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Social Corrin Social - Still Fire Emblem Social


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Hey guys, I'm not gonna be on here for awhile. I have to focus on moving from this godforsaken country back to America. So no Question of the Day. Sorry.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I've got a question for you guys, actually.

Who's your least favourite fates character?
Easy. Garon. He's just a cookie-cutter cartoon villain. There's no interesting motivation to anything he does, absolutely nothing deep about him. He has scant backstory, nothing relatable. We don't get good portrayal of him turning evil, no semblance of an internal struggle, and absolutely no good characterization. The details of his backstory are scant and shoddily given. He's just evil, that's pretty much it, and I would've liked more from him as a villain.

I mean, at least Anankos had the Hidden Truths DLC to flesh out his backstory and make the big bad of the game trio interesting and more compelling.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2014
The Domain
I've got a question for you guys, actually.

Who's your least favourite fates character?

Serious answer: I'm not a fan of Kana, Male Kana especially.

Please note that Male Morgan was my favourite second gen character in Awakening. His cheerfulness and curiosity I found really endearing, and it gets its chance to shine in more than a few supports. For example, Male Morgan/Yarne (which is the most underrated support in the game) shows that he is aware that his amnesia makes him lucky that he lacks the trauma from the bad future, but he decides to put that to good use. Overall, he is a kind, selfless person and I feel many players emphasise his admiration for his mother (something that is fairly minor) way too much.

Kana on the other hand doesn't have much depth beyond being your precious child. He comes off as not much more than wish fulfilment, which I feel may come from how many fans (unfairly) treated Morgan in Awakening.
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코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
I've got a question for you guys, actually.

Who's your least favourite fates character?
Female Corrin sux

Siegbert sux

Those 2 are honestly the only characters I actually dislike


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia

Serious answer: I'm not a fan of Kana, Male Kana especially.

Please note that Male Morgan was my favourite second gen character in Awakening. His cheerfulness and curiosity I found really endearing, and it gets its chance to shine in more than a few supports. For example, Male Morgan/Yarne (which is the most underrated support in the game) shows that he is aware that his amnesia makes him lucky that he lacks the trauma from the bad future, but he decides to put that to good use. Overall, he is a kind, selfless person and I feel many players emphasise his admiration for his mother way too much.

Kana on the other hand doesn't have much depth beyond being your precious child. He comes off as not much more than wish fulfilment, which I feel may come from how many fans (unfairly) treated Morgan in Awakening.
I thought you actually were serious with Hayato until I saw the spoiler. Well played.

Ugh. Where do I even start with Peri? She's a psychopathic, insane mass-murderer that sounds like a child because apparently that makes her "cute"? While the entire game is more or less about killing other people, the idea of killing servants and dancing in their blood because it's "fun" or going out to kill random people on the street for the heck of it rubs me the wrong way. She's also outclassed by silas, who in himself isn't very good either and isn't worth the training since she's outclassed by Xander 100% of the time.

Also, she tries to kill Felicia, Silas, and a whole village. Let that sink in. In the conversations where she isn't actually trying to kill something, she's fantasizing about killing something or behaving like a whiny, spoiled brat. Her supports are either psychopathic or annoying, and generally not great. There isn't really anything good about her.
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Deleted member

I've got a question for you guys, actually.

Who's your least favourite fates character?
Easily Peri.
As a unit, she's outclassed by Silas and Xander. As a character... oh dear god. I guess they wanted to go for something like Henry from Awakening, but she is completely bloodthirsty. She doesn't care about why she kills; she only kills because it's fun and she loved blood. She almost killed all the residents in an entire village in her support with Keaton! Her voice is also... creepy, definitely one of my least favorite voices in the game. If she doesn't marry anyone, it says that she learned right from wrong... eventually. God knows what happened during that time period.
She's not charming or cute at all. She's a crazy, sadistic character.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I've got a question for you guys, actually.

Who's your least favourite fates character?
Peri. She's Henry done way wrong. Killing just for fun? That's truly messed up. Peri is the only character in Corrin's army who actually wants to kill. Everyone else kills because they have to, i'm sure if there was a choice, they would stop the bloodshed. Peri? Nope. She doesn't care who she kills. She tried to kill Felicia. She tried to kill Silas. She tried to massacre a village. And, if she marries Kaden, she threatens him with death if he doesn't marry her. I honestly tried not to have Peri get married in my Revelation run, but that would mean sacrificing one of the children characters for Rhajat, who is my second least favorite character.

However, i like Rhajat way more than i like Peri.

Deleted member

I know it's extremely late, but I thought I'd just go ahead and post my top ten Fates character anyway.

So, without further ado, here's my top ten Fates characters!:

Beruka is a really interesting character to me. She has a ton of character development in her support conversations; starting out as an emotionless, cold, and calculated assassin who eventually starts gaining some emotions as well as people she cares about.

She's also a pretty handy unit. She runs both Wyvern Lord, Beserker, and Hero pretty well, and I imagine she'd probably make a decent General or Ninja if you were willing to go through the trouble of giving them to her. I kinda feel sad that she fell down to pair-up bot/rally-bot status for Selena near the end of my Conquest file, but that was mainly because her speed and strength stats kinda got messed over by RNG.

Saizo is a pretty fun character. While he can be a pretty big jerk in his support conversations, he actually has some sweet moments with characters like Sakura and Mozu that made me like him. His supports with Hinoka are also pretty nice as well, and really show off the loyalty he has for his kingdom.

