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<--ChozenOne's "Learn to Fux With Amazingness" Thread-->


Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2007
worcester MA
most people playother chars,considering some matchups are easier when done by other characters. And also, having more than 1 character shouldnt hurt your game that bad, if at all. So I think you should have some skills with more than one character. Mastering 2 chars. may be a bit harder but overall worth it in the end.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
Play lv 1 computers ALOT on FD. Practice makes perfect. Even G-Reg had to practice before he came a ManGod like ChozenOne. The more you practice, the more the motions will become "muscle memorized" and you won't even have to think to execute them... and executing your opponent becomes even easier...
Ah, thank you for telling me a good way to practice - I'd try that for the access to the c-stick, except I always felt tempted by that feeling of resting the CPUs... I've got a habit of trying to rest when I see it - it's led to some very nice circumstantial rests (but also many misses as well... yet those times where somehow I rest both the other team feels worth it)

Use the Control Stick to jump, and the C Stick to do your arials. Practice alot. Jiggs takes alot more technical skill than people give her credit for.. LCing is not a problem, no is CGing, however learning to follow DI to continue your combos, and doing 1-14 arials everytime you're in the air seems kind of difficult... along w/ resting. ****.
WOW. That is all I can say, after having tried to do this agaisnt KSSB this morning... before I hardly ever gave the C-Stick a glance and only used it occasionally, but when I started using it and the Control Stick jump, I started to do noticeably better against him. Which brings me to another question: Should I get in the habit of using the Control Stick as my main jumping means, or is it possibly to still fux with amazing wops with the X and/or Y buttons? (Or, are there times when the Control Stick/C-Stick shouldn't be used?)

Recovery is indeed truely an art form my young good sir. You can use Pound/Other Jumps to stall in the air before you connect to the stage, but [as you have stated earlier] once you're on the ledge it becomes very difficult for Jiggs to not be predictable. If they like to stand really close than use some Ledge-Cancelled Sings to make them back up. Don't pound too much from the ledge b/c it becomes predictable, and a WD-->Fsmash is indeed a moveset full of pain. Fairs are nice, but they ussually have a pretty low knockback if you're doing them from the ledge just due to the fact that you're already jumping to get off of the ledge, and if you've already Sing Cancelled they won't be close enough to really sweet-spot it, so make sure [if you do infact use an Fair] that you LC that ****, and grab dem. Also, doing Ledge Cancelled Rollouts is a funny mindgame b/c ppl are like.. "What the *****, and you laugh at their ignorance, and proceed to ****. You can also drop down off the ledge @ about a 60' angle and jump back that way.. or perhaps you do Ledge Cancelled Sings but drop down first, and then doing it as you rise inorder to create a situation where Jigglypuff does infact have a way to sweet spot the ledge. Or perhaps you want the added comfort, and range of a Bair, so therefore you drop off the ledge, aiming for the edge of the screen [opposite the direction o/t ledge your were facing] then immediatly jump, and preceed to show your opponent what a "disjointed hitbox" really is. Oh.. and Use Mindgames.
Ledge-cancelled rollout? Howzat possible? I'd like to see it, if there're any videos out there...

Clearly you are mistaken w/ both names good sir. They are both excellent, however the best of all would most certainly be Angry Square. Seriously.. would you rather be attacked by a Square that has "time powers", a rodent that is indeed quite upset, or perhaps a large 2 DEMENSHOINAL FOUR SIDED OBject that has deadly corners..
Well, another part of it might be acronyming/nicknaming the aliases. I used to always be called CS... people nowadays always refer to me just as Chrono. (I aim to one day have at least something produced under a "company name"; even had a friend a few years ago make a splash screen for ChronoSquared Industries... CSI ;p) Angry Squirrel, I think I entered it into Mario Kart DS by abreviating it to ASquirrel... I didn't use it much, but it has potential. (ASquare, I'm not sure about how well that would work...) Perhaps as an alternative to that, something that popped into my head today, just skip the full name and abreviate it to AngryS? Could mean either Squirrel or Square, yet I fear people would not see the S as being a monacronym... and though there may not be many people with names like it, if it were extended out somehow that it wouldn't be original... (KillaOR comes to mind.)

