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Character-specific Metamindgames (Supplement to Thread)


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
The original opening post of the Metamindgame Spam thread seems to have withstood the test of time, so I'm reluctant to change it in any way. So potential additions will go here.

I suggest that you read the original post: http://www.smashboards.com/showpost.php?p=6050396&postcount=1 , before reading or commenting here.

Character-specific Metamindgames off the top of my head:

Olimar: Discard your Pikmin and never pull out more. Just as empty jumps are scary because of what you AREN'T doing, so is Pikmin-less Olimar. Also, people like to kill Pikmin. If Olimar has no Pikmin, people like that are utterly SCREWED.

Falcon: Falcon Punch whatever stage you are on. Your opponent will be afraid of the 10-stock kill increase you get for destroying the stage, and they will block it with their body EVERY time.

Come to think of it, by being bottom tier in the conventional Tier List, he is also automatically Top Tier on a Metamindgamespam Tier list. Being outprioritized by everything, being chaingrabbed, being manly, and being horribly outprioritized just gives a Falcon user that much more opportunity to MMGS.

"How did you like my balls-to-your-fist style?"

Ganondorf: Pick the white-haired/bearded color and tell your opponent that you didn't pick Ganondorf; you just picked Sean Connery. Afterwards, say things like "This is Sparta!" in a Scottish accent. Later on, dair the stage for the exact reason that you would Falcon Punch the stage, and tell them that running into Ganondorf's crotchal region during his Utilt nets them free points.

Luigi: Luigi is rendered absolutely Top Tier with Metamindgamespam. His taunts, his Utilt and Dash Attack, the way he trips every other step he takes, his Crawl......even his Final Smash. He has absolute Metamindgamespam potential.

Pit: Don't use Pit.

Alternatively: "But maybe using Pit would be a mindgame in itself, seeing that he has no mindgame potential. Posted by TKD+ITA+Mar="

Alternately Alternatively: Use Pit's Arrow Loop and make it circle around him then come back at him from behind and yell "PK THUNDER MISSILE!!!" or even better "PSYCHO CRUSHER!!". Watch as your opponent GTFO's to avoid being hit by the corkscrewing psychic-boy rocket of death that isn't there.

Snake: Like Pit's pseudo-PK THunder Missile maneuver, but with the Nikita instead of the arrow.

Also, get yourself stuck with C4 and then chase your opponent around screaming offensive things like "Jihad!!!" and "durkadurka!!!!" and try to kamikaze them in the face.

If you do any other attack, ANY other attack, your Metamindgamespam potential is decreased. Snake's ludicrously ranged, disjointed invisible hitboxes with overpowered damage and knockback take A LOT away from your MMGS capabilities.


I found a way to work with this. Usually, Snake's ridiculously disjointed, ridiculously invisible hitboxes provoke a sort of "OMG I shouldn't have hit you but I DID!!!" reaction. A way to incorporate this into your MMGS article is to MISS while doing his tilts, etc., thus making the reaction one of "OMG I shouldn't have hit you AND I DIDN'T!!!"

Which just shows that you metamindgamed Sakurai and his entire Brawl developmental team. If you could see through Sakurai's MMGS, what chance does your opponent have against you?

Marth: The reason Marth is good in a conventional sense is that most of his attacks are wide sweeps with his sword, with similar startup and ending lag to the attacks (i.e. not much).

This is exactly why you should use his poke attacks (dtilt, Usmash, shield breaker) and nothing else. Primarily utilizing the least efficient moves of one of the most overall efficient characters is Metamindgamespamming at its finest.

MetaKnight: Same as above. However, seeing as nearly ALL of Metaknight's moves are ruthlessly efficient, the only way to Metamindgamespam with this guy is to use Dimension Cape. ALOT.

In short, Metaknight has very little metamindgamespam potential, so provided MMGS isn't banned in tournaments shortly after it catches on, he will be low tier. Sorry mains, you guys had your run.

