunna make all my hallways metal and just turn them on with a lethal level of electricity at random. Well, 'at random'. I'd say that, but it would always just happen to be someone who did something I wasn't happy with to help keep my goons in line. Also, makes a handy death trap if some HERO gets up in my base.

The other one was I wanted to take out the Sandman (Virg) and turn him into a stained glass window of anal sex and display it in my base somewhere.

You've played as Garth in many a game, now. How do you stay so perfectly in his character?
Much like Garth, I have an undeserved feeling of entitlement and superiority. The trick is just letting loose and letting that shine through.

Write a blurb for the uninformed about why Garth Blackburn is one of the greatest characters ever.
A blurb? A BLURB?!

No. I have already written a ****in dissertation on the subject in the DR. I say force people to buy in and then read the thread.

And also why Wade Randolph is one of the greatest unappreciated comedians ever.
As tempting as it is to just do a 'see: previous answer' on this, it just wouldn't be fair. He's got this impeccable sense of comedic timing, as well as some of the goddamn funniest subtle humor I have ever seen.

Let me give you all an example from his short lived series (RIP) Business.

Palmer (Wade Randolf's character): Nice face Reed, did you get it at the same place you got the lame party decorations?

Reed: No! There's not a store like that!

And of course, in Reed's hand is

Its much less funny in text form like this, but I cannot recommend his stuff enough. Though fair warning, Business Ep. 1 DOES have a **** in it. So NSFW that.

Make a joke about Rockin.
What came first, the gay guy or Rockin?

I don't know but it is a joke about them having GAY SEX. You see, 'came' in this example is not being used to mean 'arrived', but rather reaching orgasm.

Rockin is gay.

Thumbs up if you agree

If you could be any person in the world for a week, who would you be other than yourself?
Snooki. Yes, really.

I could literally feel soul trying to escape my body as I typed that, but hear me out. I would use every SECOND of that 24 hours destroying her. Not killing her, mind you, that's too good for her now. I want to break her reputation down to a point where it cannot ever recover (which would be hard to do to someone who's already gotten famous on being stupid and orange) but hey I'm a creative guy. All she needs is some open racism, maybe some felonies or something, and we're set.

How's the Pokebadges side-venture going?
We actually JUST got Hoenn in the other day! No idea when they'll be getting to me (I'm only taking 5 sets, the rest I'm leaving with my partner who handles shipping now), but I'll post an image here if they show up before the interview gets posted.

What are you up to in your life these days?
For the most part, just trying to get my college situation figured out. Not a whole lot of excitement at the moment.

How do you feel about Canadians? Evil Eye, Myself, or Otherwise?
Pft like I don't love you canucks. EE is pretty much American though.

I am a LITTLE disappointed neither of you fill many of the Canadian stereotypes but that's life.

How big are Canada's muscles in your opinion?
Well I know Mashad AND EE live there. So that should pretty much speak for itself.

What plans do your muscles have for their future?
Planning for the future has always been a weak point of mine (if I were a Star Fox boss, my ability to plan ahead would blink orange and yellow and people would shoot at it a lot). Right now I'm working on getting transferred out of babby college into a 4-year institution, but beyond that its all just a crapshoot.

How much wood could your muscles chuck if they were an independent organism of yourself with only enough cerebral function to chuck wood ?
All of it? Is all of it an acceptable answer?

Yeah all of it.

Can you perform the Shun Goku Satsu ?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let me google that one.

Oh hey I know what that is, just never heard the name for it.

And no, but only since I sprained my ankle in the last global fight to the death tournament. Turns out Death Incarnate has a REALLY tough skull, and you gotta be careful when you stomp it to pieces.

How many song references can you make in one sentence ?
A lot, next question!

What is Glyph's perfect day ?
Wake up around 8 feeling well rested (which never happens but hey this is perfect day right). I go downstairs to find my kitchen has been converted to a fully functioning IHOP, except with sexy topless waitresses and cooking staff (all world class chefs as well, specializing in breakfast).

After a delicious breakfast, I step outside and strap on the jetpack I invented and take off into the sky. As I glide through the air knowing just how great I am, the jetpack suddenly fails! I rip it off with my muscles, only to find now I can fly on my own. All it took as getting up to the right altitude or something.

So I return back home to find my home just getting wrapped up in its conversion to a solid gold mansion, and I walk into the launch command center. Me and my IHOP babes all strap in (yeeeeeee) and start the countdown. Next thing you know, I've got me a goddamn golden moon mansion to throw the hippest parties in the galaxy.

Also some other cool stuff would happen but I feel like that on its own would be pretty great.

Who would win in a three way round of Bloddy Knuckles: You, EE or Mashad ?
Mashad, but he wouldn't come out in one piece. Me and EE would fight bravely to the bitter end.

And yeah this IS bloody knuckles to the death, as it is the only thing I know.

Give us one realistic goal your muscles have and one overly ambitious goal your muscles havel
One realistic goal is to graduate college with a degree I can be proud of. Not an overly uncommon goal, but hey its something.

As for overly ambitious, I want to win a tournament of something. Don't even really care what, yugioh, smash, whatever. Not just at like a local either, I want to win something BIG.

Which power is more mighty :gova: or you & EE's muscles ?
Trick question, you can't measure the power of Gova's face in 'might'. Its like the whole immovable object/unstoppable force thing. Gova's face inspires such calmness that no violence can exist in front of it, and yet our muscles know nothing BUT violence.

I'm guessing we'd wind up just partying or something.

In a battle of all Dgamers, who wins and how ?
Gova, by technicality. He can't be hurt (as addressed in the last question), so its just a matter of waiting everyone else out.

What is love ?
A miserable little pile of secrets.

No wait thats something else, ****.

Favorite Animal ?
Do dinosaurs count? If not dumb question and I'm skipping it.

Yes all dinosaurs, they ****in rule.

Favorite realistic pet ?

Favorite unrealistic pet ?

TWO dinosaurs (I'm not made of money for dinosaur food, though funnily enough if its a carnivore I AM actually made of dinosaur food)

You write a award winning novel, what genre ?
Erotic mystery thriller

You direct a award winning movie, what genre ?

Erotic mystery thriller set in SPAAAAACE, but also in Dinosaur times.

Your muscles star in a award winning movie, what genre ?
It would defy all modern genres in that it was actually just a still photo of my muscles shown for 4 hours with no breaks.

Your muscles win the noble prize for ?
The above film. In all the categories.

You find out your princess is in another castle, wat do?
Write her a formal invitation to the castle I have presently taken over. I also tell her to bring her hot sister. Her hot TWIN sister.

Can you handle the truth ?
One of 3 people who can.

Does the truth set you free ?
Sometimes, other times it sets you on fire. Like that time I told my cousin that the milk jug I had with me WASN'T filled with gasoline, and that it was safe to smoke after I dumped it on him.

You get arrested, what crime did you commit ?
Grand Theft Monument.

Fill in the blank: screw _____ , Marry: _____ and Kill: _____
Pretty sure you're supposed to limit my selections to three choices, and then go from there.

My favorite thing to do when people are playing this is give them 3 historical figures that worked for civil rights and then get really mad and call them racist.

Favorite Food ?
Nothing in the world beats a nice rack of ribs.

Favorite Video Game ?
Final Fantasy X. Nerdy as **** but I absolutely adore it, bad voice acting and all.

Favorite Mafia Game ?
Gunna be a **** and say my own UTrick'd series. They're just too much fun to build and let play out.

