The only one I know from the ones you mentioned is Scandinavian, I don't go out and look at different openings often but I do like the Scandinavian defense for black. The Sicilian sounds familiar too but I'm not sure what it is exactly.
You probably see the opening move but just do not know the name. Sicillian (ECO=B20) is the insanely popular and successful 1. e4 c5.
Unfortunately for me, everyone has a pet line and knows the entire theory with it better than I do. I do not have the time to read about everyone's favorite variations. Since I used to play this opening, though, I do know the theory behind the Sicillian and White's tactics (Maroczy Bind, Yugoslav Attack, etc.).
Information about this opening is found
here and
I like the Scandinavian (ECO=B01) because it narrows the focus of the game. My preferred line is the classical: 1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qa5 4. d4 c6 5. Nf3 Nf6 6. Bc4 Bf5 7. Bd2 e6 8. Qe2. I find 3...Qa5 the best move, and I strongly suggest playing that.
Information about tis opening is found
here and
A good game is found here between in a 1995 World Chess Championship match between Garry Kasparov and Viswanathan Anand (1-0)
The opening is not exactly a guarenteed win, but it is definitely playable.