He's also, in my opinion, the best of the Ninja Trio; he has good bases, balanced growths, and he's one of the few characters in the game that can actually run the Dark Flier class well if one so chooses to put him in that. It also helps that his Personal Skill is pretty neat, and acts as a good way to drop enemy units' health down in a pinch.

Fates' resident tsundere. Selena is actually a pretty fun character this time around, as she's grown quite a bit from the brat she was in Awakening as Severa. Her competitive nature is actually pretty charming and funny, and leads to quite a bit of development for her. I also love her character design; her hairstyle and hair color or both really pretty, and her outfit as both a Mercenary and a Hero are really cool looking and a huge step up from what Awakening had.

As a unit, Selena for me personally comes off as a better Hana. She may have shaky strength, but that can be easily resolved with a Beruka pair-up or a few Energy Drops (Swordfaire also does wonders). She's also quite versatile in what she can do; she makes a pretty awesome front line attacker as a Hero, and she has a number of support options as a Falcon Knight or Bow Knight. She also has access to Samurai in Revelation through marrying Hinata, which gives her some pretty fun skills to play with if you choose to take her back to Hero. If not, then you at the very least get Hana 2.0: now with Sol and slightly more bulk!

Midori is adorable. Her down-to-earth personality and habit of referring to herself in the third person is just really funny and charming to me. Plus, she's a very diligent student, which I think is pretty admirable. She also doesn't whine at her parents like some of the other second gen units do; she's actually pretty understanding of why they had her raised in the Deeprealms, and even though it pained her to be away from her parents, she never held it against them. In fact, she was overjoyed at being reunited with them.

Midori is a pretty broken unit and surprisingly underrated unit, especially if you made Mozu her mom. I'd actually argue that she's the best bow user available on Conquest (heck, I'd say the whole game if Pineapple Head and his Fujin Yumi weren't a thing). Aptitude pretty much fixes all of her bad growths and lets her run pretty much any physical class you want on her; she makes a hilariously broken Merchant, a decent Mechanist, and more than likely a pretty absurd archer if you marry her to Kiragi in Birthright/Revelation.

Her personal skill is also one of the extremely few methods of farming things on Conquest without the grinding DLC, which pretty much makes her a top priority unit for Conquest players who don't have the grinding DLC. It also helps in creating the Immortal Midori build, which allows Midori to proc Miracle 100% of the time (although the build takes a crazy amount of time and bias to create).

Taste justice! Arthur is great. He's a hilarious stereotypical American super hero who has the interesting and funny quirk of being the most unlucky man alive. Arthur's terrible luck makes him an inspiring and truly sympathetic character, as you can't help but just want to root for him to succeed in his acts of heroism and overcome the obstacles that come his way.

Plus, he has some of the best critical quotes in the game. "Beware my fists of justice!"

As a unit, Arthur performed pretty reliably for me in Conquest as a Hero and was mainly used as a pair-up bot for Effie. I haven't really used him at all on Revelation yet, but I plan on trying him out again when grinding for the kid units and see how he performs. His solid activation rates for Luna and Sol are good enough that I'll probably consider him come the endgame chapters.

Laslow (Inigo in Awakening) has always been a favorite of mine. His flirty personality leads to some pretty funny support conversations, and his mentality of keeping his and others courage up with a smile even in the darkest of times makes him a truly inspiring character.

Like Severa/Selena, he has matured a TON from Awakening to Fates. To be honest, Laslow in Fates reminds me a lot of Virion in Awakening; he's a total flirt who comes off as a big goofball, but is actually pretty wise and compassionate when he wants to be. I also find it particularly heartwarming that he still practices his dancing in secret to honor the memory of his mother, and through his supports with Azura, begins to overcome his shyness and perform in front of others.

All in all, Laslow is just a really cool character for me, and my favorite out of the Awakening Trio.

As a unit; I can't really say, as I barely used him on Conquest and haven't touched him since his join map on Revelation. I'd like to train him up and see how he compares to Selena, though, so I'll be sure to experiment around with that.

Fates cinnamon roll right here! Sakura's shyness is something that I personally can relate to, and her interactions with characters like Saizo are pretty sweet and funny. Her supports with Jakob are especially interesting, as it shows off that she views it as her responsibility to help heal whoever she can, even if it runs herself ragged. She even becomes quite distraught when Jakob tells her that she can't save everyone, as she's the type of person who can't stand to see anyone suffer. Her supports with Leo help showcase this, as she tells him in their C-Rank support conversation that she hates discussing how to bring harm to others. However, in their B-Rank conversation, she tells him that even though she hates discussing how to harm others, she still wants to attend the strategy meeting in hopes she can understand how best to heal the wounds of people on the battlefield.
When it comes down to it; Sakura, although very shy and timid, is a pretty cool and brave character in my opinion.

As a unit, I think Sakura is actually severely underrated. Everyone will go on and on about how amazing Strategist Elise is, but very few people talk about how awesome Sakura is as a Priestess. Not only does she have a surprisingly good strength growth for her class, she also has some pretty solid defensive growths, which means she's a healer who can take a hit and not die immediately, which is pretty darn cool. Her personal is also pretty great and works even better than Elise's in my opinion due to its extended range, and the fact that is works very well with skills like Inspiration. I wouldn't recommend leveling for it with a Priestess Sakura, though, as 4 levels in strategist will completely nuke Sakura's strength potential. It's one of those skills where it's more optimal to buy for her rather than grind for yourself in my opinion.

