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DC vs. Marvel: Infinity Crisis

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Dr. Octopus Costumes:
Note: The physic of Doc Ock changes in most of these costumes, for aesthetic purpose imagina that everyone has a body shape similar to the version of the 2004's Movie, not too fat but also not too slim.
The tentacles would go back
Animated Series
Ends of the Earth
The armor would still show his arms and legs
Marvel's Spider-Man
Superior Octopus
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Arcade mode endings:

Doctor Octopus:

Doc Ock forms a new Sinister Six, consisting of team mainstays like himself, the Vulture, and Mysterio, along with Metropolis villains Livewire and Parasite and the Gotham villain Clayface. Most of them are unsure why they formed (it's not like they can get revenge on Superman), but Otto has a plan.

The team manages to take out Intergang with Doc Ock's leadership, and they get their hands on the gang's technology from Apokolips. This would be enough to give most heroes trouble, and the other members celebrate their victory, but Otto isn't done yet. This is technology, after all - it can be reverse engineered and improved upon...



Nightwing is patrolling Bludhaven - he's heard that Bane is in hiding in the city, undoubtedly plotting something. Just as he debates calling for back-up from the Batfamily, he sees Bane... getting thrown through a window by a little girl. Molly Hayes yells at Bane that this is their clubhouse, so he has to get his own!

Nightwing thanks the Runaways, recognizing that they might be new in town, but they mean well. He asks if they want to see his patrol route - Molly and Victor jump at the opportunity, and while Nico, Karolina, and Chase aren't as enthusiastic, they tag along to make sure that the other two are going to be okay. Nightwing thinks back to his days as Robin, finding it hard to believe that he was younger than any of the Runaways when he started fighting crime, but they'll be fine as long as they have someone to help them along the way.



Deathstroke has started a mercenary business in Madripoor, but there are plenty of people who aren't too happy about that. At the top of the list is Taskmaster, who attacks Deathstroke because he feels like Slade is stealing his clients. After a brief scuffle, they recognize each other's level of skill, and Taskmaster offers Slade a teaching position at Taskmaster's Academy with a pay of 10% of the profits. Slade haggles for 15%, and Taskmaster agrees.

We see Slade training some of the new recruits. He doesn't particularly care about the money, but if a job like this makes things more difficult for do-gooders like the Justice League or the Teen Titans, then that's good enough for him.


Black Canary

A superhero's work is never done, and shortly after the defeat of Thanoseid, Black Canary can be found infiltrating a Hydra base along with Mockingbird. Over their earpieces, Fury warns them that if Baron Strucker's Death Spore missiles are allowed to launch, they'll wipe out all life on the eastern seaboard.

They make it to the control room, where Strucker and Madame Hydra are waiting, along with dozens of Hydra agents. The agents are taken out quickly, and Dinah unleashes a Canary Cry to send Strucker flying into a wall. Just as Strucker's wearily about to press the launch button, he's tazed by Madame Hydra, who's revealed to be Black Widow in disguise. As they wait for SHIELD's clean-up crew to arrive, Dinah tells Mockingbird that the next time Fury calls in a favour, it had better be for something like moving a couch or looking after his cat for a weekend. (Mockingbird jokes that the cat would probably be tougher to handle)


The Wasp

We see the tail end of a video call that the Wasp is having with Captain Marvel, Nova, Superman, and Highfather, where Wasp says that they'll keep an eye out for any traces of Darkseid in their universe. Feeling a little tired from all of these cross-universe meetings, Jan heads back to her penthouse for some much-needed rest and relaxation.

...only for her to run into Giganta, who's causing a ruckus, on the way there. Jan zaps her, causing Gianta to say that she's going to squash the Wasp like a bug. Smiling, the Wasp charges into into the fray. She grows to giant size and hits Giganta, saying that this bug is going to squash her!
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 131:Thanos and Darkseid as Rivals with other

that is very easy,the connection between Thanos and Darkseid is both are powerful intergalatic warlords,both are members from a cosmic races (Eternals and New Gods respectively),both have their goals that will enable them to end life on a universal scale (Thanos wants all infinity stones and Darkseid wants the anti-life equation) and both are arch-enemies from a superhero team (Avengers and Justice League respectively).

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
  • For Cyborg my option is Iron Man considering their connection to technology, impressive only Batman fights Iron Man has a rival so I think a second fight shouldn't hurt.
  • For Wasp my option is Blue Beetle considering their insect theme.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
For the Wasp's rival, I'll nominate Harley Quinn. Both are women who saw great success as solo acts following a dramatic break-up, though they're on opposite sides of the law.

For Darkseid's rival, I'll nominate Thor - Jack Kirby wanted to follow up Thor with a Ragnarok storyline that led to a second generation of gods, which was the genesis for the New Gods that he'd eventually create at DC. So basically it would be old gods vs. new gods.

For Thanos's rival, I'm going to nominate Green Lantern - a space-based villain would be right in the Green Lanterns' territory, and the Green Lantern hasn't been anyone's rival yet.

