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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Well im still watching the tree house thing even though thw whole thing got unmasked

By the way is the confirmed playable characters forms are staying alive?

Or are they just joining the archives as well?


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I think now that Sakurai took the priority to make as much unique characters as possible, it seems that he could only do up to 40-45 of them. When time was nearly struck, they could only have the time to do stat-changing clones.
I think there are tons of low priority but unique characters we haven't seen yet. Characters like Mewtwo and Ridley were probably low priority (Asssuming the Neogaf rumor is true) so that Nintendo could sell the Wii U Version like hotcakes.
That's my new theory.
You're finally reading my brainwaves man. Welcome to the leisure life of blissful positivity!

Yes, you're correct. Most people think they take up a "slot." I'm sure Alph would've gotten the same treatment but it was just unnecessary

It's funny that Dr. Mario has the most distinct clone moveset but is technically the exact same character as Mario, just wearing different clothes. Quite a predicament.
That is literally the one thing that bugs me- I think a second Pikmin character would have been more charming than ... Black Pit.
It is like he is in there to be hated.
But then, that will fade. We are a small minority of the players, and younger kids will say 'cool black angel.' And then Sakurai wins. I don't blame him, even if Medusa is cooler as a character. It is absolutely selling out. THAT is the one thing that I have a problem dealing with, Black Pit is a sell out for Sakurai- and I trusted him as an artist.
Ah well, goes more to the business points I was making :)
And considering Mewtwo Ridley and Dixie are highly requested in the West (aside from Chorus Men, which are popular in Japan, it's probably because of technical difficulties), the marketing theory I remember someone making makes my theory more plausible.
I refer to it as the common sense theory.
I know common sense is not always what is right, but in this case, it IS common sense.


Smash Master
Jul 21, 2014
Well I'll probably watch the treehouse footage tomorrow, and I'm already starting to get over the lack of certain characters after the initial frustration when I got home and it was confirmed that everyone was already shown. Bring on the demo and some fun with Smash, the sooner I play it, the easier it'll be to stomach the game and it's roster. Also Master Core is at least is actually awesome as hell, and the first time in Smash I've actually liked and been somewhat excited for a boss.

And interesting about the Neogaf rumor, I don't want it to happen, and I'd never bet on it in a million years, but if it's the way that I'd get Ridley, Dixie, Mewtwo, and Chorus Men in than **** it, I'll take it. One last shred of hope I suppose, but at least by then I'll have played the game and loved it and probably not care as much for the lack of these characters despite how much I really, really wanted those 4.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 10, 2014
Okay, there is something I'd like to know now. Anybody else remember right after the most recent roster (esrb) was leaked and a bunch of the mods indicated that they had got some insider knowledge alluding to extra characters, but refused to say anything allegedly to protect somebody? Umm, what the heck was that all about? Can you tell us now? Because well, this roster looks pretty much like the one we saw, except for the mii fighter icon. Were you all just duped?
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Smash Journeyman
May 27, 2013
The dust has settled somewhat and here's a few opinions I have.

As for unique newcommers and I'm actually fairly excited. Bowser Jr was one of my top requested and while he doesn't work how I thought he would he looks really fun and having the koopalings as alts is utter genius.

My initial scepticism for Duck Hunt Dog has practically evaporated. Mashing up his moveset with other retro 'shooters' is something I'd never considered. He is a genuine surprise addition.

The others they've brought back is a mixed bag. If they're going to go through so much effort to change up Bowser and tweak a few others, why leave Ganondorf as he is? I don't get it. He still looks slow and useless.

The clones. Lucina isn't too bad. She's hardly necessary but she's the best of a bad bunch. Dr Mario should've been an alt costume. There's no need to have him separate. The only reason I'm not more against him is because of Dark Pit.

To me Dark Pit is the most disgusting character edition in the history of smash. I've played KI:U and loved it but never did I think he warranted a place in Smash. If they're going to group Bowser Jr with the Koopalings then a dark pit costume would've sufficed. If they're going to have Alph as a Olimar palette swap then Dark Pit should be a Pit alt. I want to know Sakurai's logic for adding him because I would honestly have preferred a Pit dark colouring alt then have him as a separate entity.

Of course I will accept the roster graciously and enjoy the game on day one. I can voice my personal opinions without being called ungrateful surely?

I should also point out I was already very satisfied with the new characters already revealed, I'm only taking about the unlockables.
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Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2013
Kinda out of the norm but... I LOVE MR. GAME & WATCH'S NEW DESIGN! His walking animation his hilarious as well, he has a smaller nose and circular hands, it looks freaking great, and his throws, MY GOD HIS THROWS ARE MY SAVIOUR! They are fast and look to set up great combos.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2014
The dust has settled somewhat and here's a few opinions I have.

As for unique newcommers and I'm actually fairly excited. Bowser Jr was one of my top requested and while he doesn't work how I thought he would he looks really fun and having the koopalings as alts is utter genius.

