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Social Corrin Social - Still Fire Emblem Social


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Completed chapters 24, 25, and 26 of Revelation

We've reached the basement of Castle Gyges, but we run into Mikoto when we are there. She may be Anankos's servant, but she seems to be more like herself compared to the likes of Arete and Sumeragi. As such, Corrin pauses when he tries to attack her, and Mikoto is willing to help us through a maze.

So the objective of this map is that it is a stealth mission for the most part. It's possible to avoid all battles if you avoid the unprompted enemy units that walk around a given area. You are rewarded with items if you complete the stealth objective: Boots, Master Seal, and 10,000 G in particular. The moment you are in their range, they summon enemy units, and you fail the stealth objective. I tried to complete the stealth objective at first, but it got pretty difficult to do after a while, so I decided to get in their range anyway to take out enemy units just for the EXP, and it was still a good experience. I'm aware I missed out on a pair of Boots, but I'll live. Did anyone actually manage to complete the stealth objective for this map?

The other part about this map that I knew about in advance is the doors. Mikoto will tell you take the blue doors, and going through them will keep your units safe. If you go through the red doors, all your units get damaged until they have only 1 HP left and you are greeted with enemy units from the get-go. There are three section total, so there are 3 blue doors and 3 red doors total.

Now this is where the big catch comes in: as you approach the final set of doors, Mikoto will tell you to take the red door this time. Here's a tip: do not take the red door no matter what. If you do, you will be affected with the already-explained effects. The takeaway is, even though she may be the most like herself between her, Arete, and Sumeragi, she is still a servant to Anankos, and so if she tries to trick you for the final set of doors, go with what she initially told you.

When I finally got to Mikoto's room, Kagero ended up being the one to finish her right away once Mikoto went in for the offensive. I found this situation memorable since Kagero used to be a retainer to her, so I thought it should've triggered some sort of special dialogue between them. The same can be said for Reina and Orochi. Only Corrin actually has dialogue with them.

Following the battle, Mikoto dies once again. The scene was moving since they had "Warmth is Gone" playing and Corrin, Sakura, and Hinoka cry at one point, but I still found it a bit hard to feel any sort of emotion here since we didn't know Mikoto for so long. Oh yeah, and she also reveals this before she dies.

I was spoiled about this plot twist in advance, but yeah, looks like I'm destined to rule Valla at some point if Azura won't do it... and Azura is apparently my cousin. Well, S-Supporting Azura now sure feels... interesting.
As we try to find a way to set of stairs so that we can reach the throne room, I am attacked again by that one person who tried to kill me back in Chapter 18. Gunther arrives afterward to help out, and we find the set of stairs. When we climb them, we are greeted by the same hooded man from Chapter 5. Turns out this hooded man who killed Mikoto is none other than Sumeragi, and he wields the same demonic sword that I was using before I got the Yato. Well, it's time for battle!

For this battle, you objective is to defeat Sumeragi, but in order to reach him, you first need to clear all the enemies in the three rooms. There is a Dragon's Vein in each of them, and each one will break a chain that is locking Sumeragi and a few units away from reaching you. Another catch is that to reach the rooms, you have to take a transporter that moves from left to right. Not all of your units can fit into a single one, so for the first part, you'll need to split up your units and decide which

All I have to say is that this... chapter... is... difficult. It took several tries to actually complete it. My first attempt ended with a Spear Master I failed to kill taking out Saizo. The second attempt involved a fallen unit in the middle room with the Swordmasters. With the third attempt, I made it until the very end, but one of the Snipers near Sumeragi ended up murdering Odin with ease. I was so furious that I almost made it but failed, so I ended up using the royals to get this over with. In the end, I landed the final blow on Sumeragi.

Following the battle, Sumeragi tells us how he met Mikoto, and he dies shortly after. Again, a moving scene, but I couldn't feel any real motion much like Arete and Mikoto's deaths.

This chapter scared me about the late-game levels so much that I decided to grind up all my units until they were at least Level 15. Then, it was off to Chapter 26.
Before this battle, I've turned my avatar from Nohr Noble to Hoshido Noble. I think the extra strength will be useful for the final chapters, not to mention that I only used the Fire tome just for the sake of weakening enemy units to have other units finish them off. The Levin Sword still did a good job though.

We've reached the throne room, thinking Anankos is in there, but we don't find anything. Suddenly, someone attacks the royals behind us with a set of explosions. Gunter accuses us as the enemy because we led them to be killed in order to make Valla's conquest easier, but the tables turn. We discover Gunter was the "attacker;" not only that, but he was the one that killed Scarlet. The big giveaway was that he remembers in Chapter 25 how Scarlet's flower burned away when she tried to protect me back in Chapter 18.

Well, this wasn't the only giveaway. The fact Gunter cannot have any supports this route already hints at his big plot reveal later on. Not only that, but back in Chapter 18, the shadowed figure in that cutscene sounded exactly like Gunter, and he repeats those words when he tried to attack me last chapter.

It also turns out Anankos was possessing him this whole time.

This map was overall easier to proceed through compared to the last chapter. The only hard part were the enemies in the beginning. I almost lost Niles to a Bow Knight after I used him to take out a Maid, but he got a lucky dodge and proceeded to soften the guy up. Velouria took some hard hits from the Hero and the Berserker, but we still took good care of those units so that Asugi could open the two chests on the right side (one of which contained a Beastone+; surprised that we finally got a second one this late in the game, but I managed to trade it to Kaden during the battle).

There are small ponds where more reinforcements are sent out, and you can temporarily prevent them from coming by using Dragon's Vein in that location to temporarily freeze it; it unfreezes after a few turns though. A set of healing tiles will also appear around Corrin, healing any of your units that stand on them (it's supposed to be Mikoto's way of helping us apparently). Anyway, Niles took care of opening the two chests on the left side, and once the first four chests were take care of, I proceeded upward from the center, splitting my units for the left and right sides. There came a tense moment where Oboro missed an attack against one of the Adventurers, and that enemy unit could go after Azura and kill her. I prevented that from happening by baiting the Adventurer with Hinoka. Call it a bad move because of her weakness, but she had a maxed Dual Guard meter to prevent the attack. Turns out the plan worked, and Hinoka baited the Adventurer away from Azura without losing her life.

Taking out Gunter wasn't that hard either. I weakened him with Midori, then landed two hits on him with myself, then finished him off with Kaden. Overall, this chapter wasn't too difficult, though I guess the grinding was the reason why it helped.