Can you teach DGames how to Dougie ?
If I'm not mistaken, there isn't actually an official dance for the Dougie. So I guess not.

What is your spirit animal?
A talking shotgun named Bullets McShooterson. He is also a detective.

If you were a character in Dragon Ball Z, who would you be and why?
I've actually always really liked Piccolo, even though his significance diminishes sooooooooo much as the show goes on. Sure the saiyans are great fighters, but I've always thought of Piccolo as the smartest of the crew.

Where did you develop the legendary glyph muscles?
Lifting for wresting and football since early middle school, mostly.

Admit that I'm a bawss hog gangsta, then admit that I'm the greatest there ever was.
I'll be honest, I didn't catch the reference here and google isn't turning up ANYTHING. Then again it could be just you asking me to do that, in which case deal with it nerd :shades:

U-trick'd 4?
At some point! I really should get back onto the que for it.

Favorite movie?
Ooph, that's a hard one. It honestly might just still be residual hype but I REALLY liked The Dark Knight Rises. Other movies that come to mind are Moon, Kung Pow Enter the Fist, and the first Jurassic Park.

Favorite cartoon?
Another toss up, really. I'd probably have to say Adventure Time as far as the stereotypical cartoons go, but I adore Archer, Samurai Jack, and Gurren Lagann as well.

What is DtJ?
Its a gaming crew I'm a part of, based out of Indiana/Kentucky. I've only been to one event as an official representative but hey still counts.

Where did you come up with the name "Glyphmoney"?
Adding -money onto the end of names is actually a habit I picked up from playing a lot of the DS animal crossing back in early middle school. Just one of those things that stuck with me.

Favorite person ever (aside from me)?
I'd probably have to say Wade Randolph. I just don't have any ill word to say of him.

Top 5 people who have made the greatest impact on your life?
Obviously my immediate family, but I'm just gunna skip over them.

But huh, this is a tough one. I work a lot at being my own person, but that's not to say I don't pull from people I talk to. The one the jumps to mind right away is EE, the whole muscle persona came from talking to him. Then I'd have to say Composer and Sosk had a big impact on how my sense of humor developed as it is now.

Top 5 most inspirational people?
Same deal as the last question, really. That's not to say I haven't met inspirational people or seen them through various media, but I just really can't think of any.

Who is the HOTTEST woman on the planet? You must include a picture with this response.
What is your belief system and why? (Agnostic, Atheist, Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, etc.)
Atheist. Just one of those things I'd really have to see some concrete evidence before I sign on, and that's not happening.

What gives you meaning to live on?
Man these questions. I pretty much keep going just for the sake of seeing what happens next. Keeps things fresh and exciting, at least for me.

*Back to more funny questions*

Do you have a girlfriend? If so, how the hell can she handle those muscles? If not, is it because of the muscles?
Used to, until January. That's a whole different story though, basically it got to the point where I found myself not wanting to hang out with her and figured it wasn't fair for her to keep going in the relationship when my heart wasn't in it.

Tell the story of how you wrestled a group of bears into submission.
The trick was forcing the most dominant one to submit, then the others willingly fell into line.

But to be thorough I went ahead and also kicked their ***** too, just in case there was any residual thoughts of rising up against my tyrannical bear dominion.

Favorite video game?
Final Fantasy X. Its actually why I'm named 'Glyph' on SWF too.

Do you hate anyone? Like, legitimate hate or severely dislike.
Can't say so, really. No one's ever done something THAT horrible to me.

There's a pretty extensive list of people I really really dislike though.

Link a picture of your glorious muscles.
I actually don't have any pictures of my muscles. I know right, whats the point of muscles if you don't even document it but such is my life.

Why are you so damn cool?
I've been taking Cool Steroids since I was 6. My dad would slip them into my breakfast cereal, and eventually I just got used to it.

The side effects are having lots of friends and having girls like you.

Of the many muscles you possess, which is your favourite?
JESUS do you have any idea how offensive this is?! You might as well ask my what my favorite child is?! I love ALL my muscles equally.

What sort of legendary muscle building exercises do you use to get ripped?
I take inspiration from biblical torture to design a work out routine. Like every morning I roll a boulder up a big *** hill, and then I rip my own eyes out.

You know just basic stuff.

Bro, do you even lift?
Well I guess its more of a 'push a giant rock' than a lift, so no.

If you found $5 on the ground and just HAD to immediately spend it, what would you buy?
Well that depends a lot on where I was when I found it, since I'm gunna be a **** and assume you meant literally the moment I find it I had to spend it.

Not really, I'd probably go scale a few yugioh packs and get a nice heavy one (there is zero local yugioh scene so I don't really worry too much about screwing other people over)[

Yo Glyph, who is the manliest man to ever be a man?
I thought really hard on this one but then EE's post after it just casually brought up our Lord and Savior MuscleJesus and I don't think I can not pick him if I still want to get into MuscleHeaven.

What drinks do you require to re-fuel your muscles
Gasoline. Or water, since gasoline is actually super bad for you to drink. Like I should probably go the hospital.


Why did you go scissors on me twice in our face off? I coulda sworn you were going to pick rock.
I ALWAYS pick scissors.

Well, that's not actually true. I used to pick rock all the time, and before that I'd pick paper. I go through phases of each kind I guess, though the only reason I switched to scissors recently was that on duelingnetwork (yugioh website) the card for scissors is labeled as a machine and I normally run machine decks.

Why are you so inactive sometimes in Mafia? It kinda sucks.
If a game doesn't really grab me right away I find if VERY difficult to ... give a ****, I guess is the only way to put it. No one likes playing a game where they feel like their presence is of absolutely zero consequence, so I generally just drift away from it and let things play out.

I want to see another Bingo game from you, I've yet to see it again. What do you enjoy more? Town? Scum?
You must not have read Gigabots mafia then. But unquestionably, scum. It all goes back to the last point I made about feeling a connection to the game you're in. If you're just a VT, you're really only operating on the surface level of the game. Night phase rolls around, and you just sit and hope things work out for you and really don't get anything new to work with, with PRs run around trying to mess up mafia or whatever. So I guess really the thing I don't like in mafia is dead time for players, and its a big part of why Utrick'd setups give everyone something unique about their role to help them play beyond just the day phases (even if its something dumb like a posting restriction).

AGames. AGames. Name some of your favorites and your current projects. Do you think AGames could ever work on the forum?
I can't say I've ever really been in an Agame I didn't enjoy, though I WOULD make a lot of changes to Calamity 1 if I were to do it again.

As for working on a forum, I'm guessing you mean like literally you make a thread and then play in there. On paper, sure it could work. But in practice, its just too slow for my tastes. You wind up doing things like spending a week deciding how you want to leave a room if someone isn't in agreement with your group.

Give me your 30 minute exercise, and how to obtain muscles like yours.
Uhhhhhhh sometimes I go for runs and then pick up heavy things. Really the last time I had like a scheduled work out was high school, and that actually worked hella well but now there's no real reason to train (no more games or anything to work towards) so its more of a maintain the level than push further.

At least I'm not Gohan who just decided to stop doing anything for like 7 years apparently, how the hell did he get away with that.

If you had to fight Gova, how would you do it?
Already previously addressed in the interview, but Gova's existence disallows violence in a nearby radius. I guess I'd have to stand really far away and throw a rock at him, but even then I'd feel really bad.

