To be fair, most attacks will knock you away decently far if your percentage is high. Although it is good to see that his air game will be useful in some cases. It'll be interesting to see how Little Mac evolves as we get a chance to play him more.
Exactly! I mean, we can at least count on them having some sort of knockback / gimping option at higher percenteges.
I just saw ZeRo playing like 6 matches in a row as Little Mac, and my confidence was brought back.
It seems waiting on the edge is a good strategy for people coming back up to the stage, due to Little Mac's super armor going right through the attack of the character crawling back up to the stage.
A LOT of roll-dodging and dashing is a must, apparently. It's just so fast, it's pretty much the closest thing to a wavedash I've seen in this game.
Must land that K.O. move. It's ESSENTIAL.
Little Mac struggles against Marth, Ness, and Jiggs, from what I've seen.

The latter two were particularly harder to deal with.
But overall, I've regained my confidence in Mac. As long as we become pros at landing that K.O. punch, we can be pretty confident. :D
+1, Ftilt after Fsmash is a good way to catch people off guard, as it comes out SO fast!