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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2007
East Hartford, CT
I EaT Tho Pho (2:43:49 AM): cort, i'm done with my homework, could you give me a back rub =[
Cort 28633 (2:44:18 AM): sure
Cort 28633 (2:44:24 AM): *cue pokemon center noises*
I EaT Tho Pho (2:44:23 AM): oh yes, i have been restored to full health!

Cort > all of you.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
my laundry won't be done until 1:30 o.0
then i have to shower
i'll be in bed at 2,
sleep at 3?
and class at ****hell in the morning.
boooooo@sophmores taking up all the washing machines with like 5 articles of clothing at a time!

edit: someone left their panties near my pants. :O
You should return them, and if it's an attractive lady ask to put them back on her with your teeth.

Who in CT has a vcr that they could supply to the next esticle?


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
I'm sure we'll have more than enough VCRs that people can bring.

The tapes might be a little harder

Also, my ****ing Dazzle stopped capturing videos correctly. They're all choppy and sped up and with messed up sound :(


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2006
West Hartford, CT &lt;3 Asian Cuteness Level: 10
Vietnamese is probably the most annoying language to hear, >_>.

Yeah silva, I really think you deserve a spot on the PR, so don't worry about it cause only my opinions count. ^^ Everyone needs to get active, I wanna see a true PR someday though that'll probably never happen.

I hate waking up in the morning, I even went to sleep early...

I wish I was as pretty as Gackt.

Edit: I think I am growing my hair out.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Would anyone still be interested in doing school crew battles? I'm still working on getting another tourney at the school ( a better one this time), but in the meantime we can do some informal meetup-type thing if there's interest.


Smash Cadet
Feb 6, 2007
Thats what She said
add me to comfirm list for 2morrow, also ill be bringinng 1 or 2 more people with me and a cube, woot woot

i am massively hungry and i got to go pinch the loaf really badly, but idk which to do 1st..


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
South Africa, playing in the World Cup
nus, are you staying on campus at central? If yes, are you actually rooming with rep. If yes, Jorge might be on campus. If yes, you should get him back into the game.
i saw him. he's that big dark skinned dude with crazy hair right?i forgot his name so i didnt say nething
i just had secks w/ geos on wow. it was lovely

so who wants to play with us

alliance on gorefiend, gogo :)
i saw some kid wit a barrens chat shirt on today. i asked him if he played wow and he said "wtf is wow?" mindgamezd me
But I think I will be looking for an apartment/studio/share a house with kids soon because my mommy is going psycho. >_>
my roommate might b moving out if u need a place to stay. i;m thinkin about holding a smashfest in my room. theres actually a good amount of space

hey who here just started college this year?
I'm going thursday f'sho...f'sho...goin there f'sho <3superbad
there's like 4 parties tomorrow
Edit: I think I am growing my hair out.
Would anyone still be interested in doing school crew battles? I'm still working on getting another tourney at the school ( a better one this time), but in the meantime we can do some informal meetup-type thing if there's interest.

cort/silva/nus/anyone else near here: are you free friday? i dont have classes

night classes suck


Apple Head
Jun 5, 2003
Newington, CT
To whoever is dorming at central, here's my schedule so I can come meet up with you guys and play or whatnot whenever:

Monday 9:30 - 11:50, 2-3:15
Wednesday 9:30 - 11:50, 2-3:15
Friday 9:30 - 11:50

Pretty easy.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Pipe, I will let you know soon if I can go this weekend...team if I do and you do?

I go to musical fantasy camp at which I can take karate...instead of school...be jealous.

If Oct.esticle is that date I suggested I can bring a VCR because I will be home.

wWw Dazwa

Feb 23, 2006
Hey, has anyone new to the CT scene recently (a month or so ago) vacationed in Maine and learned about Smashboards from some Mainers? >_>

I ask because I've yet to see them but they seemed so interested in it.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Hahaha ok...we will see what I can do then!

I have a friend that lives in Amherst and a few in Boston...so I will see if they can house me Friday and Saturday!


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2006
naugatuck, CT
why am i so far down and why is aesir so far up? i would most likely beat everybody between me an aesir in a money match, including him. what have i done or not done to show myself as sucking that much? i lost to WOZ and dan in teams when i was with trademark, i lost against pipe and JV in singles. I did fantastically in singales at blue's, and i have been doing very well in all the tournaments i went to except for VIIesticle.

i'm just very confused right now.

my VIIesticle john goes here i was completely unprepared to play on Saturday because i didn't realize i could go until the day of, and the only practice i had was online. I didn't get much of a chance to remember how to play. I i knew i was going at least a week in advance, i would've been much more prepared.

edit: cort, that might be happening because you're capturing program isn't running at a full 6 or whatever frames per second. If you close some other **** and give more processing power to the capturing program, then it'll probably work.

edit2: i meant jam stunna i think. The ics player. he beat my gannon, and i didn't bother trying sheik against him.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
Who prepares for tournies?