If you had to fight Ryker, how would you do it?
I don't know much about Ryker's physical build really, but I imagine he's a lot like a nimble version of myself based off what I know about his athletic history. So really, it plays out very similarly to the Garth-Ronnie matchup. I try to engage a grapple and then work the ol' wrestlin magic until I make something happen. If he just runs and dodges me for forever I really don't have a great response to that.

If you had to fight Soup, how would you do it?
I would hit him with my muscles until the fight was over and then I wouldn't stop and they would have to call the police and I would probably go to jail.

If you had to cockfight Rockin, how would you do it?
Wow GAY no thanks

If you had to fight me, how would you do it?
Buhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well considering my strong suits are also your strong suits, except to a lesser degree I really don't know. I WOULD say try to bank on technique but really my 'technique' was always 'be strong and muscle over the guy' so that's out the window.

So I would have to exploit your kryptonite.

I show up to the fight not only with a horse head mask on, but one over each fist. My horse head hydra will terrify to such an unbelievable degree that you'll either snap and straight up remove all my limbs from my body or surrender right there.

If you had to fight Mashad, how would you do it?

Well the first thing you need in a fight against Mashad is a good location. I've given it a lot of thought, and the best place I came up with was the top of a tower, or the edge of a cliff. Really anything with a very long fall.

Then you just casually walk of the edge and be done with it because god help you in an actual fight.

Insert deserted gas station question about Rockin, I've asked it a million times dammit you know what it is. If you don't know what is then idk go look for it.
'A man approached you at a deserted gas station at 3am claiming to be Rockin asking you to make a joke about Rockin. What would you tell him?'

For both my own and the reader's convenience.

But first and foremost, I'd listen and be sure he had that 'rockin' quality to his voice where you'd really trust him if he said he found a place that had a kickass sale on jeans but not a kickass sale on power tools.

If he did, then really its probably Rockin. And if that's the case, he's here to kill me because by now he's read this interview and is out for bloody revenge. So I'd whimsically tell him the joke was behind him, take a knee, and then have my buddy push him down over me. My bro and I would high five and run off laughing like crazy.

And then Rockin would catch up later and kill us but DAMN it would be funny for a little.

Now make a joke about Rockin.
Isn't that a bit redundant to make a joke about a joke?

Rockin btw that's super mean of me to say but hey its FUNNY at least right?!?!

Also Rockin I won't be using any gas stations for a while just a heads up

Top 3 favorite Gigabots characters and why?
1. Garth. Jesus like I even need to explain it

2. Emperor Jumbo. Absolutely ADORE Jumbo, his cheesy evil one liners are absolutely golden. He's just GOOD. At being BAD.

Also who doesn't love the villain who dies a hero's death. ERRYBODY love that ****.

3. The rest. Seriously, I really pretty much like all the other characters on the same level. That's not to say that there aren't honorable mentions, like Slawz, the Super Government computers, and Commander Stryker, but they're all really about even. I just like Gigabots okay?!

Top 3 favorite Gigabots episodes and why?
Episode 2 - Spoiler its a Garth episode and there are reasons I like Garth. I mean how could I not love this episode when the opening lines are:

"Garth, he's stronger than we thought! Evasive maneuvers!"
"No way p***ies, I can take this guy!"

Episode 6 - SPOILER ITS ALSO A GARTH EPISODE. Dark Star is also one of my favorite sub villains in the show (there's only a few, but he's still a VERY notable character regardless)

Episode 8/9 - Hard to NOT mention the finale of the series in the list, though its really a tossup for which one I like more. I guess I'd lean towards 8 if only for Stryker's badass rampage through the Compound.

The classic speed vs power question -- who would win in a fight, Garth or Kris? Why?
I don't even know who you think you ARE right now. I refuse to even answer such a BAD question. For shame EE. FOR SHAME.

Garth or Jumbo?
See THAT'S a good question. A fight should be between MEN. That being said, I really am pretty sure Garth would be all over a chance to defect to Jumbo's side if Jumbo toned down the evil a bit and was a little more towards the 'just better than those other ***s' area of the spectrum.

Stephen or Stefan?

Commander Stryker or Jumbo?
Stryker. Jumbo's too silly to win in a fight where someone's not going to wait for him to finish his one liners and instead cut his head off with an eye laser.

Nikki or Kris?
Depends on how much mud there is and how naked they are but I'd say we all win this fight.

The Grand Unification or Dark Star?
I actually am stumped on this one. Grand Unification is an all out offensive against humanity, but Dark Star's weapon was a super powerful energy shield. Batman v Joker type deal ensues and I don't know who wins but Earth is probably destroyed.

Dark Star or Jumbo?
Actually, I think Jumbo beats Dark Star. You might think it odd that I say Jumbo trumps Dark Star while GU doesn't, but really I think Jumbo could have beat GU had he not stopped fighting for the sake of one lines.

Phoenix or slaws? Slaws is the only thing I could think of that he could fight since Phoenix is just not tough but has all the heroic leader dork attributes like willpower and couage and stuff so he's it's a good matchup.

On that note, Phoenix or that psychological mindf*** monster thing that tried to turn Garth against everyone?
Spoiler Phoenix pretty much always loses because he looks like he could be 6 when you just look at his face.

Also Slaws would just absorb him or something, and Phoenix is WAY to insecure to ever overcome Garth's monster.

If you were asked to add one character to the original season one crew of Gigabots, what would their name, color, appearance, schtick, character depth and story arc be? How would they play off the other pilots?
Oh GOD. Put me on the goddamn spot why don't you. And don't think I don't see that next question that's going to be just as ****in hard too.

But really, I guess the one thing I would have added would be a character who existed solely for the purpose of killing off later on. Lets say... purple for color. Super peppy attitude and overly helpful, probably something totally unneeded in the Super Mega Gigabot like shoes or a hat.

This character would die an honorable death in battle but then never be mentioned again because that was his whole point.

(also his name would be Rockin)

Now invent a new villain!
Okay that last one turned out to be pretty easy actually but THIS one looks hard for sure.

Jk I actually came up with an idea pretty easy again. I'd need to brainstorm longer to come up with a good name (I'm trying to get this wrapped up tonight so I can post it, but you don't know when I'm typing this so really whatever), but the character model is pretty straightforward: Hundreds of years ago a scientist discovers a new compound dubbed Gigatron, and it changes the way the whole world works. He lives a life of intense fame and fortune, but mysteriously vanishes. In present (Gigabots) time, he resurfaces but has gone completely mad from extended exposure to Gigatron (which has also given him a wide array of powers and prevented him from aging).

From there the **** writes itself, AND opens a window to develop Gigatron and its significance more.

Okay now **** THAT YOU ARE the new villain. What's YOUR evil plan. How do you get that Gigatron, and what nefarious thing are you going to do with it?
I actually don't really see an endgame beyond 'get the gigatron' for this character. He just wants to have it, look at it, spoon with it, whatever. He's insane! He doesn't care about the world, he just wants his creation back.

okay getting away from gigabots, now for the HARD stuff

You are the exec producer of Tropic Thunder. You tell Ben Stiller "I like it, but I want to make one alteration. There's this great unknown comedian named Wade Randolph -- I want you to work him in as [insert character name and background and dynamic with the cast here]."
Goddamnit you are determined to make me be creative and all I want to do is go to walmart because we need milk. But I will persevere.

Wade Randolph actually does mesh very well with the cast already imo since they don't have a snarky fat guy who thinks he's hot **** (Jack Black COULD have been this character, but they took it a different direction).