I might add on to this some more questions tonight; I know I forgot at least one I was going to ask in the process of asking these responses...


Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2007
worcester MA
Originally Posted by ChronoSquare
Which brings me to another question: Should I get in the habit of using the Control Stick as my main jumping means, or is it possibly to still fux with amazing wops with the X and/or Y buttons? (Or, are there times when the Control Stick/C-Stick shouldn't be used?)
that is totally dependant on what suits you best. I find it more comfortable (for myself) to use the cstick for arials and jumping with the control stick. but like I stated earlier,its all about whats easier for you.


Aug 31, 2005
West Memphis, AR / Memphis, TN
<insert stuff here about names>
Rule #1 - Take whatever you think people might feel about something and throw it out the window. You defeat the whole point of trying to gain a reputation by doing "whatever people want". You make a name, and you make people like it. That's called building a rep.

And for my hypocritical comment: I personally liked Angry Square... and if you're looking for a way to shorten it: Angry^2

C stick jump -vs- x,y
Personal preference. I personally like x/y

Dinner time. Woo!



Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
Do you guys play other characters besides jiggs, or do you only play jiggs? I thought I had jiggs down pretty decently, I felt I knew what to do and when to do it, during a match, so I started to experiment with other characters as a secondary. Then when I come back to jiggs I have a hard time and get ***** by my friends when usually I'm the one scoring most of the wins. I'm starting to think that switching between characters just hurts my overall game and I don't have a sound jiggs. So do you guys recommend sticking with only jiggs, or does it just take time for me to be able to switch between characters and still be decent?
It is better to be diverse in character selection due to the fact that some characters are countered very hard by other characters.. aka Jiggs-->Fox. Therefore my Secondary is Falco. He does Well against campy Marths, Homo Foxs, and ******** Shiek players.. but my Jiggs works well there too.

I would personally suggest for you [or anyone for that matter] to pick one character and stick with them, until they feel that they are not improving at all. Hitting a brickwall can be common when you use then same character against the same ppl.. so mix it up. Different characters require different strategys to win, so this might even change how you play technically, or mindgame wise.. but if you havn't truely hit that brickwall yet then i guess.. stick with the one and only. Don't spread your skill out between more than one character unless you've already mastered one. Specialize and Conquer.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
WOW. That is all I can say, after having tried to do this agaisnt KSSB this morning... before I hardly ever gave the C-Stick a glance and only used it occasionally, but when I started using it and the Control Stick jump, I started to do noticeably better against him. Which brings me to another question: Should I get in the habit of using the Control Stick as my main jumping means, or is it possibly to still fux with amazing wops with the X and/or Y buttons? (Or, are there times when the Control Stick/C-Stick shouldn't be used?)
I personally use the X/Y buttons to SH, but use the control stick the rest o/t time...

Ledge-cancelled rollout? Howzat possible? I'd like to see it, if there're any videos out there...
I'm assuming you know that if you charge a rollout whilst you are off the stage it will travel at a downward angle toward the direction you are facing. If you create a situation where Jigglypuff travels, and hits the ledge @ the correct place [aka where you grab it] she will sweetspot it, and grab on.

KillaOR comes to mind.
All i have to say is.. how dare you mention KillaO[ver]R[ated] in this thread... how dare you.

Good Day Sir.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
How effective is ledge-cancelled sing to rest. Against what characters should it be used.


Aug 31, 2005
West Memphis, AR / Memphis, TN
Sing cancelled rest is usually good against 1 person that's never seen it, 1 time.

It can easily be ***** by projectiles or disjointed hit boxes.

I'd suggest maybe once every 5,000 matches as maybe a tactic so the opponent goes "wait... are you serious?" and in that time you can hop safely onto the stage...


