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Character Discussion Thread

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Jul 12, 2014
An elevator
Wonder Red fans don't want the dream to die.
If the dream dies then our hearts die.

And all our hearts beat as one. I can make Won-stoppable lyric references too so if the dream dies we all die :urg:

also if it helps make a wonderful 102 happen even better. maybe a large outcry would make them get amnesia about the horrible sales :p

Of course Red himself doesnt have the best shot. He isnt THAT popular and what popularity he has will definitely not last to the next smash because there likely won't be a sequel to keep him in the public mind.

It's now or never and it might just be never.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2014
Switch FC
Xenoblade could have changing protagonists in Smash too, based on the transition from Shulk to Elma in Xenoblade X. Monolift Soft does seem like they want to create original stories in each game they make. You go from two colossal Titans to an alien invasion on a new planet.
The Protagonist of Xenoblade X is Elma

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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Seeing how I think we're getting five more characters at maximum... I personally don't think Paper Mario is that likely and we're looking at a potential endgame of Wolf/KKR/Isaac/BDee/Dixie.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Wonder Red is pretty popular on 4chan but elsewhere not so much.

Like how Daisy is popular on tumblr.

And Bandana Dee is more popular here than other western sites.


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Oh yeah, forgot to mention: If Sakurai feels obligated to make a new stage with every new franchise, that is definitely a foreseeable barrier for Inklings. If that's the case, Golden Sun is the only new franchise with a solid chance, in my mind.


W/E happens don't panic...
Jan 13, 2015
Switch FC
Top 5 Most Likely Newcomers?


5-Inklings-They are still fresh in everyone's minds, but the fact that they are still new may be a point against them, and the reason why they are not higher on this list...but Splatoon is living up to the hype at least so it may not be out of the question for Sakurai to add them into the game and solidify Splatoon as a true Nintendo IP...the Mii costumes and trophy only proves that they weren't pre-determined, and even before that I never really expected them to be anyways...

4-Dixie Kong-This is really only based on her support which may be enough for Sakurai to add her, but if we get K Rool, I'm not sure if Sakurai's gonna add a second DK newcomer for DLC or if he'll focus on other franchises...She was at one time planned for Brawl so that is also in her favour as she may have some work done to her already that can be ported...

3-Bandana Dee-Not my ideal choice, but as big as the Kirby franchise is, and with his increasing role within the newer games and popularity, Bandana Dee's got a lot of support going for him, and has some potential for a unique moveset being a spear user (Though a certain Pig Demon would be a better choice for a Spear user IMO....jus sayin)

2-Isaac-Kind of surprising considering how his series seems to be dropping off the radar, at least in Sakurai's eyes, but his support is almost as big as K Rool's...'but hez anudder Animu Swrdzmanz'...stop being closed minded folks....

1-King K Rool-Is at the peak of his popularity even though he hasn't appeared in any DK games recently...Not much else to say, he's literally the prime candidate; New Heavyweight, New Villain, New DK rep, unique fighter and beloved by his fans...


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
Seeing how I think we're getting five more characters at maximum... I personally don't think Paper Mario is that likely and we're looking at a potential endgame of Wolf/KKR/Isaac/BDee/Dixie.
I honestly doubt we will have K.Rool and Dixie, but it would be cool.

Also, some of you said that Isaac is just popular in the western, is that true?
I thought he was decently popular in Japan.

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
Wonder Red is pretty popular on 4chan but elsewhere not so much.

Like how Daisy is popular on tumblr.

And Bandana Dee is more popular here than other western sites.
I think the websites are pretty much this excluding K. Rool:

4chan: Wonder Red and Snake
Reddit: Shovel Knight and Banjo-Kazooie
Smashboards: Bandana Dee and Rayman
NeoGAF: Shantae and Banjo-Kazooie
Tumblr: Shantae and maybe Daisy
GameFAQs:Snake and Rayman

I wouldn't know any other websites and Facebook/Twitter is very broad


Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
I honestly doubt we will have K.Rool and Dixie, but it would be cool.

Also, some of you said that Isaac is just popular in the western, is that true?
I thought he was decently popular in Japan.
I could definitely see it happen if Sakurai reuses both concepts of Dixie from Brawl + assets from Diddy to make Dixie on the cheap and bundle her with K. Rool. June's update proved he's willing to do huge DLC update packs.