Following the battle, Azura sings to free Gunter from Anankos's control, and in an attempt to drive the force away, Gunter stabs himself. It's a success, and Sakura and Elise save him afterward. Gunter then reveals that when he was asked to accept Dragon's Blood from Garon, he refused, and so Garon killed his wife, child, and everyone from his hometown as a result. Because of this, Gunter was training me to take revenge on Garon one day.

Well, it seems like this "family plot twist" is the main reason why we can't support Gunter at all this game. They don't want you to find out later that he once had a family when you achieve S-Support him. Honestly, I think the best way around that should've been to just end his supports at the A-Support and that's that. No need to make have no supports at all to the point the plot twist would be obvious later on.

And with that, I only have Chapters 27 and the Endgame left. I just need to grind my units until they are all Level 20, and then it's to time to finish Revelation!

In my experiencing grinding after Chapter 26, it turns out the Ghostly Gold DLC can be really good for grinding units. The enemy units will give you a lot of EXP. All you need to do is go after the enemies without the crown since they are the ones that attack you on the enemy phase unless they are trapped, and you can get a nice amount of EXP easily (in addition to lots of gold if you can find a way to take care of the crowned enemy units at some point). I might complete Invasion 3 as well, but we shall see.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I'M BACK! I have several fan-comics of Fire Emblem i want to show.

And that's all for the comics.

Due to the recent Pokemon annoucnmets, this thread has also become a partial Pokemon thread. As such, i would like to share a few crossover fan-arts.

I also found some crossover art of Pokemon x Fairy Tail. These feature some of the Fairy Tail guild members and they're Pokemon teams.

Oh yeah, there's also this Fire Emblem x Sailor Moon
I can see the resemblance.
One final thing: This is an official card from the Fire Emblem Cipher

It's canon! Come on though, is that really a surprise? Who doesn't ship Roy x Lilina? Now we just need Eliwood and Ninian in the same card.

So all of this took me like 30-ish minutes to post. And i'm still not done because there's still some stuff i want to share regarding E3 and a few other stuff.

In any case, I also played the second DLC wave the other day--how do you all think it turned out? I was honestly a little disappointed, as I thought it was both pretty weak in terms of story and in terms of presenting a new, interesting challenge. Does anyone have any news on when the third wave is coming out stateside?
I thought it was fine. Heirs of Fate had pretty good challenge, especially the second chapter. And of course, Matthew Mercer singing and Point Blank were worth it. I honestly prefer Heirs of Fate over Future Past. As for the third wave, no news on that yet.

Mario Party Star Rush. What do you guys think of it?
Compared to Mario Parties 1-8, it looks mediocre. However, the game itself does show promise. It actually looks good compared to 9, 10 and Island Tour. Although the box art though. I guess you could say the box art was STAR RUSHED. Get it? Because the game is called Star Rush

Since nobody has mentioned it yet, I was curious what everyone thought of Nintendo's newest IP that was introduced at E3.

Personally I think it looks pretty good, but I'm also a big fan of action RPG type games, so perhaps some slight bias on my part. But the idea of building your own oasis village is neat, and the exploration and combat mechanics look pretty solid. Overall I'm excited for it, and I really hope it performs well.
It looks like a nice refreshing game to play. The oasis mechanic reminds me of the town building feature in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity.

Did anyone actually manage to complete the stealth objective for this map?
*raises hand*. It was harder than expected. Avoiding enemy range during player turns were fine. But during enemy turns, the enemy can move so that your in they're range and thus, you fail the stealth mission. I was able to do it though, after about 20 tires. I did it by pairing myself up with Midori (since she was a Mechanist and thus had extra movement) and then pairing up Xander and Leo with Hinoka and Nyx for those S-Support boosts. After getting to the final room, i easily took out Mikoto with Xander, while me and Leo fought off the other units that were around her.


Now that E3 is over, was there anything you guys would've liked to see? I personally wish we got to see some stuff on Fire Emblem Mobile and Animal Crossing Mobile.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Well, I finally did it. I just beat Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation!

Music to enjoy if you'll read this post (link contains end credits music spoilers)

I completed the Chapter 27 battle in one turn because I just wanted get Revelation over with. My method of defeating Anankos here was by pairing Hinoka with Xander and putting them at the top most tile at the start. Hinoka moved all the way until she was one space away from her topmost tile; she then used Rescue to fetch me close to her. I was paired with Mitama for the Strength and Defense boosts. I approached Anankos and landed some good damage onto him, one of which was from Dragon Fang. Once that was done, I had Caeldori paired with Siegbert fly all the way until she was one tile beneath one of the Generals. She then used her Rescue staff to bring Shigure paired with Azura close to her. Shigure then flew Azura toward me. He then switched into Azura so that she could give me an extra attack. Following that, I landed the final blow.

And now the endgame. My final team: myself, Azura, Gunter, Xander, Hinoka, Camilla, Ryoma, Takumi, Oboro, Shiro, Sophie, and Shigure.
  • Shigure was paired with Azura once again so that Azura would have more mobility (he also served as an added healing unit alongside Hinoka).
  • Xander and Hinoka mostly did there job in taking out any extra enemy units, although Xander could go up against Anankos if he needed to.
  • ^The same thing applied to Takumi and Oboro, only unlike Xander, Takumi actually did attack Anankos a few times.
  • Shiro and Sophie were there solely to deal with extra enemy units; I chose them as my children units since they are among my favorite children units in the game (Shiro is among my top 10 favorite characters as well, and he was a pretty killer unit in this playthrough thanks to some awesome stats all around and some great skills such as Astra, Rend Heaven, and Savage Blow (thanks Camilla); Sophie was pretty awesome this time around thanks to Aptitude from her mother, Mozu, and gaining access to Aegis and Luna).
  • Ryoma was there to serve as an additional attacker to Anankos.
What about Gunter? He was only there as pair-up fodder for myself. I completely forgot that his personal skill is a huge asset to Corrin when paired with him/her. Had I not forgot about it in Chapter 27, I easily would've paired him with myself for that battle. Now that I remembered it as I was selecting my units, I knew Gunter would make the perfect Dual Guard fodder for this battle.

Battle time!