Character Background, I actually think the reality of what's he's done makes for a very compelling story. His character has a small following online that thinks he's hot ****, and this is his first real big break (and its all gone straight to his head). He'd talk down to the other characters a lot even though he hasn't actually BEEN in a movie yet, all he needs is that idea that he's gunna be a star and its game over.

Top five Wade Randolph shows and why.
I might not hit 5 but seriously they're almost all great, I'm just going off of memory here. And actually, I'll probably skip the 'why' bit too since the skits really speak for themselves.

That being said!:

-Each Other Butlers
-The one where he's in flight school and I can't remember the name of it look it up nerd

Only 4 because in true Wade Randolph fashion I'm not about to go do RESEARCH for something.

Top five Wade Randolph characters and why.
-Palmer. Honestly possibly a character I like even MORE than Garth, its hard to even say. They both have their own individual charms to them.
-****ing every other Wade Randolph character. Wade has an absolutely astonishing ability to play a character very similar to one you've seen before and make it feel like someone completely different. I know reading that it sounds like 'wow this guy only does one character' but seriously, give him a shot.

The Duncan Bros email you saying they've been trying to make Overdrift 3 for years but just can't defeat the writer's block. What story would you pitch to them?
I don't even PRETEND to be someone who could come up with something as beautiful as a story where someone drifts so hard they go into an alternate dimension ruled by dinosaurs and drifting alone.

But if I HAD to, I'd like to see some conflict involving the D-Dimension. I THINK that's the direction they were gunna take with it anyway based off the end of Stage 2, but hey I'm not psychic and that was my idea before I rewatched Stage 2 anyway.

Same question for a full-length pilot episode of Business, something that'd showcase all the great things about it in twenty-two minutes. So your own Business episode, basically.
JESUS EE, I'm not some MACHINE of show ideas.

I'm actually not sure how suited Business is to a full 22 minute episode actually, at least in the format they've done before. Business is VERY high paced, get the jokes out and if the viewer can't keep up that's THEIR problem, and 22 minutes is a long *** time for that.

So the first step would be sloooooowing down. Keep the jokes, just don't put them all on rapid fire like they do now. That being said, I also think its very very important to keep the things in that make people want to pause and really soak up just how great the joke was (almost exclusively the props they use). My absolute favorite moments of Business are prop related gags, but they need to be sparse enough to keep them fresh.

Bah that's super rambling and not exactly what you asked for at all but its where I stand. Just in a non-coherent way.

Invent a new Business character. Answer this ala the similar Gigabots question, I guess. I would follow this up with "invent a Business villain", but really, all the main characters are villains and the rest are bystanders so that would be redundant.
Wow I've *****ed a lot about these questions (all in good fun of course), but this is the first one I honestly couldn't come up with an answer I was happy with. They really already hit almost all of the bases I would have hit writing the show (kiss *** to the boss, subservient assistant, detached management).

Anything else I've come up with just doesn't feel organic, if that makes sense. Hate to leave this one hanging like this but I just really think they did a good job on Business.

You're a CORPORATE SOMESHIZ OR OTHER that just got hired into the company from Business as an outside expert. Your job is to show that freelance consultants can, like, totally work so much better than all the bitter infighting of in-house staff. How do you show up Palmer and Reid? How do you outsmart them? Remember, as much as they hate each other, they hate one thing even more: Losing. They will surely be out to get you.
Even though its bound to collapse in the end, I would spend almost all of my time framing Palmer and Reid for pranks against each other trying to push them to a breaking point. If one of them snaps, boom my point is proven.

(plus I feel like that would be a really fun episode to watch).

Now pitch me a story for your very own, Glyphtastic episode of Next Time on Lonny. Or, well, the end of an episode, and then what's going to happen in the one after that. Y'know... next time.
You get me some shrooms and I will tell you what I think happens Next. Otherwise I really don't know how to answer this question without almost killing myself or something.

How would you atone if you were to incorrectly use the term "diameter", when you meant "circumference", while in the midst of a conversation about bicep measuring?
MuscleSeppuku. You flex so hard that your biceps overwhelm the rest of your body and just crushes it. It is the only way to restore lost MuscleHonor.

Would you give up your muscles for a billion dollars? You would be able to get them back, but your metabolism and bodytype would be forever changed to that of an ectomorph who would have a very hard time putting on muscle.
Seriously, yes. A billion dollars is enough money that I, my immediate family, my extended family, my neighbors, and everyone I don't particularly hate could live pretty damn comfortably for the rest of our lives. It also would free up a LOT of time, time I could spend working my *** off to restore myself to its former glory. It wouldn't be easy, but hey since when is life ever easy.

Plus this way I get a billion dollars to help.

oh man, how could I forget this ****

Dr. Kagamura vs Captain Falcon in a race to the death. Holy **** what happens?
100% Dependent on the track. Straightaways? C. Falcon alllllllll day. Mostly turns? Kagamura eats that **** for breakfast.

Which DGamer would you marry

Order these in order of importance: Breaking necks; cashing checks; F*** B******; get money
Right now, I wouldn't. I know that's a lame answer to your question and you're not trying to set up a gay joke trap or anything but straight up I don't really know that I'll get married. One of those 'if the right girl shows up' but damn man, I've got a long checklist to get through for her to be 'right'.

1. Get Money
2. Cashing Checks (its important to be smart with your money you've worked so hard to get)
3. **** *****es (because hey we all gotta let of steam)
4. Breaking necks (just to make sure people are staying in line)

So as a macho man and muscle appreciator, how do you feel about Captain Falcon? Motha****a's got it all, imo, man. Chiseled martial artist muscles with epic hypertrophy overall hugeness.
Falcon is UP THERE on the list of 'manly men'. In fact off the top of my head, the only other character in his genre (being like animated stuff) that I can think of that is even competition is Kamina and oh yeah go watch Gurren Lagann EE.

What 'type' of :bigmuscles: would you say the following characters have? Donkey Kong, Solid Snake, Ganondorf, Falcon?
DK - Primal. DK's muscles have been crafted by NATURE ITSELF. Well maybe, I think he does pushups too and lives in a house but you know what I mean at least.
Solid Snake - Snake is the definition of 'technique muscles' imo. He's probably not the strongest man in the world (still strong as ****, mind you) but he just has an absolute mastery of his body.
Ganondorf - Ganon's rocking those 'dark power muscles', the kind of strength you get through selling souls to evil deities and taking power from those who are weaker from you.
Falcon - Falcon is alllllllllll bout them 'speed muscles'. Of course, strength comes along with the package but everything he does is all about getting something up to an insane velocity and smashing it against your body.

Critique the above characters' physiques and rank 'em.
Kind of answered the first bit already, so I'll just rank them here.

1. Falcon
2. Snake
3. Ganon
4. DK

Got a problem with my list you can take it up with management.

Make a joke about Rockin.
Rockin walks into a bar

Make a JUMBO joke about Rockin.
Why couldn't Rockin get the Gigatron?


What's your workout regime? How do you split it up?

Do you diet? If so, what foods? How much caloric intake on a daily basis? Do you have a set plan? How'd you come up with it?

Best resource for finding **** out about cutting/bulking and what not?

Thoughts on supplements. Are they effective? Do you take any?

I'm not thinking about going Arnold status, but maybe just a standard "body builder" at most. Got any tips/tricks/cheat codes regarding that?
I actually don't have an answer for like... any of these questions. Sorry bro, hate to let you down like that but, as you've learned in the interview, I don't actually worry about that stuff!

Why is a raven like a writing desk ?
Because I can command both at will.

