Pichu's issue is that Sakurai SPECIFICALLY made Pichu to be bad, a joke character. Mewtwo ISN'T on the same boat. Mewtwo was planned back in 64 because he was such a heavy pull for Pokemon as basically a villain and an incredibly popular Pokemon. Mewtwo we know had incomplete data of programming for Brawl, unlike Pichu. Mewtwo has stayed popular and Gamefreak themselves, the people who hand pick the Pokemon showed off to Sakurai, gave Mewtwo and Charizard the special treatment of 2 Mega Evolutions (with Mewtwo being the debut of it and getting a film for this). You can have your support for the character, but don't say that he and Mewtwo were/are "on the same boat." And decloning... doesn't exactly make sense when he's the same species as Pikachu at a younger age (basically).
Let's... Let's talk about Roy. This is coming from a big Fire Emblem fan who has gone through all of the series except Tharacia 776. First off, when compared to the two returning Melee cuts,

was planned as an alt and crammed into a playable slot near the winding stages of production.

Got in from overwhelming support from Smash and Pokemon fans across the board. In a manner of speaking, he's the Ridley of Pokemon.
Roy, however, can not nearly be seen in comparison to Mewtwo despite them both had incomplete data in Brawl and were revived via Project M. As a protagonist he's one who is either considered average or plain bad with few supporters in terms of characters and actual stats by his home community.. As a Smash fighter, his flaming sword experience with a slower and harder hitting sword moveset was taken by


already has a resident clone that was put in last minute

. His role and name have been taken with his home series not being stellar for him. And another issue is Roy doesn't have the star power in comparison to the big three representatives.

has two games in which he was the protagonist, the face of the series' beginning and the only games to be remade. His blood line have been made a MAJOR point for 13 and we see that same mark of the family present for the hoshido of IF.

is the protagonist of 9 and duo-protagonist of 10 with arguably the most polarizing protagonists of the series, the second time a character ever was a star for more than one game.

, representing the MyUnit customizable unit was first put in with 12 and made into a bigger role with 13 and now is going to be the sole helm for IF.
What do these three have in common? Major roles in multiple titles. Something quite rare for the series. Roy was he protagonist of 6 and had a two-line cameo was a 5 year old at the epilogue of 7 JUST TO MAKE SURE PEOPLE REALIZED IT'S A PREQUEL... TO THE GAME BEFORE IT.
He got new art in Awakening from it's DLC, yes. But so did Alm, Celica, Katrina, Micaiah, and even Ike did (and they didn't use it). He has to ride on his veteranism and little else in comparison to the overwhelming cry-out for

who is the closest comparison Roy has. And... just to be another nail on this coffin, did Roy even recieve a trophy in Brawl, 3DS, or WiiU?
I'm a cynic, but I have some serious points that contribute to WHY I feel so doubtful.