Hey there
I'll try to keep this relatively short and to the point.
I am organizing a "Game of Mafia Champions", which will feature the very best players from a bunch of different mafia communities. A cross-site game.
This is a very huge, very ambitious and very unique project. It's an experiment in seeing what happens when different mafia cultures clash. Also, it's a chance to let the best mafia players on the internet face off against each other.
The first three games of this kind have already been completed (almost 40 different mafia sites participated).
Game 1:
Game 2:
Game 3:
(feel free to remove the links if they are inappropriate or against your rules)
I am now trying to gather players for the fourth game in the series. And I wanted to ask you if your site would be interested in having a representative in this game?
I will let you guys decide completely by yourself how you choose this representative, whether it be by public poll or the mods electing the representative or some third thing. The only thing I would ask is that you please only send someone who you deem to be a champion of your site, someone who has enjoyed accolades or is acknowledged as a consensus top player. Please no "troll representative"
Extra information about the game:
- The game is scheduled to start May 5. Each game day (including night phase) is planned to be 2 real life days. Saturday and Sunday will always count as one real life day though, so less time intensive over the weekend.
- There will be 24 players and the game should last about 2 weeks.
- As for the setup, it wil be a semi-open setup with potential roles being listed in the OP - without revealing which are actually in the game.
- If your site wants to, you guys are very free to spectate the game. We will also have a spectator chat on Skype set up which anyone not in the game can be invited to. It was very fun for the first two games and attracted people from a bunch of different sites.
Note: It really is important that the chosen person can post plenty every game day. If there isn’t anyone on your site who would be able to manage this fast paced format, then that is obviously understandable
. Whoever the representative is needs to be prepared for 1000+ posts on day 1.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope that you’re as excited about this as I am. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Edit: I'd need the representative by May 2.