King Dedede: Chaingrabbing defeats your own Metamindgamespam and sets you up to be metamindgamespammed (Hah! I got you closer to the edge!). Don't do it.

Instead, spam Side B until you get a Waddle Doo (or whatever the cyclopean mini-shoop-da-woop thing is called) and do everything you can to keep it on stage and get it to laser people.

Say things like "It's freaking OVER. Waddle Doo is coming for you!". Once you have one on stage, keep throwing it at people hitting it back on stage when it starts to fall off, and never directly attack your opponent.

Yoshi: Keep shielding and telling your opponent about all of your nonexistent Out Of Shield options.

Jigglypuff: "Use Rest while NOT touching your opponent, stating how this is one of the steps to reach your goals in your masterplan. Posted by Spadefox"

Mr. G&W: Alternately do ledge attacks and his bell taunts for massive noise pollution.

Jigglypuff: Constantly do fully charged downsmashes. Why? Jiggs SPINS while she does them. It's like Dashdancing, without the risk of tripping, and a Smash attack comes out. You can also intimidate your opponent by showing them how fast Jigglypuff can go and how obscene her recovery is, simply by holding down shield until it breaks.

Link/Toon Link:

"Wear a pair of green tights and a funny green hat then pick Link or Toon Link. Also, if your using Toon Link, use sticky tape to hold your eyes open. Don't forget to yell things like "I'm Meta Mindgaming You" and "Watch out for the Master Sword........in my pants.""

~ Posted by Alfa

NOTE: Any mention of pants during a game of Brawl is automatically and irreversibly a metamindgame.


Pause and look at Peach's underwear every time you do a revealing move. Tell the opponent that you need Peach upskirts every 10 seconds to play properly.

~ posted by PrepareYourself


Keep using the side taunt (You're too slow!) yet never run, so they are in fact faster than you are. They will say something like "I'm actually faster than you!" and you say back "I know. That's the point".

That is where they get MMGS'ed."

~ Tornadith

"the best metamindgame would be to spam ike's eruption (FULLY CHARGED). im not even going to go over all the advantages of this. accept ur letting ur opponent KNOW ur controlling this match." ~ The greatest ROB player, apparently.

Special Maneuver Metamindgames:

Tether Recovery: Use your tether recovery move in the opposite direction of the ledge. It's so metamindgamery that your opponent will most likely jump past you to edgehog the nonexistent ledge you're aiming for. Freaking brilliant.

^Idea originated from Professor Mgw's comment^


"when ur falco or fox bair toward ur enemies while faceing them and encourage them to hit u then they get thinking theyll get pull toward u they fox/falco/wolf flash to recover only to SD of the side becuase in actuallity dimensions just broke and they were hit way from you causing the space time continuum to fall apart and the universe inverts upon itself which would mean u wins"

~ posted by GangstaKirby

(Note on above: The fact that I don't understand any of that makes it a metamindgame. I think I've just been had.)

Counterpick Metamindgames

"Pick 75m as your character, and pick the baseball bat as your stage."

~ TKD+ITA+Mar=

Blog will be updated as I think of MOAR.


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
For pit, why not just go to YI and arrow loop constantly, sniping shyguys to intimidate your opponent? They'll suicide all three stocks in fear.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Jigglypuff: Use Rest while NOT touching your opponent, stating how this is one of the steps to reach your goals in your masterplan.

professor mgw

Smash Champion
Dec 31, 2008
Bronx, NY

a mind game for toon link: keep on jumping off da stage but ALLWAYS use your tether recovery to get back! soon, da person u r fighting will chase u. once dat happens, KILL HIM!! toon link has EXCELLENT arieal moves so use dat wisely!!! (i'm professor mgw.)

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
a mind game for toon link: keep on jumping off da stage but ALLWAYS use your tether recovery to get back! soon, da person u r fighting will chase u. once dat happens, KILL HIM!! toon link has EXCELLENT arieal moves so use dat wisely!!! (i'm professor mgw.)
Wow, you sure have bad English for being a professor. Besides we're talking METAmindgames, not your puny little standard mindgames.

