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Social Corrin Social - Still Fire Emblem Social


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Oh dang, it's the 26th already? That means today is a certain person's birthday.

...But that's not what I've been waiting for. My own birthday is tomorrow. It really snuck up on me this year. I could of sworn today was the 25th.
I just wanna share this drawing i found on Miiverse.
The thing that made that miiverse comic funny was the sceenshot that went with it.

And this comic was from the same guy, in the comments.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Man, now I want Kirby to be an amiibo unit. He could have as many reclass options as Robin! :p

I finally beat Chapter 12 of Conquest two days ago, and somehow managed to make it out with all of the drops on the map. Even with Boo Camp EXP, Conquest has been pretty brutal. Chapter 12's generals are very, very unforgiving, and require a near perfect set-up to take out without losing a unit. Even if you're playing Casual like I am on Conquest, it's usually not a good idea to let a unit die as they'll lose out on potential EXP and level-ups, so I still reset if a unit dies on Casual. Then again, I did the same thing on Birthright because my FE play-style is a weird Casual/Classic hybrid where I only really play Casual so I can not worry about unit deaths during grind sessions and for the save and UI benefits, ha ha.

Don't even get me started about Chapter 12's boss though; he's ridiculous. I had to rush him with 3 units just to take him down, and none of them had 100% hit rates against him so it was quite risky. I honestly don't know if I'll ever attempt the map that way again, as I'm pretty sure the only reason I made it through the map with all of the rewards is because I got super lucky with hit rates and a crit or two.

On another note, I have some more Conquest questions for anyone who can answer them...

Thanks to My Castle support grinds, I was able to get Ophelia's and Percy's paralogues unlocked yesterday. Now, should I recruit them now, or keep playing through the story and get them later? I've heard some people say it's best to do the paralogues ASAP, but some have also said it's better to wait until the game has them come with Child Seals. Also, any advice as to what skills I should grind for on Boo Camp for Elise!Ophelia and Effie!Percy? I know skill buying being a thing kinda makes skill inheritance not as important as it was in Awakening, but I'm kind of in the mood to grind out some of the skills myself and I was wondering if there's anything these two want in particular from their parents.

Oh, and does anyone here know who the best mom for Kana is with a +Str -Lck Corrin? Someone on another site told me Velouria was a pretty good choice, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm not concerned about getting all of the kids on Conquest (mainly because I don't like a lot of 'em) so no need to factor that in for any suggestions. Thanks to anyone who replies!
Two words my friend. Phoenix Mode


Smash Ace
May 13, 2014
So I just finished Sacred Stones, was a meh game to easy but it hooked me on Fire Emblem.

Now I am playing Fates Conquest(The Black one, if wrong name sue me)

IT'S SO GOOD. IT'S CHALLENGING. The Animation in battle are great and I really dig the story as far as I have come.

I wonder though if a Fire Emblem Fates "review" of the game is going to be interesting coming from a newcomer without much information regarding the game itself!


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2015
Just for some smash comment
People I need help to defeat Mario, help choosing characters?
I main Robin, link kirby and Corrin
Villager Dpit ike as backups


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Roy's our Boy time. I feel that Roy is greatly under-appreciated so i've decided to share these images. I also declare this week the "Roy's Our Boy" week. See if you can find amazing fan-art of Roy and share it with us.
Ok, i'm not actually declaring this week as "Roy's our Boy" week but you can still share any amazing Roy art that you find if you want to
Eliwood and Ninian are secretly Team Rocket members Elwood and Ninian cheering on their son as he Flare Blades his way to the top of the tier list. This image is so heartwarming. I can actually see it happening. And i can also see Roy saying "Mom, Dad, stop. Your embarrassing me".
Everyone who's played Binding Blade knows how true that is. Did you know, Roy comes in 3rd place for the "Lord with Most Potential Wives" title. The two who beat him are Seliph (2nd place) and Corrin (1st place).

People I need help to defeat Mario
I don't have much experience fighting Mario but use a character with great recovery such as Villager because Mario can Cape and F.L.U.D.D you which could potentially lead to death if you don't have a good recovery.


You need to MOVE.
Jun 10, 2015
The Bunker

My god, I remember when this thread was still a wee little baby.

How's everyone? It's been forever since I last posted here.

Deleted member

There's nothing better than watching some Sponge Emblem every now and then. Just today, I stumbled upon this gem. XD

There's another really funny Sponge Emblem video that I found on Tumblr. Not sure if it was posted before, but I also got a good laugh from it.
Oh my god, that video on Tumblr was so damn good.

My god, I remember when this thread was still a wee little baby.