As for Isaac, he didn't crack top 10 in Japanese polls in February. So make of that what you will.

EDIT: Though looking at it again, BDee only did slightly better, but by all accounts BDee is a really popular ballot character on Japanese Miiverse.
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Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
I could definitely see it happen if Sakurai reuses both concepts of Dixie from Brawl + assets from Diddy to make Dixie on the cheap and bundle her with K. Rool. June's update proved he's willing to do huge DLC update packs.

As for Isaac, he didn't crack top 10 in Japanese polls in February. So make of that what you will.

EDIT: Though looking at it again, BDee only did slightly better, but by all accounts BDee is a really popular ballot character on Japanese Miiverse.
Well, that's not really bad, specially when you don't count the characters that will probably not be DLC, like Ray, Snake, Ice Climbers, Ridley, etc; and the ones that are already confirmed, Lucas and Roy.

Also... February?! Wow, the time flies so fast.

About Miiverse, yeah, Bandana Dee is pretty popular there (in the american and japanese versions), but it can also be because Kirby characters are really easy to draw.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
To me, the 5 most likely aren;t this hard to guess because I have already built my logic on how I evaluate characters. It;s really guys a matter of priorities, all of them pretty much has very similar factors that goes for them, it jsut varies by levels.

1: KKR: clearly self explanatory, I use him a lot as examples in my argument for a reason: he;s just currently the best compromise. One of the most if not the msot popular everywhere, got a reputation for this, has very strong moveset potential that allows him to distinguish himself from the roster in an interesting way, but MAINLY what is making this choice so good is all this is coupled with the relevance of what he would reflect. To me, this character has been proven to be quite important in its series and with how much popular it is, this is true despite the fact that lately, he seems forgotten in their games. Which is why I think he;s the msot likely, but very far from certain, what hurts him the most is how he doesn;t seems that much important in dkc lately. I think his popularity does cancel this out, but it still heavilly affect how known he is. I couldn't find a better compromise of pros and cons, to me, if I had one newcomer only, it would be him most likely.

2: Paper Mario: the gap between 2 and 3 are very close.....so close that tbh, it;s extremely debatable. it;s basically take kkr, but on a lesser level without the recency problem. He;s less popular, he would reflect something that many people with very good reasons would judge a lot more optional, but tbh, we reached a point when even of how optional it is, the roster becomes so big that they become int he front line after a while. His potential is pretty much underrated, it's not necessarily better or the best as this is highly subjective, but it is definetely NOT reflecting what he looks like. He is popular, decently, he has relevance, decently considering it's more a side subset of mario, but to have that much potential coupled with this, it;s basically a slightly more than decent addition that I saw a lot of people underrate him to being redundancy. To me, he has decent chance because he would come after kkr.....except if you consider the number 3.

3: Isaac: ok you will start to see a pattern, imagine kkr, but slightly less popular in US, a lot less popular in JP and his subset is a bit less "important" (using quote because it's subjective, it SEEMS to be for me, but it might vary for you). To me, his series wasn;t THAT much important in the first place (at least compared to dkc, but I weould say more than Paper Mario), it recently got so silent that it would go a lot more down. Couple this with his lack of decent popularity in JP, this is why I put him under paper mario because the truth is this: their potential are honestly very close in terms of uniqueness. It really comes down to demand and how worth the demand is, it really comes that close to have these factors take more improtance than usual.

4: Bandanna Dee: going tbh, it;s really the most unsure guess I had, but it only goes from what I heard which tbh, I should be checking more if I really wanted to be sure. Basically, again, same thing, less popular than isaac and paper mario, but the rest sounds neat. What he woudl reflect has been lately proved to be important (he apparently got his own name and stuff), he's apparently (again, didn;t do research) considered important in its series and well at this point, I would consider....quite popular. tbh, I really don;t hear his name that much, but ler's just say it;s in good standing. I am questioning a full moveset with it spear, but that;s honestly not breaking the whole thing, it can still be decently unique. Though, i think you got why I put him 4, it's not reaching that up there as I thoguht it would be to have more priority.

