good ****. i'm gonna not do physics hw and watch it again!
yes! silentspectre's falcon defies physics!
not quite, but he did get like 4 tapion combos in pools xD.
If the pools matches were recorded at OC3, we'd have another ten minutes of footage for this combo video. Including a combo from 0-70, and then tech chased into a down air to falcon punch right afterwards. True story.
Wow. That's seriously redic; I was in his pool (he's the only one I didn't go 2-0 against, heh, who'ld've guessed? lol), but unfortunately I didn't see a number of his matches. I'm glad I wasn't one of those souls and've been lucky enough to not be Falcon Punched by him yet, lol.
"I guess." - silentspectre
yes, when he said it, the words just sounded like green
How is it I can concieve this?? Lol, it shouldn't make sense BUT IT DOES! lol.
But yeah, this video is exactly 5 minutes long not counting the intro and credits. We captured all of the footage from one tape and some combos from a finals set from a bi-weekly. This footage was also from roughly 8 months ago, and has been sitting on my computer forever. SS has done a lot more seemingly impossible things with Falcon since then but we haven't had a chance to capture it.
Wow, that's pretty impressive that this kind of content came out of such a small sample size. But while
very impressive, I'm not sure I'd say surprising, since practically anything involving SS is a mini combo vid.
German, Boback: Great job on the package as a whole. I like the visual effects; it's appealing and succinct. And the video flows really well; clustering like combonations and such, not just the appearent Drop Zone group, but also all the various sections involving unsweetspotted knees or combos w/Fsmash endings, Knee to Knees, Uair|Nair juggles, ect... (btw who came up with Drop Zone, is that something original to SS?)
Hella Nick: Great job on the audio; I like. (see, I swear; 'Hella Creative'. it's a new handle, lol)
SS: Well besides the obvious I'd just like to say congrats on having your combo vid finally out!
Everybody's saying a lot of it is standard stuff for you, and from what I've watched & playing you, it's rather easy to believe (and I don't doubt for half a second you have even more amazing tricks up your sleeve). Regardless of the material's age, it's a great video nonetheless! There are some truely awesome combos in there, and it's amazing that so much of this is your standard stuff.
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Norcal ftw.