How's everyone? It's been forever since I last posted here.
Hey! Another Takumi fan!
Tacomeme... tacomeat? Tacomii?
Shurikens, Luigi = Kaze and Mario = Saizo. Also, that one Conquest Chapter...
Lobster Lord! :D
You are the ocean's gray waves.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2015
Roy's our Boy time. I feel that Roy is greatly under-appreciated so i've decided to share these images. I also declare this week the "Roy's Our Boy" week. See if you can find amazing fan-art of Roy and share it with us.
Ok, i'm not actually declaring this week as "Roy's our Boy" week but you can still share any amazing Roy art that you find if you want to
Eliwood and Ninian are secretly Team Rocket members Elwood and Ninian cheering on their son as he Flare Blades his way to the top of the tier list. This image is so heartwarming. I can actually see it happening. And i can also see Roy saying "Mom, Dad, stop. Your embarrassing me".
Everyone who's played Binding Blade knows how true that is. Did you know, Roy comes in 3rd place for the "Lord with Most Potential Wives" title. The two who beat him are Seliph (2nd place) and Corrin (1st place).

I don't have much experience fighting Mario but use a character with great recovery such as Villager because Mario can Cape and F.L.U.D.D you which could potentially lead to death if you don't have a good recovery.
The last time I used a villager against mario i got dunked on


You need to MOVE.
Jun 10, 2015
The Bunker
The only one I don't get for some reason is the one in the upper right....
Assuming you haven't already read Xeno's post...

Red and green twin brother ninjas. Sound familiar?


Well, I just happened to find this picture on Facebook at this time by pure coincidence.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Assuming you haven't already read Xeno's post...

Red and green twin brother ninjas. Sound familiar?


Well, I just happened to find this picture on Facebook at this time by pure coincidence.
I guess that also means Kotaro = Bowser because he captures Kagero (Peach) in every single route.

Not to mention Saizo and Kagero used to date each other, and Mario and Peach happen to be a couple... man, the similarities are really there!


Smash Journeyman
Dec 25, 2015
Well haven't been here for a while, so to celebrate I'll just shower this place with memes:happysheep:
from tumblr where I found this blog called fefanswers with pretty funny stuff:

Other stuff

I honestly can't stop feeling bad for who ever had to go through this pain
Welp I'm done back to my Online PE course after this :p


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
"i am new to pants how do i put them on"

lmao brb dying
Fire Emblem needs more pants. Which ladies wear pants anyway?

PD: I'm (finally) playing Fire Emblem Fates Birthright... So... I come here to ask about pairing suggestions.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2015
New England
Fire Emblem needs more pants. Which ladies wear pants anyway?

PD: I'm (finally) playing Fire Emblem Fates Birthright... So... I come here to ask about pairing suggestions.
Just a note, there's a paralogue for a child unit named Shiro (fixed it). Do not put it off until late game. Get it done early, other wise the enemies in that chapter will be strong enough to kill him in one turn, forcing you to get creative with Rescues.

Also, Oboro & Takumi.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
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Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
I think it's pretty obvious why the Fates women don't wear pants especially the Nohrian women. Someone had to approve all those armor and outfit designs. Who else but Garon?

No wonder he had all those mistresses. Man couldn't say no to the booty.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I think it's pretty obvious why the Fates women don't wear pants especially the Nohrian women. Someone had to approve all those armor and outfit designs. Who else but Garon?
View attachment 111117
No wonder he had all those mistresses. Man couldn't say no to the booty.
It all makes sense, especially when you consider that Garon was born as the only male in his desert tribe



Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Fire Emblem needs more pants. Which ladies wear pants anyway?

PD: I'm (finally) playing Fire Emblem Fates Birthright... So... I come here to ask about pairing suggestions.
I got you covered. I'll list off my recommend pairings by each male character in Birthright.

Male Corrin:

Male Corrin x Scarlet is actually a pretty good pairing. Scarlet is one of the Corrin-sexuals you'll get in Birthright, and she provides some great Strength modifiers to Corrin. This will be pretty useful since Corrin can only promote to Hoshido Noble for his default class in Birthright, and that class capitalizes Strength over Magic. The resulting Kana also gets some pretty good stat growths and modifiers to help in the Hoshido Noble department. It will also help you gain access to every child unit in the game if Corrin marries Scarlet, because due to the number of units you'll get, if Male Corrin doesn't marry a Corrin-sexual, you will miss out on one child unit.

I married Male Corrin with Azura in all three playthroughs though. Their support conversations are pretty cute together, not to mention the resulting Shigure and Kana will be pretty good.


Takumi and Oboro give great-pair-up bonuses to each other, and the resulting Kiragi gets pretty decent stat growths all around in addition to some good max-stat modifiers to his Strength, Skill, and Defense stats. Takumi and Oboro's supports are also really good.


Ryoma has two good marriages that I can think of: Kagero and Rinkah. I married Ryoma with Kagero in my Birthright playthrough, and I got a pretty good Shiro coming out of it. He becomes a real hard-hitting monster thanks to the stat growth and max-stat modifiers she passes down; he can also potentially inherit Replicate from a Mechanist Kagero. Pairing up Ryoma with Kagero also gives Ryoma extra mobility if she is a Master Ninja, while Ryoma gives Kagero more Luck.

