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Colorado's Uber-hawt Ranking Thread


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2006
The Triad of Power, NC
Hey Takumi you should come to the tournament on this Saturday at David's. You'll get to see the whole smash scene in Colorado and meet some of the lower-ranked players, and perhaps beat them. It'll be fun even if you lose because other games always happen when a few people get bored. And friendlies give a ton of experience. You pretty much get alot better after every tourney so I highly advise you coming.

And yah I remember that lol that was funny.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Probably will start around 12-1pm ish.

Also, David, I know how to get to your house, but you might wanna post the address so the new people can get there.

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
OK ****** this is the ranking based on the results of the tournament And yes it is correct so dont ***** people

6.Peach's Pan

For any others who missed out you may be out of the rankings until you show to the next tourny and blah blah blah


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Yeah, those are the right rankings, I left 'em at Nite's house. I was there for the weekend, that's why I didn't update. Anyway, from this point on, the rankings are going to be simple, since they're pretty concrete. Beat the people above you consistently to move up.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
rofl, tony i like how you make all the rules now. GJ ****** and dont think im pissed cuz im 2nd now or any bs like that. Im pissed that you didnt even bother to ask everyone about how the rankings should be decided. THAT AND look at these results, some people we already know should be better then these people. This tournament seriously cant rank joey (who should be called Arabian Killa) 13th, I KNOW hes better then ken and flux just by playing him. NOT only that but look at bloshi, he should not be ranked that low. WOW GOOD JOB AT DECIDING CO'S RANKINGS FOR YOURSELF. wow theres so much more i want to say, its just looking at this list pisses me off.

Also, if the whole thing is about beating the people who are above you, then um wtf cuz kenny beat ferdi! omg this seriously cant be the rankings of Co. If everyone votes on this, vote on not counting me in the rankings cuz this is a seriously big load of ****.

eh, dont worry about it tony, just ignore this post. IDK its just for some reason this doesnt seem right to me. IDK lol


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Hey Victor, I did the rankings by points overall, then win/loss ratio, then who beat others that were higher than them how many times, then who won if they were tied (Yang and Nite). If you don't like it, cool. We ~can~ debate it all to hell as to who goes where on the rankings, but honestly, I think tournament results should matter the most now.

Brown NITE

Smash Apprentice
May 23, 2006
Aurora Co.
Victor the tournament shows that joey didnt beat flux or ken and if he did then they did a better job at beating everyone else, same with bloshi he got his *** kicked as well as others. so the ranking arent wrong they are correct (exept for the fact that a couple of people didnt go but thats not the point)Ohh and i just checked the paper and joey got 2-0 by both ken and spence


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
This list shows whos the best between all of us, but it doesnt show who actually does better in real tournaments.

the Marronator

Smash Ace
Sep 21, 2005
Boulder, CO
Well, after all of this, I think I'm going to start the shout-outs:

Yang: Holy crap, you improved! Keep on going!

Bloshi: Learn to deal with the spamming marth, and you've got it. Plus you've improved so much. Just keep on playing me and I bet you'll do like 10 times better next time.

Victor: No suprise, your still amazing! Sorry I got a bit mad after I played you; I really felt I wasn't doing too well. You whooped me, though =D

Rafa: Your too good.

Uh, lol, I'm too tired to do the rest of the shout outs. Thanks everyone for coming and it was a blast playing everybody.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
Aurora CO
shoutouts cuz I'm bored...

Tony- Definately the faggiest kid there, using the IC infinite, next time it'll be banned because it should be.

Joey- too funny, only samus ditto a got.

Kenny- too bad you don't have smash anymore and even worse that your going have to quit for a while. I wasn't sandbagging, i was just nervous.

Victor- QUE HONDA PUTA, lol, yea we kicked ***.

David- Should've gotten us some more food, and you should've answered the door and not left us standing on Bear Mt rd.

Ferdi- too good, i'll have a better samus next time so get ya *** ready.

Ben- I didn't play you cuz i had to leave cuz of Nite's weak ***.

Nite and chap and Erg- we play every god**** week anyways.

to people like severin, practice and get better.

Now someone should host another tournament soon cuz that would be great and fun and it would be a traditional tournament and not round robin.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Yeah, I'll ban it for future tournaments, but I had to make it look like I was giving it my all, ya know? Then Victor's weak *** runs away so you two can't have the tie-breaker round. Oh well, we figured it all out anyway.

I'd give shout-outs, but seeing as I'm better than all of you, there's no need to.


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2006
The Triad of Power, NC
This list shows whos the best between all of us, but it doesnt show who actually does better in real tournaments.
Shouldn't the best do better in real tourneaments, at least in theory? I'ts extremely difficult and impractical to account all of the factors that go into real tourneys. I think the rankings are fine this way, as really only a rough estimation. I don't care where I am all that much because it really doesn't affect me all that much.

Anyway, shout-outs:

David: it was cool teaming with you, and we could've done alot better if I hadn't killed myself so many times. :ohwell:

Victor: Haha, doc is fun. I'd like to try a MM again someday when I'm better. Oh yeah and Mute City is probably the most stacked stage for good edge-guarding characters (e.g. Yoshi)

Ferdi: ICs make baby Yoshi cry! I can't stand them! But anyway it was fun playing, including the randomness stuff at my house...

Tony: Start playing more people earlier dude, you practically held up the whole tourney.

Kenny: Thanks for playing me so much, it's great experience against a good fox, which is an awesome thing to have if I ever go to a big national tourney where there's tons of them.

Ken: Can't say much except for "grrrrrrrr forward smash"

Yang: Thanks for not using fsmash as much as Ken. You're a pretty good marth, though.

Takumi: Grats on your first tourney, although it was round robin and not a real bracket.

Nite: Haha. Captain falcon is very fun to combo, that is if I can hit him.

Chap: Dude try harder. I was sandbagging and trying to supershield all your attacks. That's how bored I was. For starters, don't use a character you don't even play.

Erg: Why didn't you use Samus? I would at least have a chance against her...

Joey: Zelda's gay, but not so much to Yoshi. I would have used Ganon or Shiek instead, since most of his attacks go through the double jump and Shiek can chaingrab.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Hey Ben, my shout-out is as follows: Don't suck so much!

Kidding, but seriously, unless friendlies were going on downstairs and TVs were free, I wasn't holding up anything.


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Yang and bloshi, a real tournament is better because, there is double elimination, so it tests how fast you can figure someone out and lets you see how far you can push yourself. Dont even bother arguing about it cuz me and tony talked about it for like a year. anyways heres my shout outs i guess
Rafa-good stuff man, im still not sure about how good you are at predicting but your still good. Anyways, you and me got to team up at the next tournament.
Tony,Nite,Chap,Takumi,Yang,Severin,Bloshi, Kenny,& David- Dont have much to say considering i 3 stocked all of you
Erg- i absolutely have nothing to say to you because i 4 stocked you rofl.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Victor... I could be wrong... but didn't you get two, almost three stocked... by a Peach? As Marth? Doesn't Marth kinda counter Peach? I ~could~ be wrong. I'm not a doctor. You only won because I didn't want to be a mean guy, I wanted to be a dancer. You also lost to Yang in a Marth ditto. Sandbagging, figuring him out, whatever, it shouldn't have happened, period. I shouldn't have listened to Kenny about the 3rd match and instead used my Fox or Sheik, since you like to take it anally from both of them.

Danger Chap

Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2006
Plan 9 From Outer Space (bO_O)b
Chap: Dude try harder. I was sandbagging and trying to supershield all your attacks. That's how bored I was. For starters, don't use a character you don't even play.

hahaha no you were not sandbaging you fcken liar ahahahahahaahhahaha ooohh and is thats why I got you in 11 of falcos ftilts ahahahhahaha really dont talk you loser


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Or not, kenny beat ferdi in the round robin so something must have happen when i left. Not only that, i 2 stocked ferdi's sheik with my marth. Oh and go ahead and choose fox or sheik against me, remember when i rapped your fox with my falco? rofl my falco is terrible. Not only that, last time i checked, your sheik isnt as good as ferdi's, so i would say it was a good idea to stick with peach.

oh and hey peach vs marth is an even match up, Yes, i herd that from taj, but i think marth might have a slight advantage. Idk its hard to say but who cares.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
You didn't do any "******", it was a friendly, you beat my by a stock, maybe two, the match is tilted heavily in Falco's favor, though I've been beating all the Falcos as of late, AND I had just woken up. Falco v Fox is much easier than Marth v Fox. Also, was the Marth v Sheik against Ferdi tournament or not, and was it recent? If it was tournament, grats, if not, forget it even happened. Plus, Ferdi's Sheik and mine are completely different, and better suited for certain match-ups.

And if you want another opinion on the Marth v Peach matchup, ask Husband.

At any rate, I'm coming for you Victor, and I won't be happy until I 4 stock your Marth with my Pichu (don't laugh, ask Yang, it's scary **** against Marth)!

EDIT: Oh, and yeah, Ferdi HAS 4 stocked Kenny before. The reaction was priceless.

Danger Chap

Smash Apprentice
May 22, 2006
Plan 9 From Outer Space (bO_O)b
Or not, kenny beat ferdi in the round robin so something must have happen when i left. Not only that, i 2 stocked ferdi's sheik with my marth. Oh and go ahead and choose fox or sheik against me, remember when i rapped your fox with my falco? rofl my falco is terrible. Not only that, last time i checked, your sheik isnt as good as ferdi's, so i would say it was a good idea to stick with peach.

oh and hey peach vs marth is an even match up, Yes, i herd that from taj, but i think marth might have a slight advantage. Idk its hard to say but who cares.
idk Taj is good but he said mario countered samus rofl


Smash Ace
Apr 24, 2004
Monument, Co
Tony, falco vs fox is an even match and i got that from cunning kitsune. Heh im not here to argue with you about who said what. Just deal with the fact that you got three stocked and you are on my list. Oh and let me see, fox=top tier and marth=high tier. Marth vs fox is a hard match up for marth. but lets just say this, im completely wrong and your right! just because im not in the mood and im sick and tired of arguing with you. If you want to try sheik against me or fox, then do so at this next tournament. Ive already told you that your peach is your best character.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
If you rely on tiers for matchup results, you're kinda retarted. I'd love you to explain losing to Link with Sheik. They're very subjective, dontcha think?

EDIT: And you should try formulating your own opinions, rather than relying on those of people who are semi-pro. I've played the match-up, and, unless you are capable of being INCREDIBLY gay (ps'ing almost all the lasers, cg'ing, zero-death combo consistently), it's in Falco's favor. Even then, Fox is more reliant on tricking the opponent than Falco. =/


Smash Apprentice
Jan 16, 2006
Denver, CO
if anyone cares, i think marth>peach. First off marth gets and extra 30% everytime peach dies basically, f-throw, f-throw, f-throw, f-smash. Also marths aerials just own peach(KEN COMBO!). Its just really easy to kill peach. Shes real floaty and easy to edgegaurd. Well thats just my take after defeating davids peach 2-1.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
No... I'd say either Peach, Sheik (WTF? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN? DETAILS LATER!), or ICs... possibly CF. I used my Fox very sparingly during the tourney.
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