Oh, and Sakura with a Shining Bow is the best thing ever, and pretty much acts as the number 1 General killer in fates. She also takes down Ninja's quite well, and can even double them with Darting Blow if she has high enough speed!

Velouria is pretty cool. Not only is she some kind of werewolf...unicorn...thing, she's also a pretty fun character. Her supports with Dwyer are some of my most favorite support conversations in the game, and her over the top reaction to her father telling her to stop being so clingy is pretty funny.

Velouria is an interesting character personality wise...when she's with her parents, she's basically a super clingy puppy dog; but towards others, she's kinda distant and a loner. Her supports also show that she doesn't really express her emotions well. I think this is actually a pretty cool part of her character simply because it's referenced so well in other areas of the game rather than just being a simple character gimmick. Her character portraits, for example, don't ever have her reacting strongly; it's usually pretty subtle. It's kinda like how Arthur is shown off to have bad luck, which is reflected in-game by his poor base luck stat and luck growth rates. As someone who loves attention to detail, little things like that are pretty cool to me.

Her supports range from cute to hilarious (her supports with Corrin are a gem), and that's probably why I like her so much. Going back a bit to what I said about how she is with her parents, she's actually pretty sympathetic. While her clingyness can come off as kinda creepy, it's because she was raised most of her life in the Deeprealms away from her parents and didn't see them all too much. To make matters worse, Wolfskin have a tradition where the young eventually leave the pack and live on their own, and since Velouria loves her parents and wants to spend as much time with them as possible before the day she has to leave comes, she keeps fighting in the war to prevent that day from coming as long as possible. It's kinda sad when you think about it, which is why Velouria can be kind of a sympathetic character for me, and gives her a lot of depth that most of the kid units don't really have.

As a unit, there's not really much to say other than she's the Second Gen MVP. She pretty much has no bad mom options thanks to her good base growths and amazing class growths; she's free of weapon triangle disadvantages as a Wolfskin; and finally, she has some pretty darn good bases along with amazing access to good classes and skills.

Hinoka is, in my opinion, the best of the royal siblings. She cares deeply about all her siblings, but not in the creepy, way too seductive way that Camilla does. She also has some of the best voice work out of the cast, as it fits her tomboy personality really well. She also passes down one of the best hair colors to the kids in Fates, as her bright red hair color helps make some of the kids look pretty cool (especially Selkie).

Compared to the...uh..."nope" that Camilla is for me personally, Hinoka pulled off the big sister role so much better than Camilla did in my opinion. The worst thing about her character is how criminally underused she is in Fates. She pretty much appears in her join chapter and then disappears...even in Birthright, where the Hoshidian siblings are supposed to get the spotlight! Her interactions with all her Hoshidian siblings are all really great reads (especially the ones where she knocks some sense into Takumi, who's kinda being a brat). Her interaction with her retainers are hilarious as well, I think it's pretty great she doesn't put up with Azama's troll priest attitude, and I like how she becomes pretty good friends with Setsuna by the end of their supports.

I also think her and Sakura are the best written characters when it comes to facing off against Corrin. Both her and Sakura's reactions and ways that they deal with Corrin's betrayal are really fitting for them, and makes a lot more sense than whatever the heck characters like Ryoma, Camilla, and the other siblings on both sides were during Conquest and Birthright. Hinoka probably has the most resolve when fighting Corrin, as even though she doesn't want to fight her beloved little brother, she does so anyway for the good of Hoshido, which is a much better motivation compared to Camilla's "Welp, I've basically gone yandere now. You're all gonna die!". Camilla's reaction in Birthright is especially weird given how willing she is to betray Nohr and join you on Revelation when she fails to kill Corrin...

As a unit, Hinoka is pretty dang awesome. She's a Pegasus Knight who actually has the potential to get good strength, and has the option of classing into the amazing Spear Fighter class tree. I imagine she'd also make a pretty good Paladin/Great Knight given her naturally good defenses, and she definitely has the potential to become the best Wyvern Lord in the game if you invest in it. Wyvern Lord Hinoka is actually a really interesting idea I haven't heard many people talk about, and while I'm not sure it's something I'll do for my current Revelation playthrough (as I'd much rather she stay a Spear Fighter/Pegasus Knight to help compliment Oboro), it's something I'd definitely give some thought on a more experimental Birthright or Revelation replay.

Her skill access helps make her a force to be reckoned with; Darting Blow makes her able to double even Ninja's thanks to her already good speed, and skills like Rend Heaven will pretty much activate all the time thanks to her good skill. Being able to get Wyvern skills from Camilla isn't too shabby either, as it lets her be either an amazing utility character next to the likes of Priestess Sakura and Bow Knight Selena, or it lets her be a terrifying front line powerhouse that'll destroy anything that gets in her way.

At number ten is probably my most favorite Fire Emblem character ever, Selkie. Selkie is a character that I like not only for her fun personality, but also because she has a pretty awesome character design. Fox spirits are some of my most favorite mythological creatures ever, and because of that, the Kitsune class is my most favorite class in the game. Heck, I'd make Corrin one if I could!

As far her personality goes, she's definitely one of the more simple characters in Fates. That's not necessarily a bad thing, however, as it helps her stay consistent in a game that likes to change character personalities on the fly. She has a kind and trusting heart like her father, Kaden, and does whatever she can to repay a favor; something I think is pretty cool and honorable. She's also incredibly playful; kinda like a puppy, which is pretty darn adorable in my opinion. She also has some pretty funny supports with everyone, especially her supports with Shiro where they argue what the best way to eat chicken is.