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2007
closest to Sterling Heights, MI on your wii foreca
its funny, at a tourney i just went to, i saw a jiggy doing a ledge cancelled sing every time he got on the edge...it finally hit one guy, but he was mashing buttons so much to get out of the sleep that he accidentally paused the game, and it messed up the jiggys rest. sucked to be the jiggy. (it was vs a marth i believe)


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
It's kinda funny, actually... While I still to totally master the rising pound, I am singing to my death much less frequently, although today I ended up accidentally singing on the stage. Sometimes it was good, sometimes it wasn't, because after a fsmash (that I survived) or some like move, the attacker (in this case a fox) was hit with the sing, and I was able to make it back to do some follow-up half of the time; the other half he was too low % and he woke up fast. Does this merit looking into?

Oh, and I appologize about the name thing earlier; I had originally intended to ask about what could possible be the smash nick for "angry square"; the squirrely could be "risu" (japanese for squirrel), and chronosquare was kuronoro (in japanese, with the second ro being the "square" it looks like)... but I think I will drop it for now.

Isn't Shiek a Jiggly counter? I dont' know if it was because of counters or what, but semi-randomly doing a match with my friend I chose IC and him Shiek, and after that match I tried it with Jigglypuff and ended up getting totally *****... 2 kos with IC, none with Jiggly... I need to go back and read up on what was said about Jiggly vs. Shiek; she's like the only high-tier character my friend doesn't "main"... and I can't even wavedash properly, so that's saying something for that match <.<


Aug 31, 2005
West Memphis, AR / Memphis, TN
I remember the days of doing sing when trying to rise pound. I still do it every once in a while, it's more humorous now than aggitating.

Check out Mew2King's guide on frame data for smash (found at: http://hometown.aol.com/oovideogamegodoo/myhomepage/profile.html)

Very helpful for your "sing" concerns. It shows raw frame data as well as the time (in seconds) for recovery.

Personally I stay away from it since it has to be relatively high % to hit anyway...


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
How long should/will it be before Master ChozenOne becomes un-banned? While there are others who can answer my questions (and other's), there are few who can do quite the style that the Master does...

That being said, I come with more questions (and possibly later an amateur-quality camerawork'd video) from this weekend's tournament:

First, I'd like to know if there are any interesting ways to use Jungle Japes to Jigglypuff's advantage. It's been documented that it's the stage with the highest cieling, (and it was put to the test - 120% and I still survived the Mewtwo's up throw), which is definitely in Jiggs' favor against top-killer happy characters such as Fox. The water helps also, as most characters, once in it, are in it for good, whereas Jiggly can recover out of it to a ledge more easily than most. (Giving them the Klap also helps) However, after singles was over, it was discovered something interesting besides - the main platform is at just such a level that Jiggly can rollout and auto-sweet spot the ledge of either edge platform as long as she's got momentum left. Are there any tricks/combos/mindgames that involve the use of this?

Something also that I noticed today that I did yesterday was a falling pound, exactly opposite of a rising pound. This is sort of a double-question... part a, would it ever be better to attack with a rising pound as opposed to a normal horizontal pound, i.e. does it shift the hitboxes at all? Following that (if yes) then part b, would a falling pound ever be helpful, other than as form of mindgames? I've only ever seen the rising variation of this, but I expect it's not unknown... (Following that even, in some practicing today I was able to perform a falling pound low enough in the jump so that it carried Jigglypuff onto the stage, and it looked like she traveled farther... although I can't be one to judge.)

...and also on the name thing; the second time, I didn't get a chance to edit it when I realized it, but what I ment to mention was about the smash names, eg the 4 characters used in game play... currently I'm using japanese to fit my name, Ku-ro-no-ro; I just hapaned to know the characters for those sylables (no idea what they're called), with the second ro simply being what it is, a square - so it's effectively Kurono[]. (The no is actually hirigana, but it doesn't matter because after all the second ro is being used as a picture rather than actual katakana...) Other than that, I'm unsure of what I would put as a name for normal combat... (Other than what would be a joke name, such as my friends naming themselves "OVER" and "9000" in doubles)... Well, I do have one name in mind, but I'm not worthy of it yet... once I feel competent at comboing into rest, I shall name myself Pong. (I always thought of the rest SFX as more of a 'ping' noise...)


Aug 31, 2005
West Memphis, AR / Memphis, TN
How long should/will it be before Master ChozenOne becomes un-banned? While there are others who can answer my questions (and other's), there are few who can do quite the style that the Master does...
Soon... I can't say specific dates, but soon...

However, after singles was over, it was discovered something interesting besides - the main platform is at just such a level that Jiggly can rollout and auto-sweet spot the ledge of either edge platform as long as she's got momentum left. Are there any tricks/combos/mindgames that involve the use of this?
This is all based on style. You use the stage and adapt it to the features the stage provides. You can also do the autostick rollout on MK2 from the upper ledges by banking off the wall into the middle. This, however, is dependant on where you are when you begin the roll.

Something also that I noticed today that I did yesterday was a falling pound, exactly opposite of a rising pound. This is sort of a double-question... part a, would it ever be better to attack with a rising pound as opposed to a normal horizontal pound, i.e. does it shift the hitboxes at all?
It follows you whether its up or down, I'm pretty positive

Following that (if yes) then part b, would a falling pound ever be helpful, other than as form of mindgames? I've only ever seen the rising variation of this, but I expect it's not unknown...
Not unknown at all. And it can be used if you're above an opponent and want to try to pound down to them instead of coming in with a standard air attack

(Following that even, in some practicing today I was able to perform a falling pound low enough in the jump so that it carried Jigglypuff onto the stage, and it looked like she traveled farther... although I can't be one to judge.)
You got me on this one, haha.

<insert name stuff here>
It doesn't matter. Whatever you do, be unique. Using "King" or some other famous name doesn't make you better, it only makes it confusing when watching unmarked videos. Also, if you do something impressive, people will assume it to be the other guy. :)



Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
Ok, I got up the friendly video from saturday... although it most definitely isnt' the best, but it does show where I dont' do so well...


0:28 - I wasn't confident in my running -> rest abilities, so I thought I could sh into him and rest, but as you may see that rollout (and the sing actually) were a result of my thumb being too far up or down on the control stick when I tried to pound...

0:45 - That up-smash was supposed to be a forward smash; if it had been, I wouldn't have been hit by his fair... the c stick is something I'm still getting used to, and so Jiggly doesn't always do what I want to - it's also the reason why you don't see me woping to the right - I'm not as accurate as when woping to the left. (The following 0:50 down smash was also supposed to be a forward smash towards him, as well as the double up-smash at 1:44... )

2:13 - I had him... I don't know what went wrong, but Jiggly would not grab the stage. You can even hear me expressing my distaste. >.> (otherwise the other two audible persons are Tar, and the question-asking one is CWolf...)

3:36 - that's what 2:13 should've been like; I can ususally edgeguard nicely like this two or more times a match...

All in all it was not very good; I'll look into seeing if KSSB wouldn't mind operating the camera to record another friendly or two when we next convene, on Thursday...

Oh yeah and I've one more question: How wise do you think is it to use Jigglypuff as a projectile? Tar's done that to me at random times during a team match, and something like at least half the time it works... Jungle Japes, sent into a Marth returning from the right; couldn't attack after I was out there, but my hitting the Marth knocked him too far to recover before hitting water...


Smash Lord
May 2, 2005
Savage, MD
Spacing was off. You shouldn't be getting your bairs shieldgrabbed. Vid was a bit hard to make out.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 10, 2006
Huh people found my video im good aren't I that fox that four stocked me at the end i was just messing around i 4 stock him all the time when i am playing serious.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
How effective is ledge-cancelled sing to rest. Against what characters should it be used.
Ledge cancelled singrest is extremely underrated. It is used by the ChozenOne to force opponents away from the ledge, and to sweetspot the ledge when coming from underneath it… as far as tricking your opponent into falling asleep… make sure the notes that surround Jiggle’s body emerge when your opponent attacks the ground next to the ledge…

Isn't Shiek a Jiggly counter?
Yes. Her Dthrow is quite a nuisance, and her needles are full of annoyingness.

I'd like to know if there are any interesting ways to use Jungle Japes to Jigglypuff's advantage.
Japes is good against Fox.. You can gay people into ClopTrop range [hanging on platforms], and it takes longer for him to kill you… which seems pretty good to me.. It’s also relatively flat, so you can still Uthrow-->Rest. <(^_^)b

However, after singles was over, it was discovered something interesting besides - the main platform is at just such a level that Jiggly can rollout and auto-sweet spot the ledge of either edge platform as long as she's got momentum left. Are there any tricks/combos/mindgames that involve the use of this?
Flashyness is sexy..
just not always useful :(

This is sort of a double-question... part a, would it ever be better to attack with a rising pound as opposed to a normal horizontal pound, i.e. does it shift the hitboxes at all? Following that (if yes) then part b, would a falling pound ever be helpful, other than as form of mindgames? I've only ever seen the rising variation of this, but I expect it's not unknown...
A_mArIo has given you the thread.. Magus has given you the information.. use it well my good sir.

Oh yeah and I've one more question: How wise do you think is it to use Jigglypuff as a projectile? Tar's done that to me at random times during a team match, and something like at least half the time it works... Jungle Japes, sent into a Marth returning from the right; couldn't attack after I was out there, but my hitting the Marth knocked him too far to recover before hitting water...
Assuming that you are referring to doing what the Xmen call a “fastball special”, its better to just hit your opponent than it is to hit them, and damage your life partner while doing it.. although in all honesty it can be quite gratifying to use your partner [literally] to end your opponent… usually only effective if you accidentally grab your partner instead of your opponent though.. aka… squander.

SO...what do you people do when you uthrow a fox/falco/any1 u can uthrow rest when they DI out of the combo?
Bair, Fair, Uair or Pound depending on where they DI.. better said than done good sir.. better said than done… you can also sometimes rest them out of the Uthrow-->Pound if they DI wrong... Ussually they DI forward so a weak Fair-->LC'd Grab is quite effective...

Ok, I got up the friendly video from saturday... although it most definitely isnt' the best, but it does show where I dont' do so well...

I shall respond when I have more time… pretty much my best advice for right now [that would most certainly help you fux w/ amazing] is buy a better camera…

I have a question.. How many times have you been banned??
Let me answer your question by giving you some numbers.. I have a combined total of 20 infraction pts.. you get banned every 6… I also have a grand total of 3 other banned accounts…


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
I shall respond when I have more time… pretty much my best advice for right now [that would most certainly help you fux w/ amazing] is buy a better camera…
I can assure you, that while it may not be fuxingly amazing (It's technically my parents, I'll only do so much as to buy another memory card to hold more video), when properly lined up my digital camera does a very decent job of recording matches. And with that note, I will be working to get my friend in a competitive friendly that will be recorded.

And I have another question... since you mentioned to not mention you-know-who in this thread... is it wholly unappropriate to color Jigglypuff black/brown/african-american? I want to know if I can't come up with some approprite Cuco Puffs jokes :D


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2006
PA, USA ⊂(゚ヮ゚)⊃
"Oh great and wise ChozenOne I seek your advice!!!":

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOwckYphTPY a 1 vs. 1

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0l6z-zaoSA a classic mode(part one)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9xhfp4G444 a classic mode (part two)

My Question is: "How much does my puff suck?"

ChozenOne said:
pretty much my best advice for right now [that would most certainly help you fux w/ amazing] is buy a better camera…
Actually I would suggest getting a better sturdy object to place the camera on.