I've been hearing Rinkah makes a much better wife for Ryoma though, if not the best. She makes the perfect Pair-up bot for the Lobster Lord, giving him a good boost in Defense so that he has better durability against physical units, and the resulting Shiro gets decent stat growths all around minus Magic (but let's be honest, Shiro shouldn't really be used as a Magic-unit anyway). Rinkah!Shiro can also potentially gain Death Blow + Astra/Vantage from his parents, so there's that.


Now Saizo is an interesting unit. While he may be a ninja and thus a Strength-user, he actually has a decent Magic growth. This makes him a great user of the Flame Shuriken, a weapon that uses the Magic stat instead of the Strength stat (basically the Shuriken equivalent to the Levin Sword). Orochi gives Saizo a good magic boost so that he can wield physical weapons and the Flame Shuriken to his advantage, He also fixes Orochi's speed problem. Saizo's son, Asugi, also has good Magic growths, so having Orochi as his mother makes him even more deadly with the Flame Shuriken than his Father would. This was my Revelation pairing, though Sakura also works well with Saizo for similar reasons, except Sakura is much faster than Orochi by default.

Kagero is a great wife for Saizo if you want to go all-physical with Asugi. She also helps Saizo's speed issue. Well, Saizo may be a ninja, so of course he'll have good speed, but between him, Kaze, and Kagero, he's the slowest of the three. Kagero's speed boosts will allow him to get doubles more often. In return, Saizo is the bulkiest of the three ninjas with his solid Defense and Resistance stats, so Saizo can switch in to protect Kagero from the physical-oriented units should they go after her, while Kagero will handle the magic-oriented units thanks to her higher Resistance stat. Saizo and Kagero's support conversations are also among the best in Birthright IMO, one where you can really see their chemistry.


I married Azama with Felicia in my Birthright playthrough, and it wasn't too bad. As a Great Master, Azama gives +3 Magic to Felicia, which can make her utilize a Flame Shuriken better due to her better Magic stats as a maid, or it makes her hit harder as a Strategist, Felicia's secondary class that is good for capitalizing Felicia's really good Magic stat. Strategist Felicia also gives Great Master Azama better Resistance and even a boost in mobility. Felicia is also one of Azama's few supports where he isn't a jerk, and is overall one of his best support conversations. The resulting Mitama gets decent stat mods as well; nothing too damaging. Mitama can also inherit Live to Serve, which is especially useful if you want to keep her as a healing class.

I heard Setsuna and Kagero also make pretty good wife options for Azama if you are looking for a more physical-oriented Mitama, but I'm not too familiar with either of those pairings to give more detail.


Moving on to Kaden, I married Kaden with Rinkah for my Birthright playthrough. Rinkah does a good job fixing Kaden's Defense issue thanks to her pair-up boosts. In return, Kaden helps boost her speed. He can also take care of magic-oriented units that would normally slaughter Rinkah thanks to her low resistance. The resulting Selkie gains some solid max stat modifiers all around minus Skill, and you can give her Death Blow to boost her chances of landing critical hits, which further helps fix that Strength issue for Selkie.

Setsuna also makes a good wife for Kaden. She gives him a little more Strength to get an extra edge, while she makes Selkie even speedier and gives a slightly better Strength boosts for her than Rinkah does.


The one pairing that comes to mind right away is Hinata and Hana. One of Hinata's main issues is his Speed stat, but when paired up with Swordmaster Hana, she fixes this issue perfectly. Hinata also gives Hana more bulk when it comes to Defense, an issue she normally suffers from. She also ensures Hisame's Speed and Strength stats stay well.

Hinoka also works pretty well. Once again, she gives Hinata a good speed boost, but this time, Falcon Knight Hinoka also gives him a good Resistance boost as well, another stat Hinata is not particularly in strong due to his physical nature. In return, Swordmaster Hinata makes Hinoka even faster than she already is, while Master of Arms Hinata gives Hinoka a solid Strength and Defense boost, two stats that Hinoka could use some improvement on. She also gives Hisame a boost in Strength and some solid bulk to both Defense and Resistance. Their support conversations are also pretty good.


One of Subaki's main issues is his Strength stat, so Rinkah makes a great pair-up bot to fix that issue (as well as making him more tanky). However, Rinkah isn't the best mom for Caeldori.

Hinoka tends to be the one that most people recommend marrying Subaki too. Subaki's speed can be a little lackluster, but when paired with Hinoka, she gives him a really nice boost with that. The two also gain boosted mobility, and the resulting Caeldori gets really good stat growths all around, not to mention that she gets some considerable mods in her Defense and Resistance stats to make her more durable. Their supports are also pretty nice, particularly giving some backstory to Hinoka in her earlier days as a Pegasus Knight.