My initial scepticism for Duck Hunt Dog has practically evaporated. Mashing up his moveset with other retro 'shooters' is something I'd never considered. He is a genuine surprise addition.

The others they've brought back is a mixed bag. If they're going to go through so much effort to change up Bowser and tweak a few others, why leave Ganondorf as he is? I don't get it. He still looks slow and useless.

The clones. Lucina isn't too bad. She's hardly necessary but she's the best of a bad bunch. Dr Mario should've been an alt costume. There's no need to have him separate. The only reason I'm not more against him is because of Dark Pit.

To me Dark Pit is the most disgusting character edition in the history of smash. I've played KI:U and loved it but never did I think he warranted a place in Smash. If they're going to group Bowser Jr with the Koopalings then a dark pit costume would've sufficed. If they're going to have Alph as a Olimar palette swap then Dark Pit should be a Pit alt. I want to know Sakurai's logic for adding him because I would honestly have preferred a Pit dark colouring alt then have him as a separate entity.

Of course I will accept the roster graciously and enjoy the game on day one. I can voice my personal opinions without being called ungrateful surely?

I should also point out I was already very satisfied with the new characters already revealed, I'm only taking about the unlockables.
The true joke character is Dark Pit, not Duck Hunt or Wii Fit Trainer, because he seriously was the weirdest and worst choice ever made.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
The dust has settled somewhat and here's a few opinions I have.

As for unique newcommers and I'm actually fairly excited. Bowser Jr was one of my top requested and while he doesn't work how I thought he would he looks really fun and having the koopalings as alts is utter genius.

My initial scepticism for Duck Hunt Dog has practically evaporated. Mashing up his moveset with other retro 'shooters' is something I'd never considered. He is a genuine surprise addition.

The others they've brought back is a mixed bag. If they're going to go through so much effort to change up Bowser and tweak a few others, why leave Ganondorf as he is? I don't get it. He still looks slow and useless.

The clones. Lucina isn't too bad. She's hardly necessary but she's the best of a bad bunch. Dr Mario should've been an alt costume. There's no need to have him separate. The only reason I'm not more against him is because of Dark Pit.

To me Dark Pit is the most disgusting character edition in the history of smash. I've played KI:U and loved it but never did I think he warranted a place in Smash. If they're going to group Bowser Jr with the Koopalings then a dark pit costume would've sufficed. If they're going to have Alph as a Olimar palette swap then Dark Pit should be a Pit alt. I want to know Sakurai's logic for adding him because I would honestly have preferred a Pit dark colouring alt then have him as a separate entity.

Of course I will accept the roster graciously and enjoy the game on day one. I can voice my personal opinions without being called ungrateful surely?

I should also point out I was already very satisfied with the new characters already revealed, I'm only taking about the unlockables.
No. How dare you have an opinion. How ungrateful!


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2014
Your bottom left molar
The dust has settled somewhat and here's a few opinions I have.

As for unique newcommers and I'm actually fairly excited. Bowser Jr was one of my top requested and while he doesn't work how I thought he would he looks really fun and having the koopalings as alts is utter genius.

My initial scepticism for Duck Hunt Dog has practically evaporated. Mashing up his moveset with other retro 'shooters' is something I'd never considered. He is a genuine surprise addition.

The others they've brought back is a mixed bag. If they're going to go through so much effort to change up Bowser and tweak a few others, why leave Ganondorf as he is? I don't get it. He still looks slow and useless.

The clones. Lucina isn't too bad. She's hardly necessary but she's the best of a bad bunch. Dr Mario should've been an alt costume. There's no need to have him separate. The only reason I'm not more against him is because of Dark Pit.

To me Dark Pit is the most disgusting character edition in the history of smash. I've played KI:U and loved it but never did I think he warranted a place in Smash. If they're going to group Bowser Jr with the Koopalings then a dark pit costume would've sufficed. If they're going to have Alph as a Olimar palette swap then Dark Pit should be a Pit alt. I want to know Sakurai's logic for adding him because I would honestly have preferred a Pit dark colouring alt then have him as a separate entity.

Of course I will accept the roster graciously and enjoy the game on day one. I can voice my personal opinions without being called ungrateful surely?

I should also point out I was already very satisfied with the new characters already revealed, I'm only taking about the unlockables.
This more or less. Nice to see Jr, Mac and Mega Man. I've never played Animal Crossing, but Villager also deserved his place. The rest are meh (or in Dark Pit's case AIUDHJLAFIWURHDK), but I can live with them.

The others they've brought back is a mixed bag. If they're going to go through so much effort to change up Bowser and tweak a few others, why leave Ganondorf as he is? I don't get it. He still looks slow and useless.
This is what's really pissing me off though. Ganondorf being a Falcon clone after two games still makes no sense at all.


Smash Ace
Jul 22, 2013
The dust has settled somewhat and here's a few opinions I have.

