Smash Legend
I didn't address it because DK's cargo throws are designed to work in the air, and on the ground, while most normal throws are only designed to work on the ground. I'm not sure how these moves would change in the air, and I think some of them get absolutely stupid (Kirby's U-throw replaces DK's Cargo U-throw).Well, you're still ignoring the compromise I put up. I'd like to think that captures both the easy and the good, so there's no real need to belabor the point further.
I'm not really thinking of either move as a comping move. I'm thinking more of it's ability to prevent camping. There are other moves that can be used for creating a wall and camping at safe distances, but few moves are as hard to camp against as Fox's laser.
It also forces me to thoroughly rework everything about what I want on this character because it opens up a crapton of gimping power that I previously didn't consider.
I also think it's a buzz-kill answer quite honestly because it doesn't really answer anything, it just says, "Here, have more moveslots."
Fox's lasers are harder to camp than Falco's lasers because you can move towards Fox while he's doing them and not suffer except for your percent going up (unless he stops and does something else). Falco is different because he actually inhibits movement and therefore gets to set the pace to how he wants to move and act. The exceptions are Peach and Puff but quite honestly I think that one's more attributable to how Falco's jumps are so awkwardly high. He can't shoot at mid height.
this would probably be more interesting if you had to pick a base character and were restricted to 3 move swaps or something
Captain Falcon as base
Peach's Dash Attack
Falco's Laser
Sheik's D-throw
Is what I'd start with I think