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Connecticut Player Finder: We're better than you <3

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Yeah there is a scanning department here but it sounds even more boring than what I do now so bleeeeeghhh. I applied for a really cool job being the education/schools liason for a public TV station but they haven't called me back yet :(

Even worse than aspiring filmmaker: aspiring comic creator :( lol
But yeah I'll just wait for my wife to get famous and then be her editor.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Ah, that's cool. I didn't think it would be enjoyable. You know what really sucks about the film industry? That the fastest way to get noticed (other than extreme luck or making hundreds of amatuer films until someone realizes you have talent) is probably writing an amazing screenplay that you'd sell to a studio for around 50 grand and you woudn't even be able to direct it. Then the movie that gets made out of your screenplay would have to be successful and you'd be able to write more screenplays for slightly more money (again, probably no other involvement in the project). Something about all that just disturbs me.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Ah, that's cool. I didn't think it would be enjoyable. You know what really sucks about the film industry? That the fastest way to get noticed (other than extreme luck or making hundreds of amatuer films until someone realizes you have talent) is probably writing an amazing screenplay that you'd sell to a studio for around 50 grand and you woudn't even be able to direct it. Then the movie that gets made out of your screenplay would have to be successful and you'd be able to write more screenplays for slightly more money (again, probably no other involvement in the project). Something about all that just disturbs me.
What if you write a cheesy teenage comedy that everyone seems to think is funny? Those always sell...then make a good movie? That's a hard business.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
Waterbury, CT

I love creating mayhem in the GBD. See how boring my job is to drive me to do this?
Darkurai- Because every ****ing time it's someone saying Melee is better or Melee will last longer etc.

ROFL I think he was ccrying when he said that, good one thumbs. xD


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
What if you write a cheesy teenage comedy that everyone seems to think is funny? Those always sell...then make a good movie? That's a hard business.
Maybe, a lot of those fail too. Plus many things that determine the movie's success would be out of your hands; casting, directing, marketing, etc. If I had complete control over a movie I made it would be the most successful thing ever because I know what people want to see when they go to the movies :p

edit- LMFAO @ PoF's sig "Brawl is about as cool as AIDS" why not, everyone's catching it.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
Waterbury, CT
In 2009, an unknown glitch in Brawl will become active and cause non-stop tripping every second. The tournament scene will come to an end and the community will collapse. All the veterans will have secured the last known copies of Melee and will retreat to an island that will rise above the Brawl world, and the noobs will look up and shout, “Save us!”, and we’ll whisper, “No”.

ROFL gets me everytime. K im out to papito's gonna train mah melee game. And play some SC4 hopefully its good.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Ah, that's cool. I didn't think it would be enjoyable. You know what really sucks about the film industry? That the fastest way to get noticed (other than extreme luck or making hundreds of amatuer films until someone realizes you have talent) is probably writing an amazing screenplay that you'd sell to a studio for around 50 grand and you woudn't even be able to direct it. Then the movie that gets made out of your screenplay would have to be successful and you'd be able to write more screenplays for slightly more money (again, probably no other involvement in the project). Something about all that just disturbs me.
I used to think that unless I had creative control over every aspect of a production that it would drive me buggy and the thing would suck. No offense of course but it's a young mindset. I still love making personal stuff and doing everything myself but it's not the way things work.
I'm not sure if the fastest way to get noticed is to write. I believe in the early 90s there was a spec script boom and everybody was getting their stuff bought. These days it's A LOT harder, especially with original ideas. And even if your script gets bought there's something like 25:1 odds that it won't even see production. My wife (when she was still my GF) interned as a script reader at Bel Air productions on the WB lot back in like 2002. She said a lot of scripts that they get in are terribly bad... but mostly the execs would have a specific idea in mind (like say a dramatic romance featuring latinos - seriously) and they'd wade through the scripts to get that. She also had to look at specific pages and review them first (plot structure beats) before deciding if it was worth it to read the whole thing.

Although there is a big glut of indie films these days I still say making a really good one that stands out and then take it to festivals and try to get it bought is a good way to break in. Or you could do a conventional route and become a PA and work yourself up. A lot of people don't want to do that, though, because it's "I want to write and direct or nothing" which is a bit silly IMO.

