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Chinese Inn Monthly 3

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Smash Hero
Jun 30, 2007
Why the hate on Brawl Vaughn? Surely you learned in philosophy that everything is subjective. But really, to everyone, stop telling us that if we don't like the rules to not come. Because if the rules aren't changed, we won't come. We're just trying to make this clear.
Well I will make this clear too. You better pull out your skirts boys, because the only way y'all will be able to even get into a tourny is by going to Laffy in a dress.

Curlz best of luck to you. You are now LA's ONLY TO. Keep up the good work.


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
Why the hate on Brawl Vaughn? Surely you learned in philosophy that everything is subjective. But really, to everyone, stop telling us that if we don't like the rules to not come. Because if the rules aren't changed, we won't come. We're just trying to make this clear.
Well, to you guys, stop complaining about the rules and telling us you won't come. You claim you're trying to make it clear, but it was clear weeks ago when you said it the first time, obviously since it's Bomber's tourney, he's not changing the rules, so it makes no sense to constantly complain to make this "clear." We're not *******, we understand English. If you don't come, it's fine, it's your choice, not mine.


Smash Ace
Jul 15, 2006
Well, to you guys, stop complaining about the rules and telling us you won't come. You claim you're trying to make it clear, but it was clear weeks ago when you said it the first time, obviously since it's Bomber's tourney, he's not changing the rules, so it makes no sense to constantly complain to make this "clear." We're not *******, we understand English. If you don't come, it's fine, it's your choice, not mine.
Actually, I've met all of these smashers. Whether they are ******** or not is debatable. I guess I'm done here. Have fun playing with the 3 people that show up.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
Our Brawl scene goes to hell because no one holds competitive tournaments regularly, if at all.

Chinese Inn had a good thing going.

LOST had a good thing going.

Outside of Lee and Hyro, and maybe Justin now, no one from OoS cares about LA.

Hyro should stop being lazy and run PnT again.

NOLA makes up a good portion of the community now, as far as people/attendance go.

There's no competition any more, it's just hanging out and ****** n00bs.

Our state just sucks for smash.

The only people who actually FEEL like hosting tournaments have problems (hate the game/suck at the game) so the rules get edited to benefit them either to stop hating it as much or to do better in it (i.e. seven starters, locals only, items).

The fact is, there are only a few people in this state who are good at brawl or who WANT TO GET BETTER. If ya'll actually wanted to get better, we'd have normal, uniform tournies so we could challenge ourselves, get you better and in turn get better off of you. Basically progress as a state.

The only people I even trust anymore to run a good tourney...Lee, Jnig, Arcadia, Greg...Ran too. Ran might not be at the top right now...but it's CLEAR that he WANTS to get better. His tournaments use to be good. Adopted the latest SBR ruleset and everything so we could be on the same competitive level as the rest of the brawl scene.

No one else likes this game. No one wants to get better. So we suck at tournies.

And yeah, I know, we should host our own, thanks for filling us in.

No need to respond to this and tell me how you think I'm complaining, my posts are definitely not supposed to be read in a complaining voice, their supposed to be mean and condescending. I'm just an ******* when I post ;)

I'm done too


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2009
It's just one tournament. We can't really make a big deal of one tournament. If we do, and with the limited resources we have at our hands currently, our community is ****ed.

Yes. Louisiana as a whole has always sucked in smash compared to other regions. This has happened since Melee. Which is probably why I don't see why most of our players still even bother with this game considering they play it competitively.
I suppose it's understandable with our location. In the end, we'll just have to bust our ***** harder to get noticed.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Why the hate on Brawl Vaughn? Surely you learned in philosophy that everything is subjective.
I've always hated Brawl, or at least the way everyone's been playing it (which has virtually been copied from Melee's ruleset with a few stupid arbitrary rules to counter MK... lol).

Yes everything is subjective, that's why I have hate for it in the first place. The feeling of dislike is something that every human has for something. I just chose this game because I don't think it's fun.

Actually, I've met all of these smashers. Whether they are ******** or not is debatable. I guess I'm done here. Have fun playing with the 3 people that show up.
If it really comes to that, then we'll just eat some Chinese food and go home. It's as simple as that.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
I'm sorry Bomber. But I have last minute parent johns that aren't letting me go. That's minus 2 for the turnout.


I'm really really sorry and I really wanted to go. I hope this turns out better than what you expected. Best of luck.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
It is a good idea. I really would have enjoyed attending this. My parents just decided to be stupid on this weekend. :[


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
We need a new game to play.

