I've finally finished marrying off all the first gen couples and have finally started to recruit the second gen units. Just got Owain and I have to say he had the most fitting ending for his chapter.
He got hit by one of the other Assassins, and I moved him to the boss(who was the last enemy) and he couldn't double him. However, Owain had Vengeance, and a 17% to crit(he was using Missiletainn), which gave him a small chance to kill the boss in one hit. Plus the fact that Gecko had Vantage+ meant Owain would survive with 4 hp. And so he took the hit, activated Vengeance, ran up and activated the crit animation, then finally shouted "
BEHOLD!". Truly a victory fitting for a hero of an epoch. Good times, good times................too bad I'm going to have to change him into a sage later.
Also heres a little comic I found online: