Smash Hero
what part of my post makes you think I have animosity towards SRK?This is one of the things that I think is holding the Melee community back. There is a ridiculous level of animosity toward the premier fighting game community in the world.
I merely stated the fact that they hated us before pokemon theme song, and still do. thats it.
theres no animosity towards them from my end. unnecessary post is unnecessary.
wtf, i don't even know where you're getting these assumptions from.SmashBoards in general doesn't seem to respect SRK as a good community playing good competitive games.
No one has said anything disrespectful towards SRK or its games. AT MOST people have said something like "who cares what they think". Thank god i didnt waste my time reading your post (apart from tldr), seems like you were rambling for the sake of rambling.