A new game with a better community at that. One that's open to ALL modes of play instead of just one ruleset that was copied from an earlier game.


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
Hey, this is Z, from the first tournament.

I'm gonna be running kind of late guys, should be there by 12:30, though.
We can wait a bit for you, we usually always have waited to get the tourneys started at CI. Last time I beleive it didn't start until like 1:00-1:30. Just try to be here as early as you can. It might not be many that come, so we may just change it to a casual game outing if need be. Everyone seems to be downing one casual tournament, it's only one...yet no one else is really making an effort to find a venue and run their own tourney. JNig got TU, that's good, he's found a place. Others are just *****ing, we just wanted to try something new but I won't worry about it. It's not like we can't have a normal tourney side event.

On another note, can someone bring set-ups, I'm not allowed to take my Wii out of my house due to strict parental control. But I'll bring a bag with a couple more games in it if it turns out to be the casual gaming outing.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
I've always hated Brawl, or at least the way everyone's been playing it (which has virtually been copied from Melee's ruleset with a few stupid arbitrary rules to counter MK... lol).

Yes everything is subjective, that's why I have hate for it in the first place. The feeling of dislike is something that every human has for something. I just chose this game because I don't think it's fun.
Then it's as simple as keeping your hate to yourself...is that so hard??

Oh well... I thought it was a good idea.

Too bad... I guess not everyone likes change.
We enjoy playing the game how we've been playing it...that's why we go to tournaments...that's why we have turnouts...

We need a new game to play.

A new game with a better community at that. One that's open to ALL modes of play instead of just one ruleset that was copied from an earlier game.
No, YOU need a new game to play. The community for this game is AMAZING. It's love all around. The fact that people get so pissed with the game and STILL come back is a testament to that. I just came back from Texas and had a blast with a bunch of happy people. Vaughn, I love you and all but you just gotta be happy and keep the hate to yourself instead of trying to convince everyone else how bad the game is.

Hyro, you forgot about Floundah, he definitely wants to get better.
Ouch you're right, forgot about him. The hope of laffy lol

Annnnnnnnyways, how did this go? How many people??


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
It was a 6 person turnout. :-/

And I want to get better too. I just like trying new things to attract new people to the community so they can get better as well.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
But you shouldn't appeal to the newer folk...that's the Nintendo approach. Stick to the dedicated people who have been coming to every tournament. That's how we got most of ya'll coming to tournaments!


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
I guess it's just been permanently decided that I just can't have fun with this game, so whatever. I'll shut up.

6-person turnout and Lee won anyway, but there were some sweet item combos and KO's.

Lee asked me to team with him at DVB, so that would be why I would go to that besides TvC, which I might not even stay for. I'm just giving Lee what he asked for, regardless of whether we do well or not, I don't care.


Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2008
So don't try to get bigger turnouts?

Ok Hyro.
Take a risk to get a bigger turnout?

At the expense of the dedicated crowd you already HAVE?

Where doing the same thing HAD been bringing in newcomers?

No...no don't do that.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2009
Lafayette, LA
Take a risk to get a bigger turnout?

At the expense of the dedicated crowd you already HAVE?

Where doing the same thing HAD been bringing in newcomers?

No...no don't do that.
Well if a player leaves the scene for one tournament that isn't the norm then they aren't that dedicated to begin with.

Locals only had a bigger turnout than any tournament held in LA other than LasT and the Smash Reformation. Holding the locals only tourny made the locals in Lafayette dedicated to the scene which paid off in the end because FFF had a turnout that was bigger than both LasT 4 and The Smash Reformation IIRC.

Your tournaments have less than 20 people enter. I don't think its fun, or honestly worth traveling for, to play the same people I always play. Playing the "dedicated" players repetitively may make you better after a while, but you can just play them in friendlies repetitively and not lose money to get better.

When you have new people enter tournaments it gives them experience in tournament play and it will make them better, which in return will give you a new experience playing a new player and possibly a new character that none of the "dedicated" player main.

Do you see my point?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
Metairie, LA
Problem with playing pros in friendlies, SANDBAGGING.

You need to play in a motivated setting to truly improve.


Smash Lord
Jun 28, 2009
Baton Rouge, LA
Stop posting in this thread. The tourney is done already. We've already established that people are gonna keep playing this game they way they always do, so there's no point in arguing anymore.
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