Well, I may as well throw my hat into the ring too. I really, REALLY don't want to sound harsh, but I'm not going to be attending this either, as I don't really want to support MK legal tournaments either. And before you ask, no, it's not because I want to make my tournament experience easier, not because I want to eliminate a troublesome matchup, and not because I think it'll be easier to win money in that regard. I have clocked way too many hours, more than I would like to admit working on this silly topic, and I know for a fact that there's more to this debate than everyone thinks.
Anyway, you say that other regions are using a MK legal format, so why shouldn't you, right? This is a poor sense of reasoning, because I'm willing to bet that a lot of TOs hosting MK legal tournaments are following this logic too and simply caving into what appears to be the norm(Chibo, I'm calling you out >__>), causing more and more tournaments to shift to that ruleset, instead of following their own beliefs. This is known as a positive feedback loop, which is basically the notion of an action being able to cause even more of that action to occur sporadically. It's fine if a TO is doing what they believe is competitively sound for the game, or are ceding to the wishes of their own region, but no TO should be doing what all other TOs are doing if it's simply due to basic peer pressure.
A big problem with the way things are being run right now is that people seem to be under the impression that MK legal players comprise a very dominant majority over the course of all regions. This is, at least in the case of NYC, not even close to true. I know for a fact that there are a huge amount of players who would rather see MK not legal in tournaments. It may be for selfish reasons like money, it may be for simply wanting to help the game where possible, or it may just be to increase the fun factor of the game. Idk, I can't say for sure in that regard, but this point definitely needs to be rechecked, because I'm more than willing to bet that those in NYC who want to see MK legal comprise a very vocal minority that only seems like a majority. People have a huge tendency to speak up against changes like this, and in regard to the opposition, those on the MK banned side feel the need not to say anything about it, most likely because they are afraid of what seems to be an overbearing majority(To be honest, even I felt uneasy at a time about publicly saying MK needs the boot...).
I feel that this should apply to every region, but in the case of NYC, TOs need to take a full poll on its region's members on what kinds of ruleset changes should be put into effect. None of this "I'm pretty sure this is what everyone wants," because I'm going to tell you right now that this "everyone" you speak of is probably a vocal minority. Take a legit, balls to the walls, member by member poll on what they think a certain rule's configuration should look like. In this case, it's MK's legality. This post may be directed mainly at you Alex, but I do urge all TOs to take this approach when it comes to any controversial rule whenever possible. Doing so alleviates most problems with putting a rule into effect, even if it's not the one you agree with.
Now, with that in mind, a rule change still shouldn't be put into effect by poll alone unless the change itself is justified, so-
i already explained that I do not believe in that ban. I know you think its "needed" but I really don't. I won't change it on the simple premise of competition in my mind is about who is the best not who is the best under specific conditions.
Alex, it should be apparent by now, through all of the arguing and debating that's been going on for the past few years, that it's completely arguable that Meta Knight may not be one of the skill testing characters you or most other anti-ban arguers think he is.
This is a character that takes somewhere around 40%-50% of all tournament money, a figure that no other character comes even close to contesting. He completely destroys the counterpick system with his lack of bad matchups and absolute **** on counterpick stages(Delfino, Halberd, Frigate, Brinstar, RC). Rulesets have to be modeled around his very existence, with an arbitrary ledge grab limit and the removal of practically half the stagelist. Do you know how many anti-bans argue that MK doesn't need to be banned, but rather all sorts of rules need to be shifted around and then he's suddenly fine for competitive play(and even then, he still isn't)? This is practically a testament to MK being a banworthy force in the tournament scene, because these people are practically saying, "MK's broken, okay, but change these rules and he's not anymore!" We shouldn't be writing an entire rulebook to keep one character in line. No character gets this much attention, and it technically is causing the game to be played under a huge multitude of arbitrary, specific conditions, even moreso than if MK was just flat-out banned!
(If you want to argue this point at all, please respond to the below statement, because that's the point I'm trying to make.)
If you still think MK isn't a banworthy force in the scene, that's fine... but there's no way you can deny the precedent behind banning him exists.
I'm gonna drop some information on you regarding MK's monetary successes from 2011. I haven't really kept this kind of detailed data for MK Legal tournaments in 2012, but I can assure you that the data in 2012 would look very similar, as I've been keeping tabs on those tournaments regardless.
[collapse=Comparison Chart for Character Monetary Success in 2011 MK Legal Tournaments]
[collapse=Month by Month Success Rates in 2011 MK Legal Tournaments]
[collapse=Successful Player Count by Character in 2011 MK Legal Tournaments]
You're welcome to view even more information on the subject here:
But I do believe I have shown some precedent as to why the MK ban is justified. It's entirely plausible that MK use in tournaments does not truly help us determine the true skill level of players, nor of the identity of the most skilled players, as it's very likely that use of MK can overinflate one's winnings or potential to win, since that seems to be what you're so concerned about...
I'm not telling you to ban MK. But please bear in mind that you are dealing with an extremely vocal minority which tipped a lot of TOs in this way to begin with, and a positive feedback loop, which will ultimately cause more and more TOs to host MK legal tournaments, even if that's not how they feel things should be run but are simply operating under pressure. And... most importantly, we actually have reasonable cause for the ban to actually be justified, so...
Please, if you're not going to ban MK, at least poll your region over the matter.