Speaking of her supports, she's not entirely without character growth; her supports with Kaden and Corrin offer her plenty of growth and character insight for her. In her supports with Kaden, we get the idea that she might be kind of lonely being one of the only Kitsune in the camp next to Kaden, which is why I think she's so quick to wanting to befriend Velouria and both male and female Kana, as she seems like she wants more friends that are like her and can transform. Kaden going after her when she gets excited and wonders off to find the Kitsune Hamlet by herself is an especially heartwarming support conversation for me, and is an example of how, even though the story is goodness gracious awful in Fates, they somehow managed not to ruin the support conversations (well, except for Peri's, but that's simply because Peri sucks and ruins everything).

In her supports with Corrin, we see that she's taught right and wrong on how to deal with opponents on the battlefield. Corrin teaches her that it's wrong to kill an opponent who has lost the will to fight, and teaches her that showing some mercy to her enemies in that kind of situation is the right thing to do. It's a cool moment of character growth for her, and kinda reminds me of some of the growth Beruka and even Xander have in some ways.

As a unit, she may not be as good a transforming character such as Corrin or Velouria, but for what she offers, she's pretty decent. With Hana or Hinoka as her mom, she becomes the best Res tank in the game next to Hinoka, and also becomes a pretty good dodge tank that rivals the likes of Hana and Ryoma. Her weak offense is helped out by skills like Poison Strike, Savage Blow, and Grisly Wound, and makes an amazing damage dealer if someone is willing to put the work in to getting all three on her. She also gets Rend Heaven from her father, which is an amazing skill to have on anyone. Vantage from Hana also helps her out quite a bit. She also has some nice class options such as Ninja and Fighter if you can get them for her (although I still believe Nine-Tails is her best class, followed by Master Ninja as a close second).

All in all, while she doesn't have the versatility that Corrin and Velouria offer, Selkie still manages to carve out her own niche on the roster as a better version of Kaden thanks to better skill access and access to inherit Hinoka's amazing growths and utilize them better than most other kid units.

Oh, and on the topic of my most hated Fates character, I'm gonna have to go with Peri. My reasons on why I hate her is pretty much the same as what other people on the thread have already said; she's a disgusting psychotic killer that kills for fun and never gets reprimanded for it, is played for laughs when she shouldn't be, and she honestly feels like she should have been a villain rather than a recruitable unit. I have no idea who IS thought they were appealing to when they made her character, as she's completely disgusting and not at all acceptable.


Too Majestic for Gender
Aug 21, 2014
Switch FC
Peri when she she's the current topic:

Least favourite is Rhajat.
Take all of my issues with Tharja, who I also think is ****, and combine it with the children in Fates being pointless.
Hayato deserves a better kid than a daughter that's just discount worst Awakening character.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Least favorite Fire Emblem Fates character?

I'm surprised these two haven't been mentioned yet.

Yep, both Iago and Hans are my least favorite Fates characters. You thought Garon was a bad villain because he's evil and nothing else. These two guys are MUCH worse. They act like your normal Saturday morning cartoon villains. They have zero backstory and do evil things just to please King Garon and play their role as villlains, nothing else. They also do a ton of despicable acts in the process, and it felt pretty satisfying to kill them when the time came.

It's really a shame that both turned out to be such disappointing villains. Iago has such an awesome name, one that is named after Macbeth's villain, and even his design looked pretty cool, but man this character is infuriating. He's only there as King Garon's most trusted assistant, and he goes around and does evil things just because. Iago is even a gigantic hypocrite, which especially shows throughout Conquest.

Hans has some backstory, but all we know is that he was once a criminal and nothing else. Again, he just goes around and kills people just because he's evil and wants to please Garon. There's nothing redeemable and interesting about him much like Iago.

Garon would probably be paired with the two for the worst villains in the game, though I find Garon a tiny bit better than them because he at least had a more interesting backstory with his many mistresses and how his many affairs ultimately corrupted him into who he is now. Too bad the game decided to turn Garon into a generic and disappointing villain. He would've been more interesting if they focused on his backstory and perhaps even showed us how he became corrupted instead of simply telling us that.


Since I've been noticing Peri being the character that is mentioned the most about this topic (not surprising since she is one of the most hated Fates characters out there), I have to ask all those who hate Peri...

How many of you actually killed Peri in Birthright Chapter 26? Most people I find online kill Xander on the first turn and that's it, but this is the chapter where you can actually kill Peri for good if you choose to do so, so I'm curious to see how many people actually played out the whole chapter just to kill her out of hatred.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
So we can all agree that Peri is a psychopathic serial killer who kills people just for fun that needs to go to a mental hospital. I'm surprised she didn't get locked up for killing her servants even if she was just a child then. Trying to kill Felicia in their A-support has further increased my dislike for her.

Noted, she's actually my least favorite Fates character, truth be told. I didn't stated her name the first time because she's pretty obvious and I sort of had a feeling others would feel the same way about the character. Nothing very appealing about a bloodthirsty maniac.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I also find Xander to be very hypocritical on the subject of Peri. Xander says Hans is dangerous yet Peri is literally female Hans and yet, Xander lets her be his retainer.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Least favorite Fire Emblem Fates character?

I'm surprised these two haven't been mentioned yet.

Yep, both Iago and Hans are my least favorite Fates characters. You thought Garon was a bad villain because he's evil and nothing else. These two guys are MUCH worse. They act like your normal Saturday morning cartoon villains. They have zero backstory and do evil things just to please King Garon and play their role as villlains, nothing else. They also do a ton of despicable acts in the process, and it felt pretty satisfying to kill them when the time came.

