Akko is my dear daughter!
If you guys have nothing to argue against my point with third-parties, then I think it's settled that I won the argument here.
-Sablé Prince
-Mr Resetti
My personal choices I would like to see.
Two of them of very obvious.
I certainly like the mature voice, I've gotten used those kinds of voices with characters like Dipper from Gravity Falls or arguably Phineas from Phineas and Ferb. It's a bit bizarre, but you get used it eventually and love it over time.You like that voice? It's so unfitting for a supposedly 15/18 year old woman.
-Dr. KawashimaAll ATs in the seriesWho would you guys like to see pull a Little Mac? I'd like Dark Samus, Dillon, Ghirahim, Lyn, Saki Amamiya, Takamaru, Starfy, Ray MKII and Isaac pull Little Macs personally.Andross
Dr. Kawashima
Sablé Prince
Mr Resetti
-Sablé Prince
-Mr Resetti
My personal choices I would like to see.
Two of them of very obvious.
It's still would be the action-packed Bayonetta people like about her though. Even if you took off the erotic behavior and skin problem completely, she would still have a load of flashy moves inspired from the games that would make her a fun character, she would not be a generic character to play as.No it won't, plain and simple. This is Smash Bros, not the strip joint. All they would be doing is watering her down, and that isn't even Bayonetta. Bayonetta uses her hair, her guns, her clothes to fight and one of the consequences for her clothes and hair is she shows skin when she fights. Not to mention, is that the kind of character that people want in Smash? If you go and water a character's moveset down, all she is nothing more but another genetic fighter