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Complementary Counterpick character for Link


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
San Francisco
The hope for this thread is for those who do not want to main Link 100%, to find a good complementary character that will be used as a counterpick for Link's bad matchup.

Since this is the Link board, I'd like the discussion to focus around Link, and if you have specific recommendations for me in terms of me because I play both Link and Pit, please put it separate from the rest of your post, or label it so that others won't be "WTf? Who cares, this is a Link forum." PMs to me would be appreciated too.

Like I mentioned in the Link match-up thread, here, below are the following bad/uncertain match-ups for Link. I don't exactly think all of these are bad or neutral match ups, but take it for what it's worth in those thread's discussions. Clearly though, none of these match ups are super easy.

falco, fox, game and watch, ivysaur, jiggs, kirbs, marth, metaknight, olimar, pit, ROB, Sheik, Snake, Sonic, Squirtle, Toon Link, Wario, Wolf, Zelda, ZSS.

In light of what you guys understand of Link's good matchups and strengths, who do you think would be a good character that is similar enough and different enough from Link that will be a good complement in your playing repertoire?

Now, it's easy to just say MetaKnight, G&W or Sheik, because they are considered at the top of the game. But, Falco and the spacies and Pit have some similar play with Link, and also cover a lot of his bad matchups. Whether you agree or disagree is fine; what is good is if you can explain why I am right or wrong, and eventually help me and others find a good other character to play at a competitive level. I guess one way to approach this thread is to post who is your Link complementary counterpick, and anything else you think will be useful to this thread.

I main both Link and Pit, but I have thus far played Pit in my real tourney matches for 80% of my games, with the 20% being Link vs. matchups I feel I do better as Link as opposed to Pit: Slower characters, Toon Link, G&W, Marth, etc. However, they also share a lot of same bad matchups, and I'm considering a 3rd character to fill in the difference.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Houston, TX
Ike. Ike is TOTALLY complementary to Link; Link has longrange attacks, whereas Ike simply runs up there with a sword and pummels. I find it VERY easy to switch between the two character's playing styles. Also, it is refreshing to use someone much more simple than Link. I counterpick Ike when my Link has met its match (somehow). Cuz Ike pwns. :p


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2006
On top of Milktea
Pick Snake or MK (both if you want 3 chars) because they are, without a doubt, the best characters in SSBB.

I'll probably get flamed, but those two cover every matchup (hell just one of them covers every matchup).


Smash Journeyman
Jan 12, 2008
Samus definately compliments my Link, or even Link in general

My uncreative sig shows my mains. I agree that Mario is good for Link players, but not Mama Luigi so much

Zelda also compliments Link well...


Smash Ace
May 25, 2007
NJ of all places.
Marth. I'm well aware that online sucks, but I did team battles on the net and was paired up with a really good Marth. Although we had just met, him and I crushed the other team as if we had been doing this for a very long time together.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
San Francisco
Hrm, I was not referring to secondary characters that you play with for fun, but actual complementary counterpicks. Ike is not a complement because he has pretty much all of Link's bad matchups without the positives either. If you disagree, at least explain which matchup and why. Saying Ike or Ganon and a smiley face doesn't contribute anything to the discussion.

I was recently toying around with Snake and Falco. After the recent SBR post of the Falco analysis in the tactical thread, I think he makes an excellent character to back up Link. Even though he has changed significantly from Melee, he was easy to pick up at a quick level because of the things he shares with Link:

- Boost smashing
- Projectile spacing
- Situational forward smash

And he does fair or well versus a lot of Link's bad matchups; spacies, G&W, Lucario.

As for Snake, I am having trouble adapting to his playstyle. Strangely, besides the boost smash, most of Link's play principles don't seem to translate over well to play Snake. I think I need a better understanding of his spacing/timing, because his mortar slide is good, but he is much deeper than that.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Hmmm, I think I'd actually have Toon Link to compliment. I think I can use him better against Link's badmatch-ups Kirby/metaknight/little people, and @ the same time, he still share's alot of similarities to Link so you don't have to play a completely different style.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2008
Chicago, Illinois

Actually those are not bad.

Fox is perfect to counteract people Link is weak against and vice versa.

Zelda too(to an extent)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
San Francisco
Zamus seems to be a good counterpick for me...

Cuz my secondaries(Ike and Ganon) I think have the same mismatches Link has.
Hypa-Link, can you explain more about Zamus? I haven't read too much into her forum, and I personally am unfamiliar with her strengths/weaknesses. What are some of Link's bad matchups that are good Zamus matchups in your opinion? What are good things she does that makes her a good counterpick?

On another note, I've started picking up Donkey Kong to deal with some of the pesky characters. The road is long, and travel slow, but I think there's some potential here.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Well for me, when I'm Link, I just HATE the tiny characters.

kirby/Metaknight/Diddy Kong etc.

They ALWAYS give me the most trouble. And it's the same story for ganon. Ike fairs better, but still, I hate it.
Whether it's my brother or the CPU.

It's like I just seem so slow and clumsy/heavy to them.

I noticed with Zamus, I can fight them better, especially one on one/close range combat.

She's SOMEWHAT like Sheik, in some ways, except I just like her abilities better.