5: inklings: seriously, I really don;t think they are likely, not even decent chances, but it;s the last character that I think can have enough priority to have an ok chances for this game as dlc (especially considering how limited the slots seems to be). Recently, this character became really popular, the game proved to be loved, but the problem is it would kinds need to pass the test of time. And this is why I think it;s not likely now: I have to see how it goes more. Because the game they released has this in particular, it's a long time release, they wil add stuff as it goes and this might show how nintendo care to support them. So far, it has a solid base, but we just didn't see them that much in time to think for me that they are likely NOW. And I don;t really think the ballot is going to change this NOW. I keep saying now because I think it wil change, for better or for worse, that I can;t tell, leaning towards better given how it;s going now.

There you have it. To me, it;s going to come down in the 3 most likely if you consider that I expect 2-3 slots, as for wolf.....tbh, I'm iffy given the circumstances.....I don;t want to elaborate, it's all deduction.
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Smash Hero
Oct 29, 2014
Well, if we cut out third parties, characters already added, NPCs, and the Ice Climbers...

1. Wolf
2. Pichu
3. K. Rool
4. Krystal
5. Dixie Kong
6. Daisy
7. Bandana Dee
8. Isaac
9. Rhythm Heaven
10. Inkling

Inkling has probably gone up a good deal since the release of Splatoon, since it was also a success in Japan.

Deleted member

Nintendo buying Mega Man or whatever just sounds like fans on the internet dreaming big without considering reality.
Unfortunately true. We are likely never getting a non-mobile Mega Man game ever again and I honestly don't expect him to return for future Smash Bros. games. R.I.P. 1987-2014, but your fans will never forget you.
If Mario or Pokemon went over 10 yeah, that would be pretty over-the-top. But @TehEpicRyuga makes a good point about how it compares to other franchises; 5mash could easily have 70-75 characters, and eventually oh god there's going to be so many god damn characters in the next Smash.
Are we really sure that we're going to reach that many? Eventually, we are going to reach the point of diminishing returns in regards to how many more characters can be added and had DLC not been a thing this game, the diminishing returns would have already began. Consider this, taken directly from Sakurai himself:
It isn’t a matter of ‘if the next game has 50 characters, that’ll be enough.’ There is a certain charm to games that have huge casts of playable characters, but they tend to have issues with game balance and it becomes very difficult to fine-tune each character and have them all feel distinctive…. In terms of quantity, we’ve probably already reached the limit of what’s feasible. I think a change of direction may be what’s needed.
We are already at the point where we can obtain a near perfect roster with every essential/near essential characters on it at around 50-60 characters. Heck I've created an ideal roster that I would have absolutely no complaints over that is less than 50 so my issue isn't "how big the roster is?" but "who gets in?". We're at the point where we as a community need to move on from expecting bigger rosters and instead refining it within a reasonable limitation. We are at 55 characters. Just adding Ice Climbers, Wolf, King K. Rool, and Ridley would address every single issue I have with the roster choices under sixty (not that I'm saying all of them will get in as DLC but you get my point). I think Sakurai is well aware that bigger isn't always better and deep down, so do most of us.
Yes, Mario is the flagship series, but other series (both the ones featured in Smash and the ones that are not) should be considered before the Mario series gets more than it already has.

Only when there is no reasonable alternative should Smash dig back into the Mario pile.
Exactly. I am very full on Mario representation for now. Paper Mario, Waluigi, and Toad (not Captain Toad) would be cool to see but I rather not see Mario get an eight character before Donkey Kong gets King K. Rool and Metroid gets Ridley (thought the latter will probably never happen).
4. Isaac: Really popular, but personally I think the fact that he is a removed AT and is not a pre-ballot character means that Sakurai thinks Isaac and his franchise are irrelevant. I remember that in an interview Sakurai said that characters of dead franchises or without a good future are low priority. That also can be the reason why he doesn't have a trophy.
Also, the Golden Sun music sounds in random stages, like the Rhythm Heaven music, I personally think that's something negative for both Isaac and RH characters.
Then why does Saki Amamiya get to return as an Assist Trophy? Golden Sun may have a dark future but Sin & Punishment is in even worse shape and Saki/Isa Jo was far less requested than Isaac was. Sin & Punishment's sequel was released in October, 2009, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn was released in October, 2010 and sold far worse than Dark Dawn. If Isaac isn't considered to be worthwhile of anything other than random musics, why is Saki?