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2005
SF Bay Area, CA
jigglypuff8 why are u showing 64 videos in melee section? there is a 64 section.
space your fairs better, use nair as killing move because its strong and stays out for a while if u cant use other moves, and backthrow to kill. also upair juggle. btw why are u playing on a banned 64 stage? play donkey kong, grab put on back, throw off stage.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
JPpuff8.. not only do you make excellent banners, but you also ask excellent questions good sir...

-Grab More

-Follow Up your combos

-When you Dair.. end w/ a Rest.

-Use the Pipe Mindgames more... not b/c they are good, but b/c they are indeed entertaining, and terrible.

Good Day Sir.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
Peach... Pokemon Stadium, and Battlefield. You can camp your turnip gayness w/ the platforms and she'll kill you later.. the ceiling is also not too high in both so Uair kills indeed quite well. She can be battlegay'd, and PS shapeshifts into sexy... and there's fire there.

Shiek... FoD, and DreamLand. DreamLand is big, and stops Shiek's KO potential.. also, when she Dthrows you at high percents, you may indeed be able to tech off of the perfectly spaced platforms. Platforms also stop more gayass needle camping. FoD provides a smaller solution, and is good for the same reasons above.. but the different is that you can get spikes during her recovery off the side o/t level, and a rest is a death.

Good Day Sir.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
Rofl. I think a Co-coa Puff Combo vid out fuxes one based around the song "Rollout" that someone mentioned.

Kudos mate.
If I could find someone with a capable sense of humor, I'd love to make Team Double Entendre a reality... Stuff like that would come second nature; a team of Ganon and Jiggly would be "COCO" and "PUFF"; in reverse, with Jiggly and Ganon, it could be "BAIR" and "FOOT".

I'd like to create Team Double Entendre before thinking about combo videoing it, highlights of teams matches or something... I've got many stored in here :)

Oh, and a question for you ChozenOne: How can Jigglypuff keep up with an opponent she is combing? I see in many videos stuff like Fair > Uair > Uair > Rest or stuff like that; does that need to happen at low %s so the victim doesn't travel far, or is there something else I am missing? Such example would be, IIRC, an up throw to an opponent who jumps, who is then up aired and that follows into rest... I'd like to know, so I may attempt to bring comboing to my Jiggling.

Combos from the ground, such as down air into something I have relatively down... (just need to keep working on L-canceling) It's the combos in the air that evade me on how to perform them. Especially, it would help to know if there are ways to turn a tumultuous areial tumble into a restful situation... or like situations.


Smash Champion
Jan 30, 2006
Cheerleading Practice
Oh, and a question for you ChozenOne: How can Jigglypuff keep up with an opponent she is combing? I see in many videos stuff like Fair > Uair > Uair > Rest or stuff like that; does that need to happen at low %s so the victim doesn't travel far, or is there something else I am missing?
Lower %'s help. Between 0 and 60 percent comboing is relativly easy [then again the lower % the faster you have to move], but after that the combination of DI, falling speed, and knockback tends to create a situation that makes comboing not possible. Technical skill and practice are the most important aspects of comboing. Techskill allows for the combos to work, and practice shows you how they will come into effect. If you play a shiek alot, and realize that when they recover from the ledge they always waste their 2nd jump.. well... that's an Uair oppertunity right there. With the other combos like Bair-->ect or Fair-->ect lower %'s work about the same way... If you want a reliable way to start these "fuxing w/ amazingness" combos the best methods are..

Captain Falcon [not all fastfallers b/c they can't be shieldgrabbed, and are too fast for this to always work]- Side around, and space Bairs.. and CC when you're not doing that [it's gay.. yeahyuzz!]. When he tries to do a Dair, or misses a shieldgrab [and you don't feel like resting his neglegent ***] do an Utilt.. about 4 times. Then follow it up w/ Uairs, and Bairs/Fairs. I consistantly do 70-80% combos on even the great G-Reg from time to time.. Falcon is Jiggle's easiest character to combo.. ever. Pound but not too much.