(I was originally going to nominate Iron Man for Cyborg, but that's already covered)


Trading Cards:

Talia al Ghul
  • The daughter of Ra's al Ghul, Talia was raised from birth to be part of his criminal empire, though her gender prevents Ra's from seeing her as his "true" heir. She deeply loves Batman, and there are times where it seems like the feeling might be mutual, though her devotion to Ra's keeps them apart.
Robin (Damian Wayne)
  • The son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, Damian was raised by the League of Assassins as Ra's al Ghul's heir, Damian is a violent and bratty child. However, time spent with his father and Nightwing helped him to become more heroic, though he still lacks social skills and has a tendency towards violence.
Wonder Girl (Donna Troy)
  • Wonder Woman's protege and one of the founding members of the Teen Titans. Donna's history is complicated, to put it mildly, and she's faced a lot of tragedy and confusion as a result of it. However, at the end of the day, she's become a mentor to the Teen Titans thanks to her compassion, empathy, power, and skills that are comparable to Wonder Woman herself.
  • Roy Harper was previously Green Arrow's protege, Speedy, before striking off on his own. While Oliver was a good mentor to Roy, he was also a distant parent, leading to Roy wanting to be much closer to his own daughter Lian.
  • The Anti-Monitor seeks nothing less than the destruction of all positive matter universes so that his own can reign supreme. This brought about a crisis on infinite earths that nearly destroyed the multiverse, and whenever he makes a move, all other conflicts are seen as minor by comparison.
  • Jean Grey is one of the world's most powerful telepaths and telekinetics. A near-death experience led to her coming into contact with the Phoenix Force, a cosmic force that embodies creation and destruction, and she's been associated with it ever since, for better or worse.
  • Mama McCoy's bouncing baby boy, Hank McCoy has fought for coexistence between mutants and humans since he was young. A gifted athlete and scholar, Hank has six PhDs, he's one of the smartest people on the planet, and he's been a member of the Avengers, the Defenders, and SWORD. Despite his monstrous appearance, he's living proof that Professor Xavier's dream can come to fruition.
Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
  • Clint Barton is a carnival worker who saw crowds of people that were impressed by Iron Man and thought "I could do better than that." Carrying a major chip on his shoulder early in his career (which often led to him butting heads with Captain America), Clint gradually became a steadfast member of the Avengers and a capable leader in his own right. He even worked with the Thunderbolts for a time to guide its members towards rehabilitation.
Hawkeye (Kate Bishop)
  • After Clint Barton's death, Kate Bishop took on the codename Hawkeye after demonstrating her impressive archery skills alongside the New Avengers. After the Scarlet Witch revived her namesake, the two got along relatively well, having adventures battling organized crime and meeting a pizza-loving dog. She also started her own private investigation company in Los Angeles.
America Chavez
  • Raised in another dimension known as the Utopian Parallel, America Chavez is a multiversal traveler who can create star-shaped portals by punching or kicking. She's an extremely powerful hero, and she knows it. America has worked with the Young Avengers and the Ultimates, though her skills as a team player could still use some work.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
white suit.jpg
White Suit
Dr octopus.jpg
Animated series
dr octopus reboot.JPG
Chapter One
60s cartoon
Superior Octopus.jpg
Superior Octopus
Ultimate cartoon
movie style.jpg

Catwoman classics.jpg
Purple Dress
Catwoman purple (2).jpg
Purple Spandex
Catwoman animated.jpg
Animated series
Last Angel.jpg
Last Angel
Golden Age

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
While I don't think I will be able to give them a description, I would like to list every trading card that I could think is missing, maybe maybe maybe when I had the time I could edit this and other posts with the descriptions if nobody elses did them.

Iron Lad
Marvel Boy
Red Hulk (Thunderbolt Ross)
Ghost Spider (Gwen Stacy)
Mister Negative
Hope Summers

Timothy Hunter:
Stephanie Brown:
Cassandra Cain:
Tim Drake:
Lucifer Morningstar:
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Deleted member






Animated Series



Long Haloween


Silver Age





Dr._Octopus_Marvel (1).jpg





Out of Reach





Animated Series


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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
  • Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's costumes for Black Canary and Storm will be used!
  • Doctor Fate's rival will be Scarlet Witch!
  • Scarlet Witch's rival will be Zatanna!
  • Ultimate Spider-Man and Blue Beetle will be each other's rivals!
  • Raven and Harley Quinn won't get premiere costumes!
Here are the polls for Black Panther and Deadpool's premiere costumes:

These are the polls for Captain Marvel and Ra's al Ghul's costumes:


Job 131: arcade mode rivals for Cyborg, the Wasp, Darkseid, and Thanos

This is the last set of rivalries for the base game! We've made a lot of progress when it comes to the characters - we just have three movesets left to go (Nightwing, Raven, and Catwoman), a bunch of arcade mode endings (which are quick to do, at least), and the remaining costumes. Speaking of which...

Job 132: costumes for Catwoman and Doctor Octopus

I'm hoping to finish up the base game content before moving on to DLC, but we'll see how it goes. (I might move on to DLC in the next few days instead) I figure we'll get through the premiere costumes pretty quickly if we keep up the pace of four at a time, but I want to have a list of a character's normal costumes before moving on to their premiere ones.


I'm going to go through the list of characters and see what I can do about coming up with arcade mode endings; I've got rough ideas for Doc Ock, Nightwing, and Deathstroke.

For reference, these are the only arcade mode endings that we haven't covered:

The FlashThor
Green LanternBlack Panther
Plastic ManCaptain Marvel
ZatannaDoctor Octopus
Black CanaryGhost Rider
Martian ManhunterVenom
Green ArrowLoki
DeathstrokeUltimate Spider-Man
Blue BeetleWasp

I might also submit more trading card descriptions - either any major absences that stick out to me, or player characters that don't have descriptions yet.


Catwoman costumes

1. Default

2.Golden Age

3. 1966

4. Arkham City

5. Animated Series

6. 90's

7. Batman Returns

8. Modern

Doctor Octopus costumes:

1. Default

2. Classic

3. Suit

4. Superior Octopus
(with Otto's normal proportions)

5. Trenchcoat
(just the costume)

6. Marvel's Spider-Man

7. Ultimate
(for the sake of consistency, the tentacles would still come out of his back)

8. Lab Equipment
Job 131: Rivals
Cyborg vs The Thing - Both have had their physical bodies mutilated due to freak accidents that have forced them to reconcile with their new life and become superheroes; For Victor, it's something he embraced much more than Ben, so this matchup makes sense.
Wasp vs... uh, Deathstroke - I don't know. I feel like they would fight. I was initially going to say Blue Beetle but Miles is already fighting him (and Venom isn't for some reason)
Darkseid and Thanos should be each other's rivals.