For the record I agree that Isaac looks unlikely, but I think the lack of Golden Sun content has partially to do with Sakurai's apathy towards it. In contrast, I think Saki would have already been made playable had it not been such an absurdly obscure franchise.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
As for Isaac, he didn't crack top 10 in Japanese polls in February. So make of that what you will
I'd take that with a grain of salt considering Isaac wasn't topping the polls much anymore in the west either until the ballot came out.

He is more popular in the west, but he's also probably more popular in Japan now than was then as well.

Btw Bandana Dee is tied with Isaac on that poll, not above him.
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Smash Cadet
May 26, 2015


This is the video we need to promote the living crap out of so we can meet all our goals by September 25th which will be the same day the full review of the Famicom Detective Club games will be released and the deadline of the Ballot! I am hyped and happy that many here are ready to help spread the awareness of this abandoned Nintendo IP to the West! We need to tell Nintendo too to localize her games to the West like they did with Earthbound Beginnings! :) Good luck! I will be promoting it myself as well a couple of days from now since I still have a busy schedule, so the times I am aware, be sure many sees this and put it in as many forums, facebook, twitter, tumblr, DA, Youtube, etc pages as possible. :)

If you want Ayumi Tachibana to be at least half as popular as Splatoon, Mario, Zelda and Pokemon (Which is an exaggeration but you get my idea) by the end of the year, we need to do this together! :) Hope this video was made very well to many people's eyes because I did my best, its not the most professional video out there but it should get the job done! :)


The source of the Ayumi Fanbase is here:



Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
And to put it in perspective, if you guys are of the belief that Isaac has a distinct lack of popularity in Japan, then the likes of Krystal, Ridley, Waluigi and Rayman have a distinct lack of popularity in the west, as they polled at around the same position in the western survey that Isaac did on the Japanese survey, only the western one had over 30 times the votes (and that's even assuming Isaac didn't increase in popularity there post-ballot).

Plus, you know, he tied with Bandana Dee in Japan, who is supposedly a popular character over there...


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
And to put it in perspective, if you guys are of the belief that Isaac has a distinct lack of popularity in Japan, then the likes of Krystal, Ridley, Waluigi and Rayman have a distinct lack of popularity in the west, as they polled at around the same position in the western survey that Isaac did on the Japanese survey, only the western one had over 30 times the votes (and that's even assuming Isaac didn't increase in popularity there post-ballot).

Plus, you know, he tied with Bandana Dee in Japan, who is supposedly a popular character over there...
...tbh, every character you named, I found them less likely than isaac for other reasons....

It just comes down to, he could be more likely if this wasn't a problem and not that he isn't likely because of that.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I find them less likely than Isaac as well, but I'm not talking about likelihood, just popularity.


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
The poll says that Bandana Dee has a 1,4% and Isaac a 1,2%, for some reason.
But well, that poll is really old, I don't really think it's relevant.


Formerly "ZeroSoul"
Writing Team
Sep 28, 2014
South Carolina
Would anyone know of any recent reputable polls? I imagine the results would probably look a lot different now in the present than they would in February since, ya know, popularity changes over time.


Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Would anyone know of any recent reputable polls? I imagine the results would probably look a lot different now in the present than they would in February since, ya know, popularity changes over time.
The msot recent I know of is the reddit one.....

Which I think isaac beats bandanna dee.....

But to me, this didn;t sounded the msot reliable poll....


Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
The msot recent I know of is the reddit one.....

Which I think isaac beats bandanna dee.....

But to me, this didn;t sounded the msot reliable poll....
A japanese poll?

Because if it was american, it probably had K.Rool, Isaac, Rayman and a bunch of third parties with no chances.
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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
A japanese poll?
nah, really the push one is really the best I've seen and the msot recen one which is old now.

Though, be happy because before, I saw people claimed paper mario was popular in Japan with nothign as proof but a really small unreliable poll from a very obscure wikia.

i'm really happy we at least got that poll because it was just very annoying to gauge before.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
The poll says that Bandana Dee has a 1,4% and Isaac a 1,2%, for some reason.
But well, that poll is really old, I don't really think it's relevant.
Fair enough, perhaps he got one more vote than Isaac, I was just going by where it said adjacent characters of the same colour on the list had the same number of votes.

Would anyone know of any recent reputable polls? I imagine the results would probably look a lot different now in the present than they would in February since, ya know, popularity changes over time.
For Japan, not to my knowledge. For the west, I believe the reddit pole conducted shortly after the ballot has the most reputable results, as it happened right after the peak activity the poll will receive, it was purged of bots, and it has far and away the most votes.