It's really a shame that both turned out to be such disappointing villains. Iago has such an awesome name, one that is named after Macbeth's villain, and even his design looked pretty cool, but man this character is infuriating. He's only there as King Garon's most trusted assistant, and he goes around and does evil things just because. Iago is even a gigantic hypocrite, which especially shows throughout Conquest.

Hans has some backstory, but all we know is that he was once a criminal and nothing else. Again, he just goes around and kills people just because he's evil and wants to please Garon. There's nothing redeemable and interesting about him much like Iago.

Garon would probably be paired with the two for the worst villains in the game, though I find Garon a tiny bit better than them because he at least had a more interesting backstory with his many mistresses and how his many affairs ultimately corrupted him into who he is now. Too bad the game decided to turn Garon into a generic and disappointing villain. He would've been more interesting if they focused on his backstory and perhaps even showed us how he became corrupted instead of simply telling us that.


Since I've been noticing Peri being the character that is mentioned the most about this topic (not surprising since she is one of the most hated Fates characters out there), I have to ask all those who hate Peri...

How many of you actually killed Peri in Birthright Chapter 26? Most people I find online kill Xander on the first turn and that's it, but this is the chapter where you can actually kill Peri for good if you choose to do so, so I'm curious to see how many people actually played out the whole chapter just to kill her out of hatred.
Well, Reina is kinda the same. But Peri is just a no. I've never liked her. Hans is one of the worst Fire Emblem characters to date. Literally, he is nothing more than a plot hole. He's just there. Iago is an asskisser. This is most noticed in Conquest. (Again, I have no idea how to do that "Spoiler" thing) In Chapter 9, after the Avatar returns from Chapter 8's mission, Iago states that they had help. He then says something along the lines " This behavior simply cannot be tolerated, Right, King Garon?" I don't have Conquest. I saw a let's play of it. Rest assured, my hatred for this character is so great, that I was beyond triggered XD

To be honest, I thought we were talking about the cast you play as through all three routes. Not in general. But, yeah, Iago is my most hated character in this game. Shame too, he had a reall kickass name too....


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Peri has both hits and misses. As for her personality:
Basically, her supports with Laslow reveal that her mother was killed by a servant and that while the servant was punished, she felt that the servant who killed her mother was always there because of all her servants. When she started killing them, her father never stopped her and let her do what she wanted, never saying she was wrong to kill them. And then at some point after leaving her house, other people added to her liking of killing by saying she was good at killing things. Basically, she's bloodthirsty because of idiots and no one bothering to stop her or tell her she's wrong to kill so casually.
Her supports with Laslow are her best supports as they not only give her reasoning for her personality, but because Laslow tries to help her change and she actually tries to change. But this change can only be seen with the Child Scramble DLC that hasn't been released in English yet. Read her Laslow supports, than read her conversation with Soleil as her daughter.
Soleil: Haah...

Peri: Soleil, why are you sighing so much?

Soleil: Ah, hey, Mom. Actually, I was just trying to flirt with a cute girl over at that stand. But just as I was about to seal the deal, those bandits came and ruined it all. Ohh, what a shame...

Peri: Oh no...Soleil, that's terrible...

Soleil: Grr...it's all those bandits' fault. They're so annoying! Man, when I get my hands on them...! And if not them, anyone else would be fine, too!

Peri: Y-you can't, Soleil!

Soleil: Huh...?

Peri: You can't...you shouldn't hurt anyone other than the bad people. Think about the families of those people...someone's going to be so sad if they die.

Soleil: M-Mom? Alright, I get it. I just wanted to say it because I was angry...

Peri: No. Take this more seriously...I don't want you to grow up to be like me.

Soleil: Mom...?

Peri: Ohh...I'm sorry. You really did turn out kinda like me. But unlike me, you have an adult around to get mad at you. Someone to tell you, "No, that's wrong!" So from now on, I want you to try to hold back those violent feelings.

Soleil: Yeah...okay. But then, what am I supposed to do? When I get so angry, it feels like it's the only way...

Peri: Just take deep breaths. Think about fields of flowers. Then you'll be nice and calm.

Soleil: Hmm...deep breaths. Huff...haaah...huff...haaah... ... Thank you! I feel better already!

Peri: Great! I'm still not very good at it, but...I'm doing my best not to kill thoughtlessly. Ever since Laslow tought me how to calm down, I've been holding back as much as I can.

Soleil: Hey, I'm sorry, Mom. I got way too worked up, but I'm alright now. I won't do anything else to worry you again.

Peri: Okay! You're such a good girl, Soleil. As a reward, once we get home, I'll make you my delicious home cooking! After you get some good food in you, all your anger will be gone!

Soleil: Yesss! I love your cooking! But I don't want to make you work so much, so I'll lend a hand. It'd be horrible if your lovely, delicate fingers got hurt.

Peri: Come on, Soleil. Quit trying to make a fool out of me!

Soleil: Oh? Ahaha, even you can talk like an adult sometimes!

Peri: Was it weird?

Soleil: Nope, it was adorable!

Peri: Okay...but it's a little embarrassing. Like I'm not being me.

Soleil: Now, now, there's no reason to be ashamed. I'd love you no matter how you spoke! Like you usually do, or how you were just now...the way you're kind of childish but cute, and the way you're strong yet kind, and an amazing cook...I love every single bit of it!