Turns out this wasn't as hard of a fight as I expected (though I have to admit grinding all my units up to Level 20 definitely helped here). Ryoma took out the first Berserker, and Oboro took out the first Sorcerer. Xander took care of the Bow Knight, while Shiro took care of the first Wyvern Lord. I chilled around the center at first to wait for the coast to be clear. Into the next turn, Oboro gets damaged a tiny bit by the Adventurer, and a Dark Knight does a small chunk of damage to Shiro. More reinforcements are sent on the left: another Berserker and another Sorcerer. I reach the Berserker and take it out with ease. Oboro takes out the Sorcerer, and Camilla killed the General with a Hammer and took a huge amount of damage in the process. Sophie took out the Dark Knight, and then Shiro took care of the incoming Paladin when Azura arrived to sing her song. Hinoka healed Shiro afterward.

Now it was time to take out the first arm, the one on the left. Ryoma took out half of the HP there and avoided Anakos's attack. I then moved in to land the finishing blow. A Bow Knight and another Wyvern Lord appeared on the right. Xander took care of the Bow Knight yet again, and Shiro took out the Wyvern Lord, this time with a lucky dodge. It took about two turns to transport Ryoma+Camilla, myself+Gunter, and Takumi+Oboro to reach the other side. The good thing was that little reinforcements were sent on the left in this process. Once they reached the right arm, Hinoka healed up Camilla. I then repeated the same process that I did with left arm: Ryoma softened things up (he even activated Astra with the second hit, but some of the attacks missed) at the cost of receiving lots of damage, and then I proceeded to land the finishing blow. With two arms down, only the head remained. Another Sorcerer and General were sent in around this time. I had Oboro tank up the hits from these two. She then took out the Sorcerer, while Hinoka took out the General when it had the right HP.

After that, all my units closed in on the head. Takumi landed 30 damage to it, and he was protected with a Dual Guard when Anankos tried to attack. Ryoma continued to soften things up, and I landed the final blow... and then we had to deal with his final form: Anankos's heart. A Swordmaster, a Sniper, a Falcon Knight, and an Onmyoji were closing in at this point from the top right, so I had to give it my all this turn. Here we go!

Ryoma goes first... and one of his attacks missed. He gets quite the damage once again in the process. I then proceeded to attack, feeling a little nervous after that one miss from Ryoma. Luckily, one of my hits involved the Dragon Fang. Anankos was left with 13 HP at this point. Takumi proceeds to attack. He will do 12 damage, leaving Anankos at one HP short. I forgot that Dragonskin doesn't negate critical hits, but rather just halves them. Guess where this is going. Takumi readied his bow and the critical flash happens. "Oh, that's it," screams Takumi. He lands the killing blow, dealing 18 damage to finish off Anankos. I was flabbergasted. I didn't think he'd land the final blow; I thought I would have to do it after Azura would sing for me, but nope, Takumi got the job done. My favorite character in the game finished off my Fire Emblem Fates playthrough with a bang! I kept proudly saying, "Ma boi," as I let that moment sink in.

What to know what's even better than that?

Yep, my favorite/one of my best tag team duos ended up being the heroes for the final battle! It was quite the satisfying finish overall.

As for my thoughts on Revelation...

I enjoyed the route yet again. If I had to place Revelation compared to the others, I'd say it'd be in the middle. I think the story wasn't too strong, being weaker than Birthright but still better than Conquest. As for the gameplay, it was definitely a lot better than Birthright since the mission objectives had a bit more variety compared to it, although Conquest still takes the cake for its amazing mission objectives, overall gameplay, and maps.

Though the gameplay in Revelation does have its fault. I really didn't like Chapter 10's gimmick where you had to break through the ice. It was so long and tedious to break through all of it since there were so many items you could get from defeating the enemies. Just imagine how it felt having to go through it all over again when I failed on the first try... when I died against the final batch of enemies near Zola. Chapter 12's gimmick wasn't very interesting either. You literally had to wait for a few times so that a Dragon's Vein would eventually pop up so that you could create an ice bridge that would the boats. You could technically cheese this map by using a flying unit, but if you decide not do it, have fun with a rather tedious chapter gameplay wise. The Chapter 22 map also felt pretty bland for a late-game map, as it looked really bland with it's generic forest look, and the Dragon's Vein gimmick was like Midori's paralogue. TL;DR, Chapter 22's map felt like a repeat of Midori's paralogue, but less interesting.

As for Revelation's story faults, I didn't feel any real emotion for Sumeragi, Mikoto, and Arete's deaths, as we barely got to know them well enough. Those scenes were still moving, but they didn't have the real emotional impact that royals' deaths in Birthright and Conquest have. There's also the Gunter plot twist being ruined with the fact he can't support anyone in this route. The final events of the game felt somewhat similar to Awakening too, particularly that the true villain was a dragon who also wanted to use you as a vessel at some point (hello again, Grima). On the other hand, it did feel satisfying to have all the Hoshido and Nohr units by your side and didn't have to worry about killing any of them in battle... with the exception of Scarlet of course. I can understand why some people didn't like that because it felt to "fan-fiction-y." Something about the Anthony sub-plot didn't feel good either, but I couldn't quite lay my finger on it.

Chapter 10 where you run into Leo after the battle also felt like proof that he would listen to you if you showed him the crystal ball back in Conquest. The main reason he ignores Corrin here was because Corrin couldn't say the name of the person that was controlling Garon and thus instigating the war. Perhaps if he "showed" Leo who this villain was without saying the name, I'm sure Leo would've joined him right there and then. Here, I think the reason they didn't have the crystal ball at this moment in Revelation was because they wanted to keep the plot going with the whole "Valla curse" deal. Alas, it would've been nice if we knew where exactly in Valla is the crystal ball from, but I guess that's more of a curiosity question than a big-plot driven question.

As for some other thoughts, I like how the one part during the credits where they list all the chapters and the heroes in each of them is sped up depending on how much you've completed before the endgame. I was worried that "Final Elites" would stop playing around halfway through the chapter credits because I did all the paralogues prior, but the way the credits were scrolling was so that it would still end with the final chapter leaving at the conclusion of the song. Definitely a nice change from Awakening where it's chapter credits doesn't stay at pace with the song playing there. In Fates, it just felt like a nicer transition overall.

I was also shocked to learn that if you marry Laslow with Hana, their epilogue mentions that Hana vanished after the war, but only Sakura knew where she went. So does this mean Hana left Hoshido to live with Laslow in Ylisse? That's pretty surprising Hana would do that, but I bet she would make an awesome sword teacher in Ylisse.

In all, I don't have a favorite version. I really enjoyed all the versions because they all have something that really makes them stand out in an enjoyable way. Revelation felt more like the middle ground between the two versions, but it was still a great game overall.

