This was a great weekend. I learned a lot and improved my game; very cool.
I didn't do too bad at DG IV. I went pretty much uncontested in Low Teir, and I didn't even use Zelda except for one fight. Too bad the pot was so small with an entry fee of only $3.
I was impressed with Narfanator. Last time me and Narf went at it with Samus dittos, if I remember correctly we were fairly even, with him winning a bit more often than not though. But this time in singles, even though I went at him with Sheik he still took me out of the tournament both times! Good ****, Narf, I learned several different techniques for Samus from you this weekend too, hopefully i'll see you again next event, maybe i'll try out my Ganon on you. ^_^
Too bad we couldn't do the PD tournament. Zoap, maybe I should have MM your bro so he would've come.
Thanks for hosting this, Razr, and thank your mom too for letting you do it.
DG IV was pretty successful. Although several people didn't end up entering singles, we had a good number of people come to the event. and had 5 stations running for tournament & friendlies throughout the night. I'm hoping these will continue to have growth next time too. Maybe get some more southern Norcal players.