But yeah I love editing, and I dare say I'm ****ing great at it too.

wow I rambled.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 16, 2007
Waterbury, CT
I used to think that unless I had creative control over every aspect of a production that it would drive me buggy and the thing would suck. No offense of course but it's a young mindset. I still love making personal stuff and doing everything myself but it's not the way things work.
I'm not sure if the fastest way to get noticed is to write. I believe in the early 90s there was a spec script boom and everybody was getting their stuff bought. These days it's A LOT harder, especially with original ideas. And even if your script gets bought there's something like 25:1 odds that it won't even see production. My wife (when she was still my GF) interned as a script read at Bel Air productions on the WB lot. She said a lot of scripts that they get in are terribly bad... but mostly the execs would have a specific idea in mind (like say a dramatic romance featuring latinos - seriously) and they'd wade through the scripts to get that. She also had to look at specific pages and review them first (plot structure beats) before deciding if it was worth it to read the whole thing.

Although there is a big glut of indie films these days I still say making a really good one that stands out and then take it to festivals and try to get it bought is a good way to break in. Or you could do a conventional route and become a PA and work yourself up. A lot of people don't want to do that, though, because it's "I want to write and direct or nothing" which is a bit silly IMO.

But yeah I love editing, and I dare say I'm ****ing great at it too.

wow I rambled.

It was a very relevant ramble at that.

Also, my teachers always talk about networking, network like a mofo, you never know it is a small world after all.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Networking is key. I went out to LA to visit Rach when she was interning there and she was friends with the security guard so she got me a week long pass to the WB lot. By like the 2nd day wandering around there people started recognizing me and talking to me trying to network and stuff LOL literally everybody in LA is super nice because they think you could either be A) a producer or B) an actor


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I used to think that unless I had creative control over every aspect of a production that it would drive me buggy and the thing would suck. No offense of course but it's a young mindset. I still love making personal stuff and doing everything myself but it's not the way things work.
I'm not sure if the fastest way to get noticed is to write. I believe in the early 90s there was a spec script boom and everybody was getting their stuff bought. These days it's A LOT harder, especially with original ideas. And even if your script gets bought there's something like 25:1 odds that it won't even see production. My wife (when she was still my GF) interned as a script reader at Bel Air productions on the WB lot back in like 2002. She said a lot of scripts that they get in are terribly bad... but mostly the execs would have a specific idea in mind (like say a dramatic romance featuring latinos - seriously) and they'd wade through the scripts to get that. She also had to look at specific pages and review them first (plot structure beats) before deciding if it was worth it to read the whole thing.

Although there is a big glut of indie films these days I still say making a really good one that stands out and then take it to festivals and try to get it bought is a good way to break in. Or you could do a conventional route and become a PA and work yourself up. A lot of people don't want to do that, though, because it's "I want to write and direct or nothing" which is a bit silly IMO.

But yeah I love editing, and I dare say I'm ****ing great at it too.

wow I rambled.
Yes, I figured another way would be making an impressive small film that gets seen at a bunch of film festivals. PA?

Haha, you're just like my friend who's also interested in this field. He is one of the most talented editors I've ever seen, and he hasn't even taken a class or anything to learn about it! He picked it up all on his own ever since middle school. It scares me sometimes. For our abridged series, whenever we have an idea to make fun of something technical (like another shows opening) he'll go into Adobe Premiere and After Effects and figure out what we have to do in order to replicate something. Seriously, what he made for our episode 5's opening is riduculously inventive and hilarious. Whenever it's done I'm posting the link in here, you don't need to watch all of it I'll tell you where to skip into to see it. If you've seen the show that it's making fun of you'll get a huge laugh out of it.

It was a very relevant ramble at that.

Also, my teachers always talk about networking, network like a mofo, you never know it is a small world after all.
That's right, it's all about who you know.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
Hahahaha Thumbs your threads crack me up. You attract in such morons. I don't know what I'de do without them. Keep it coming.

I love how not one person answered your question. Not one.