Altogether, it took 246 hours and 7 minutes for me to complete all three routes. Pretty hefty!

I only need to complete the Hidden Truths DLC and the Before Awakening DLC. That being said, how is the Hidden Truths DLC gameplay wise? Is it difficult or easy?

I will get to Heirs of Fate once I beat Kirby: Planet Robobot.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I was also shocked to learn that if you marry Laslow with Hana, their epilogue mentions that Hana vanished after the war, but only Sakura knew where she went. So does this mean Hana left Hoshido to live with Laslow in Ylisse? That's pretty surprising Hana would do that, but I bet she would make an awesome sword teacher in Ylisse.
This actually happens to whoever Laslow marries. In my file, Mozu married Laslow and at the end of the war, both disappear. The same happens to whoever Odin and Selena marry. And i also have a feeling Soleil and Ophelia go to Ylisse as well, since their unmarried epilogue states that they disappeared.
That being said, how is the Hidden Truths DLC gameplay wise? Is it difficult or easy?
Hidden Truths 1 is fairly challenging, Hidden Truths 2 is a trap. The thing with Hidden Truths 2 is that there are 2 paths, although you have to unlock the 2nd path. The first path kinda has this spiral staircase feel. On that path, there are units that could probably one-shot you. The other path is unlocked by activating all the Dragon Veins. Using the 2nd path brings you closer to the escape zone, at the cost of summoning more enemies. Regardless of which path you take, the chances of getting rekt are pretty high. On the bright side, Hidden Truths 1, the easier of the two maps, gives you the Fellblood Emblem which class-changes male units into Grandmaster. Hidden Truths 2 gives you the First Blood which gives any unit access to Dragon's Vein but since you've beaten the game, you don't really have much use for the First Blood.
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
This actually happens to whoever Laslow marries. In my file, Mozu married Laslow and at the end of the war, both disappear. The same happens to whoever Odin and Selena marry. And i also have a feeling Soleil and Ophelia go to Ylisse as well, since their unmarried epilogue states that they disappeared.

Hidden Truths 1 is fairly challenging, Hidden Truths 2 is a trap. The thing with Hidden Truths 2 is that there are 2 paths, although you have to unlock the 2nd path. The first path kinda has this spiral staircase feel. On that path, there are units that could probably one-shot you. The other path is unlocked by activating all the Dragon Veins. Using the 2nd path brings you closer to the escape zone, at the cost of summoning more enemies. Regardless of which path you take, the chances of getting rekt are pretty high. On the bright side, Hidden Truths 1, the easier of the two maps, gives you the Fellblood Emblem which class-changes male units into Grandmaster. Hidden Truths 2 gives you the First Blood which gives any unit access to Dragon's Vein but since you've beaten the game, you don't really have much use for the First Blood.
I'm back from my birthday! I got Birthright and I'm getting Revelations next week. How do i get the faceless servant? Is it only on Revelations?


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I'm back from my birthday! I got Birthright and I'm getting Revelations next week. How do i get the faceless servant? Is it only on Revelations?
You get it after beating Conquest.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
Faceless servant? I don't remember anything about this after beating Conquest


Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2014
The Domain
I've just completed Conquest!

I will admit that I made another save file to get Phoenix mode for the final level, just because I found it really hard and wanted to get it done. I'll try to beat it legit some day.

Up next: Birthright!


I will use this moment to remind everyone that short haired Female Corrin is the best Corrin.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2015
New England
Alright, I'm trying Birthright Lunatic Casual. I tried classic, and it was not fun. I reset if there's a death, and things get very death-y when my plan goes wrong.
Apparently the unspoken rule of Lunatic is that something will ALWAYS go wrong.
A lot of chapters have turned the organized team into scraps of a unit crawling to the level's end. Except chapter 5. I had no trouble on chapter 5 for some reason.

Edit: I'm actually enjoying Lunatic Casual. Things end up getting tense when the team gets whittled down to a few people, and it's fun to fight your way out of a tight situation without constantly worrying about casualties.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Ok so GameXplain uploads a video featuring the Ch.1 boss fight in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. When you look at the like/dislike bar, you'll see that there are significantly more likes than dislikes. But then you go on the comments and 90% of the comments are hate. And its not just on this video. Its on every video that has to do with TMS#FE. So which is it? Do people like the game or not?


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
Ok so GameXplain uploads a video featuring the Ch.1 boss fight in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. When you look at the like/dislike bar, you'll see that there are significantly more likes than dislikes. But then you go on the comments and 90% of the comments are hate. And its not just on this video. Its on every video that has to do with TMS#FE. So which is it? Do people like the game or not?
People love to ***** about the censorship #FE went through. Why, just go to Nintendo of America's Twitter and look for all posts related to the game. You're going to see the same faces talk **** about NoA for censoring the game and post comparisons between the original version released in Japan to the version we're getting here.



Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
People love to ***** about the censorship #FE went through. Why, just go to Nintendo of America's Twitter and look for all posts related to the game. You're going to see the same faces talk **** about NoA for censoring the game and post comparisons between the original version released in Japan to the version we're getting here.

The one with Tsubasa and Caeda is barely noticeable. It took me a few seconds to find the difference and its just a tiny little black spot. I like how they said "fans". LOL, when this game was announced, everybody hated it and a lot of people still do. But we all know what will happen. Today, people are like "THIS GAME SUCKS, ITS CENSORED AND ITS FOR WEEBS!". In a few years, people will be like "Hey, have you guys heard of Tokyo Mirage Session #FE? Its a really cool underrated gem in the Wii U's library. You should check it out". The game will go on to become some sort of collector's game, similar to Xenoblade before the remake.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
This actually happens to whoever Laslow marries. In my file, Mozu married Laslow and at the end of the war, both disappear. The same happens to whoever Odin and Selena marry. And i also have a feeling Soleil and Ophelia go to Ylisse as well, since their unmarried epilogue states that they disappeared.
So I married Odin with Elise in both my Conquest and Revelation playthroughs, while I married with Selena with Hinata on my Revelation playthrough and Silas in my Conquest run. The former is more interesting to note since Elise left the royal family for good. As for Hana, I can only imagine how emotional it must've been for Sakura to see her childhood friend depart her to live with Laslow, and probably the same for Hana as well since she is so committed to Sakura.

