I play ddr too, and I'm still a noob, still at the bottom of the barrel to becoming a ddr god like Yasu. [No, I do not count Billy the Kid/Billy Matsumoto (I think that's how it's spelt) is not a true ddr player even though he can juggle+play ddr at the same time, and his name sounds like he's japanese when really, he looks like he is not and definitely not! Remember, this is my opinion! I am a 13 year old!] and play on standard to heavy right now, but we'll get better over time.
We (my 15 year old brother, my twin and me) have only these three ddr games for now, the current being last, the first up first-DDRMAX, DDREXTREME2, and DDRMAX2. These three in that order bought, were all unlocked by the three of us (first by code disc, too lazy to play at the time) The next two by ourselves unlocking them day by day.
I can do AAAs too, but my first and only two that I ever did, one in one try, the other by doing it over and over were Tomorrow Perfume and Baby Look at Us, both in light, yes I am stupid, but I'm only 13! But my siblings and I can do most standard songs as an AA, but few Heavy ones as A, and AA.
During school days we play afterschool when we get home. So which person would play better and beat the other? A person that plays once in a while (few days, months, years, etc) or a person that plays everyday even though it gets old (unless you're an asian! My whole family is vetnamese!) Tell me, who would beat who? obviously the person that plays everyday because they are sharpening their soon-to-be-mad ddr skills, unlike the other, even if they are better by already playing on heavy mode, doing it backwards, etc. the one training their skills everyday is much better because they gain more experience faster then the other.
The stuff above is not routine based, but based on getting certain scores, and full combo. The only song that I have found for there to be a routine is Xenon in Light, but no one has even done a video on it on the internet, so on youtube I will be the first, after I can get a video camera in my hands.
When people tell you they can do AAAs on heavy songs, do you really believe them when millions others say they can too? I personally think it's must be seen to be believed thing has too be done before you can truly believe them. So when like 30 kids in my class say they can AAA heavy, I don't beleive it. DDR can take years to perfect, and no one has a fast learner kind of mind. I should know, I know that much.
So, yell at me if you want, etc, but remember this-