Attention Dave of the New Jersey Smash Community: Your anus is in danger! It has come to my attention that another man has desire to insert his ***** into your bum. This person is non other than Sadaharu Inui, aka Lucas. This man is a homosexual, and is also a pedophile. Your talk of "wanting to **** Toon Link" turned him on.
Now I come to you as one straight man to another. Hopefully I am not too late. I know a Man's anus is supposed to be a one-way street. So I am warning you of this impending invasion, so that you may take measures to protect yourself.
Now I come to you as one straight man to another. Hopefully I am not too late. I know a Man's anus is supposed to be a one-way street. So I am warning you of this impending invasion, so that you may take measures to protect yourself.