Hidden Truths 1 is fairly challenging, Hidden Truths 2 is a trap. The thing with Hidden Truths 2 is that there are 2 paths, although you have to unlock the 2nd path. The first path kinda has this spiral staircase feel. On that path, there are units that could probably one-shot you. The other path is unlocked by activating all the Dragon Veins. Using the 2nd path brings you closer to the escape zone, at the cost of summoning more enemies. Regardless of which path you take, the chances of getting rekt are pretty high. On the bright side, Hidden Truths 1, the easier of the two maps, gives you the Fellblood Emblem which class-changes male units into Grandmaster. Hidden Truths 2 gives you the First Blood which gives any unit access to Dragon's Vein but since you've beaten the game, you don't really have much use for the First Blood.
So I beat Hidden Truths 1 just now, and it took me two tries. The first time I almost succeeded, but Sumeragi killed Laslow at the very end thanks to RNG luck not going in my favor when there was a moment I could've killed him before it happened. The second try was smoother and once again had a close against Sumeragi. One lucky dodge Selena had made all the difference.

I'm doing Hidden Truths 2 right now, and I already had two attempts with it. The first try ended with Laslow dying to an incoming Dark Knight when I tried to do the second option. The second attempt was where I tried the first path to see dangerous units for myself, and dear lord, those Berserkers are way too risky to go up against with their Silver Star Axes and crit percents. RNG luck ended up in their favor... and you know where this is going. I think I'm just going to stick with the first path, although I have a feeling that sudden rush of enemies won't be pretty either.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
How do you even beat Hidden Truths 1?
I did like 5 tries on that one but I failed miserably...

Deleted member

How do you even beat Hidden Truths 1?
I did like 5 tries on that one but I failed miserably...
I just stay in the middle, give Owain the Levin Sword and increase his magic stat, have the characters be in attack stance, and go in guard stance when I only have 2 units left.
Your success in this Xenologue depends on luck and patience really.


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014

6%... The enemy had a 6% chance to hit and it connected.

Where is that comic of a player yelling at Hana for allowing a small percent hit chance to connect with Hana just smiling back?

Jontron, please express my thoughts.

Also, are single percent crit chances occuring more often in Fates than they did in Awakening?

Deleted member


6%... The enemy had a 6% chance to hit and it connected.

Where is that comic of a player yelling at Hana for allowing a small percent hit chance to connect with Hana just smiling back?

Jontron, please express my thoughts.

Also, are single percent crit chances occuring more often in Fates than they did in Awakening?
Oh dear, if that happened to me, I would get salty and panic...

In the event Hana does get hit, I gave her Sol and Good Fortune to give her back any lost health (her skill and luck stats are pretty high) and I gave her Miracle so that she can survive with 1 HP after killing blows. I might replace Sol with Aether and replace one of her skills with Aegis or Pavise.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
I just stay in the middle, give Owain the Levin Sword and increase his magic stat, have the characters be in attack stance, and go in guard stance when I only have 2 units left.
Your success in this Xenologue depends on luck and patience really.
Sounds painful. I might give it another shot sometime then.

And about the RNG, it certainly does seem to favor the bold...
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
I finished Hidden Truths 2 on my third attempt.

I found human Anankos rather likable. He sounds like a more upbeat version of Corrin, and they share the same voice actor, Cam Clarke. I honestly felt bad for the poor guy when we learned about how Anankos ended up in the state he is now. Owain/Odin had some really likable moments here, even more than Inigo/Laslow's IMO.

With the second Hidden Truths map, I ended up proceeding with each of the smaller patches of land one at a time so that I wouldn't swarmed by reinforcements after activating a single Dragon's Vein. Once you activate all three of them, a fourth Dragon's Vein will appear around the center. This one will cause the bigger island to connect with the island where Arete and her forces are located, and the unit that activates this will receive several skills: Warding Blow, Astra, and Death Blow. All three of your units also gain boosted stats, allowing you to better handle the enemies close to Arete. When the fourth Dragon's Vein is activated, it causes a huge swarm of enemies to appear near Arete. Dealing with them wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Laslow ended up being my unit with the added skills, and he pulled me through with the later half of the map. He even managed to score a crit against one of the maids and activated Astra against Arete. Once the enemies there were cleared, I broke the wall and escaped before the Kinshi Knights arrived.

As for the story points...

Damn, Lilith acted pretty scary for a villain, especially how she treats human Anankos but I guess I have that impression because I'm used to seeing her as a kind girl. Human Anankos's death makes her realize that the Dragon Anankos never loved her as a parent, and the human one tries to reach out in the final moments. She learns of her father's son's/daughter's name, and so she decides to travel to Nohr and be with Corrin to make up for it, although she will never reveal that she is Corrin's sister. Yes, turns out Corrin's real little sister is Lilith.

I kind of wish we got to see Anankos without the hood though. There was a moment when he was dying where you could see what was underneath his hood, but it looked like even his hair covers his eyes.

And quite shockingly, human Anankos ends up returning to dragon Anankos. The DLC ends with one scene showing Dragon Anankos talking about how he will destroy humanity and laugh menacingly, and then the credits play. After that, we see Dragon Anankos again, but this time, he speaks in that weird caps and lowercase language like Monster Garon did in Conquest, but this time, it's a plea for Corrin, Laslow, Selena, and Odin to defeat him and free him from his madness, ending with the Dragon Anankos gaining composure for a brief second as he says, "I believe in you." It then transitions to a special narration text talking about how you will never learn Anankos is your father and Lilith is your sister during your adventure.

I also find it funny that Odin, Laslow, and Selena were supposed to go to Hoshido originally. Just imagine how different they would've looked like if they adapted to Hoshidan culture! They end up in Nohr only because Corrin turns out to be there. Not only that, but those three knew about Valla before Corrin learned about it first hand. Just imagine how the three felt during the Revelation playthrough in the later chapters.

With the first one, I liked how they referenced Robin at the end of it when Human Anankos talked about feeling the presence of a "tactician."

I also beat the Before Awakening DLC.

Dear lord, this map is BRUTAL in the late-game. The main issue here is that Master Ninjas are constantly being sent out at the fortresses (and it is a "Rout the Enemy" mission for that matter), so you pretty much need to play your cards right and make sure you take out two Ninjas at a time while having at least two of your units stand on the fortresses to prevent them from coming out. Also, if you're playing this on Hard or higher, the Master Ninjas have Lunge AND Poison Strike, so it is very easy for one of your units to be swarmed out of nowhere and die.