1. New 52/Rebirth (Default)

Ideally there would be less cleavage
2. DC Bombshells
3. Batman Returns
4. Animated Series
5. Golden Age
6. Ame-Comi
7. Green Suit
8. Solo Series
I missed quite a few of the past costume jobs, so I apologize for that. My time has been occupied by my personal life, but I should be able to get a lot more active in this going forward.
With that said, I am currently crunched for time, so I won't submit Doc Ock costumes and the Catwoman moveset I was planning will have to wait for later today

Edit: Replaced an image for one of the costumes that gives a better look at the design
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
  • Black Panther's premiere costumes will be Erik Killmonger and Kasper Cole!
  • Deadpool won't have premiere costumes
  • We'll be using my costumes for Captain Marvel, and Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's costumes for Ra's al Ghul!

Since the costumes are spread out between two pages, I'll post the links here:

-Megadoomer (Catwoman and Doc Ock)
-Infinity Sorcerer (Doc Ock)
-Oddball (Catwoman and Doc Ock)
-Darkonedagger (Catwoman and Doc Ock)
-1SecondNinja (Catwoman)


While I'm going to space out the character jobs a bit more than I did for the base game, I think we'll get started with DLC. I don't want the thread to feel like it's getting monotonous (since the only jobs we have left that have nomination periods are regular costumes and premiere costumes), and we've already got the categories for the entire season planned out. (we might do DLC costume packs at some point down the line, since that's easy/cheap DLC, but I figure we'll get at least two sets of costumes done per day, so we should be finished those before we're done with season 1)

Job 133: nominate a DC villain for DLC

Any DC villain qualifies for this, beyond the ones that are currently in the game. (the Joker, Lex Luthor, Ra's al Ghul, Harley Quinn (?), Deathstroke, Starro, and Darkseid) I'm sure that most of you have ideas in mind already, so I don't think I'll need to list examples - there are plenty of Batman or Superman villains that we haven't covered yet, along with members of the rogues galleries of countless other heroes like the Flash, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, etc.

Job 134: nominate costumes for Martian Manhunter and Ghost Rider

Same as normal - a default costume and 1-7 alternate costumes. I'll see what I can come up with and post my choices later.


I'm going to post arcade mode endings and trading cards later today.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
My villain submission is another villain from Flash.

Captain Cold
Leonard Snart, is impressive to see how far we manage to go without any actual ice user (I mean, some characters like Superman has ice abilities but aren't a main part of their kit), Cold is one of Flash non-speedsters more popular villains so have him here would be very cool (no pun intended).
I will resubmitt Captain Cold, and I will post costumes for Ghost Rider later at home.
Aug 14, 2021
Bloodsauce Dungeon, Pizza Tower, ???
DC Villain submission:
Gorilla Grodd (Resubmission)
Gorilla Grodd is a villain from Flash comic series and he is a Gorilla that has psionic abilities like mind manipulation for example. He was used to live in Africa, but he was kidnapped by scientists and turned into intelligent ape that can build random inventions.
He is Flash's archnemesis according to Flash comics.

He is one of non-batman villains that could make sense in this fighting game. Also he could be another non-human character in game.

His moveset would reference his gadgets and his abilities. He could use his Freeze Ray to Freeze Freeze opponent or create an illusion to trick the opponent.
Heck, he could use his natural abilities like his strengh as normal attack for example.

I think Gorrila Grodd would be interesting choice in this game, since we could have another non-human character in game. Plus he could have unique moveset potential as a fighter.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Trading Cards