Subaki can also function pretty well as a Magic attacker, particularly if he has the Bolt Naginata (the new name for the Shock Stick). Just pair him up with someone that can boost his Magic stat, use Rally Magic on him, and he can use that Bolt Naginata to his advantage. Sakura particularly comes to mind. As an Onmyoji, Sakura gives some very nice boosts in Magic and Speed to Subaki, while Priestess Sakura also boosts Magic nicely but gives a better boost in Resistance as well. The resulting Caeldori also becomes a great user of the Bolt Naginata just like her father, in addition to getting some neat Defense mods from her mother. I really didn't learn about how good of a Magic attacker Subaki and Caeldori are until I married Subaki with Nyx in my Revelation playthrough, but looking back, I don't regret marrying Subaki with Sakura. Their support conversations are also pretty cute.


Hayato tends to work the best with magic-oriented units, so the three that come to mind are Orochi, Felicia, and Sakura. Orochi was who I married Hayato with in my Birthright playthrough, and the two worked pretty well together. Hayato patched up Orochi's speed issue, while Orochi turned Rhajat into a magic nuke. Felicia works well for similar reasons, except she gives a much bigger boost in Speed than Orochi does.

Most people would recommend marrying Hayato with Sakura though, mostly because the stat growths and mods tend to be the best for Rhajat when Sakura is her mother. Support conversation-wise, they are pretty cute together as well.


I married him with Hinoka in my Birthright playthrough, and they worked pretty well together. Hinoka fixed his Speed issue, while Silas gave her more bulk. Hinoka also gave Sophie some goods mods, particularly in Strength, Speed, Skill, and Resistance.

Hana works very well with Silas for similar reasons. Hana gives Silas the speed he needs, while Silas gives her better bulk. She also gives Sophie slightly better mods in Skill and Speed than Hinoka does.


Mozu all the way for this one. Mozu gives Midori a pretty good Luck growth mod that allows for Miracle activations to happen quite frequently (and it is further boosted by Midori's personal skill). Mozu can also pass down Quick Draw if she is reclassed into an Archer-class early enough, though passing down Aptitude is also a very good option (the former skill is mainly useful for Midori if you want to keep her as a Merchant, which uses bows). Mozu also gives Midori great Speed mods as well.

In terms of a pair-up bot, Rinkah does a good job fixing Kaze's Strength issue, but when it comes to achieving an S-Support, you're better off pairing Kaze with Mozu for reasons previously stated.


I didn't use Jakob until I played Revelation, but I married him with Kagero there. She makes his speed more manageable, while he gave her a bit more bulk and Strength thanks to his Great Knight class (his secondary class option, and the one I recommend switching him too when you have the chance). Kagero also gives Jakob's son, Dwyer, a really nice Strength boost, which is especially good since him and Jakob are meant to be physical units. This allowed Dwyer to make a pretty good Butler with the skills Lethality and Luna from his parents. I could've even turned him into a Master Ninja if I wanted to make him even better.

Azura also makes a good mother for Dwyer from what I've heard. She doesn't give as a high of a Strength mod that Kagero provides, but Azura does provide a really nice Speed mod as well. The result allows Dwyer to make a pretty rockin' Butler once again in order to highlight his physical prowess.


Male Corrin x Azura
Male Corrin x Scarlet
Takumi x Oboro
Ryoma x Kagero
Ryoma x Rinkah
Saizo x Orochi
Saizo x Sakura
Saizo x Kagero
Azama x Felicia
Azama x Setsuna
Azama x Kagero
Kaden x Rinkah
Kaden x Setsuna
Hinata x Hana
Hinata x Hinoka
Subaki x Hinoka
Subaki x Sakura
Hayato x Sakura
Hayato x Orochi
Hayato x Felicia
Silas x Hinoka
Silas x Hana
Kaze x Mozu
Jakob x Kagero
Jakob x Azura

These are all the options that I recommend.
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Marquess Ostia | Other Trap Butler ★
Feb 7, 2015
Switch FC
It's been somewhat of a while since I last posted here. I currently have all of the Hoshido children in Revelations I also have the children that are in all three paths. Currently only have 4 of the children left to get.

6%... The enemy had a 6% chance to hit and it connected.

Where is that comic of a player yelling at Hana for allowing a small percent hit chance to connect with Hana just smiling back?

Jontron, please express my thoughts.
Yikes. That is pretty bad. Similarly, when I was doing Shiro's paralogue, an Onmyoji hit him with a 4% chance. It only did 11 damage and he had full health though, so it was all right.

But wait, there's more! When I was doing Mitama's paralogue, Selena got 2% critted by a Sniper! And she got critted again in another attempt.

I must have worst luck ever when it comes to this game.

My god, I remember when this thread was still a wee little baby.

How's everyone? It's been forever since I last posted here.
It took me until someone pointed it out for me to get the ones on the right.
But I was able to get the one's on the left immediately.

Fire Emblem needs more pants. Which ladies wear pants anyway?

