Roy - I didn't see much chance of him being included, because they said that the reason Chrom wasn't included was because his move-set doesn't really bring anything new to the table, and I don't see Roy having anything new either. But, those sound files make it look like he's being worked on. So quite a likely possibility now.
Ryu - Just like Roy, the sound files are there. Not familiar with Street Fighter myself, but it sounds like there is lots of potential for move-sets anyway.
Wolf - Way too much demand from the fan-base to deny them Wolf, IMO. Just please, please, please, don't make him a clone.
Inkling - Would be a rep for Splatoon, the only reason they aren't in A tier is because I struggle to think of a move-set, but could easily go up in my ranking if someone showed me a viable move-set.
Isaac - Classic Nintendo character, surprised he hasn't been in smash so far. Only reason he isn't A tier is because he hasn't been in a smash game so far, and I feel that any character that has been in a smash game (and has some level of demand, without being restricted by a legal or console limitation). before has an advantage.
King K. Rool - Personally, I don't think he'd make a good character, too much like Dedede or Bowser IMO (Feel free to prove me wrong though). But people want him in so I guess he has a good chance :/
Rayman- Already got a trophy in game, don't see why Nintendo couldn't use him, if they don't already have the rights I'm sure negotiations would be easy enough. Only reason he isn't B tier is because the're may possibly be legal implications.
Fiora - 2nd rep for Xenoblade would be cool, seems like Nintendo may be testing the water for Xenoblade DLC with the Dunban costume as well. Can think of multiple move-sets off of the top of my head. Only thing that my hurt her chances would be my next suggestion. Main reason for being placed in C tier is because I'll probably get attack by other board members if I put her in B (jokes

Cross (or any other Xenoblade X rep) - Would likely take Fiora's place. Once again, I can think of multiple movesets off of the top of my head.
Dixie Kong - If King K Rool happens she's gonna go right down the tiers, but I could see her happening. Only thing is, she'd could possibly be a clone of Diddy, and if you haven't gathered, I'm really not keen on clones. :/
Impa - Very similar to Shiek in possible movesets, but fairly high demand could give her a place on the roster. If I think demand is higher than I currently anticipate, she could easily move up to B tier.
Tails/Knuckles/Any other second sonic rep - If Nintendo can do this without having to work anything out with Sega, this could happen if demand is high enough. With a series as rich with characters as Sonic's, I'm surprised we don't have a second rep.
D: Snake - Moving Snake down to D tier, as it has come to my attention that the latest games in the series aren't on Nintendo consoles. Could be saved by large demand, not likely though.
Sceptile: We have already got plenty of Pokemon reps, so I doubt it will happen, although if we do get one I would guess Sceptile.
Pichu - I never played him, but from what I heard he was a Pikachu clone who hurt himself. Not sure who thought that was a good idea for Smash. Can't see him returning.
Young Link - He's pretty much been dethroned by Toon Link. Can't see him returning unless Toon Link was to get removed. Plus, he sounds too much like a clone, which I don't like.
Squirtle/Ivysaur/Pokemon Trainer - Yeah, can't see them returning, we have an abundance of Pokemon reps. They're probably doomed to spend the rest of their days alongside Pichu and the other rejected veterans.
Shovel Knight - Starting to think the demand for Shovel Knight isn't as high as I thought. I can't see him being a likely possibility because he's not Nintendo, but who knows.
100% will not get in:
Ice Climbers - Technical limitations, unless they were made New 3DS exclusive, which I highly doubt Sakurai would do
Shrek - Need I say anymore
My list so far. Any characters not included are because I'm not familiar with them or I highly doubt that they will get in (E.G. any Mario characters) BTW the list is by likeliness to get in, then the little bit I wrote is a combination of my opinion and likeliness. Also, this list is subject to change, so expect me to update it as people's opinion's change and/or new characters get released.
Changes include:
Roy has been moved up to S tier
Ryu has been inserted at S tier
Wolf has been moved down to A tier
Snake has been moved to D tier
Sceptile has been inserted at D tier