If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound ?
YES I don't get why this question is so famous. I know some people are all 'oh but someone has to hear it for it to be sound' but frankly I think that's bull**** and not really how I think of sound.

What is the strangest nickname someone has ever come up with for you in RL ?
I've never really had many nicknames, but I mean people call me G-life on here sometimes (mostly spoken, and its actually spelled Glyfe).

But really I guess that stems from real life too. I was at a smash tourney back in 7th grade (mind you this is back in MELEE times), and I was using the tag 'GLYF' since Glyph didn't fit. Some random dudes I was playing in teams spent the whole match trying to figure out how to say it, and it stuck with me.

Lex Luthor is to Superman as _____ is to you
Lex Luthor again, Superman and me chill and talk about what a **** he is sometimes.

When they see you rollin', are they hatin' ?
They never stop.

What is your kryptonite ?
No idea, thought I do have an irrational fear of bees. I've gotten way better about it since I was little, but I used to just not be able to handle it when a bee was around.

Didn't help that in 5th grade I got swarmed by yellow jackets, but hey I was scared of them before that too so I can't blame that.

Whats your type?
As long as she gets my humor and really sincerely thinks its funny we do fine. Beyond that she's gotta not be troll-esque, but I'm not looking for like a super model. In fact I'd rather have someone nerdy like myself that I can sit down and play games with beyond the Sims and Family Feud.

Whats your pokemon type?
Steel, allllllllll daaaay long.

Whats your woman's pokemon type?
Electric. Magnemine line top tier

Should she be as muscular as you?
Absolutely not, she can be fit as she likes but overly muscular women are just kind of gross.

More busted? Power over time or power over space? You know what I'm talking about.
Goddamn they're both pretty much insta-broken, but I gotta lean more towards time than space. Sure space you can bend anything to your will, but only for so long. Eventually, the universe is gunna collapse in on itself or something and I'm assuming not even you in all your brokenness can stop that.

Time you don't exactly have the same degree of direct control, but with some care you can shape everything just as well as the former power. All you need is, oh look at that, time! That thing you have dominion over!

I guess really when you think about it, they both accomplish the same stuff just in different ways.

You the rival character in a fictional work, what is your catch phrase?
Easy, it would be 'Are you ****ING kidding me?!'.

Because lets face it, as rival I'm pretty much doomed to lose almost every run in. And every time I do, I would build in intensity a little bit more as I get more and more frustrated with being the rival.

I imagine it being a lot like Blue Lazer from Cheat Commandos, if you're familiar with that.

What pokemon could you beat in a physical fight? Bear in mind that they are allowed to use all their available powers and such.
Goddamn that's a broad question. I figure I'd be able to handle a pretty big majority of the first stage evolution pokemon (excluding ones like ****in Scyther, who would murder my face three ways to Sunday), and maybe even a number of the second stage ones. Once you get into pokemon that either don't evolve at all or have evolved to their furthest form, I'm pretty much **** out of luck.

What type of pokemon trainer are you?

Assuming it's Martial Artist, tell the story of how you fought and captured your first Pok
émon with your bare hands.
Cooltrainer obv :shades:. Outside of the preset list of kinds of trainers, I've always known in a serious (lol serious) pokemon situation I would almost certainly be a one-pokemon trainer, but have a goddamn unbreakable bond with my one pokebro. That's just the way I've always imagined it at least.

As for the story, its pretty easy really. Ever since there was a mini pokemon themed "AGame" (it was ... something, hard to pin down in a category. It was similar to an AGame though) in the DR where my starter was a Machop, named Professor Punch. Since then its just been the obvious choice for a starter, and we'd just go muscle our way around the world ruining *****'s days along the way.

I probs would just fist bump the Machop and not bother capturing it and we'd roll out like true homies.

Opinion on my mafia play?
A shining beacon of improvement for all of DGames to behold. That's not to say your play is perfect or anything, but god man you've come a long long way now.

Forgive me for salt after Gigabots? I was super mad what other people were doing when I was gone and I had no control over it.
Oh dude don't sweat it at all. That was the SALTIEST after-game I've ever seen from so many different people, myself included. Bouts of rage were sure to show up.

Why did you go to Pojo? Who exactly were you looking for there?
Funny story actually. As you (the reader) have gathered from a question or two, I play yugioh and like keeping up with the metagame. At the time I was also helping a friend of mine finish up a deck, and had found a guy who said he had almost all of the cards that were needed to wrap his up. He lived in Canada but hey we were in no rush, and it would be nice to have it all done.

I send out, and we fast forward about 17 days iirc. The dude suddenly drops off the face of reddit and deletes his account (I was trading through reddit obv). Other people come forward saying they never got their end of the cards in either.

So, of course, this is not acceptable. I only lost like $20 worth of cards but still mail fraud is mail fraud and most importantly someone tried to take advantage of ME. The NUTS.

So, in typical DGames fashion, I start to look into figuring out just what the **** is going on. My leads were pretty limited, but a day or so in some guy showed up who claimed to live about an hour away and was willing to drive down and see what was going on. Most people praised this guy and wished him good luck, but I thought it seemed a little suspicious.

A little background on how online trading stuff goes if you don't know, there's a big hub thread for feedback and every time you complete a trade you're supposed to leave a +1 for the guy or a -1 if they did something wrong. The scammer guy had I think +6 or so, so he had either been a legit trader at some point or he had been falsely inflating his rep to make sure he could properly scam people. I only had access to the most recent feedback thread, and there was only one mention of the scammer on it.

And it was the same guy who was so selflessly driving to check up on him! 'Great trader, threw in extra cards!' Or something to that effect. So at this point my mafia sense is creeping up on me and saying 'wow something is preeeeeeetty suspicious here'. I dig through selfless driving guy's post history and find that there is zero mention of a trade with ANYONE, much less this scammer guy. Not only that, but he claims to have traded with the guy TWICE through reddit (he was 'one of the victims' as well, after a pleasant trade the first time, for which he left the positive feedback).

So at this point the only explanation I can come up with is either these two guys randomly messaged each other and said 'hey man, we should trade cards! YEAH!' or they're somehow connected to each other. Sadly, I don't have any more information on their connection since I let it go once I got my cards back. BUT I DIGRESS.

I write up a post on these findings and send it off to the mod who's in charge of trade moderation, and he links me to the scammer's account on pojo (where he was online at the time!).

I looked over his post history and found both zero mention of the cards I had been promised, but also noted a markedly different posting style than the guy I had dealt with on reddit. So, I wrote him a PM saying I don't know what the **** is going on, but you're on the brink of being charged with mail fraud and its something that needs to get worked out.

Now I don't know if this next part is true, but I like to think it is. It could well be the dude just got cold feet when the threat of being arrested or whatever became real but whatever. He messages me back and tells me he hadn't used the reddit account in months, and apparently it had been jacked by his roommate who he had recently kicked out for other theft related problems. The dude makes an account on reddit and, to my knowledge, managed to get everyone their cards back.

I do think it would have been wicked fun to bust a trade scamming ring or something through those two accounts but hey, I may have saved an innocent guy from getting accused of mail fraud too so either way I come out nicely.

And even if I don't I got my cards back which was the point in the first place.

Where does one find he courage to punch a bear in the ****?

Favorite Yugioh deck?
My silly little machine montage I run. Geargias, machinas, Ancient Gears, and even Blast Spheres (damn that comes dangerously close to being a jingle)

Worst movie you saw in theaters?
I know I've seen some bad ones, its just at least recently I've gotten really good about checking around to find out if I'll like a film before hand. Its been a VERY long time since I've seen a movie I didn't really care for, so long I can't really remember an example.