The msot recent I know of is the reddit one.....

Which I think isaac beats bandanna dee.....

But to me, this didn;t sounded the msot reliable poll....
I think it was pretty reliable as the botted votes were apparently deleted... all ~11000 of them. Assuming we're talking about the same poll ofc.

Reddit had another poll going last week with K. Rool and Isaac being the clear front runners for Nintendo characters (that one was about 4000 votes).
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Paper Mario P
May 20, 2013
Canada, Quebec (or Rogeuport if you want)
Fair enough, perhaps he got one more vote than Isaac, I was just going by where adjacent characters of the same colour on the list had the same number of votes.

For Japan, not to my knowledge. For the west, I believe the reddit pole conducted shortly after the ballot has the most reputable results, as it happened right after the peak activity the poll will receive, it was purged of bots, and it has far and away the most votes.

I think it was pretty reliable as the botted votes were apparently deleted... all ~11000 of them. Assuming we're talking about the same poll ofc.

Reddit had another poll going last week with K. Rool and Isaac being the clear front runners for Nintendo characters (that one was about 4000 votes).
is it possible to have results of that lattest poll?

I donl;t expect much changes, but jsut to be sure, you never know.


Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
There's so many polls out there, but what about youtube videos? did you see how many youtubers support certain characters, I've seen alot of Wolf and Krool support.
Also there's videos like this,


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
The only Nintendo characters Isaac seems to consistently place behind on YouTube lists and polls are K. Rool and Wolf. Which makes sense. Inklings usually make the list too.

But that's about it as far as the consistency I've seen goes. Most YouTube lists and polls usually also have Banjo, Rayman, Shovel Knight and Shantae.


Smash Rookie
Jul 1, 2015
I have even more updated future DLC suggestions-
1 Fei Fong Wong (Xenogears).
2 Wolf (Starfox).
3 Poo (Earthbound).
4 Blood Falcon (F Zero)
That's all I could come up with now.


Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
The only Nintendo characters Isaac seems to consistently place behind on YouTube lists and polls are K. Rool and Wolf. Which makes sense. Inklings usually make the list too.

But that's about it as far as the consistency I've seen goes. Most YouTube lists and polls usually also have Banjo, Rayman, Shovel Knight and Shantae.
Yeah there's also a handfull of top 10s on youtube that make me facepalm at the ridiculousness of some of them.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
I think @Fatmanonice had it right in forecasting 8 total DLC characters, with 4 veterans and 4 newcomers included. Predicting those newcomers through that lens, smart money's on Wolf, then K. Rool, Isaac and Bandana Dee rounding out the newcomers. I have reworked Ice Climbers, Snake, random third party (pick a name from any of the dozens), Dixie and Inklings as sleeper picks, albeit not without there either being more than 8 choices or one of the 3 newcomers being upset (which could happen to any of them, but not Wolf).

8 total DLC choices allows for a complete character package to be sold, advertised by a neat little photo of the characters in an 8-player match on one of the DLC stages.
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Deleted member

Wolf > King K. Rool >> Snake > Dixie Kong/Isaac/Bandanna Dee/Inklings/Paper Mario

These are the only characters that I feel have a shot in order from most likely to least likely. Everyone else I would strongly bet against. If anyone I didn't mentions happens, I will switch my avatar to whatever the people here want for a month. Two month if one of Wolf or King K. Rool fails to get in alongside a character I would be shocked to see.
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Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2014
I really feel Rayman has a shot, but I'd bury him and Dixie Kong in a heartbeat for my king or my space pirate.


Smash Ace
Apr 5, 2015
I can't really say I think anyone is "likely". Sakurai has consistently chose everyone I thought wouldn't make it, and left out everyone I personally wanted. I didn't think Duck Hunt would happen, and yet here we are. I didn't think Ryu would happen, and well...yeah, that happened. I seriously believe that Sakurai just does whatever he wants. Even if everyone doesn't think a certain character will ever happen, it just might actually happen. I'm not putting my bets on anyone, and am just going to sit back and be surprised. If I start expecting a certain character, I'm just setting myself up for disappointment.
Apr 19, 2015
Who are the 5 most likely newcomers in your opinion? and why?

1. K. Rool: He is the most requested newcomer, and unlike other characters, he is first party and important to his franchise.
Has a lot of moveset potential.