The Homo Space Puppets- Grab them.. and Uthrow. If you can't rest them anymore than Uair them as needed [btw.. it's always needed]. When you're near the ledge you can Bthrow-->Bair.. then to some gay ledge guarding.. btw... if a Fox/Falco/Shiek/Falcon/Peach player ever gives you **** for resting, tell them that all of their are top tier, and have notiable advantage in this particular matchup.. anyway... back to the tier whores [formerly known as] Fox, and Falco. Fox/Falco [depending on the skill o/t player] also enjoy Usmashing out of shield, and doing nasty Uthrow-->Uair combos [both.. Falco can do it too... around 70%] so alot of the time their going to try shieldgrabbing you.. aka falling approaching Uairs on their shield.. combo as nessesary [refer to above statement]. Nair is also pretty useful here for the mere purpose of racking up damage, and randomly LC'ing it into a grab.. same w/ the very occasional/situational Dair.

Shiek- Shiek is gay. Space Bairs, and when one hits, then follow w/ more Bairs. Pound but not too much.

Marth- Marth is also gay. Space Bairs, and when one hits, then follow w/ more Bairs. Pound but not too much.

Peach- Peach is alittle less gay [but she has stitchfaces..]. Space Bairs, and when one hits, then follow w/ more Bairs. Pound but not too much.. actually Peach [at low %'s, can be comboed to about 40-50% w/ Uairs-->F/Bairs. When you pound @ low percents it's also very possible to sneak in two-three consectutive Bairs along w/ it.. This is actually true for about every character in the game [depending on your opponents DI].

Good Day Sir.


Smash Ace
Dec 24, 2005
SF Bay Area, CA
for KO purposes, aim high at Peach's body because hits around her body and lower just pushes her up and therefore she never dies. if you aim at the crown then the knockback is more horizontal and she is easier to edgeguard.

If she does go high, get in the air and camp her diagonally. if she tries to fly over you upair her off the screen, if she tries to sneak in a fast fall fair / bair her. otherwise, just intimidate.


Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2003
Tempe, AZ
Captain Falcon [not all fastfallers b/c they can't be shieldgrabbed, and are too fast for this to always work]- Side around, and space Bairs.. and CC when you're not doing that [it's gay.. yeahyuzz!]. When he tries to do a Dair, or misses a shieldgrab [and you don't feel like resting his neglegent ***] do an Utilt.. about 4 times. Then follow it up w/ Uairs, and Bairs/Fairs. I consistantly do 70-80% combos on even the great G-Reg from time to time.. Falcon is Jiggle's easiest character to combo.. ever. Pound but not too much.
That is teh sweetness, C.Falcon just happens to be my friend's latest char. interest... because I so often end up falling vicitim to that dastardly knee (the horror)1 I've started to take up Ganondorf (also a bane of mine, but a legal one of Jigglypuff...), and I don't regret it... although I can't say I'm anywhere near competition level with him like I could be with Jiggly; I've been used to the the balloons for nearly my whole smash career it's difficult to remember all the other stuff... like I've only two jumps, and a limited up B recovery...

*clears throat* enough deliniation. Back to topic.

I assume by "Side around, and space Bairs" you mean the fast SH out & back that I so need to get down, and move around the level doing that, or do you mean something else, like WDing around into spaced Bairs? Like crouching WDes into spaced Bairs'n'stuff? Could a bair hit through a charging forward b or a flaming down b? (although I just know if the forward b is seen rest looks like the better option once he misses... can that thing be spot dodged?)

And I just want to be clear... by missing a shieldgrab you do mean a spot dodge into sh'd rest, right? (I never did use spot dodge before, and so my style didnt' involve it; now, I don't know when I should use it or not... and so I can't say I've ever used it on purpose, with value coming from its use.)

1 I have so many problems with dodging attacks; mostly this stems from the relatively small number of 1v1 matches we perform... ususally there's at least 3 of us there together.
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