  • Hank Pym designed an artificial intelligence, using his own brain patterns as a basis. The android immediately turned against his creator, fled, and began a campaign of attempted genocide against the human race that has lasted years - Hank doesn't like the implications of what this says about himself. Ultron is one of the most persistent foes of the Avengers, able to upload his AI into seemingly any piece of technology.
Kang the Conqueror
  • Born in the peaceful 31st century, the man later known as Kang the Conqueror quickly grew bored, seeking the excitement that could only be found in the untamed past. After traveling to the 40th century and harnessing its advanced technology, Kang travelled back to modern times in order to conquer them. Whether he's going by Rama-Tut, the Scarlet Centurion, or Kang the Conqueror, he's a force to be reckoned with.
Franklin Richards
  • The son of Reed and Sue Richards, Franklin has been a powerful reality warper since a very young age. Blessed with godlike power but unable to control it at first, he made life very interesting for the Fantastic Four. In the future, he will survive to the end of the universe, forming a bond with Galactus in the process.
Valeria Richards
  • The daughter of Reed and Sue Richards, and one of the smartest people on the planet. Valeria's intelligence arguably surpasses her father's, though her moral compass could use some work. (this isn't helped by her "uncle" being Doctor Doom)
  • When he was a boy, Wilson Fisk was an unpopular, blubbery child, but a lifetime of training his body and mind led to him becoming the Kingpin of crime in New York City. Hiding his criminal activities behind legitimate businesses, it's nearly impossible to pin anything on him and make it stick, much to the frustration of crimefighters like Spider-Man or Daredevil.
  • The daughter of a Greek diplomat, Elektra was classmates with Matthew Murdock in college, but after her father perished in an unfortunate accident, she fled the country and travelled the world, eventually joining the Hand. This would eventually bring her into conflict with her former lover Matthew, who now goes by Daredevil.
Luke Cage
  • Imprisoned for a crime that he didn't commit, Luke Cage volunteered for an experimental procedure that ultimately left him with unbreakable skin. Setting up business as a Hero For Hire, he'll help anyone who will pay his fees. Just don't try to back out of paying - ask Doctor Doom how well that works out for you.
Beast Boy
  • Garfield Logan contracted a rare illness, but was cured by a serum from a green monkey. This gave him the ability to turn into any animal. After a short time with the Doom Patrol, he joined the Teen Titans, where he became a mainstay member. Constantly making jokes, Beast Boy's sense of humour masks his fears and worries about losing anyone around him.
  • Tara Markov joined the Teen Titans, putting her ability to control rocks and minerals to good use. However, it was all a ruse - in reality, she was a mercenary working for Deathstroke to gain the team's trust and lure them into a trap. Psychotic and manipulative, Terra hates virtually everyone around her, with Deathstroke being one of the rare exceptions.
Mister Terrific (Michael Holt)
  • The third smartest man on Earth, Mister Terrific has an aptitude for learning just about anything. In addition, he's an Olympic gold medalist in the decathlon, a CEO, and a member of the Justice Society of America. For a brief time, he led a team known as the Terrifics, consisting of himself (a super-scientist), a rubber-limbed goofball, a woman who can turn intangible, and a monstrous-looking man who can alter his body into various chemical elements.
  • Upon being doused with an experimental chemical during a gang war, Virgil Hawkins gained a wide variety of electromagnetic powers. A fan of superheroes, he quickly became a protector of the city of Dakota. He can use his powers to magnetize and demagnetize objects, throw bolts of lightning, and even stick to walls, though he doesn't use that last power often since he doesn't want to be confused with Dracula.
  • The spirit of Hawkman has been reincarnated throughout time and space, with many people throughout history taking on the role. Whether it's the ancient Egyptian Prince Khufu, the modern archaeologist Carter Hall, or the Thanagarian warrior Katar Hol, many have chosen to don the hawk mask and wield the Nth metal mace of Hawkman.
  • Much like Hawkman, Hawkgirl or Hawkwoman has been reincarnated throughout the centuries, starting with Princess Chay-Ara in ancient Egypt. Shayera Thal of Thanagar and Shiera Sanders and Kendra Saunders of Earth have also used the title. A longtime member of the Justice League, Hawkgirl speaks softly but carries a big Nth metal mace.
The Atom (Ray Palmer)
  • Discovering a White Dwarf Star fragment, physicist Ray Palmer experimented with it to find that it could be used to shrink objects, but doing so left them extremely unstable and caused them to explode. When trapped in a cave, Ray had no choice to try using the star fragment on himself in order to escape, discovering that he could survive the process. Using this ability to shrink down to subatomic sizes, he decided to fight crime as the Atom.
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Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
DC Villain


One of Superman's most famous villians outside of Luthor. Brainiac has had many different forms and can rely on a vast variety of sci-fi weapons.

Dan Ketch.jpg
Dan Ketch
ghostrider classic.jpg
John Blaze
Ghostrider 2099--marvel--.jpg
Cosmic Ghost Rider.jpg
Blue flames
Secret Wars Johnny Blaze Ghost Rider.jpg
Secret Wars
red and yellow suit.jpg
Red and Yellow suit

Martian Manhunter.jpg
New 52.jpg
full body suit X
Justice Lords.jpg
Justice Lords
black lantern.jpg
Black Lantern
Bloodwynd (no, seriously. This really is Martian Manhunter)
Son of Saturn.jpg
Son of Saturn
Emperor Joker


Smash Hero
Aug 7, 2021
your mom
DC Villain: King Shark

King Shark, also known as Nanaue, was born in Hawaii as the son of the shark god. He was responsible for a number of missing persons over the years before being stopped by Superboy. Since then, he's become a recurring adversary for the Boy of Steel, as well as Aquaman and The Flash.

He's also been a recurring member of the Suicide Squad, even being featured in the recent 2021 Suicide Squad movie (the good one) as something of a team mascot, which gave him plenty of exposure. We don't have many Suicide Squad members on the roster, so if we were to add one I'd say King Shark is one the best choices. Also he's never been in a fighting game before.

In addition to that, we should definitely give him an interaction with his ex should he make it in
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC

Captain Boomerang

A longtime thorn in the Flash's side, and an implausibly long-serving member of the Suicide Squad, George "Digger" Harkness is a jerk, to put it very, very mildly. He's the sort of person who would cause one of his teammates to lose life or limb just to see if a threat that's being made is absolutely serious.

Armed with a variety of modified boomerangs that vary from razor-sharp to rocket-propelled or serving as grappling hooks (and giant boomerangs that he's strapped the Flash to on multiple occasions, because if at first you don't succeed with launching someone into space using a giant boomerang, try, try again), Captain Boomerang is a versatile but self-centered supervillain.

Plus, there's a Marvel villain who's just called Boomerang that fought the Hulk and Spider-Man, started his own cheap knock-off of the Sinister Six, and stole a portrait of an unmasked Doctor Doom, so there are bound to be some fun interactions there.
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Smash Champion
Sep 26, 2021
Job 133:General Zod

General Zod is the Superman villain,he is one of Kryptorians that survive the explosion of his home planet, Zod is megalomaniacal and he has the same powers that Superman has.