Oh yeah, if you want to obtain the Hero's Brand and the Exalt's Brand, Chrom, Frederick, and Lissa need to survive the map. If Lissa ends up in the range of the Master Ninjas and at least two of them remain AND can reach her, you might as well just restart.

I started out using myself, Jakob, Kagero, Laslow, and Hana, mainly because I wanted to see the support dialogues. They were pretty sweet and funny. Later on, it turns out the four units weren't doing much to keep the Ninjas at bay, so I ended up using Xander, Hinoka, Takumi, and Oboro. Even using them took a few tries. This is one map where you can't just Dual Guard the whole thing.

For those tackling this DLC in the late-game, here's how I did it.

I had Oboro take out the first Spear Master with a Brave Lance. I then had Xander soften up the nearby Oni Chieftain and have myself finish it off. I paired Hinoka with Xander for the Dual Guard. Takumi used a Spy's Yumi and an Attack Guard with Oboro to take out the other Spear Master in the distance. The Ninjas arrived on the top. I had Takumi stand on one fort, and Xander on the other. Frederick moved in over the bridge, and Oboro tagged along, equipped with the Guard Naginata so that she could tank up hits. Oboro survived the onslaught with minimal damage. The ninjas also moved forward. Takumi one-shotted one of them, while Hinoka took out the other. I made sure to stand on one of the forts around the beginning. From there, it was pretty easy. More ninjas were reinforced at the top, but I moved in my other units to take care of them. Once I cleared them and the Spear Masters nearby (with Frederick's help of course), no more reinforcements arrived. From there, I took out the remaining Spear Master with an Attack Stance Hinoka and Oboro, while Takumi finished off the Oni Chieftain after Chrom and Frederick worked together to weaken it.

This map still felt really nostalgic though, especially with Prelude battle theme playing in the background and the map taking place on Chapter 2 from that game. The very ending to this Xenologue also plays out the first cutscene from Awakening, complete with the voices from there.

I'm going to take a break from Fates for now. I'll get back to it eventually to take care of Heirs of Fate.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 28, 2015
New England
How do you even beat Hidden Truths 1?
I did like 5 tries on that one but I failed miserably...
Get two people in guard stance to tank incoming enemies and try to form chokepoints. Kill the ninjas before they attack you, use the stat buff items.
For Hidden Truths 2, I always thought the Dragon Vein route was supposed to be the only option. Each one gives a stat boost the unit that used it. The final vein does summon enemies, but it supercharges whoever used it to the point where they can handle it. Selena, for example, gets the big stat buff along with Luna, Counter, and another skill (Warding or Armored Blow, I think)


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Oh hey, look what's coming out in the Japanese Eshop

This one will cause the bigger island to connect with the island where Arete and her forces are located, and the unit that activates this will receive several skills: Warding Blow, Astra, and Death Blow. All three of your units also gain boosted stats, allowing you to better handle the enemies close to Arete.
Wow, i wish i had known that. You see, when i activated the final Dragon's Vein and connected the big island with Arete's island and saw all the enemies appear, i just quit. Well, know i know how to beat Hidden Truths 2 (since i have yet to beat it).

Edit: Oh yeah, i also found this

Its a cute picture of Micaiah and Sothe playing the Cipher game. Although its really weird seeing Fire Emblem characters play a game about themselves.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Wow, i wish i had known that. You see, when i activated the final Dragon's Vein and connected the big island with Arete's island and saw all the enemies appear, i just quit. Well, know i know how to beat Hidden Truths 2 (since i have yet to beat it).
Another tip I would recommend is to deal with those enemies one at a time. I know the Wyvern Lord and Malig Knight that are summoned there don't fly to your right away when you step on their first far-away tile and remain there, but the General and Sorcerer units will with their respective tiles. Selena should be used as your tank to bait them toward you since she has the highest Defense and Resistance of the trio. Once you bait one or two enemies toward use, take them out from there. I've heard Selena is also pretty useful for activating the fourth Dragon's Vein since she gains Luna, Counter, and Warding Blow for her added skills.

Edit: Oh yeah, i also found this

Its a cute picture of Micaiah and Sothe playing the Cipher game. Although its really weird seeing Fire Emblem characters play a game about themselves.
They also released some special artwork of Sakura, Elise, Camilla, and Hinoka to celebrate FE Cipher's one year anniversary.

Not gonna lie, but that's a pretty adorable picture of them.

Yeah, even I will admit it looks a bit awkward seeing the characters use cards that are about themselves, although Camilla and Hinoka look really cool here.

This is where I found them.

Deleted member


6%... The enemy had a 6% chance to hit and it connected.

Where is that comic of a player yelling at Hana for allowing a small percent hit chance to connect with Hana just smiling back?

Jontron, please express my thoughts.

Also, are single percent crit chances occuring more often in Fates than they did in Awakening?
Ouch...that's rough. I recently had my Corrin on Conquest miss a Dual Strike that he had a 96% to land. Against a Faceless. A Faceless. It led to Mozu dying and me having to reset so that I could ensure she got good EXP, because even with Boo Camp, EXP is a very precious resource on Conquest not to be wasted. The saddest part about the reset? Nyx got a +1 in Defense on that map.


Also, does anyone else here have major difficulties with Hard Mode Conquest Chapter 12? I can't for the life of me figure out how to kill Saizo/Kagero and their merry ninja band, get everyone in safe positions before using the Dragon Vain to break the pots, and avoid the 8 something archers that come on turn 7. Not to mention Ryoma has like, 50 something avoid and Conquest units' hit rates are a joke (Niles is level 11 and has only 96 hit with an iron bow). The only thing I can think of to reliably take out Saizo is to bait him with Camilla/Beruka and have them eat his ridiculous debuffs (Steel/Flame Shuriken plus Seal Strength. What the what? Oh yeah, and he also has Counter-Magic). I plan on trying out some different strategies later today to see if I can figure it out on my own, but I'm definitely tempted to use a guide at this point.
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Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Also, does anyone else here have major difficulties with Hard Mode Conquest Chapter 12? I can't for the life of me figure out how to kill Saizo/Kagero and their merry ninja band, get everyone in safe positions before using the Dragon Vain to break the pots, and avoid the 8 something archers that come on turn 7. Not to mention Ryoma has like, 50 something avoid and Conquest units' hit rates are a joke (Niles is level 11 and has only 96 hit with an iron bow). The only thing I can think of to reliably take out Saizo is to bait him with Camilla/Beruka and have them eat his ridiculous debuffs (Steel/Flame Shuriken plus Seal Strength. What the what? Oh yeah, and he also has Counter-Magic). I plan on trying out some different strategies later today to see if I can figure it out on my own, but I'm definitely tempted to use a guide at this point.
For dealing with the Ninjas, i recommend using a tanky Axe wielder such as Camilla to take them out. Once you take out the Ninjas, i recommend to NOT use the Dragon's Vein. This is one of those maps were the Dragon's Vein is more of a curse than a blessing. The pots actually provide decent cover (unless your dealing with the Apothecaries with Lunge). Turning on the enemy zone markers is key here as it'll help you avoid the Lunge Apothecaries that are located in the north-center. Once you get past them, take the north-left side of the map. Take out the enemies there. When you reach the end of that little room, there should be a pot that blocks the way to Ryoma. Destroy the pot and then have Camilla or any high-movement unit ferry Corrin over to the exit and then you win. Don't try fighting Ryoma since you'll most likely get rekt.


