I mean you can go to tournaments ofc, but realistically speaking don't really expect to win any big tourney right now haha.Just saw a Lucina at 3,210,00 GSP, I am currently at 3,204, 074 GSP with Inkling. Should I start signing up for tournaments and show my moves?
I think that maybe it's just 'easy' to get into Elite Smash (or easier than we think it is), this is coming from someone that hadnt really played Smash for a long time (Even though I had Smash for Wii U), and even without any sort of practices (Just my memories of playing Ness in Wii U) I got into Elite, and I have never been able to win one of my local tourneys (Well, there aren't really weekly tournaments or anything, mostly whenever there is an anime convention in my city there are Smash tournaments, and I have never won any of those)
But let's think about it, if Elite is the top 3.5% pool of players, and Smash obviously sold A LOT OF copies, there's bound to be lot of kids or people that just played online for a couple of matches and stopped. Also as the game continues to sell more, so it's gonna be easier to be part of Elite Smash, since more spots are opened, and I would think people that really are 'competitive' online already have their copy of Ultimate by now, so the new influx of players probably won't be in the top 3.5%
Again, this is coming from someone who, before Ultimate, played Smash for Wii U like 3 years ago, and GSP wise I have been in the 1% (As a lot of users in this thread have), and if you think about it, even being in the 1% of the best players (calculated via GSP), if there are 3'000,000 online Smash Players that means that I am 'only' among the top 30,000 player in the world haha.
So... What does that even mean? It means that in the great scheme of things even if you are... I dunno, say the .01% you are still losing to 300 players..
Other way to put this into context, you said you played a Lucina with 3'210,000 and your Inkling (I assume your strongest character) had a GSP of 3'204,000, let's assume that Lucina player is the strongest player online, that puts you and he/she in a difference of 6,000 GSP.
So in that hypotetical example in your current skill level you would lose to 6,000 players... I know it sounds pesimistic, but it is what it is.
But, I mean sure go to tournaments, that's how you get better, if I had tourneys where I live I would probably attend them every now and then..
I just wouldn't really expect to win them haha, but maybe this limiting belief is bad, Idk, I have always been sorta pesimistic (I call it being realistic lol).. I just play for fun, and wanna get higher GSP.
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