Oh oh oh no wait, my whole family accidentally saw 'The Illusionist' instead of 'The Prestige' and that blew. It may not be called 'The Illusionist' but it was something like that, and it was a movie about a magician that came out at the same damn time.

What do you do for a job?
I've worked several different ridiculous jobs. Most recently, I spent a week being a terrorist for the Department of Defense in Glen Burnie, MD. Literally the easiest job in the world, just had to keep in contact with my partners and pretend like I was shopping around for ammo and guns and stuff. It was short, but payed better than ... well to give you an idea I make about $3500 in 5 days of 'work'.

Other than that, I've been a hostage in a FBI training exercise at my old high school (they literally flew in with ****in helicopters and **** and just over ran the place. It was one of the most intense things I've ever experienced), changed light bulbs in Macys all over the east coast (if you go in and see a really ****in cool light bulb, look at it and think of me), and if you count it, I do the pokemon badge stuff in my spare time too.

Will I see you at the Ohio Tournament on the 20th of October?
Here's hoping. My parents still have a hard time with the whole 'friends with people on the internet' thing so its an uphill battle.

Best martial Artist?
This is more my younger brother's field, but I know his personal favorite is Tony Jaa. Enjoy this video of him literally breaking all of the bones in the world.

Teach me the way of the muscle?
The Muscle must be discovered for yourself!

How did you come up with the bedwizard?
That's actually a damn good question. I don't really know where or how I come up with the **** I do, I just kind of ask myself 'what would be funny' and let it show up.

Oranges or Apples?
Apples all day erryday

Make a giant robot, but what does it look like?
Gova's face, with tiny little arms and legs so it can move around.

Can you save the world in 4 minutes, with only your muscles in tow?
I guess it would depend on the crisis, but yeah odds are I'd be good to go.

you play yugioh????
Favorite card?
Least favorite card?

Yep! My favorite is my buddy Machina Fortress. He's just ... damn. He's just a ****in Fortress. People don't get rid of him without having some kind of pretty major inconvenience usually, and even when they do he's so easy to pull right back out that its not an issue. On top of that I can overlay him into Big Eye who is broken city.

Least favorite is easily One Day of Peace. Makes your entire next turn a big fat nothing, and if they open it there's just nothing you can do about it.

Glyph :cool:,

What's your favourite band/musician?
Gotta give it to Mystery Skulls, closely followed by if not tied by Daft Punk.

What's your top 5 songs by them?
Pulling from both:

1. Ghost (Skulls)
2. Something About Us (Daft Punk)
3. Aerodynamic (Daft Punk)
4. Losing My Soul (Skulls)
5. Harder Better Faster Stronger (Daft Punk)

What are your top 5 favourite bands/musicians?
Well you've already got 1 and 2, so lets pick up with 3.

3. Bloc Party
4. Modest Mouse
5. Coldplay (wow gay as **** right)

Recommend me a good song you heard recently?
If you haven't, I'd recommend listening to 'Money' by Mystery Skulls. That's the song that got me into them, particularly the one with a Phoenix Wright video with it.

Tell me of a song lyric that strikes a chord with you/describes yourself
As far as lyrics go, my favorite song is 'Pioneers' by Bloc Party. I'll copypasta the intro at least.

Bloc Party said:
If it can be broke, then it can be fixed,
If it can be fused, then it can be split.

It's all under control
It's all under control
It's all under control
It's all under control

If it can be lost, then it can be won,
If it can be touched, then it can be turned.

All you need is time
All you need is time
All you need is time
All you need is time
All you need is

I really like the idea that anything is possible, its just a matter of whether or not you have time time to dedicate to making it happen. The whole rest of the song has great lyrics too, but I'd have to say this is my favorite section.
What part of playing mafia do you most enjoy?
The gratification of watching something all come together and either catching scum or killing off town, depending on alignment.

Favourite person you've hydra'd with?
EE. That's the only hydra I've ever actually played in hahaha.

Best hypothetical hydra partner?
Again, I'd say EE, but I also think me and Ryker could have made some WICKED crazy stuff happen if either of us were invested in the game we hydra'd in.

Your favourite role to play as town/scum/indy
Anything on the mafia faction. Don't care if its goon, as long as I have access to the QT and can scheme I'm a happy dude.

Favourite role you've seen
In the DR I got a role called 'Ghost Commander' and I've always loved it just for how awesome the name is.

What sort of mafia setups appeal to you most?
One where all the players always have something to do, including the night phase. Drawing VT blows.

What's the best way to deal with:
a salty dgamer?
No pun intended, but don't rub salt in the wound. Let them vent their frustrations and just roll with it, so long as they're not overstepping any boundaries. If they are, calmly let them know to chill.

If that doesn't work, get mad too and blow up.

an overly amorous dgamer?
Oh god I have never seen that happen, but I imagine it would be awkward as anything. I guess just try to let them down easy, don't string them along either though.

a drunk dgamer?
Get them to admit their faction and then have a wild party

any one dgamer of your choice?
Best way to deal with anyone like Ryker/Swiss/Marshy is check and see what day it is. If its D3 or later, lynch them.

Which dgamer would you
Okay fine I dodged this question before but I gotta give it to my homie Sold2.

star in an action film with? (please briefly describe the film)
EE, and it would be Train Cops please go read what EE wrote up in the social to get an idea of it.

like to meet who you haven't already?
There's a lot of people, and I'm actually going to hopefully check a good portion of them off the list later this month.

take to keep you company on a long journey?
Ryker or EE or S2 off the top of my head. Any of the 3 and I'm set.

like to see back the most?

thank you ;)
The only person I can even think of who's gone that I actually knew is Asdioh, and he's just a boner who doesn't play anymore.

And thank YOU for being the only person to say thank you!

Dgames is an anime.
who/what roles do the following people fill, with you as the main character/with someone else as the main character?
Ryker - Part of 'The Crew'. He and EE are the dudes I'd hang out with in my free time.
EE - Awwwwww yeeeee already wrote EE's part this question is EASY
Sold2 - Love interest Guy we'd run into a lot and always be pumped to see, but he lives far enough way that he's hard to get a hold of a lot of the time.
WashedLaundry - Dude who communtes from out of town, and will be gone for long periods of time. Still, a total bro when he's around.
Xonar - Foreign exchange student who's totally a weaboo but in an endearing way
OS - Rich kid from upstate
RR - A dog (lol jk RR)

feel free to add any necessary people I've missed.
As for adding people yeah RIGHT I want to get this done tonight.

How was your day?
Not too bad, just another day really. I kind of just let the week go by and live it up on the weekend, at least to the extent I can living at home at community college lol.

First impression of me?
Had NO idea what to think. Couldn't tell if you were like hitting on me or what, but that was just how you carried yourself back then.

Why haven't I asked my normal questions yet? Look em up and answer em baby~
WOW what am I the question whisperer or something.

Also let the record show I looked at TWO interviews and couldn't find them so I gave up. If you post them later I'll edit it in here though.

What got you into mafia?
Honestly, I don't remember. I THINK EE may have suggested it though? All I remember is being in my noobie game and deciding Tery was scum and railroading the **** out of him, and he was town whoops.

What got you into aGames?
Jesus how many answers to this are 'EE'? Probably a **** ton. He's the gateway drug of SWF.