General Zod appears in injustice 1,but as DLC character,probably his attacks would be the same from injustice

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Ghost Rider Costumes:
King of Hell
Undead G-Man
Ghost Racer
Would still ride a motorcycle
Daniel Ketch (Death Rider)
Costume Only

I am tempted to add the Cosmic Ghost Rider, but I think it could work has a great Premier Costume (alongside Robbie Reyes)
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Ghost Rider costumes:

1. Default
ghost rider alt.png
2. Secret Wars

3. Classic

4. Outlaw

5. Death Rider

6. Attilan Rising

7. 2099
(whose name is Kenshiro Cochrane, which is too badass for me to make up)

8. Samurai

I don't know much about Ghost Rider, but I'm confident that he can make just about anything look awesome.
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Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
General Playstyle
Catwoman is a hit-and-run fighter, being highly agile on her feet, focused on attacking in quick barrages and swiftly escaping dangerous situations
(Ideally, she would have lower health points than most other characters on the roster to reinforce this playstyle)

Unique Ability 1 - A Thief At Heart
(I'm under the assumption the gameplay relies on a two-bar health-system e.g. Injustice and Mortal Kombat)
Attacking the opponent slowly builds up a Steal Gauge for Selina, which can only be used once on her second bar on health. Once filled, it can be activated during the midst of an attack or combo, in which, whilst attacking, Selina will steal the health of the opponent and fill up hers, given her a health advantage.

Unique Ability 2 (Passive) - Bloodrush
If Selina lands a continuous string of attacks while the opponent is bleeding, it will result in the opponent's bleed damage increasing due to the physical stress on their already bleeding wounds

Special Move NameInputDescription
C'mere, DarlingHCB + XSelina wraps the opponent in her whip and draws them close to her, dealing damage upon the whip making contact and leaving an opening for Selina to do a follow-up attack
Sharpened ClawsZB + XSelina does a multi-hit strike using her claws that inflicts light bleed damage
Light on her FeetDP + XSelina jumps/parkours over the opponent and does a claw strike against their back as she lands, and leaves another opening for a follow-up attack
Nasty SurpriseQCF + X (Air OK)Catwoman throws a set of rapid fire Bolas (from the Arkham games) that inflicts light damage, but knocks down the opponent, leaving them open for a followup attack
Kept at a DistanceQCB + XUsed as a ranged tool to keep distance from the opponent, Catwoman attacks with a single whip strike, which can be charged by holding the attack button. The longer it's charged, the further the attack reaches and - it inflicts bleed on all charges, but does more bleed damage when charged longer

For her Level 2 Special, I will point out (before anybody else does) that it is heavily inspired by Injustice 2 - It's a very good special move for Selina, so I opted to pay homage to it.
Super Move NameInputDescription
Claw Rush2QCF + XSelina rushes down the opponent with a series of claw strikes, with the final hit inflicting moderate bleed damage, before retreating back to her original position
Bad Kitty2HCF + XSelina jumps off screen and returns with her motorcycle, ramming the opponent at a high speed, grabbing them by the leg with her whip, and performing a wheelie, dragging them around the center of the stage inflicting damage, before Selina jumps off the motorcycle and it drives off the stage, out of sight.
It inflicts moderate bleed damage
Nobody Catches the World's Greatest Thief (Cinematic)All Buttons PressedSelina summons a stray cat that gives the opponent Rabies
Selina kicks the opponent into a wall, breaking it entirely as the opponent now finds themselves in another room- one filled with red lasers, with a diamond jewel encased in glass on the other side.
Catwoman takes her chance and gracefully evades all the lasers, leading to the opponent hastily giving chase
They trigger the alarms, which causes the security systems to go off, and two sentry machine guns activate and relentlessly hammer the opponent. Selina, with the diamond in hand, slides a small explosive device down to the opponent's feet, and proceedingly jumps out a window and swings around the outside of a museum building (with her whip) whilst an explosion goes off inside
The cinematic ends with the opponent making a hard landing into the stage, while Selina gracefully swings back into her original position, taunting the diamond jewel, and hiding it in her belt.

If anybody has any thoughts on this moveset, I would love to hear them; On that note, I think it's best to keep moveset posts separate from job posts, so I'll post this now and get to the new jobs in my next one.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
If anybody has any thoughts on this moveset, I would love to hear them; On that note, I think it's best to keep moveset posts separate from job posts, so I'll post this now and get to the new jobs in my next one.
Looks good to me! Maybe the name of the level 3 could be shortened to "World's Greatest Thief" (or "Can't Catch This Cat"?), but I like how you incorporated elements from the Arkham series, and she seems to have a lot of options for getting the opponent close to her or keeping them at a distance.

What does ZF mean? (I'm assuming that DP is Dragon Punch/Shoryuken)


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
So... I figured this character would have been submitted by now, but it looks like no one has done so. I know we're all thinking it- I'll be the one to say it.

Job 133: DC Villain (DLC)
Alias: Teth-Adam
First Appearance: The Marvel Family #1 (December, 1945)

Black Adam has quickly risen up the ranks of DC's characters - from being just "Shazam's nemesis" to one of the most iconic villains in DC's entire library, thanks to the upcoming promotion surrounding his own solo film (starring none other than Dwayne the Rock Johnson), which was quickly followed by a resurgence of very frequent appearances, including Multiversus.
A slave given the powers of gods by the Wizard Shazam, Teth-Adam liberated his people, before become obsessed with his own power and going rogue, abusing his status as an unkillable diety. The Wizard struck back against him, banishing him to the furthest star in the sky in which it would take 5,000 years for him to return to Earth. From that day one, he would solely he referred to as Black Adam, as he has since disgraced himself. Unfortunately, Adam did return, with an ultimate vengeance against the Wizard, his new champion Billy Batson, and the rest of the world. Conquering the foreign nation of Khandaq for his own, and becoming its sovereign ruler, Adam now walks upon the Earth again, as an untouchable political figure and a powerful adversary to anyone that stands in his way. Throughout the years, he has developed greatly, with his motivations constantly changing, to the point where he as even recently become the leader of the Justice League- but even through this mask, everyone knows that Black Adam is far from pure-hearted, and the day will arise where he must be defeated again.

