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D.Gray-Man Mafia-Town Wins!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 1, 2010
Philadelphia, PA
Good job town, you guys played really, really well :D I had never been so anxious as when there were wagons on both my scummates Day 1...until there was a guilty on me Day 2 lol.

Derp my bad, sorry July please forgive me.

Also Ryker/Kuz deserve praise. They are, the scarest hydra as town or scum.
Haha no problem RR : P Also I totally had you as my choice for nk N1, and when that didn't happen you definitely made us pay for that, definitely didn't expect you to cop me so I was really frustrated, but impressed by that turn of events.

RR definitely made solid choices throughout the game with who he investigated at Night and pushed during the Day, claiming upon my guilty opened himself up to manipulation by IR but it did work out and probably was the best thing to do in this situation as it took me by surprise and left me little chance to come up with a fake claim or a chance to talk myself out of it.

EBR was scary though, very pro-town and we definitely wanted to get them out of the way, and they nailed the scum team right after the guilty on me and even before that suspected all of us. I mean you undeniably the biggest threat to us by Day 2 and that says a lot about how great your play was before getting nk'ed.

Gord played really well the whole game, and while he and I got along well Day 1 he nailed Asdioh and IR as scummates D1 and didn't let up on, and really took over EBR's spot after their death.

This... or Pokemon... will probably be my last game in DGames for a while. It's just getting harder and harder to commit to playing well activity wise :/. But I'll say that I'm proud of my play this game. I WAS like the only one who refused to discount Asdioh ****** SvS :p. But yea as far as MVP either EBR for his awesome last minute play or me for following it out lol.
But we'll miss you :( Deff should be proud of this game though, as well as the rest of town.

So yeah I'm late to the party but MVP should be either EBR, Gord, or RR, honestly I could support any of those because they all played a crucial role in catching scum throughout the game.

#HBC | Dark Horse

Mach-Hommy x Murakami
Jun 12, 2010
Dem Role PMs:

Dark Horse said:

You are Reever Wenham, order forensic investigator

As the head of the science division, you can send me the message Investigate: dead person* and see who killed them

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

*applies to anyone dead

Dark Horse said:

Welcome to D.Gray-Man Mafia, GLG! You are Bookman, Vanilla Order Member.Try to survive this attack, or alternately get **** done.


Your only ability is your vote, so make it count!

Win Condition

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated

Dark Horse said:

Welcome to D. Gray-Man Mafia, asianaussie! You are Lenalee Lee , Vanilla Order Member . Try as hard as you can to survive this attack, or, alternately, get **** done.

Your only ability is your vote, so make it count!

Win Condition:

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Dark Horse said:

Welcome to D.Gray-Man Mafia, Zen! You are CLoud Nyne, Vanilla Order Member. Try to survive this attack, or alternately get **** done.


Your only ability is your vote, so make it count!

Win Condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Dark Horse said:

Welcome to D.Gray-Man, EBR! You are Miranda Lotto, Vanilla Order Member. Try to survive this attack, or alternately get **** done.

Your only ability is your vote, so make it count!

Win Condition:
You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Dark Horse said:

Welcome to D.Gray-Man mafia, Red Ryu! You are Allen Walker, Order cop. Your cursed eye gives you a slight advantage in this frenzy, and your frequent clashes with the noahs can help you recognize them.


Cursed Eye/Mad Recognition Skills: Each night, you may PM me the name of a player. You will be told whether that person is mafia or not.

Win Condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Dark Horse said:

Welcome to D.Gray-Man mafia, gova! You are Komui Lee, Order Jailer. Being in charge of the headquarters, you can shut down parts of it to prevent the people inside for acting.


Lockdown: Each night, you may PM me the name of a player. That person will be immune from kills, however, they will also be roleblocked.

Win Conditiion:

You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.

Dark Horse said:

Welcome to D.Gray-Man mafia, soapamario! You are Arystar Krory III, Vanilla Order Member. Try to survive this attack, or alternately get **** done.


Your only ability is your vote, so make it count!
Win Condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Dark Horse said:

Welcome to D.Gray-Man mafia, WashedLaundry! You are Kanda Yuu, Order Jack Of All Trades. Your amazing swordsmanship skills make you a cut above the rest in this frenzy.