PD: I'm (finally) playing Fire Emblem Fates Birthright... So... I come here to ask about pairing suggestions.
I'll just list these in paralogue order.

Corrin: This mainly will depend on what gender you're playing as, but if you want to get all of the 2nd gen units and you're playing as :4corrin:, I would say to either marry Sacrlet, Reina, or a 2nd gen unit. But other than that, just marry anyone to Corrin.

From what I've heard, Azura can be a good mother for Jakob's son, but I married Jakob to Felicia in Revelations which gives his son a lot of magic if you want him to be a strategist. Orochi can also be a good mother for him.

Hinoka is a very good choice to pair up with Silas due to the her fixing Silas's speed issue and Ffxing Hinoka's defense. She also gives Sophie some pretty good stats. Hana is very similar to this.

Azura, Mozu, and Setsuna are all very good mothers for his daughter. Rinkah also fixes Kaze's defense.

Kagero gives very good stats to his son all around. Although I've heard that Rinkah also makes a good wife for him due to fixing his defense. He can also access the Blacksmith class which gives him access to Lancebreaker. Oboro can also be a good mother for Shiro. Just make sure you get Shiro early because his paralogue can be tough if you do it later.

Azura can be a very good mother for his son, Kiragi. Although I hear Oboro is really good in terms of bonuses, children, and support.

Orochi, Felicia, and Sakura can all be goo potential wives for him if you want him or his son to have good magic. If you want to go all out physical though, Kagero is a really good option.

Rinkah fixes Kaden's defense issues and helps his daughter be a little less fragile. I hear that Setsuna can also be good though.

Hana is one of his best potential wives because he helps fix his speed issues, and if he marries Hana, his daughter will turn out great.

Felicia, Orochi, and Sakura can all give his daughter good magic if you wnat to have her be an Onmyoji or another magical class. I've also heard about Setsuna being good both in terms of bonuses and passing on her stats.

Sakura can really help him if you want Subaki to go the Falcon knight route and can also give Caeldori both good strength and magic. I also hear that Hinoka gives you one of the best Caeldoris.

His daughter is a mage like he is, so naturally, his daughter wants a lot of Magic. Felicia, Orochi, and Sakura all give her very good magic.

Corrin x whoever you want
Jakob x Azura
Jakob x Felicia
Silas x Hinoka
Silas x Hana
Kaze x Mozu
Kaze x Azura
Kaze x Setsuna
Kaze x Rinkah
Ryoma x Rinkah
Ryoma x Kagero
Ryoma x Oboro
Takumi x Azura
Takumi x Oboro

Saizo x Felicia
Saizo x Sakura
Saizo x Orochi
Saizo x Kagero
Kaden x Rinkah
Kaden x Setsuna
Hinata x Hana
Azama x Felicia
Azama x Orochi
Azama x Sakura
Azama x Setsuna
Subaki x Sakura
Subaki x Hinoka
Hayato x Felicia
Hayato x Orochi
Hayato x Sakura.

This took me way too long to type.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Hey, we have 7 new Pokemon revealed. Here's the trailer
And here are my thoughts on the new Pokemon

So this is Tapu Koko, a Legendary Pokemon of the Alola region. Its an Electric/Fairy. Design wise, it looks more Bug/Fire. And yeah, it really is called Tapu Koko. And everyone though that was just what the locals of the island called it. Yeeeeaaaahh, i'm nicknaming this Pokemon when i catch it. And this is coming from someone who normally doesn't nickname Pokemon. Hmm, what would be a good nickname for it...I know: Laxus. Yeah, that name makes way more sense for an Electric/Dragon (since Laxus is the Lightning Dragon Slayer) but for a Fairy Tail fan like me, lightning and fairies=Laxus (because Laxus is a member of the Fairy Tail Guild). Anyways, Tapu Koko Laxus has the Ability Electric Maker which basically activates Electric Terrain when it is sent out. Its signature move is Wrath of Nature. I'm going to assume its a Fairy-Type move because it was used against a Slowbro and it wasn't Super-Effective. Overall, Tapu Koko Laxus looks amazing. My main question is, will it be obtainable early on? We see it appear in front of Hala and it looks like it happens right after your battle with Hau on that platform. What do you think?

Denjimushi, this bus-looking Bug/Electric type may or may not be the evolution to Grubbin. If you remember what we know about Grubbin, its a Bug-Type that is found near power plants. It does look like it would evolve into this. When i first saw it i was like "what is that thing". You know, i wouldn't be surprised if an actual bus in Japan is designed as a Denjimushi. If Grubbin is our early route Bug-Type that evolves into this, i may end up using it because Denjumushi evolves into...