Black Adam was given the magical powers of 6 powerful Egyptian gods, which he would consider as making him a god himself-
The Stamina of Shu - Essentially grants Black Adam immortality (removing the need for him to eat or breath), and infinite endurance and stamina, making him battle-ready at a moment's notice. Also, he is resistant to the cold.
The Swiftness of Heru - Responsible for Black Adam's flight and incredible super speed
The Strength of Amon - Obviously, this grants him super strength - But this should not be taken as a basic ability, as this had made him powerful enough to take on the Wizard, Shazam (Captain Marvel), Superman, and the entirety of the Justice Society, all on his own, and granting him the title of the strongest metahuman on Earth*
The Wisdom of Zehuti - The source of Black Adam's vast knowledge and scholarly information
The Power of Aton - The source of Black Adam's most iconic attribute, his thunder-based powers, including Electrokinesis, and forming a weapon out of a literal thunderbolt; However, he is also granted the ability to augment his already insane physical attributes, grant self-healing, and perform inter-dimensional travel
The Courage of Mehen - This grants Adam with unending courage, meaning he never backs down from a fight; it is also the source of his invulnerability.
However, in some comics, there is a seventh god of which Black Adam has been granted powers from...
The Power of Isis - By far the most powerful- and subsequently least used- of his collection of abilities, the Egyptian Goddess Isis grants Black Adam a boost in all his other powers, and adds Telekinesis (self-explanatory) and Weather Manipulation, with the latter being his most powerful ability, giving him control of all of Earth's elements; tornadoes, floods, rising magma, even Hurricanes - all now at Adam's disposal.

*It would really be Superman, but let's put that aside for now.

Reasons for Inclusion:
Black Adam just feels like such a vital character to have, to the point where his absence in the base roster has already been called out several times in our previous discussions.
His insane rise in popularity, a diverse array of powers, his impact in DC comics as a whole, and being a villain with no relation to Batman or Superman, all make him a prime choice for an eventual inclusion.
I'll also lay this fact out on the table: Captain Marvel was a huge comic in the 40's, influencing the superhero landscape upon his arrival and reaching levels of popularity that surpassed even Superman (which, given the time frame, is huge feat). It is an IP that is definitely calling for more than just 1 character for representation, and with its main villain on the rise to becoming one of DC's most recognizable names, it makes perfect sense to have Adam join the roster at this point.



Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
Looks good to me! Maybe the name of the level 3 could be shortened to "World's Greatest Thief" (or "Can't Catch This Cat"?), but I like how you incorporated elements from the Arkham series, and she seems to have a lot of options for getting the opponent close to her or keeping them at a distance.

What does ZF mean? (I'm assuming that DP is Dragon Punch/Shoryuken)
a Forward Z movement with the control stick (which is what DP is). I meant to put it down as ZB (backwards), so I'll fix that.

Deleted member


A main enemy of Wonder Woman. I think Wonder Woman is big enough for a second rep. Cheetah stuck out as both the most interesting and most known of her rouges. She'd have a savage playstyle. The Marvel characters could compare her to their own Tigra.
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
  • Cyborg's rival will be Iron Man!
  • The Wasp's rival will be Harley Quinn!
  • Darkseid and Thanos will be rivals for each other!
  • We'll be using PinkFlare PinkFlare 's Catwoman costumes!
  • We'll be using Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's Doctor Octopus costumes!
  • Oddball Oddball 's Martian Manhunter costumes win by default!
With that, we're done with the arcade mode rivalries! Thanks to everyone for nominating them!

Here's the poll for Ghost Rider's costumes:


Here are the nominees for the DC villain DLC character:

dc villains dlc nominees.png

-Captain Cold ( Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer )
-Gorilla Grodd ( Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds )
-Brainiac ( Oddball Oddball )
-King Shark ( Jondolio Jondolio )
-Captain Boomerang ( Megadoomer Megadoomer )
-General Zod ( DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
-Black Adam ( PinkFlare PinkFlare )
-Cheetah (@Darkonedagger)

As usual for this sort of thing, we'll do ranked voting - vote for your top three, and you can't put your own in first place.

1. Gorilla Grodd
2. Black Adam
3. Brainiac


Job 135: nominate premiere costumes for Nightwing, Cyclops, Plastic Man, and/or the Thing

Same as before; you can nominate up to two premiere costumes per character. I don't know if every character has a feasible option, but I'm just going to keep going through the roster in order, four at a time.

Job 136: nominate costumes for Green Arrow and Venom

Nominate their default costume, plus 1-7 alternates. (we're getting near the end of the costumes - after this, there will just be 12 more characters to go)


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Oddball Oddball 's Martian Manhunter costumes win by default!
Woo-hoo! Default!

Deluxe costumes for Nightwing...
Classic Robin

Costumes for Plastic Man ...
enlon.jpg fant.jpg
Enlongated Man and Mr Fantastic (I know they don't use their powers quite the same way he does, but I think they can still work as costumes.

Default Venom
Blue Venom.png
Blue Venom
movie venom.jpg
Spider-man 3 Venom
Agent Venom.jpg
Agent Venom
cartoon style.jpg
90s cartoon (with the red and blue highlights)

Golden age.jpg
Golden Age
Blue Bowman.jpg
Blue Bowman
Golden Archer.jpg
Golden Archer

Captain Cold
Gorilla Grodd


Previously 1SecondNinja
Aug 4, 2022
1. Brainiac
- I actually had plans to nominate him in a future round (specifically the Cosmic round) before I changed my mind on the decision; Definitely a big name that we could add onto here at some point in the future.
2. Black Adam
- Feels overdue at this point
3. King Shark
- I liked him in TSS

Job 135: Premiere Costumes Group... I lost count
The only one I'd nominate is Elongated Man, who was already nominated. Truthfully I don't think they share the same tone of character for Plastic Man's actions to be feasible for Elongated Man, though.