Peri: Soleil...

Soleil: Don't ever leave me again. My beloved mother...stay with me, forever and ever.

Peri: Of course I will. Y'know, I'm really strong -- so I'm not just gonna get squashed like a tomato. So forever, and ever...I'll be by your side. I promise.

Soleil: Thanks, Mom!
Besides Laslow, I would say her supports with Xander and Hinata are not bad, as she doesn't make one mention of killing somebody out of hate or spite or fun and whatever. They're definitely not as good as her supports with Laslow(although Xander I'd place as her second best as it really shows Peri's respect for him), but at least they show that not all of her conversations result in her wanting to kill somebody at some point.
Either way, not exactly trying to change opinions of her(in general or majorly), but at the very least, compared to Tharja and Noire(although their faults are somewhat due to inconsistency and lack of extra writing), Peri is capable of maturing and changing her views on killing senselessly.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Well, Reina is kinda the same. But Peri is just a no. I've never liked her.
True, Reina likes death similar to Peri, but the way she likes it is far different from the latter. Peri enjoys death and gore like a child in a playful mood, evident with her dialogue such as "Yay, violence" or "I'm feeling stabby." Unlike Peri, Reina's approach toward gore is basically a thrill for battle, like she is fascinated with the concept of death. This is seen in her dialogue such as "The light fades" or "Put me in danger during the battle. That's where the fun is."

I think Reina had the potential to be an interesting character, especially with her backstory, but the main problem is that she suffers from being a Corrin-sexual, only having one set of supports and that's it. It surprises me she doesn't even have supports with Yukimura considering that both are the same age and have been serving the Hoshido army far longer than everyone else.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
True, Reina likes death similar to Peri, but the way she likes it is far different from the latter. Peri enjoys death and gore like a child in a playful mood, evident with her dialogue such as "Yay, violence" or "I'm feeling stabby." Unlike Peri, Reina's approach toward gore is basically a thrill for battle, like she is fascinated with the concept of death. This is seen in her dialogue such as "The light fades" or "Put me in danger during the battle. That's where the fun is."

I think Reina had the potential to be an interesting character, especially with her backstory, but the main problem is that she suffers from being a Corrin-sexual, only having one set of supports and that's it. It surprises me she doesn't even have supports with Yukimura considering that both are the same age and have been serving the Hoshido army far longer than everyone else.
It's honestly really stupid that Reina is a Corrin-sexual. The others have some sort of excuse, even if it is a weak excuse(Gunter being Gunter, Shura for his scene in Conquest, Scarlet for her scene in Revelations and the rest for being obtainable by having a Lv3 My Castle building/object.), but Reina has no excuse whatsoever. You even get her before getting all of your Father characters. And to add even more salt to the wound, when Reina enters your Private Quarters when you're married, she will sometimes say, "Seeing you together makes me dream about marriage. Will you tell me what it's like?"
And it doesn't flippin' help that had they made her a wife for all father characters than just the Avatar, it would have solved the big issue of not being able to get all children in your playthrough if your Male Avatar marries a First Gen Female.(At least, for Birthright and Revelations). :hulk:


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
than read her conversation with Soleil as her daughter.
Soleil: Haah...

Peri: Soleil, why are you sighing so much?

Soleil: Ah, hey, Mom. Actually, I was just trying to flirt with a cute girl over at that stand. But just as I was about to seal the deal, those bandits came and ruined it all. Ohh, what a shame...

Peri: Oh no...Soleil, that's terrible...

Soleil: Grr...it's all those bandits' fault. They're so annoying! Man, when I get my hands on them...! And if not them, anyone else would be fine, too!

Peri: Y-you can't, Soleil!

Soleil: Huh...?

Peri: You can't...you shouldn't hurt anyone other than the bad people. Think about the families of those people...someone's going to be so sad if they die.

Soleil: M-Mom? Alright, I get it. I just wanted to say it because I was angry...

Peri: No. Take this more seriously...I don't want you to grow up to be like me.

Soleil: Mom...?

Peri: Ohh...I'm sorry. You really did turn out kinda like me. But unlike me, you have an adult around to get mad at you. Someone to tell you, "No, that's wrong!" So from now on, I want you to try to hold back those violent feelings.

Soleil: Yeah...okay. But then, what am I supposed to do? When I get so angry, it feels like it's the only way...

Peri: Just take deep breaths. Think about fields of flowers. Then you'll be nice and calm.

Soleil: Hmm...deep breaths. Huff...haaah...huff...haaah... ... Thank you! I feel better already!

Peri: Great! I'm still not very good at it, but...I'm doing my best not to kill thoughtlessly. Ever since Laslow tought me how to calm down, I've been holding back as much as I can.

Soleil: Hey, I'm sorry, Mom. I got way too worked up, but I'm alright now. I won't do anything else to worry you again.

Peri: Okay! You're such a good girl, Soleil. As a reward, once we get home, I'll make you my delicious home cooking! After you get some good food in you, all your anger will be gone!

Soleil: Yesss! I love your cooking! But I don't want to make you work so much, so I'll lend a hand. It'd be horrible if your lovely, delicate fingers got hurt.

Peri: Come on, Soleil. Quit trying to make a fool out of me!

Soleil: Oh? Ahaha, even you can talk like an adult sometimes!

Peri: Was it weird?

Soleil: Nope, it was adorable!

Peri: Okay...but it's a little embarrassing. Like I'm not being me.