Kaichu Ichigen (One-Shot): Pm me the code track: Playername. The hell's insects will follow that person an see who he/she visited.

Fifth illusions style (one shot): PM me the action protect: Playername. Using the power of fifth illusions, if anyone attempts to attack the person, they will fail. However, every benifit has a price, as this move will kill you if that person is targeted.

Hakka Touru (One-Shot): PM me the action kill: player name. you will use the Hakka tour to cut that person apart, killing them.

Win Condition:

You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated.

Dark Horse said:

Welcome to D.Gray-Man mafia, Asdioh! You are Tyki Mikk, Noah Clean-Cut Hitman. Your partners are inglorious *******, (Millenium Earl, Noah puppeteer ) and July (Akuma, Noah Goon) and you can communicate using this quicktopic.These suckers have no idea what's happening to them. THey think that we're hiding somewhere, yet we're actually hiding in them. THe order will soon be bleached with blood.


Choose: If a person that you killed is investigated, you will not show up as visiting that person.

Assignment cards: you are in charge of the night kill, which can be used by pming me the action Kill:player. If you die, then this passes on the the Akuma, and then on to the Earl

Win Condition:

You win when the mafia have the majority over the people and nothing can stop this.


You are Froi Tiedoll, Vanilla Order Member Try to survive this attack, or alternately get **** done.[/collapse]

Dark Horse said:

Welcome to D.Gray-Man mafia, Inglorious *******! You are Millenium Earl, Noah Puppeteer. Your partners are Asdioh, (Tyki Mikk, Noah Clean-Cut hitman), and July (Akuma, Noah Goon) and you can communicate using this quicktopic.

THis plan you thought of is brilliant! <3 These silly members of the black order won't have any idea where the real danger is! <3 They're doomed! <3


Making of an Akuma: During the day, you can pm me the name of a player that is currently voting for the same person as you. You will have control of that person's night actions until they die. However, there are some PRs that you are unable to control. Use the command Target: Playername to direct their actions. You can use this action once per day

Switch of focus: you can let your current target be in charge of their night actions to be able to pick someone else to control. This can be once a day by pm'ing me the action Deavtivate. You

Assignment cards: Your ally Tyki is in charge of the night kill. If he dies, it is passed on to the Akuma, and then to you. Once it's your turn, you case use the action Kill: Playername to kill someone during the night

Win Condition;

You win when the mafia has the majority over the people and nothing can deny this.


You are Winters Sokalo, Vanilla Order Member Try to survive this attack, or alternately get **** done. [/collapse]

Dark Horse said:

Welcome to D.Gray-Man mafia, July! You are An Akuma, Noah Goon. Your partners are Asdioh (Tyki Mikk, Noah Clean-Cut Hitman) and Inglorious *******, Millenium Earl, Noah puppeteer and you can communicate using this quick

You have no idea what's going on, but since tyki and the earl say there's going to be a lot of killing opportunities, why not?

Assignment Cards: Your Partner Tyki Mikk is in charge of the night kill. If he dies, then it passes onto you. You can select who to kill by pm'ing me the action Kill: Playername During the night

Win Condition

You win when the mafia has the majority over the people and nothing can stop this


You are lavi, Vanilla Order Member, Try to survive this attack, or alternately get **** done.[/collapse]

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Nah, MVP should definitely go to Red Ruy. He played damn well this game and I want to reward him for it rather than letting it go to a guy like EBR, who routinely gets it.
Well thank you.

rr got cop again? x.x

Red Ruy always gets cop. It's one of the bull**** things of mafia
JTB only lives through D1
Red Ruy always gets cop
Ryker always dies N1
WL will post reaction .gifs
Soup will **** up majorly because he decides to pull poorly-reasoned gambits.
Watch me get cop in Halloween or in your game if I join it.

There's a pretty good argument for why EBR should get it over RR but its up to DH to decide I guess.
Either works.

Asdioh: don't even try to about a streak. I have never been scum (unless you count halo, which I replaced into. And that was my second game )

Though I'm kindof close between ebr and RR, I'm picking ebr, as just about everyone pointed out how ir took control of RR after claiming and became scum's plaything.

So yeah, MVP to ebr.
I'm fine with either person getting it.

I don't play for dice but just to play, if I earn it cool but it's all up to the mod and the players.

It was fun and for once I feel proud for how I played. I'll take that as a reward in itself.
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