Also, if there's someone with an annoying floaty recovery, like someone that WILL come back to the stage unless they are killed, her Up + B is pretty good for the Mteaknights/Pits/Peaches/Kirbys, because if done right, it pulls those opponents who like to come back floating and/or pretty high(Like all those peaches and pits who float on way higher than you can really attack them, the attack can hit them and pull them for a pretty sexy spike :p

And also, she's very quick, and should be better against all the diddy kongs and metaknights.

but then again, those are just the ones I tend to have the most trouble against. The short guys...


Smash Lord
May 10, 2008
Well for me i just started to main Link, just because i wanted a more heavy weight character to switch things up. But for characters that i find are good to counter links weakness is just the toon version of himself. Hes fast and has all the same specials as link, and all of his attacks are basically the same. Link is more of a ground player, while Toon Link is better as an aerial player.

I myself also main Pit. Idk about you, but i play pit differently then i do link. Pit is perfect for aerial mind games while link is pretty useless in the air since he cant jump well and his aerials arnt as great.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2008
Orlando, FL SR 426&Tuskawilla
pick up Ike, G&W, and (wolf for projectile matchups -mainly pikachu) mainly because those 3 characters are easy to play and transition to/from and you wont get jonned as much as if you counterpick with MK or snake, besides snake has some weird stuff about him that makes him transition bad as an alt. use ike for slow characters that link normally should be able to kill but for some reason are giving you trouble. use G&W vs people you aren't sure what they do but they are ****** you cause his priority spam is hard to approach. and use wolf for projectile matchups sometimes(only if you know his recovery and only if your G&w isn't already able to win those)
*edit* or just be gangsta like me and use link 100% =)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Hmmm, I've been using Ganondorf lately cuz even though I said Zamus earlier, I've been using Ganon since Melee, and he's already my secondary, and it turns out those characters I had more trouble with with Link(Peach/Pit/Kirby/Metaknight), I ***** with ganondorf.

However, all this is from CPU's.

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
Aside from Link, I've been using Snake, Wario, Marth and Falco.
I'm pretty sure I'm forgetting a few, but those are definitely the main ones.
I guess I use them because they have whatever Link doesn't have.
Wario has an amazing air game, Marth is insanely fast.. and uhh I dunno about Falco
Snake is just broken <_<
Mar 28, 2008
Wario. He's like Link's Antithesis. Also, he farts.

His aeriels are great, he jumps well, his moves come out quick, though they're shorter range, and he's relatively heavy aswell as having a good recovery and some good knock back. Also, eating thrown projectiles is sweeeet. I find if I lose with Link, I can switch to Wario very easily.

I rarely switch out though, I'm always determined to use Link for a hard fight. I've been maining him since SSB so.. Yeah.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2008
Waterbury, C.T.
I used Pikachu ( my secondary character ),Pit,Ike,Yoshi,Snake,Diddy Kong,n R.O.B....but is usually for fun...sometimes i used them to practice with them n get better but usually is for fun *smiles*...


Smash Ace
May 18, 2008
Waterbury, C.T.
Hmmm, I've been using Ganondorf lately cuz even though I said Zamus earlier, I've been using Ganon since Melee, and he's already my secondary, and it turns out those characters I had more trouble with with Link(Peach/Pit/Kirby/Metaknight), I ***** with ganondorf.

However, all this is from CPU's.
U should try him against someone....to see if u can still **** *smiles*...


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
yes, I would still ****, hehehe.

The CPU's are pretty good in this game compared to Melee.

I still need a Lan Adapter, but I'm scared it won't work with my modem/ISP


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Yea CPU's in this game can actually BEAT ME if I choose some character I don't like, or it's a bad mismatch.

great practice. lol

On melee, i could be Pichu and still ****. LOL

Yea I think I'll get one on Monday

Aye do you know if any ISp's or Modems don't work with it?


Smash Cadet
May 18, 2008
Plano, Texas
I'd advise picking a competitive counter to back up Link since Link is low tier, if you want to win that is. So i'd say either Snake or Toon Link(or both).

People get flamed for using Snake, but you should feel entitled for maining a character like Link so dont worry. ; ) Snake is actually somehwat similar to Link. Hes a slow, heavy, projectile using character, has good range and has the mortar slide AT(which is the same as Link's dash attack cancel AT, just better). He also has similar bomb applications such as for recovery. Not to mention he covers pretty much all match-ups. Hes who I'm currently using as my first secondary.

On the other hand you have Toon Link, hes good and easy to trasition to being that he is the most similar chracter to Link. Pretty self explanatory.

But ultamately use whomever you feel compliments you and your Link, everyones different.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
Yea the Toon Link thing is true. He's just like Link so using him and switching in mid tourny would be easy. And you don't have to like use different strategies and styles. Plus he's smaller and therefor easier to **** those Kirby's and Metaknights.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2008
I agree with zero...fox is totally complementary.

Links weaknesses.

being out spammed.
combo game (Besides DAC to finish combo's theres not alot.)

Fox strengths

beats spammers. (awesome reflector.)
Is a very agressive character in my opinion (could be just my playing style.)
Decent edge game with reflector.
decent combos (dair-->dsmash and others as well)

Links strenghts.

half decent edgegame.
Decent Recovery in my opinion

Fox weakness

Spam (good only to lure people to you)
Defense. (Lacks the spacing techniques as well as range which is key in defense if you have no spacing characteristics) Only his reflector can give you any spacing.

Also check out DK...Apparently he is a rare character in terms that he is a counterpick to Snake AND Metaknight players and is currently doing well in the matchups against them. He won't be top tier but he has the matchup properties to fight the top tier
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