People actually play this game more than once a month :(? And not drunk?!?!?!?!

When did you last play Aesir...he has gotten a lot better, so have ZK and MikeMoney. Jam has always been better than people give him credit for...I have never seen Budai play, but if he is that far up on the list after never being there before, I am sure he is good.

I haven't played you in a long time, so I have no idea where your skill level is at...I don't know who has played you recently, but maybe that is why you are lower than yout hink you should be?

And what is a good strategy for strikes Squam?!?!


Smash Master
Oct 8, 2005
Seriously. Jam always beat my Sheik. Mike and Zk looked like they improved a ton also. And of course Aiser has improved.


Smash Cadet
Mar 31, 2007
East Hartford, CT
I'm Nurse Joy, mother****ers.
No, I'm NurseJoy =[
I wish I made my main montage that.
But for now, its only on Counter-Strike >_>.

As for the PRs... I'd probably need smash if I wanted to get better.
But then I realized, I mind as well try and pioneer new tactics in SSBB.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2006
My <3 is still in CT
The only way to make these results 100% "accurate" would be to have a RR with everyone that wants to be on the PR's there. And still it would only be skill based on you against those opponents...no OOsters and not in tournies.

The PR's should make you want to get better not be stressed out. They don't even mean anything when a bunch of the good kids in CT aren't even on them...so why care so much?


Smash Ace
Jul 4, 2006
naugatuck, CT

make sure you always have 2 fast characters and 2 characters that are good at tackling. they don't have to be the same character ( dry bones, birdo, toad, and bowser JR. might make a good team.)
thats just something good to remember for getting the ball. My preferred team is yoshi, birdo, shy guy, and koopa or dry bones.

remember that if you play a team with 2 or more characters at are decent at shooting, and if you have a white ball, then you can shoot it and keep getting the rebound with different characters. Try mixing up getting the rebound and immediately shooting with getting the rebound, passing, then onetiming it. Sometimes somebody like Boo will get the ball, and then you can lob pass it to your captain who is practically in the gooal and get it in, or you can lob shot and it'll go over his head, or you can deke past the goalie. the chaos of a rebound fest will most likely catch the opponent off guard, and can net you a goal without using an item.

not every charge shot has to be a skill shot. I used to never shoot with my captain because he didn't have a skill shot, until i descovered the joys of getting items by just charging and releasing. You can then use the item however you ant. A well placed item will always result in a successful defensive play, or a skill shot to result in a goal. Remember that getting item shots off can net you a rebound shot OR a likely goal if shot by somebody like birdo.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
why am i so far down and why is aesir so far up? i would most likely beat everybody between me an aesir in a money match, including him. what have i done or not done to show myself as sucking that much? i lost to WOZ and dan in teams when i was with trademark, i lost against pipe and JV in singles. I did fantastically in singales at blue's, and i have been doing very well in all the tournaments i went to except for VIIesticle.

i'm just very confused right now.
Sorry if you're unhappy about being moved down, it was just that we thought the people who we placed above you deserved their spots, not that you suck or anything like that. If you care enough to complain about it then hopefully you also care enough to actually do something about it.

The point of the power rankings is sort of to fuel friendly rivalry and all that cocklapping goodness. So if you're truly unhappy step it up and we'll see what happens next update.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
Cort and I are going up to RI tomorrow with zoso, so if spawn is going that frees up two spots in his coche. I'd like to see people go, it would be four good.


Smash Ace
Jan 12, 2006
West Hartford, CT &lt;3 Asian Cuteness Level: 10
My schedule isn't done yet, but I want to play near ccsu too if I have big time gaps in between classes!

Even if you're ranked lower, a lot of the people near that number are very close in skill level, 8-13 can all be in any which order. Mike and ZK are like clones in skill level so one being ranked higher doesn't make mike better than ZK. I am guessing he was only ranked higher because he placed better at this last tournament but it's all based on bracket and that was the only way to decide.

Someone teach me captain falcon combos, I think mine is actually getting pretty good except that I don't know any of the basic throw into knee combos or just can't do them...

Trademark, is your room a dorm in CCSU because if so I am not on the waiting list so I probably wouldn't be able to get in. But if it's an apartment or something, that'd be sweet cause I am looking, though I may wait a little bit to save some money.
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