Fun tournament just like the other two Quizno's I have attended. Too bad this was supposed to be the last Quizno's tournament.
Quizno's Brawl X the Finale Results
Low Tier Top 4/54 entries
1. Typh
2. Vicegrip
3. DSF
4. Zex
SD Performance
5. Oats
13. Havok
25. IceburntsockzDX (Mario)
33. Rickety<3 Typh (Rickety)
33. Awex
33. Fierce
49. Gursalug
49. Geo
49. Selendrile
Crews Top 4/20 entries
1. My D!ck is the perfect size to rock your pvssy (Mikehaze, Hugs and Larry)
2. 310 represent (DSF, Tyrant and Ajax)
3 Yes on 8 (Havok, Fierce, and Bone)
4 TOA- (Sky, Zex and that other dude)
SD Performance
3. Yes on 8 (havok, Fierce, and Bone)
5. Geo, Meeks + Oats (Geo, Meeks + Oats)
17. Lucha Libre Taco Shop Smash Crew (Mario, Gursalug and Selendrile)
Doubles top 4/25 entries
1. Steppin' it up for Boba Topiaca and Vtek
2. Javax (Havok+Ajax)
3. Mike And Chad Kroger
4. One of us is gay and the other is DSF
IDK what the other local teams were named so I cant provide results for them
9. Geo's money is on these guys
Sorry about not knowing the other local team's names.
Singles top 4/86 entries
1. DSF
2. Tyrant
3. Fiction
4. Mike Haze
SD performance in Singles
7. Awex
9. Havok
9. Fierce
13. Bone
49. Rickety <3 Typh (Rickety)
49. Geo
EDIT: Added color like half an hour later. lol
2ND EDIT: Forgot Geo in the low tier standings. Yes, Geo just got his own edit.