Its only a matter of time before someone photoshops Ganon's face onto this This is Kuwaganon, the evolution to Denjimushi. For the first time in the Pokemon series, there is an early route Bug-Type that i actually want to use on my team (if it is an early route Bug-Type). Like Denjimushi, it is a Bug/Electric Pokemon and possibly the final evolution to Grubbin. Its design is amazing and it reflects its Bug/Electric Typing. We see it use Zap Cannon, which would be even greater if Zap Cannon's accuracy didn't suck. But yeah, it looks cool. Even if its not an early Bug-Type, i'm still using this.

Jijīron, as you can tell, is based on the Chinese Dragon. It looks decent enough. I feel that this is gonna get an evolution (please don't let it be another Druddigon and on that note, give Druddigon an evolution). It has the Ability Frenzy which increases its Sp.Attack when hit by a Dragon-Type move. Focus Sashes will be really popular here (assuming Jijīron is competitively viable). My only complaint with this Pokemon is that they slapped the Normal Typing onto it, making it a Normal/Dragon Type. Why? It didn't need the Normal Typing. Pure Dragon would've been fine. Heck, Flying/Dragon or Water/Dragon makes way more sense than Normal/Dragon. This was also the problem i had with Pyroar and Helioisk. Both had the Normal-Typing when it made no sense.

WHAT. IS. THIS!? Out of the 7 Pokemon that were revealed today, this is the only one that i don't like. JUST LOOK AT IT! This Pokemon will probably beat Garbodor in the list of Top 10 ugliest Pokemon. I think the biggest offender here is the mouth and you can see why. BTW, the Pokemon's name is Hagigishiri and its a Water/Psychic with the ability Vivid Body which looks like a variation of Inner Focus as it didn't flinch after being hit by Fake Out.

This cute little guy is Aburi, a Bug/Fairy Type. Looks pretty cute, will most likely evolve. It could also be our early route Bug-Type. Nothing else to say about it

Here is Togedemaru, Alola's Pikachu clone. Like all Pikachu clones, it looks cute. Its got the Electric/Steel typing which is a plus. Its got Lightning Rod for its ability and it knows a new move called Discharge Strike. Those little triangles you see are actually spikes, so its kinda like a porcupine. And yeah, i really have nothing else to say about it.
And that's all the new Pokemon. I like all of them except the abomination fish. But we also got more info on Zygarde. Like Zygarde 10%, Zygrade 50% has the Ability Swarm Change which transforms it into its Complete Form when it hits low HP. We also see Zygarde 50% using Thousand Arrows, which is a Ground-Type move that can hit Flying-Types. The big question here is, how do we change Zygarde from his 10% form to his 50% form? And what about Aura Break? For the second question, Aura Break will probably be Complete Form Zygarde's Ability. But the first question still needs answering. What do you think? How will Zygarde change between 10% and 50%?


Falling into Infinity
Oct 21, 2014

WHAT. IS. THIS!? Out of the 7 Pokemon that were revealed today, this is the only one that i don't like. JUST LOOK AT IT! This Pokemon will probably beat Garbodor in the list of Top 10 ugliest Pokemon. I think the biggest offender here is the mouth and you can see why. BTW, the Pokemon's name is Hagigishiri and its a Water/Psychic with the ability Vivid Body which looks like a variation of Inner Focus as it didn't flinch after being hit by Fake Out.
It's ability is indeed Vivid Body.

Get this.

It completely shuts down priority moves.

It's likely we are gonna be seeing more of it in competitive. ;3
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Hey, we have 7 new Pokemon revealed. Here's the trailer
And here are my thoughts on the new Pokemon

So this is Tapu Koko, a Legendary Pokemon of the Alola region. Its an Electric/Fairy. Design wise, it looks more Bug/Fire. And yeah, it really is called Tapu Koko. And everyone though that was just what the locals of the island called it. Yeeeeaaaahh, i'm nicknaming this Pokemon when i catch it. And this is coming from someone who normally doesn't nickname Pokemon. Hmm, what would be a good nickname for it...I know: Laxus. Yeah, that name makes way more sense for an Electric/Dragon (since Laxus is the Lightning Dragon Slayer) but for a Fairy Tail fan like me, lightning and fairies=Laxus (because Laxus is a member of the Fairy Tail Guild). Anyways, Tapu Koko Laxus has the Ability Electric Maker which basically activates Electric Terrain when it is sent out. Its signature move is Wrath of Nature. I'm going to assume its a Fairy-Type move because it was used against a Slowbro and it wasn't Super-Effective. Overall, Tapu Koko Laxus looks amazing. My main question is, will it be obtainable early on? We see it appear in front of Hala and it looks like it happens right after your battle with Hau on that platform. What do you think?

Denjimushi, this bus-looking Bug/Electric type may or may not be the evolution to Grubbin. If you remember what we know about Grubbin, its a Bug-Type that is found near power plants. It does look like it would evolve into this. When i first saw it i was like "what is that thing". You know, i wouldn't be surprised if an actual bus in Japan is designed as a Denjimushi. If Grubbin is our early route Bug-Type that evolves into this, i may end up using it because Denjumushi evolves into...

