What do you think of the unconfirmed characters of the leak?
Mii: Ugh. Bleh. No thanks. But I'm sure they'll be getting in regardless of the leak's validity, and they're huge, so I've made my peace with it.
Pac-Man: Since KOS-MOS and Klonoa have no chance whatsoever, I'm fine with Pac. He's an afterthought to me; with Sonic and Mega Man confirmed, anything else is gravy, we have what's important. He'll fit in well, but I could care less if he's actually included. I don't see him not making it though. Some of the rage here will be delicious at least.
Palutena: Yay! I have very little doubt she wouldn't be playable at this point even without the leak. And she's my favourite KI character, so I'm psyched. With the relentless hinting I'd guess she'd probably be one of the next to be revealed. At least by E3. It'll also be interesting to see if her actual model lines up with the leak.
Shulk: A great victory for demanding fanboys everywhere, who knows where he'd be without the west making their little uproar. I'm sure his inclusion will help jack up the price of his game even more.

But he's the only other character that makes this leak tolerable for me. Getting a volley of Xenoblade content will be very satisfying. Too bad he'll be a Link clone, what with his hair colour and weapon choice...
Chorus Men: If there's only going to be a single Chorus Man I'll be complaining, because having three little bowtied fighters Smashing together is an idea too adorable to pass up. Still not thrilled about series getting a character primarily because of the series instead of the character itself. Rhythm Heaven does deserve some attention though.
Chrom: Diversity will take a hit, Smash will perpetuate the notion that FE is only blue-haired sword-wielders and IS will respond in kind with future blue-haired sword-wielders that will get into Smash and keep the cycle going.

What a boring choice.
Like I said, the semi-clone thing is just a double standard thing for people to hate a certain character.
That's very self-aware of you. Unfortunately people will always find a reason to hate on a certain character for one silly reason or another.
That's all I strive for.
A Donkey clone? Funky doesn't do what Donkey does. Sure he has similar body structure, but so do Rosalina and Ike. They didn't become clones because they don't have the same abilities.
They didn't become clones because they had enough going for them to make them original, priority inclusions. Funky does not. He's like fourth on a list we'll probably only get one from, and his only redeeming quality at this point is a similar body structure with DK, and the logical assumption he could have a moveset based on DK's, it's no big stretch.
You're coming at it from the angle that Funky actually has a chance as an original character, but he doesn't. The only real way he could fit onto this roster is if he was an easy inclusion made due to pressing time, in which he'd wind up as a semi-clone. Obv that's not going to happen, because... it's Funky.. he's AT material at best, but if he were to be included... there's his only opening.
The only time a character has really become a clone for the sole reason of body structure was Ganondorf. And that was a last minute situation.
So obviously there would be precedent for it happening again, unlikely as it might be. I believe that wasn't the sole reason though, popularity and a lack of other clone ideas were also given. But let's not act like Funky and DK are as dissimilar as Ganondorf and Captain Falcon.