2. Bandana Dee: Important to his franchise and popular in both continents. He would add something new to the game thanks to his spear, his model would be easy to make and his moveset is obvious.
Also, IMO, the lack of Bandana Dee or normal Waddle Dee trophies, is suspicious because characters like Magolor and the Lor Starcutter have trophies and normal Waddle Dees appear in Smash Run, Dedede's entrance animation and victory animation.
I would also like to know what do you think about the lack of trophy.

3. Paper Mario: Popular in both continents, but has competition and many people think he is just another unecessary Mario, however, we know that Sakurai doesn't care so much about "reps" or other versions of existent characters.

4. Isaac: Really popular, but personally I think the fact that he is a removed AT and is not a pre-ballot character means that Sakurai thinks Isaac and his franchise are irrelevant. I remember that in an interview Sakurai said that characters of dead franchises or without a good future are low priority. That also can be the reason why he doesn't have a trophy.
Also, the Golden Sun music sounds in random stages, like the Rhythm Heaven music, I personally think that's something negative for both Isaac and RH characters.

5. Dixie Kong: One of the most iconic Nintendo characters who is not in the game, but lacks popularity in the ballot and K.Rool is serious competition.
1. King K. Rool
2. Bandana Dee
3. Isaac
4. Paper Mario
5. Dixie Kong

EDIT: Accidentally put Isaac on the list twice...:facepalm:
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Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2014
Switch FC
Who are the 5 most likely newcomers in your opinion? and why?

1. K. Rool: He is the most requested newcomer, and unlike other characters, he is first party and important to his franchise.
Has a lot of moveset potential.

2. Bandana Dee: Important to his franchise and popular in both continents. He would add something new to the game thanks to his spear, his model would be easy to make and his moveset is obvious.
Also, IMO, the lack of Bandana Dee or normal Waddle Dee trophies, is suspicious because characters like Magolor and the Lor Starcutter have trophies and normal Waddle Dees appear in Smash Run, Dedede's entrance animation and victory animation.
I would also like to know what do you think about the lack of trophy.

3. Paper Mario: Popular in both continents, but has competition and many people think he is just another unecessary Mario, however, we know that Sakurai doesn't care so much about "reps" or other versions of existent characters.

4. Isaac: Really popular, but personally I think the fact that he is a removed AT and is not a pre-ballot character means that Sakurai thinks Isaac and his franchise are irrelevant. I remember that in an interview Sakurai said that characters of dead franchises or without a good future are low priority. That also can be the reason why he doesn't have a trophy.
Also, the Golden Sun music sounds in random stages, like the Rhythm Heaven music, I personally think that's something negative for both Isaac and RH characters.

5. Dixie Kong: One of the most iconic Nintendo characters who is not in the game, but lacks popularity in the ballot and K.Rool is serious competition.
I believe the most likely are:
1: K. Rool - I doubt they'll skim over such a well-loved and heavily requested character for Super Smash Bros.
2: Isaac - Much like K. Rool, a well-loved and requested character, not to mention his series is stuck in limbo and seeing him in Smash 4 could be what brings the Golden Sun in a 4th instalment in the GS series.
3: Bandanna Dee - With a growing support base and with many of the assets easily available, he'd take as much time as Dark Pit - probably a week and a half. Just resize one of the Waddle Dee models, add an extra 7 pallettes, give him a spear and Bandanna, program the moveset and balance accordingly and Boom!
4: Inklings - If they get enough of a push in the Ballot, and if the costumes do in fact mean nothing for their chances and Sakurai gives them another chance, I think he'd want to welcome Nintendo's newest child in his fighting game.
5: Dixie - She could be unique or a quasi-clone, but I think she just can't compete with King K. Rool's loud and powerful support.

That's my take on who I think are likely inclusions for Smash 4's DLC.


Off floating somewhere
Sep 16, 2014
Top 5 most likely
1. Wolf
Overwhelming demand and popularity, plus has relevance, a villain, a unique moveset, and is a veteran.

2. King K Rool
His overwhelming popularity will help him in the ballot.

3. Isaac
He's still MIA so he could be in plus he's got a bunch of fans.

4. Bandanna Dee
Has a bunch of fans, and could have a unique moveset.

5. Dixie Kong
She's requested, but not as much as Krool and the others.
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