Soleil: Now, now, there's no reason to be ashamed. I'd love you no matter how you spoke! Like you usually do, or how you were just now...the way you're kind of childish but cute, and the way you're strong yet kind, and an amazing cook...I love every single bit of it!

Peri: Soleil...

Soleil: Don't ever leave me again. My beloved mother...stay with me, forever and ever.

Peri: Of course I will. Y'know, I'm really strong -- so I'm not just gonna get squashed like a tomato. So forever, and ever...I'll be by your side. I promise.

Soleil: Thanks, Mom!
The thing is, any of Soleil's potential mothers would say the same thing. Of course, some conversations would be slightly altered to match character's personalities (example, if Sakura is Soleil's mother, Sakura would be speaking timidly), but the conversation would still be 99% the same across all of Soleil's potential mothers.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
The thing is, any of Soleil's potential mothers would say the same thing. Of course, some conversations would be slightly altered to match character's personalities (example, if Sakura is Soleil's mother, Sakura would be speaking timidly), but the conversation would still be 99% the same across all of Soleil's potential mothers.
For the support conversations, yes, but for the Hoshido Festival Bonds DLC, all the children have a unique conversation for whoever their mother is. The one Ivander posted is Soleil's conversation with Peri for that DLC. If Soleil's mother is Azura, their conversations for the DLC revolves around Soleil asking Azura for singing advice. If Hana is Soleil's mother, their DLC conversation is about the two engaging in a sparring match when Soleil wants to learn how she can be a "cool and strong woman" like her mom, and if Orochi is Soleil's mom, their conversation revolves around Orochi telling her that she could use magic to sway the girls because she inherited Orochi's magic talent.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
True, Reina likes death similar to Peri, but the way she likes it is far different from the latter. Peri enjoys death and gore like a child in a playful mood, evident with her dialogue such as "Yay, violence" or "I'm feeling stabby." Unlike Peri, Reina's approach toward gore is basically a thrill for battle, like she is fascinated with the concept of death. This is seen in her dialogue such as "The light fades" or "Put me in danger during the battle. That's where the fun is."

I think Reina had the potential to be an interesting character, especially with her backstory, but the main problem is that she suffers from being a Corrin-sexual, only having one set of supports and that's it. It surprises me she doesn't even have supports with Yukimura considering that both are the same age and have been serving the Hoshido army far longer than everyone else.
A Corrin-Sexual? Forgive me, lol I don't know this kind of slang. And if there is more, I'd be happy to know more.

Deleted member

A Corrin-Sexual? Forgive me, lol I don't know this kind of slang. And if there is more, I'd be happy to know more.
Corrin-sexual is a term used to describe characters who can only marry Corrin. Characters like Reina, Gunter, and Scarlet are all Corrin-sexuals.
People also use the phrase "Robin-sexual" to describe characters who can only marry Robin in Awakening.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Bad news about the upcoming Fire Emblem mobile game... it's now confirmed that the Fire Emblem mobile game has been delayed for a release date no later than March 2017. You can read more about it here.

On the bright side, enjoy some sweet artwork of some new Niles and Arthur cards for the upcoming Fire Emblem Cipher set.

Arthur looks as glorious as ever. I especially like the one on the left.

Deleted member

I just got done attempting the Beach Brawl DLC with Team Ryoma. I thought the map was gonna be pretty easy to cheese through, but it's actually pretty tough! I've given it about five or so tries now and can't seem to get through it without Kagerou or Saizo getting KOed. Even with the frustration, though, I'm still having a ton of fun trying to figure out how best to approach it, and I'll be sure to give it another go tomorrow to see if I can figure it out.

Oh, and that Arthur artwork is awesome. Great Knight Arthur is the best!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Corrin-sexual is a term used to describe characters who can only marry Corrin. Characters like Reina, Gunter, and Scarlet are all Corrin-sexuals.
People also use the phrase "Robin-sexual" to describe characters who can only marry Robin in Awakening.
Ah, Gotcha. Question of the Day 1: Why doesn't Male Corrin have any supports with Gunter in Revelations?

Question of the Day 2: Also, Who on earth would ever marry Gunter? I mean....Isn't Corrin like 23? And he's like what 67?


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
Ah, Gotcha. Question of the Day 1: Why doesn't Male Corrin have any supports with Gunter in Revelations?

Question of the Day 2: Also, Who on earth would ever marry Gunter? I mean....Isn't Corrin like 23? And he's like what 67?
Nobody has supports with Gunter in Revelations actually.

And you'll find that.....people have quite a lot of different tastes for things in the world. To some people the age difference isn't a big deal.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
Ah, Gotcha. Question of the Day 1: Why doesn't Male Corrin have any supports with Gunter in Revelations?

Question of the Day 2: Also, Who on earth would ever marry Gunter? I mean....Isn't Corrin like 23? And he's like what 67?
Because no one else has a support with him.

I'd be surprised if there was actually someone here that actually married him. He's old enough to be her grandpa.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Nobody has supports with Gunter in Revelations actually.

And you'll find that.....people have quite a lot of different tastes for things in the world. To some people the age difference isn't a big deal.
Well, for other people, I can be happy that they are like moons apart xD. But for me, I have a strict rule about being with someone older or younger. If they're like 1 or 2 years older fine but if they are like 5,6,7 years or more, that's just a no. Same thing goes for My Unit in Fire Emblem.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Ah, Gotcha. Question of the Day 1: Why doesn't Male Corrin have any supports with Gunter in Revelations?