What got you into the music you like?
I started listening to Daft Punk super late, like 2 years ago only. Other bands I generally found through my younger brother, who's much more into doing musical stuff than I am.

How did you get on dat muscle status?
See: 50 Tyson story somewhere in this monster of a post.

That totally was borderline in UTrick'd but it was so damn fun to watch that it was hard for me to tell you guys to stop it.

And make a joke about Rockin.
What are Rockin's top 4 elements?

1. Carbon
2. Oxygen
3. Carbon again (its a popular one!)
4. Potassium

Also yeah I totally stole that joke from American Dad but its a good show and you should watch it what do you MEAN I'm deflecting.

wait wait, gotta find the questions I asked gova. Let's see....

These first few has almost certainly been asked before, but if not:

and now more interesting things I guess

If you were a Batman villain, whom would you be and why?
I've always identified most with Two-Face, smart dude who just wants to do the right thing and gets ****ed over about as hard as one can BE ****ed over. If that happened to me, I don't know that I would come out much better.

If you were Batman, how would you tackle crime in Gotham City, with the goal of eradicating it forever?
Honestly I feel like that's going to be nigh impossible with the whole 'no killing' rule in play. But then my comic would end and that means no more money so I guess I see the validity of it.

You have just won one point three trillion dollars, and have always wanted to conquer Earth. How do you do it? Break me down an awesome plan dawg.
I buy all of the roads in the nation. Every last one (I'm hoping to get a bundle discount). Start charging people to even leave their driveways, and hire a private police force to enforce my new rules. With time, my 'police force' starts to look a whole lot more like an 'army' and from there its just a matter of pushing over the dominoes.

Pick five henchmen from DGames to serve as your capos in the world domination plot, and state why. What would their duties be?
Ryker - Chief Political Adviser
EE - Captain of the 'Police Force'
Gova - Chief of Internal Affairs
KevinM - Minister of Swag
Raziek - Chief of Being Nice and Saying Sorry

Once on the path to conquering the world, agent 007 aka James Bond himself is captured by your henchmen. How do you finish him once and for all? What speech do you give in the process, if any?
Okay, so you've got him tied down to a table in a room slowly filling with lava (we'll ignore the fact that he'd die just from the fumes and heat coming off the lava), you wait until the lava is about to reach him and then have a ton of confetti shoot out of the walls and drop a banner that says 'Happy Birthday!'. The lava recedes, we all come out with party stuff on and bring him a big *** delicious cake. After we all eat the cake, I turn to him and say 'haha fooled you nerd' and shoot him in the head.

Make a joke about Rockin that is better than any of the Rockin jokes that have already been requested.
All requested by YOU

Also they were all pretty bad so it shouldn't be too hard to make a better one.

Okay Rockin's stopped reading at 'hard' and had to leave the room, so if you guys can think of a good Rockin joke please let me know.

Make a GAY joke about Rockin that fits the same criteria -- if the prior joke was already a gay joke, make a second one to top it. Get it? Top? Nyuk yuk yuk.
SURPRISE they are all gay jokes when Rockin is the subject.

You are a starship captain tasked with the mission of finding life on at least one other planet so that you may exchange technology and culture to solve a worldwide crisis back home. The lives of Earth are all at stake. What kind of captain will you be? How will you lead your people? What would your mission directives be? How would you handle first contact? Also which DGamer would you designate as your XO and why?
I would model my leadership style after Michael Scott. We might not find life, but we'll at least make a damn honest impression when we find them. Plus they could film our crew and beam it back to keep morale up at home!

Also since I've decided this is a comedy I'd have to say Sold2 for XO. Shenanigans ahooooooy.

You have the power to transform into one type of animal. What kind, and why?
MAN, because then this very situational power suddenly becomes 'turn into any person' which is hella useful.

Do you become a superhero or a supervillain with that power? If neither, why, but also choose one of hero/villain and tell me why too.
Probably neither, I'd just kind of do what I felt like and eventually be found out by a good/evil faction and asked to work for them. Depending on their offer and what they wanted me to do, I can't really say that I'd commit to one or the other though.

Swiss and Ryker have obtained the power to directly translate their love of themselves into engorged dongs, and will duel atop the rim of a volcano with their newfound erectile weaponry for total world domination. Victory will relate directly to the literal projected size of one's ego, however, if one can ego HARDER with a smaller ego, that too can seize victory. Who becomes the new overlord and why?
No body. With two egos that size the gravitational pull between the two of them is going to be so immense that it generates a black hole, and destroys all of life as we know it.

Same question, except with Marshy and KevinM, and instead of huge weaponized members they get Swag-infused sunglasses with which they will have a heatvision duel. Who and why and yadda yadda.
See at least this one doesn't end with ALL life dying, but all the dudes would bail on the planet since their only hope of ever getting laid again would be on an alien world with babes who hadn't heard of Marshy/Kevmo.

You're in a dance-off with Macman, a guy that not only used to be a top tier recreational break dancer, but also is black. You have two weeks to prepare. How do you win???
Dude that's easy, you just kill Macman. Even then it'd be a close call (I am still a very bad breakdancer and still very white).

Do you think your muscles could stop a bullet?
Nah, they just have to stop the trigger from being pulled.

You're in a supermaximum security prison when suddenly the cell doors open and a huge riot breaks out. Your cellmate, Crazy Jose, immediately leaps into the fray while you sit on your bunk, stunned by what is happening. You know ****'s about to get BAD... what do you do? How do you survive?

Any superpower you want and why?
Virg quest portal power. GOD that power is so legit.

You have to get in a hand to hand fight to the death with either The Joker or Two-Face. Who and why? What's your strategy to win this thing? Weapons will be frisked for and confiscated, or you can choose a melee weapon of your desire -- Joker would use a knife and Two-Face would use a steel pipe. Actually answer for both straight hand to hand or with weapons, now. Note that Joker's knife is somewhat dulled, to counterbalance the brokenness of knives.
Two-Face, easy pick. First off I have a 50/50 shot of just getting out of it scot free, and even then I think he's the less ruthless of the two (not to say he won't surely beat me to death given the chance and not even think twice about it). I think I've have to say no weapons at all if that's an option (I think that's what you mean), as really I don't think Two-Face is nearly as skilled unarmed than he is with a weapon (though that's just a made up fact).

Do you think the Face of Gova could be harnessed for evil, or is it basically the opposite of the Ark of the Covenant?
For the sake of everyone in the world

I hope not

If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Gooooooooood ol' Virg Quest Portal Power. Can't go wrong with it! Though in a more practical sense I like the power I have for your game too but its SECRET

Would you rather have flight or invisibility?
Invisibility. Flight is awesome, but you're going to be caught and a public spectacle pretty much instantly unless you work your *** off to hide it. That's no fun. Invisibility literally hides itself, so all you have to do is be careful about when you vanish and you're golden.

Darwin, Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton in a free-for-all fight to the death. No items, final destination. Who survives?
Darwin, if he can survive long enough to adapt to the fight. Otherwise I'd probably give it to Newton.

Do you have a traditional brain like the rest of us? Or a neural muscle that communicates with your body via a subtle language of flexing and variable protein levels?
Its actually more of a hybrid of both those things. My body works on a whole different level than most people.

Fave cereal? If i were a cereal, which would i be and why?

Now same question but you now

You'd be the cereal that asks a goddamn question right as I'm about to finish and I'd be the one that IS FINALLY DONE WITH THIS MESS BOOOOOOOM

Also my favorite is Frosted Flakes because they're better than other cereals and they know it.[/collapse]

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
If I missed any questions, I'm sorry, let me know and I'll edit it in (unless I skipped it on purpose in which case sucks to be you, ask better questions next time nerd).