Zombie Lucille Ball

Smash Master
Sep 22, 2006
stop hitting me, Ricky
Yes, I figured another way would be making an impressive small film that gets seen at a bunch of film festivals. PA?

Haha, you're just like my friend who's also interested in this field. He is one of the most talented editors I've ever seen, and he hasn't even taken a class or anything to learn about it! He picked it up all on his own ever since middle school. It scares me sometimes. For our abridged series, whenever we have an idea to make fun of something technical (like another shows opening) he'll go into Adobe Premiere and After Effects and figure out what we have to do in order to replicate something. Seriously, what he made for our episode 5's opening is riduculously inventive and hilarious. Whenever it's done I'm posting the link in here, you don't need to watch all of it I'll tell you where to skip into to see it. If you've seen the show that it's making fun of you'll get a huge laugh out of it.
Production Assistant.

Yeah totally make sure to post it when it's done, I'd like to see whatever you do.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
LMFAO Nana THIS IS.....GENERAL BRAWL DISCUSSION It's remarkable how idiotic the people in my threads are. I love it, makes the work day fly by faster :laugh: I also love how my it's probably going to get closed in the next hour, as all my threads are, even though I'm posing a relevant question and half the threads in GBD are pathetic and accomplish nothing.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
LMFAO Nana THIS IS.....GENERAL BRAWL DISCUSSION It's remarkable how idiotic the people in my threads are. I love it, makes the work day fly by faster :laugh: I also love how my it's probably going to get closed in the next hour, as all my threads are, even though I'm posing a relevant question and half the threads in GBD are pathetic and accomplish nothing.
Hahaha it's true I love it as well. Hmm last time I looked in there I believe I saw something like "what's your favorite color of Ganondorf lol" and I checked Falco's character discussion and the first one is " Do only Falco mainers have bread?"....haha oh man too good and it had like 2,000 views.

L0L @ Modest's post it's so true.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
It's alright, I'm rather liking this "starting a new thread everyday only to have it closed 5 hours later" thing I got going. I'll just make another one tomorrow. I know I'm keeping the mods entertained haha

Hmmm, I may be able to go to that tourney, but I'd have to find a ride. I think I know a group of people in MD/VA that would be interested in going.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
It's alright, I'm rather liking this "starting a new thread everyday only to have it closed 5 hours later" thing I got going. I'll just make another one tomorrow. I know I'm keeping the mods entertained haha

Hmmm, I may be able to go to that tourney, but I'd have to find a ride. I think I know a group of people in MD/VA that would be interested in going.
I think Chillin is going idk how close he is to you and Azen might go too.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
I wouldn't want to ride with them lol. I know others who might be looking to go so I might come.

Any ideas on what thread I should start tomorrow? Something controversial, but this time something the mods won't immediately close. I was thinking maybe a topic on banning camping/ledgestalling.

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
I wouldn't want to ride with them lol. I know others who might be looking to go so I might come.

Any ideas on what thread I should start tomorrow? Something controversial, but this time something the mods won't immediately close. I was thinking maybe a topic on banning camping/ledgestalling.
Considering Plank placed second in an MD biweekly by camping against everyone except for Azen, then yeah that's your fuggin' topic.

Watch the ****ing **** fly. Lol

Smooth Criminal


Smash Journeyman
Apr 7, 2008
Wolcott, CT
I wouldn't want to ride with them lol. I know others who might be looking to go so I might come.

Any ideas on what thread I should start tomorrow? Something controversial, but this time something the mods won't immediately close. I was thinking maybe a topic on banning camping/ledgestalling.
Just make a topic banning Plank haha.


Smash Master
May 27, 2007
wars not make one great
Considering Plank placed second in an MD biweekly by camping against everyone except for Azen, then yeah that's your fuggin' topic.

Watch the ****ing **** fly. Lol

Smooth Criminal
Haha, that's the one then. Should I put it in Brawl Tactical Discussion?

Just make a topic banning Plank haha.
Already suggested that LOL


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Woo! I got my shirt and my makeup on!
Now where did I put that camera...

Oh, make a topic comparing Brawl to Genocide or Abortion.
Or both.
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