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt
add this for wario/bowser

enter an online tournament where u record ur wins make ur name giga then choose bowser do all your moves at much farther range than they really reach and have a tuant saying im recording u losing to gigabowser and i just killed u they'll think ur hacking and SD themselves because resistance is futile... this works for wario/warioman too


use captain falcon to counterpick chaingrabbers and aerialists they'll have no idea ur about to metamind game them until u get them to bring u to the edge so u can falcon punch the stage for the ten stock bonus

pick samus and say IMA FIRIN MUH LAZ0R then charge the plasma cannon, then use nothing but missles and drop bombs for the rest of the match


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
For Marth: get into their face, so you're too close to tip, and then FSmash. Marth closing in so fast will scare them, so they'll run away... right into the FSmash. It never fails. NEVER.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2009
Victoria, Australia
Wear a pair of green tights and a funny green hat then pick Link or Toon Link. Also, if your using Toon Link, use sticky tape to hold your eyes open. Don't forget to yell things like "I'm Meta Mindgaming You" and "Watch out for the Master Sword........in my pants."


Smash Apprentice
Jan 5, 2009
Victoria, Australia
Ideas for Wario:
Whenever you use his Fair yell "Karate."
Whenever you use his back throw, down throw, or down B say things like "Feel the wrath of the cheeks" and "You got ***slapped."
Whenever you hit someone with the bike yell "Roadkill."
Whenever you use any of his spinning attacks yell "Spin, Spin, Spin" (This means his Dair, Dsmash, Usmash, Up b, and F throw."
Whenever you grab a male character as Wario and use pummel, yell things like "Oooh, thats gotta hurt," and "Right in the nuts (or any other word you can think of to replace nuts)."
Whenever you use Ftilt say "FALCON PUNCH."
Whenever you use Dtilt say "Poke," it will get very annoying very quickly.
Whenever you use Utilt say "Raise Da Roof"
Say something like "GTFO" when you use pummel.
The Bair is so cool you don't need to say anything.
When you kill with Uair sing something like"Clap ya hands everybody. Uhh Huh, Uhh Huh." Dancing while you do this adds to the effect. Doing this will leave your opponent amazed by your awesome singing (and possibly dancing) skills, making them forget about the game, giving you time to kill them again.
So far the Fsmash is the only move I can't think of anything for.

Ideas for DK:
Pick green and say "Hulk Smash" when you use a move that looks strong.
When you use Down B yell "EEEAAARRRTTTHHHQQQUUUAAAKKKEEE" (Earthquake)
When you use Up B yell "Tornado" or "Hurricane."
When you use Bair or Dair, lash out with your foot (but make sure you don't actually kick anyone, or the wii and T.V.).


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
Not yet. I recently (meaning just now) and arbitrarily made Scott!!! one of the secondary MMGS instructors. Unless he reads this, he probably isn't even aware of it.

So now you have someone else to train under before you can even think of challenging me.

Also, I falsely admitted weakness to get you to think I was weak. Now that you realize that I'm smarter than that, you know you have been tricked. But little do you know that I really am weak, making you even MORE wrong, making me stronger, making you reading this a complete waste of time during which I've been mining more minerals and Vespene gas than you.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
I'm an official MMGS instructor... Haha. But if I'm teaching you, am I really? Or am I just mindgaming you?

If your head just exploded, then you know why I'm an instructor.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
I mine Vespene Gas using G&W's bucket.

Yeah, I'll edit the one to match the other eventually. When I'm less dehydrated. From the two-minute Pikmin Rush those darned Battle.net chumps like to do.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
But the real question is, once gangstakirby has used me to mindgame the forums, will I have mindgamed him into giving all power to me? Am I mindgaming him and all of you? Of course not. I wouldn't do that.
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