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
Who is the HOTTEST woman on the planet? You must include a picture with this response.



Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
If I missed any questions, I'm sorry, let me know and I'll edit it in (unless I skipped it on purpose in which case sucks to be you, ask better questions next time nerd).
You missed the "Hottest Women in existence" question.

Post it outside of the interview as well, so I don't have to look through it.

Favorite interview by far. Laughed so many times. Your answers are golden.

#HBC | Kary

Fiend of Fire
Apr 10, 2012
그루그 화산
LOVE this. Great job.

I'm most impressed with the number of parties you seem to have, and your ability to turn unlikely situations into a party. Maybe it is a muscle party, I don't know, but it still sounds like people are having a good time.

Also your unabashed affection for EE is pri' cool as well.



Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
btw your idea for a Wade Randolph character in tropic thunder is literally god damn brilliant. Holy **** I want this version of TT to exist now. There really just wasn't a character like that at all and it would fit so well hnnnngh

Related, but if your interview manages to create even one new Wade Randolph fan, you've done a damn good thing

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I'm already disappointed that you called it "baiten kaitos" yet called it one of your faves >: (


glyph is a Wade Randolph fan AND follows Business? Wow.

good read. ^_^

DtJ S2n

Stardog Champion
Nov 4, 2009
Glyph you need to go on the 20th I'ma be there and we can arm wrestle. I feel that despite how cute and girly I am, my muscles are like ****ing icebergs you guys don't know about them. Also it's fine you don't wanna marry right now I can wait. I'm unsure if DGames even knew of our relationship but they do now.

10/10 interview I nominate myself and only myself for nexties because I think I miiiight just be the best.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Haha, oh man Sold. You weren't here when me and Glyph tied and we had to Rock Paper Scissors to the death.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I still hate you guys for that.

especially because I knew, even if I started replying to all these loaded walls, Orbo would've had you as town over me.

it was basically gg

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
how long are you going to keep acting like we didn't beat you straight up and fair

I mean I keep biting my tongue every time but good gorf man

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
But you did.

The circumstances just made me salty :v
Doesn't mean it's not fair


also, while we're at it, you KEEP biting your tongue? Implying I keep bringing it up? Oh EE, please enlighten me. I don't mind call outs, but I'll be damned if I'm guilty of repeatedly bringing it up.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
I mean, stating that Orbo was gonna have us as town over you even prior to the argument is pretty clearly implyin' the deck was arbitrarily stacked against ya and therefore not fair

unless you're just saying that you read our counterarguments and **** and didn't feel the situation was winnable in lieu of them but the impression I'm getting (and emphasis being placed) is "no matter what I said or did or what play I made Orbo was gonna put you as town over me just cuz"

and heh I didn't mean to imply that you keep bringin it up or nothin, but this is the thing you say and attitude you have about it err time it comes up and thus a tongue is bitten. If my Zonarese is rusty then my bad ain't tryna start no funny business here now

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
I think we're getting away from the important questions here though, which are:

"Wait, you're a Wade Randolph fan?" and

"How the hell did you hear of him was it Gigabots or what?"


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I'm still salty about Gigabots. Probably the worst hardbody ever for me. I kinda deserved it though for playing like absolute ***.

Great interview (but I still want that question answered yo)

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
unless you're just saying that you read our counterarguments and **** and didn't feel the situation was winnable in lieu of them but the impression I'm getting (and emphasis being placed) is "no matter what I said or did or what play I made Orbo was gonna put you as town over me just cuz"
Well yeah, I'll readily admit that with the information at hand and Orbo's skill level, then your general linguistic skills versus mine, I simply had no chance.

Yeah the decks were arbitrarily stacked against me, but that happens all the time in mafia, lol. My own fault, too.
Yes, there wasn't anything I could do about it, which makes me salty. It was stacked against me, but that's normal. The fact you won was, no matter which way you look at it, fair.

Clear? :v

I think we're getting away from the important questions here though, which are:

"Wait, you're a Wade Randolph fan?" and

"How the hell did you hear of him was it Gigabots or what?"
I just found him on YouTube and then Business popped up sometime. **** was hilarious and I'm a fan now :D


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
I know of wade Randolph, gigabytes, and business, but I never watched all of it.

This interview has made me want to watch all of it. Angel Beats can wait a little longer.


DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Who is the HOTTEST woman on the planet? You must include a picture with this response.

Goddamnit, that was a really early question that I was all 'I'll come back to this one later, it needs proper thought' and then it got lost in the giant post.

[collapse=Hottest Woman]Travis Talboys! Come on down!

[collapse=Okay fine]Seriously, its

Lets be real. I know she's kind of a lame choice since who doesn't think she's hot but YOU ASKED AND YOU GOT AN ANSWER[/collapse][/collapse]


I'll level with you, I might have skipped that one on purpose meaning to go back to it after I finished all the questions and then forgotten to do so. And now, considering I have a spanish midterm in less than an hour (for which I have done zero studying because its spanish which is easier than making Rockin jokes) I probably won't be writing it now either. BUT SOON, IT IS NOT FORGOTTEN.

Wow that's actually a pretty easy connection to make looking back. And to make up for missing you, you get a BACK STORY as well!

Gabe was just an ordinary man, until one day he made a tremendous discovery! While digging a hole to plant [some German fruit tree, I dunno, Sausage maybe?] he stumbled onto the WORLD'S LARGEST SALT MINE.

Within days, Gabe was among the world's most powerful salt tycoons. Possibly even the most powerful, and his rivals knew it. So, under cover of darkness, they plotted to seal Gabe's salt mines forever.... WITH HIM INSIDE!!!

Gabe was powerless to stop them, and spent 3 months with nothing to eat but the salt around him. But something magically happened... rather than just dying, his very BEING became infused with salty powers! And thus GHEB was born!

I'm already disappointed that you called it "baiten kaitos" yet called it one of your faves >: (


glyph is a Wade Randolph fan AND follows Business? Wow.

good read. ^_^
Whatever, I played it in like middle school, loved it, but that name is HARD to spell from memory man. I never did play the prequel though.

Glyph you need to go on the 20th I'ma be there and we can arm wrestle. I feel that despite how cute and girly I am, my muscles are like ****ing icebergs you guys don't know about them. Also it's fine you don't wanna marry right now I can wait. I'm unsure if DGames even knew of our relationship but they do now.

10/10 interview I nominate myself and only myself for nexties because I think I miiiight just be the best.
For some reason every time I read that I didn't read 'muscles like icebergs' as like 'my muscles are giant' but as 'my muscles are cool as ****', which really works both ways.

But yeah, I do really hope I can make it as well. It was maximum fun last time.


Feb 28, 2010
Baton Rouge
Glyph, that better not be the kind of "NOT FORGOTTEN" that last night AGame was.


Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
The Office (older stuff, moreso)
Breaking Bad
American Dad!
Gurren Lagann
Digimon (seasons 1-3)
Samurai Jack

The ability to taste like any soup you want would actually be very incredible.

#HBC | ѕoup

The world is not beautiful, therefore it is.
Sep 15, 2010
Watching Business. Hilarious stuff. This guy seriously only has 166 views?

What the hell.

He even uses AWOLNATION music in one of his skits. Come the **** on.

DtJ Glyphmoney

Summoned from a trading card
Jul 24, 2006
Business episodes, ranked from best to worst:


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