1. Rebirth (Default)
2. Arrow
3. First Appearance/Golden Age
4. Classic
5. Island/Survivalist
6. Post-Crisis
7. Streetwalker (Hobo)
I should note for some of these costumes, they are not necessarily Venom, but Eddie Brock using different symbiotes. With that said
1. Default
2. Classic (Blue with Black Tint)
3. Anti-Venom
4. Venom (2018)/Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021)

5. Hydra
6. Toxin
7. Thunderbolts
8. 2099

This isn't actually Eddie Brock, but I figured it could at least be considered as just an alternate, since I doubt anyone will mind otherwise

Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Green Arrow Costumes:
Golden Age
New 52
Street Walker
Arrow (Season 3)
Venom Costumes:
Solo Movie
King in Black
It would still show a visible mouth
Lee Price
Costume Only
Superior Venom
Costume Only
Mac Gargan
Costume Only
Costume Only
I personally consider the classic blue has an alternative color rather than a costume just like others.
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Smash Journeyman
May 6, 2022
  • Cyborg's rival will be Iron Man!
  • The Wasp's rival will be Harley Quinn!
  • Darkseid and Thanos will be rivals for each other!
  • We'll be using PinkFlare PinkFlare 's Catwoman costumes!
  • We'll be using Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's Doctor Octopus costumes!
  • Oddball Oddball 's Martian Manhunter costumes win by default!
With that, we're done with the arcade mode rivalries! Thanks to everyone for nominating them!

Here's the poll for Ghost Rider's costumes:


Here are the nominees for the DC villain DLC character:

View attachment 360382

-Captain Cold ( Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer )
-Gorilla Grodd ( Tankman from Newgrounds Tankman from Newgrounds )
-Brainiac ( Oddball Oddball )
-King Shark ( Jondolio Jondolio )
-Captain Boomerang ( Megadoomer Megadoomer )
-General Zod ( DragonRobotKing26 DragonRobotKing26 )
-Black Adam ( PinkFlare PinkFlare )
-Cheetah (@Darkonedagger)

As usual for this sort of thing, we'll do ranked voting - vote for your top three, and you can't put your own in first place.

1. Gorilla Grodd
2. Black Adam
3. Brainiac


Job 135: nominate premiere costumes for Nightwing, Cyclops, Plastic Man, and/or the Thing

Same as before; you can nominate up to two premiere costumes per character. I don't know if every character has a feasible option, but I'm just going to keep going through the roster in order, four at a time.

Job 136: nominate costumes for Green Arrow and Venom

Nominate their default costume, plus 1-7 alternates. (we're getting near the end of the costumes - after this, there will just be 12 more characters to go)
I'm voting for Captain Cold, Brainiac and Boomerang in that order.

For a Cyclops skin I suggest Cyclops Lass


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
First thing's first - here's the results for the character voting:

Captain Boomerang: 1
Cheetah: 2
General Zod: 3
King Shark: 4
Brainiac: 10
Captain Cold: 11
Gorilla Grodd: 12
Black Adam: 17

Black Adam 5.png

The hierarchy of power in DC vs. Marvel: Infinity Crisis is changing, because Black Adam will be the first DLC character!


Since they won the poll, Infinity Sorcerer Infinity Sorcerer 's Ghost Rider costumes will be used! (also, the Thing won't have any premiere costumes)

Here are the premiere costume polls:

...and here are the polls for Green Arrow and Venom's costumes:


Job 137: nominate costumes for Deathstroke and Loki

I probably could have spaced these out better so that I wasn't cramming a bunch of costume jobs in at the end, but hindsight is 20:20. (I'd think that something like Lady Loki would qualify as a premiere costume, since that would require a different voice actor and likely have different interactions with other characters; that's how we've handled other gender-swapped costumes like Captain Carter or Spider-Gwen)

Same as usual; a default costume plus 1-7 alternates.

Job 138: nominate premiere costumes for Constantine, Daredevil, Zatanna, and Ms. Marvel

Again, I'm not sure how many options there are for these characters, but I'll keep moving forward.

Discussion: non-character DLC

We've briefly discussed this before, but I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on how to handle DLC beyond characters. Three categories come to mind:

  • Stages - I think we generally agreed that four would be a good amount (though if you want more or less per season, it doesn't have to be 4 specifically), but how should it be divided up? (I realize part of this depends on who we get as guest characters - some guest characters could have a lot of options for stages, while other guest characters might not have much) Some options include 1 Marvel/1 DC/2 guest stages, 1 Marvel/1 DC/1 wildcard (where we can nominate any stage, regardless of if it's Marvel or DC)/1 guest stages (in this case, the second season would likely balance it out with the other company getting an extra stage), or 2 Marvel/2 DC stages
  • Costume packs - this should probably wait until we've finished the base game costumes, but I wanted to get thoughts on how often we should include DLC costumes, and how many costumes should be in each pack. Doing one costume pack with each character feels like overkill for me, but I guess that depends on how many costumes get included in a pack.
  • Trading cards - should DLC characters come with a set of trading cards, or should we just leave that alone? (I realize that not every character will have an obvious set of cards, and people don't post cards often as it is, so I don't want to force it upon the thread)
Not sure if there's anything else that could be added through DLC, but if anything comes to mind, then bring it up.
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Discussion: non-character DLC

We've briefly discussed this before, but I wanted to get everyone's thoughts on how to handle DLC beyond characters. Three categories come to mind:

  • Stages - I think we generally agreed that four would be a good amount (though if you want more or less per season, it doesn't have to be 4 specifically), but how should it be divided up? (I realize part of this depends on who we get as guest characters - some guest characters could have a lot of options for stages, while other guest characters might not have much) Some options include 1 Marvel/1 DC/2 guest stages, 1 Marvel/1 DC/1 wildcard (where we can nominate any stage, regardless of if it's Marvel or DC)/1 guest stages (in this case, the second season would likely balance it out with the other company getting an extra stage), or 2 Marvel/2 DC stages
  • Costume packs - this should probably wait until we've finished the base game costumes, but I wanted to get thoughts on how often we should include DLC costumes, and how many costumes should be in each pack. Doing one costume pack with each character feels like overkill for me, but I guess that depends on how many costumes get included in a pack.
  • Trading cards - should DLC characters come with a set of trading cards, or should we just leave that alone? (I realize that not every character will have an obvious set of cards, and people don't post cards often as it is, so I don't want to force it upon the thread)
Not sure if there's anything else that could be added through DLC, but if anything comes to mind, then bring it up.
This was something I was thinking about so is good to have a discussion about it.
  • For stages my number would be 5, two Marvel, two DC and one for a guest that it would be between any of the two selected guest Fighters. That or just sticking on Marvel and DC.
  • The costume packs I was initally considering 2 pacls of 8 slots per season but the 4/4 version would give more options for costumes so I think is ok in that way. Maybe we could also leave one of those packs for Premiere Costumes, since some characters still have potential for more.
  • While I dont make too much cards I would like to mantain the dynamic.
I will also nominate costumes later.

EDIT: Also has a suggestion I think we could have moveset jobs like before with the DLCs, even if they arent that frequently at least now there are 3 different people who does moveset and it could give some chance to have multiple options for them (thought Nightwing and Raven that are still Missing moveset would still being free).
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Infinity Sorcerer

Smash Champion
Sep 24, 2020
Right Behind You
Default (Rebirth)
Slade Wilson
Arkham Origins
Teen Titans
Young Justice
Loki Costumes:
Agent of Asgard
Vote Loki
KSorcerer Supreme
Thor Ragnarok (MCU)
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Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
This was something I was thinking about so is good to have a discussion about it.
  • For stages my number would be 5, two Marvel, two DC and one for a guest that it would be between any of the two selected guest Fighters. That or just sticking on Marvel and DC.
  • The costume packs I was initally considering 2 pacls of 8 slots per season but the 4/4 version would give more options for costumes so I think is ok in that way. Maybe we could also leave one of those packs for Premiere Costumes, since some characters still have potential for more.
  • While I dont make too much cards I would like to mantain the dynamic.
I will also nominate costumes later.

EDIT: Also has a suggestion I think we could have moveset jobs like before with the DLCs, even if they arent that frequently at least now there are 3 different people who does moveset and it could give some chance to have multiple options for them (thought Nightwing and Raven that are still Missing moveset would still being free).
Five stages sounds good to me! I figure two guest stages is a bit much (since not every guest character will necessarily have a popular stage associated with them), while doing four stages with one guest slot results in an awkward/unusual split.

For the movesets, that sounds like a good idea. I think in the case of those jobs, I'll leave it open for two or three days so that people have time to come up with ideas; I know that when we did the movesets as jobs, people had trouble with getting all of their ideas down in a day.

Speaking of movesets...

Raven moveset

Unique Ability: Soul Self
- a shadowy raven appears around Raven, flapping its wings. Her specials also change if the Unique Ability button is pressed instead of one of the regular attack buttons.

Soaring Flame (quarter circle forward + attack - air OK) - Raven raises her arm into the air, and fire that takes the form of a bird shoots out of the ground, flying straight upwards. Either one, two, or three birds come out of the ground depending on if you used the light, medium, or heavy version, with with the first bird disappearing a little bit above Raven's head, the second bird (if the medium or heavy version is used) disappearing at about twice that height, and the third bird (for the heavy version) disappearing at three times the original height.

Midnight Flight (quarter circle forward + UA - air OK) - Raven's soul self flies forwards, damaging whoever it passes through

Event Horizon (quarter circle back + attack) - Raven pulls the opponent towards herself with telekinesis - the air ripples to show the attack's range.

A Treachery of Ravens (quarter circle back + UA - air OK) - Raven transforms into a group of shadowy ravens, which fly forward and reassemble into herself. It's like the Bat Within ability from Bayonetta - the ravens don't deal damage if they touch someone.

Deadly Talons (Shoryuken motion + attack) - Raven leaps into the air, a claw of dark magic forming in her hand as she swipes it upwards

Tornado of Souls (Shoryuken motion + UA) - Raven conjures up a swirling vortex of shadowy ravens, which slowly moves forwards - it hits multiple times, but the individual hits don't deal much damage.

Wall of Darkness (half circle forward + attack) - Raven summons a wall of dark energy that absorbs projectiles (with the amount/strength of the projectiles that it can absorb depending on if the light, medium, or heavy version was used), though it doesn't damage people who touch it physically.

Sorcerous Slam (half circle forward + UA) - a tendril shoots out from under Raven's cloak, and if it grabs the opponent, it picks them up and slams them into the ground before vanishing.

Level 1: Molded by Darkness (quarter circle forward x2 + attack) - Raven levitates into the air as her cloak grows to the point where it's still touching the ground. A dark tentacle lashes out from under the cloak, and if it connects, it drags the opponent beneath the cloak where they're damaged by some dark force within it.

Level 2: Uncontrollable Power (quarter circle back x2 + attack) - Raven clutches her head and screams as tendrils of darkness lash out wildly in all directions, covering a large portion of the screen. (though the special does the most damage if the opponent is closest to her)

Level 3: Nevermore (press all buttons) - Raven fires a large ball of purple energy that traps the opponent inside of it if it connects, beginning a cutscene. As Raven walks towards the opponent, a large all-black raven forms behind her, its open mouth crackling with red flames and lightning. (kind of like this, but not planet-sized) The raven flies forward, picking up the energy ball and swallowing it. Inside of it, we can see various demons in the inky darkness, trying to get at the ball; some of their claws get through, slashing at the opponent, before Raven dissipates the raven with a blast of light that's more damaging than the shadow creature or the demons.
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