Its only a matter of time before someone photoshops Ganon's face onto this This is Kuwaganon, the evolution to Denjimushi. For the first time in the Pokemon series, there is an early route Bug-Type that i actually want to use on my team (if it is an early route Bug-Type). Like Denjimushi, it is a Bug/Electric Pokemon and possibly the final evolution to Grubbin. Its design is amazing and it reflects its Bug/Electric Typing. We see it use Zap Cannon, which would be even greater if Zap Cannon's accuracy didn't suck. But yeah, it looks cool. Even if its not an early Bug-Type, i'm still using this.

Jijīron, as you can tell, is based on the Chinese Dragon. It looks decent enough. I feel that this is gonna get an evolution (please don't let it be another Druddigon and on that note, give Druddigon an evolution). It has the Ability Frenzy which increases its Sp.Attack when hit by a Dragon-Type move. Focus Sashes will be really popular here (assuming Jijīron is competitively viable). My only complaint with this Pokemon is that they slapped the Normal Typing onto it, making it a Normal/Dragon Type. Why? It didn't need the Normal Typing. Pure Dragon would've been fine. Heck, Flying/Dragon or Water/Dragon makes way more sense than Normal/Dragon. This was also the problem i had with Pyroar and Helioisk. Both had the Normal-Typing when it made no sense.

WHAT. IS. THIS!? Out of the 7 Pokemon that were revealed today, this is the only one that i don't like. JUST LOOK AT IT! This Pokemon will probably beat Garbodor in the list of Top 10 ugliest Pokemon. I think the biggest offender here is the mouth and you can see why. BTW, the Pokemon's name is Hagigishiri and its a Water/Psychic with the ability Vivid Body which looks like a variation of Inner Focus as it didn't flinch after being hit by Fake Out.

This cute little guy is Aburi, a Bug/Fairy Type. Looks pretty cute, will most likely evolve. It could also be our early route Bug-Type. Nothing else to say about it

Here is Togedemaru, Alola's Pikachu clone. Like all Pikachu clones, it looks cute. Its got the Electric/Steel typing which is a plus. Its got Lightning Rod for its ability and it knows a new move called Discharge Strike. Those little triangles you see are actually spikes, so its kinda like a porcupine. And yeah, i really have nothing else to say about it.
And that's all the new Pokemon. I like all of them except the abomination fish. But we also got more info on Zygarde. Like Zygarde 10%, Zygrade 50% has the Ability Swarm Change which transforms it into its Complete Form when it hits low HP. We also see Zygarde 50% using Thousand Arrows, which is a Ground-Type move that can hit Flying-Types. The big question here is, how do we change Zygarde from his 10% form to his 50% form? And what about Aura Break? For the second question, Aura Break will probably be Complete Form Zygarde's Ability. But the first question still needs answering. What do you think? How will Zygarde change between 10% and 50%?
Those Pokemon were leaked a few hours back, which is probably why the Japanese released the trailer a day early, but the English names of the Pokemon are confirmed to be Tapu Koko, Charjabug, Vikavolt, Drampa, Bruxish, Cutiefly, and Togedemaru.

Bruxish is definitely my least favorite of the 7 new Pokemon revealed as well. The pink colors look a bit odd, and so does the lips, and I'm hoping it gets an evolution to somehow redeem itself. I would hate to see it be like Basculin where it's a fish with lackluster stats and doesn't get an evolution. Here's a fun fact about Bruxish: it is based on the Reef triggerfish, Hawaii's state fish. Perhaps I'll warm up to Bruxish eventually, but it's not clicking for me.

I like Tapu Koko the most out of all them. Seems like it will be an interesting Pokemon for competitive play now that it has a Snow Warning/Sand Stream-like ability for Electric Terrain. It's signature attack, Nature's Wrath, also looks pretty cool. I'm willing to bet it will be obtainable later on, probably in the post-game/late-game when you usually catch legendaries. I also think the Strange Souvenir Legendary will indeed be one of those guardian Pokemon, but not Tapu Koko. The Strange Souvenir has a more human-head like shape, and Tapu Koko has the bird-like design with those arm plates, so I'm guessing one of the other guardian uses a human-shape for its arm plates so that when it puts them together, it would look like a tiki human head.

As for the others, Drampa being Normal/Dragon-type may be a bit odd, but we'll probably get more info on it tomorrow when they give its Pokedex description and why it could be that type; I think it's design looks rather humorous though. Vikavolt looks pretty cool. One of my first predictions for Grubbin's evolution would be that it would evolve into a fly, and it looks like I was right. Charjabug looks a bit odd the cocoon-stage, mostly because it looks a little too rectangular. Cutiefly looks pretty neat, while Togedemaru looks a little odd for the region's Electric rodent, but I think I'll warm up to it eventually.


On a different note, it's a certain tomato lover's birthday today. Happy Birthday, Blonde Marth Leo!



Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
It's ability is indeed Vivid Body.

Get this.

It completely shuts down priority moves.

It's likely we are gonna be seeing more of it in competitive. ;3
Oh. OH! OHHHHHHH! When i read that, i rewatched the trailer and i thought "so it stops priority moves from going first" But no, it outright cancels them out. Wow. Still don't like it (and i'm a casual competitive player anyways so seeing it online won't be as bad)

the English names of the Pokemon are confirmed to be Tapu Koko, Charjabug, Vikavolt, Drampa, Bruxish, Cutiefly, and Togedemaru.
When was this? I haven't heard of this yet and Bulbapedia doesn't have news on the English names aside from Tapu Koko.

I'm hoping it gets an evolution to somehow redeem itself
I'm hoping for a Feebas situation where it starts out looking ugly but evolves into something beautiful.

Here's a fun fact about Bruxish: it is based on the Reef triggerfish, Hawaii's state fish.
Yeah i heard about that. The funny part is that the Reef Triggerfish looks much better than Bruxish.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
When was this? I haven't heard of this yet and Bulbapedia doesn't have news on the English names aside from Tapu Koko.
The leak happened very late last night around 2:30 AM Central Time. Someone was uploading the official mini-trailers for each of the new Pokemon, and it revealed their English names in the titles. The problem is, Nintendo has been hard at work taking down all the videos, included those that were reposted by other people, so that's why you won't be able to find mini-videos of them on Youtube. The closest to where you can find out about the English names is on Serebii at the moment.

I'm hoping for a Feebas situation where it starts out looking ugly but evolves into something beautiful.
That's what I'm hoping for as well. I'm also interested in seeing evolve into a strong, cool-looking Pokemon much like Magikarp to Gyarados.


Your fate is clear!
Jan 12, 2016
Trieste, Italy
After a month I finally finished my exams, and now hopefully I will be more active.

Speaking about the Pokémon news, I really like Vikavolt, I think it is my favourite out of all so far.
And just to note: Bruxish is a water Pokémon with an ability to completely negate priority moves...
R.I.P. Talonflame lol


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
I've been underwhelmed by the pokemon shown so far, but there's a couple of them in this batch that really click with me.

Tapu Koko is cool. We need more fairy types that aren't all cutesy and pink to, and its ability sound really useful in competitive matches. I also love how its arms can form a bird mask. Vikavolt looks cool, but I probably won't use it in my in-game team. Drampa and Charjabug are delightfully silly looking.

Pikaclone and Cutiefly don't really interest me, and Bruxish is downright hideous, so I can't say I'm a fan of them.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
It all makes sense, especially when you consider that Garon was born as the only male in his desert tribe

Armagon, if this is what really happened, how do i unlock this? Action Replay? XD Also, I forgot your My Castle address lol. And I think giving my Avatar the Aptitude skill was a mistake. He's not even Level 20 and his strength is over 30. I need to stop visiting castles XD. Eh.... I REGRET NOTHING.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Oh hey, i was right. Grubbin does evolve into Charjabug. Good. I actually like this Gen's early route Bug-Type. And we finally got info on Zygarde's forms. In order to access 10% or 50% forms, you need to have gathered enough Zygarde Cores and Cells.

, I forgot your My Castle address
Here you go


Marquess Ostia | Other Trap Butler ★
Feb 7, 2015
Switch FC
I have now gotten all of the 2nd gen units in Revelations now. Which means that I will finally progress through the Revelations story.

Oh yeah and during Nina's paralogue Ryoma got hit by yet another low hit rate, albeit a little bit higher.

He was fine though, as I don't think he even got hit after this.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
Oh hey, i was right. Grubbin does evolve into Charjabug. Good. I actually like this Gen's early route Bug-Type. And we finally got info on Zygarde's forms. In order to access 10% or 50% forms, you need to have gathered enough Zygarde Cores and Cells.

Here you go
It says " Could not find data"


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
It says " Could not find data"
What country do you live in? Because of its not North America, you can't visit my Castle. You can only visit other Castles that are in the same region as you. Meaning that i can visit North American Castles but not anywhere else.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
What country do you live in? Because of its not North America, you can't visit my Castle. You can only visit other Castles that are in the same region as you. Meaning that i can visit North American Castles but not anywhere else.
Oh...I'm in Italy. Damn...


Wyvern Lord
Sep 6, 2014
Kingdom of Nohr
I think it's pretty obvious why the Fates women don't wear pants especially the Nohrian women. Someone had to approve all those armor and outfit designs. Who else but Garon?
View attachment 111117
No wonder he had all those mistresses. Man couldn't say no to the booty.
Garon is Space Dandy confirmed.

Also, of the new Poke's Vikavolt is definitely my fav.

I need my railgun-faced electric beetle!


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
Today is a momentous day. Not only is it the Fourth of July, but it is also Kiragi's birthday!

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