When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one gamer to dissolve the shadows of lies and deception which have been disseminated amongst those in the public forum of Smashboards, a decent respect to the forum as a whole requires that he should declare the truth, wholly, completely, and without reservation.
- I wholeheartedly believe that ALAX migrated to SSFIV:AE because he was discouraged in Melee. He had played SSFIV:AE for some time before attempting to pick up Melee after he watched Javi play at Apex 2012 and became interested in the game. However, ALAX does not own a cube, or Melee, so techskill training was not an option for him. He constantly would become filled with an excess of Sodium Chloride after his losses, and has said, to my face, multiple times, that he did not want to play Melee because he "didn't enjoy getting bodied all the time". I never claimed that he quit for any other reason than discouragement. When he did win, he seemed to me to be quite elated and enjoying himself quite thoroughly. It was only when he lost to a player he did not believe should beat him, due to his lack of technical consistency, or when he lost to me multiple games in a row, that he seemed to stop enjoying himself. If that is not discouragement, then, friends, I implore you, what is?
-He is not better than me at SSFIV:AE. I do not believe, however, that my statement implied my complete and utter domination of him in any way. I refuse to apologize for saying that I beat you (note my ambiguity: I did not say I always beat you, or even that I often beat you, only that I do beat you). We went extremely even the last time we played; the time before that, we played 30+ matches, and the win ratio was something along the lines of 87% wins for me to 13% wins for him. Getting absolutely rocked, then going even, does not, in any way, under any circumstances, make you better than me, ALAX. You have been misinformed.
-I would like to respectfully decline your offer; I do not wish to tickle your ballsack at this time. I would, however, like to submit a counter offer:
Would you be interested in ingesting my fecal matter? In layman's terms, I am telling you to eat my sh*t, ALAX.
-And, in closing, ingest my fecal matter.
That is all.