I saw you made a Pichu moveset so, I thought I'd share my old one to see what you think of it and whether you'd like to adopt a move or two for yours.
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Pokemon: Gold and Silver (1999)
Latest Appearance:
Pokemon: X & Y (2013)
Playstyle - While Pichu may work similar to how it did in Melee, but this is not the same Pichu. This is Spikey-Eared Pichu, who made her debut in the Arceus Movie and was a special event Pokemon in Pokemon: HeartGold and SoulSilver, meaning that she's got whole different moveset so don't underestimate her!
Pichu's mobility is vital to her gameplay. Her speed is what will keep you alive and and your opponents on their toes. Just keep moving and you'll be fine!
Gimmick - Much like the Pichu from Melee, she does hurt herself in attacks that are related to her using electric attacks. However, there is a bright side to this. When in the higher percentages (50% and Up) Pichu's special ability
Static comes into effect. Making consistent contact with Pichu (Attacking-wise) will cause the opponent to begin to slow down (Their frames of movement, attack, and taking damage will be longer than usual) for a short period of time. This will allow Pichu to be able to dodge, counter, and combo opponents a lot easier.
Neutral Special:
Volt Tackle - Pichu begins to charge up energy, the longer you charge the more the duration of the attack will be; however during the charging of this attack Pichu gains 1% damage every 2 seconds of charge. During this state contact with Pichu causes damage. Once you release the button, Pichu will start charging ahead at a steady pace (Roughly 2/3 of it's natural running speed) while being covered in electricity. The longer you move, the larger the size of the surrounding electricity will become and the faster your speed becomes. While using this move Pichu will gain 2% damage during every second of this move while being used. Rather than knocking opponents around with this move, it carries them with Pichu causing multiple hits (Akin to Meta Knight's Side Special)
While using Volt Tackle you are able to turn around (Removes momentum, causing the size of the electricity surrounding Pichu to shrink), jump, double jump, and cancel mid attack via shielding or using the dash attack. Allowing you to mix up your opponent fairly easily.
Side Special:
Sweet Kiss - Pichu launches herself forward onto a foe. If she successfully latches onto an opponent she kisses them and jumps off of them. The kiss causes the opponent to be forced into a shield break stun, allowing Pichu to start attacking in whatever she pleases. You can direct where Pichu goes diagonally upward, downward (only usable in the air), or just straight forward. While in the middle of this move, you can cancel it using an aerial attack if you don't want to confuse the opponent.
In the move lands on an opponent in the air, they in the air dodge recovery state (from Melee).
It covers roughly around the same size as a battlefield platform.
Up Special:
Iron Tail - Pichu's tail becomes solid iron. Pichu then jumps upward while doing a flip, slicing the area in front of her with her Iron Tail. When she reaches the apex of the move her tail returns to normal and Pichu is put into a falling state. This is about as high as Mario's Super Jump Punch.
Down Special:
Thunder Wave - Pichu emits an electrical force field surrounding her body (it takes about one and a half seconds for it to get started up), when an opponent walks into it they get trapped in the field of electricity for a total of 4 seconds. Pichu now was two options, she can now move around with the opponent stuck into the field of electricity, or cancel the move with any attack at her disposal (Basic, Smash, and Aerial Attacks). Using a special move will cause the field to burst giving enemies some above average knockback. During use, Pichu receive 1% damage every second.
Final Smash:
Thunder - Pichu begins to charge all of the electricity in its body, while doing this the sky becomes dark and gray. Several thunderbolts fall from the sky and cover the surrounding area around Pichu, when suddenly Pichu lets out a cry and a gigantic thunderbolt lands onto Pichu causing dramatic damage and knockback (In other words, it's practically a one-hit KO) to anybody who was near Pichu when the thunder struck her. She'll take 20% damage after use of the move.[/collapse]