Question of the Day 2: Also, Who on earth would ever marry Gunter? I mean....Isn't Corrin like 23? And he's like what 67?
There's a story-related reason that answers both of these questions.

Late into the Revelation route, Gunter reveals that he was a talented soldier who used to have a wife and daughter. There was a point in his life where he was approached by Garon to be his retainer, but Gunter declined the offer. Because of this, Garon ended up killing his wife and daughter, as well as razing his entire hometown. Ever since then, Gunter has been plotting his revenge against Garon, and he's been serving Corrin so that he could prepare him/her to stand up against Garon.

I'm guessing the reason that Gunter can't achieve any supports with Corrin in Revelation is because they don't want to create the awkward situation where you achieve an S-Support with him and then you find out later in the game that he once had a family of his own. To be honest, not letting Gunter achieve any supports in Revelation ruins the plot twist that comes around that point. The best solution should've been to keep Gunter's supports from Conquest, but make sure he would be the only character you can't achieve an S-Support with.

As for why Gunter can even achieve an S Support in the first place... pretty much the game wants to make sure every playable character (minus capturable units and amiibos) can achieve a potential marriage with Corrin, a way to satisfy the Awakening fans who liked achieving those marriages. For characters like Gunter, it feels pretty forced for him to have an S Support, and that's why I hope in the next Fire Emblem title, not all S Supports would end in marriage, but perhaps two individuals becoming stronger friends than they were in the past.
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Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
I've got a question for you guys, actually.

Who's your least favourite fates character?
Don't even get me started on this. I could go on and on, but I'll avoid a rant for the sake of everyone here.

Kana - Way too forced and bland.

Peri - Is she supposed to be cute or something? I don't understand why people like extreme yanderes, or anything close to them. On the topic of Reina, the difference is that Reina is actually kind of functional. She loves to hear screams and stuff, sure, but she has the self control not to slaughter innocents.

Rhajat - Copy/Paste of my least favorite Awakening character. Her one redeeming trait is that she's not actually Tharja. The "reincarnation" stuff is really stupid, but I guess that applies to all the second gen Awakening clones.

Camilla - I'd probably like her if she wasn't way too focused on her obsession with Corrin, but that completely breaks the illusion for me. Her "armor" doesn't win her any points either, it just makes her look stupid. Since he's got similar problems, I think it's also worth mentioning Jakob gets an honorable mention here, but not even he is as bad as Camilla is.

Nina - I feel similarly about Nina as I do with Camilla. She'd be such a great character if not for her stupid obsession with yaoi. Missed potential is all she is.

Garon - Do I really need to explain?

Corrin - All of the problems of both Lord and Avatar characters, meshed together and increased tenfold. At least they're cool in Smash.


Smash Legend
Dec 1, 2014
Peri - Is she supposed to be cute or something? I don't understand why people like extreme yanderes
Except she's not a yandere? A yandere is a girl with an massive obsession with a person they like(basically Tharja), with the extreme ones being willing to kill others who even get close to their person of interest, much less look at them. Peri is only obsessed with blood and violence and that's mostly due to idiots and her father not doing anything about her killing servants after her mother was killed by one.
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
I thought a yandere was someone who acts really nice but is really a total ***** on the inside (with tsundere basically being the reverse)

have I been misinformed this whole time?
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Deleted member

I thought a yandere was someone who acts really nice but is really a total ***** on the inside (with tsundere basically being the reverse)

have I been misinformed this whole time?
Yanderes are characters who act sweet and innocent on the outside, but are actually psychopathic killers on the inside. The archetype is usually used for girls who become so obsessively in love with the main character of the story that they'll kill anyone who comes close to him, and in some cases, the guy himself.

It's pretty much the worst character archetype in anime/manga.


Smash Ace
Oct 7, 2012
New Jersey
Married Gunther in both playthroughs of Conquest, no other Nohrian man can match foxy grandpa.

Getting the world's worst Kana was worth the sacrifice, never used that trash anyway.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Except she's not a yandere? A yandere is a girl with an massive obsession with a person they like(basically Tharja), with the extreme ones being willing to kill others who even get close to their person of interest, much less look at them. Peri is only obsessed with blood and violence and that's mostly due to idiots and her father not doing anything about her killing servants after her mother was killed by one.
I wasn't exactly sure if she would be classified as yandere or not, which is why I included the phrase "or anything close to them", because the psychopathic killer trying to be cute just isn't a trope I can see the appeal of.
Peri - Is she supposed to be cute or something? I don't understand why people like extreme yanderes, or anything close to them.
But going by the description others in this thread gave, I think she actually is a yandere? I'm not really that involved in anime/mange culture, I just know a thing or two about it.


코이바 ❤
Apr 16, 2015
Ontario, Canada
But going by the description others in this thread gave, I think she actually is a yandere? I'm not really that involved in anime/mange culture, I just know a thing or two about it.
But if Peri was yandere, who would she be yandere for? No one really. She just likes killing because of the maid incident when she was young and that people told her she was good at it.

Now Tharja is the yandere for Robin. An actual psycho who will kill anyone who gets near Robin, and if Robin backs out she'll kill him.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
On the subject of yanderes, i think the first Fire Emblem yandare was Lalum from Binding Blade. Except Lalum falls into what i like to call, a "mild yandere". They are still obbsessed with their love interest (in Lalum's case, Roy) but they can restrain themeselves when needed and they also actually care for the friends of their love interest.

Mild yanderes are rare though. I can only think of two: Lalum and Juvia from Fairy Tail.
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