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2015
In conquest 12 I leave to Dread mozu to take care of the ninja and camilla to kill the boss (after some debuffs on him)
That chapter was easier than i expected, maybe because i alredy knew the gimmick


Smash Apprentice
Mar 1, 2016
I've just completed Conquest!

I will admit that I made another save file to get Phoenix mode for the final level, just because I found it really hard and wanted to get it done. I'll try to beat it legit some day.

Up next: Birthright!

View attachment 110680

I will use this moment to remind everyone that short haired Female Corrin is the best Corrin.
I like long haired Female Corrin. Btw Can you visit my castle? It's called Ft.Noah.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I like long haired Female Corrin. Btw Can you visit my castle? It's called Ft.Noah.
I second liking long-haired fCorrin. Also, I'm pretty sure that it's fine to just post your castle code here if you want people to visit you. My last fort had the creative name "VisitMeIVisitU," but, well, I haven't been playing, so the name is a lie... (because I'm not on, it used to be true!). However, I'm thinking I might do a lunatic run of each game here soon.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Review scores for Tokyo Mirage Session#FE are out
Eurogamer - Positive review.

Nintendo World Report - 9/10

TSA - 7/10

NintendoLife - 8/10

VOOKS - 4/5

4Gamers (Dutch) - 85/100

My Nintendo News - 6/10

Wiitalia (Italian) - 8/10

Nintendo News - 3.5/5

LazyGamer - 8/10

GodIsAGeek - 9.5/10

Polygon - 9.5/10

Attack of the Fanboy - 9/10

Destructoid - 8/10

RPG Site - 9/10

Game Informer - 8.25/10

Gamespot - 8/10

Gamesradar- 4/5

Nintendo Enthusiast - 9/10

Game Revolution - 8/10

The Games Machine (Italian)- 7/10

Slant Magazine - 7/10

FNintendo (Portuguese) - 9/10

Meristation (Spanish) - 8/10

Nintendo Inquirer - 7/10

As you can see, most scores range from decent to good. The lowest score the game got was a 6/10 from My Nintendo News although after reading their review, it felt as if they didn't play the game, since they forgot to mention some stuff such as the unlockable Lunatic mode.

But anyway, now that the scores are here, what will you do? Would you buy the game?


Smash Lord
Aug 1, 2014
Just completed Revelations!
My thoughts: I am pretty meh on Revelations. For one, I don't really like the existence of it and basically plagues all three stories. And there were flaws with the story, too. Like, there was a third verse to Lost in Thoughts but it doesn't appear until Endgame. Some of the chapters like 10 and 24 are just horrible and just overall, feels gimmicky. I won't even talk about the character balance. Still, it was pretty fun. And I love having nearly all of the units. I can't be the only one who literally paired nearly every Nohrian and Hosidian.

Also, yes, Ophelia is still best waifu.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2014
The Domain
I just found this artwork, which leads to the somewhat startling discovery that it is the one year anniversary of a certain game.



And to think I've only had it for just over a month...


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Gee, playing so much Fire Emblem Fates has caused me to be reminded of Takumi whenever I use Archer Kirby in Kirby: Planet Robobot. In the second boss of the game while using Archer Kirby, I even ended up saying one of Takumi's quotes when I landed the final blow.

So I thought I'd post this funny pic that has been online for quite some time.

When speaking it, I can imagine Kirby sounding like, "You abandoned your family, and Hisheedo! Now pay for your beetrayal!" His charge shot would be at full power at that moment as well.
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Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
dear lord Takumi is a monster

it's like having RD Shinon in the party all over again lol


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2014
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Switch FC
Review scores for Tokyo Mirage Session#FE are out
Eurogamer - Positive review.

Nintendo World Report - 9/10

TSA - 7/10

NintendoLife - 8/10

VOOKS - 4/5

4Gamers (Dutch) - 85/100

My Nintendo News - 6/10

Wiitalia (Italian) - 8/10

Nintendo News - 3.5/5

LazyGamer - 8/10

GodIsAGeek - 9.5/10

Polygon - 9.5/10

Attack of the Fanboy - 9/10

Destructoid - 8/10

RPG Site - 9/10

Game Informer - 8.25/10

Gamespot - 8/10

Gamesradar- 4/5

Nintendo Enthusiast - 9/10

Game Revolution - 8/10

The Games Machine (Italian)- 7/10

Slant Magazine - 7/10

FNintendo (Portuguese) - 9/10

Meristation (Spanish) - 8/10

Nintendo Inquirer - 7/10

As you can see, most scores range from decent to good. The lowest score the game got was a 6/10 from My Nintendo News although after reading their review, it felt as if they didn't play the game, since they forgot to mention some stuff such as the unlockable Lunatic mode.

But anyway, now that the scores are here, what will you do? Would you buy the game?
I already preordered it so I'm definitely gonna play it. Decided to give that game a try only cuz I've never played a game made by Atlus before.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
My younger sister is really looking forward to #FE, and so that means I'll be getting the game anyway. I may as well give it a go. Heck, I might just play the game for her. She's always more into the characters, stories, and settings of FE games than the gameplay itself, and I'll bet it'll be the same for other JRPGs to.
Ok so GameXplain uploads a video featuring the Ch.1 boss fight in Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE. When you look at the like/dislike bar, you'll see that there are significantly more likes than dislikes. But then you go on the comments and 90% of the comments are hate. And its not just on this video. Its on every video that has to do with TMS#FE. So which is it? Do people like the game or not?
Just recall that angry minorities are far, far louder than content majorities. It gives the illusion of there being more of them than there really are.

On the topic of localization changes in particular, most people don't actually care that much. But because they've been being so vocal, they seem to have convinced themselves they're the majority. And because they think they're the majority, they also think what they want is what everyone else wants.

It's like when people say most Smash players want the game to be competitive and don't want too many FE characters. A local part of the fandom wants the game to be competitive, yes, but the good majority of Smash players are casual fans who don't even know or care who half the roster is, just that Ike has a sword and that swords are cool.

It's not that minorities are always in the wrong - which localization changes are good or bad is a topic there isn't a right or wrong answer to - but it's very easy to mistake a vocal minority as a majority, regardless of if you're part of it or not. One of the most important things someone can do as part of a fandom is acknowledge that there will always be people that disagree with you, and that the people who disagree with you aren't always in the wrong, something far too many of the anti-censorship vocalist don't seem to do.
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Deleted member

Gee, playing so much Fire Emblem Fates has caused me to be reminded of Takumi whenever I use Archer Kirby in Kirby: Planet Robobot. In the second boss of the game while using Archer Kirby, I even ended up saying one of Takumi's quotes when I landed the final blow.

So I thought I'd post this funny pic that has been online for quite some time.

When speaking it, I can imagine Kirby sounding like, "You abandoned your family, and Hisheedo! Now pay for your beetrayal!" His charge shot would be at full power at that moment as well.
Man, now I want Kirby to be an amiibo unit. He could have as many reclass options as Robin! :p

I finally beat Chapter 12 of Conquest two days ago, and somehow managed to make it out with all of the drops on the map. Even with Boo Camp EXP, Conquest has been pretty brutal. Chapter 12's generals are very, very unforgiving, and require a near perfect set-up to take out without losing a unit. Even if you're playing Casual like I am on Conquest, it's usually not a good idea to let a unit die as they'll lose out on potential EXP and level-ups, so I still reset if a unit dies on Casual. Then again, I did the same thing on Birthright because my FE play-style is a weird Casual/Classic hybrid where I only really play Casual so I can not worry about unit deaths during grind sessions and for the save and UI benefits, ha ha.

Don't even get me started about Chapter 12's boss though; he's ridiculous. I had to rush him with 3 units just to take him down, and none of them had 100% hit rates against him so it was quite risky. I honestly don't know if I'll ever attempt the map that way again, as I'm pretty sure the only reason I made it through the map with all of the rewards is because I got super lucky with hit rates and a crit or two.

On another note, I have some more Conquest questions for anyone who can answer them...

Thanks to My Castle support grinds, I was able to get Ophelia's and Percy's paralogues unlocked yesterday. Now, should I recruit them now, or keep playing through the story and get them later? I've heard some people say it's best to do the paralogues ASAP, but some have also said it's better to wait until the game has them come with Child Seals. Also, any advice as to what skills I should grind for on Boo Camp for Elise!Ophelia and Effie!Percy? I know skill buying being a thing kinda makes skill inheritance not as important as it was in Awakening, but I'm kind of in the mood to grind out some of the skills myself and I was wondering if there's anything these two want in particular from their parents.

Oh, and does anyone here know who the best mom for Kana is with a +Str -Lck Corrin? Someone on another site told me Velouria was a pretty good choice, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm not concerned about getting all of the kids on Conquest (mainly because I don't like a lot of 'em) so no need to factor that in for any suggestions. Thanks to anyone who replies!


The Laziest Man in the North
Jun 30, 2015
Thanks to My Castle support grinds, I was able to get Ophelia's and Percy's paralogues unlocked yesterday. Now, should I recruit them now, or keep playing through the story and get them later? I've heard some people say it's best to do the paralogues ASAP, but some have also said it's better to wait until the game has them come with Child Seals. Also, any advice as to what skills I should grind for on Boo Camp for Elise!Ophelia and Effie!Percy? I know skill buying being a thing kinda makes skill inheritance not as important as it was in Awakening, but I'm kind of in the mood to grind out some of the skills myself and I was wondering if there's anything these two want in particular from their parents.

Oh, and does anyone here know who the best mom for Kana is with a +Str -Lck Corrin? Someone on another site told me Velouria was a pretty good choice, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm not concerned about getting all of the kids on Conquest (mainly because I don't like a lot of 'em) so no need to factor that in for any suggestions. Thanks to anyone who replies!
I'll answer your second question first; Velouria is a good choice SO LONG AS her mother has high strength growths as well. Since you've already paired Effie with Arthur, than the next best would be Charlotte, followed by Camilla and Peri.

Next question; It depends on what you make the parents into, as well as what te child will be. Odin is has access to samurai, so that gives you the options of Vantage (which would help a frailer Ophelia) or Astra, while Elise can give things like Savage Blow, Trample, Swordbreaker, and Tomebreaker. If you want a less frail Ophelia I'd go with Vantage and Swordbreaker. If you want a pure glass canon Ophelia, than probably Astra and Trample.

For Percy You can go with the classic Sol + Luna pairing, or take advantage of wyvern lords already good defenses with Pavise and Axebreaker both are passable set ideas.


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
Thanks to My Castle support grinds, I was able to get Ophelia's and Percy's paralogues unlocked yesterday. Now, should I recruit them now, or keep playing through the story and get them later? I've heard some people say it's best to do the paralogues ASAP, but some have also said it's better to wait until the game has them come with Child Seals. Also, any advice as to what skills I should grind for on Boo Camp for Elise!Ophelia and Effie!Percy? I know skill buying being a thing kinda makes skill inheritance not as important as it was in Awakening, but I'm kind of in the mood to grind out some of the skills myself and I was wondering if there's anything these two want in particular from their parents.

Oh, and does anyone here know who the best mom for Kana is with a +Str -Lck Corrin? Someone on another site told me Velouria was a pretty good choice, but I'm open to suggestions. I'm not concerned about getting all of the kids on Conquest (mainly because I don't like a lot of 'em) so no need to factor that in for any suggestions. Thanks to anyone who replies!
Deciding whether you should wait or not is kind of a trade off. The later you get them, the more free exp they'll get from the child seal, but the paralouges are also more difficult.

I'd recommend getting Ophelia sooner if you can, as protecting all the houses in her paralouge is a real pain in the rear. Percy's is a lot more manageable late game however, so I'd recommend you wait with him.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
I just wanna share this drawing i found on Miiverse.

Edit: This too

2nd Edit: And this too
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