As for unique newcommers and I'm actually fairly excited. Bowser Jr was one of my top requested and while he doesn't work how I thought he would he looks really fun and having the koopalings as alts is utter genius.

My initial scepticism for Duck Hunt Dog has practically evaporated. Mashing up his moveset with other retro 'shooters' is something I'd never considered. He is a genuine surprise addition.

The others they've brought back is a mixed bag. If they're going to go through so much effort to change up Bowser and tweak a few others, why leave Ganondorf as he is? I don't get it. He still looks slow and useless.

The clones. Lucina isn't too bad. She's hardly necessary but she's the best of a bad bunch. Dr Mario should've been an alt costume. There's no need to have him separate. The only reason I'm not more against him is because of Dark Pit.

To me Dark Pit is the most disgusting character edition in the history of smash. I've played KI:U and loved it but never did I think he warranted a place in Smash. If they're going to group Bowser Jr with the Koopalings then a dark pit costume would've sufficed. If they're going to have Alph as a Olimar palette swap then Dark Pit should be a Pit alt. I want to know Sakurai's logic for adding him because I would honestly have preferred a Pit dark colouring alt then have him as a separate entity.

Of course I will accept the roster graciously and enjoy the game on day one. I can voice my personal opinions without being called ungrateful surely?

I should also point out I was already very satisfied with the new characters already revealed, I'm only taking about the unlockables.
I agree with every word you said.

My thoughts after a lot of thinking today: (I posted this somewhere else)

I would personally not choose to implement the steps that I am about to outline, but based on what we've seen, I feel the roster would be more widely accepted if it went down like this:

Lucas in as a Ness alt.
Lucina as a Marth alt.
Dark disappointment as a Pit alt.
Doc as a Mario alt.
Ice Climbers back.
Mewtwo back.
A single Mii instead of 3 different types.

No newcomers in addition to the real ones, (yes, I love Ridley too.)

Cuts: Lucario
- Even though they all deserve to stay.

All of this along with the vets and newcomers we already have. The roster would be a little smaller, but would feel a little better rounded out than what we've got. Like I said before, I don't like this, but considering what has actually happened, if these measures had been taken as well, I think the roster would have been a little less puzzling.
I'm still holding out for DLC. Holding a few more hype inducing surprises back for the Wii U release makes so much sense, they'd be stupid not to consider it.

Mewtwo deserves to strike back.


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
Huh, I'm actually really surprised how many people are taking this really well. People who like the roster, well, like the roster. People who are disappointed have been pretty rational about it. Then people extremely crazy upset are far fewer then I expected.

This is why I was really glad for the leak. It seemed to have lowered a lot of peoples expectations and softened the blow. I've already posted my thoughts on the roster, I don't think it's terrible but I don't find it amazing either, but I was hardly mad when the realization that this was the final roster came. It was the expected and most realistic outcome. I have some praises, and I have some gripes, but it was expected and not outlandish.

It seems during the Brawl era people had far wilder expectations then here. The character supports this time around IMO didn't seem that farfetched at all (Mewtwo, Ridley, K. Rool, Isaac, Dixie, etc.) and many had reasonable expectations for how big the roster will be. Even though many were optimistic about the possibility of more characters, these same people after the fact were just like "yeah, saw it coming."

Most will probably disagree, but I think this community handled this..."well", for a lack of a better term. I expected much worse.


Smash Champion
Mar 5, 2014
Your bottom left molar
One... million. :p

Even though I'm not going to use the Duck Hunt Dog, I'm happy with his inclusion. Because after nearly 20 years, I can finally beat the living piss out of that giggling ****.

Huh, I'm actually really surprised how many people are taking this really well. People who like the roster, well, like the roster. People who are disappointed have been pretty rational about it. Then people extremely crazy upset are far fewer then I expected.

This is why I was really glad for the leak. It seemed to have lowered a lot of peoples expectations and softened the blow. I've already posted my thoughts on the roster, I don't think it's terrible but I don't find it amazing either, but I was hardly mad when the realization that this was the final roster came. It was the expected and most realistic outcome. I have some praises, and I have some gripes, but it was expected and not outlandish.

It seems during the Brawl era people had far wilder expectations then here. The character supports this time around IMO didn't seem that farfetched at all (Mewtwo, Ridley, K. Rool, Isaac, Dixie, etc.) and many had reasonable expectations for how big the roster will be. Even though many were optimistic about the possibility of more characters, these same people after the fact were just like "yeah, saw it coming."

Most will probably disagree, but I think this community handled this..."well", for a lack of a better term. I expected much worse.
The leak ripped the bandaid off early, so to speak.
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Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2013
well i tried to MS Paint the renders but they were to pixely. can someone else because i really want that pic of game and watch


Smash Journeyman
Jul 17, 2014
Next Smash, we already know the most popular character requests because they are the same as this one. -.- Mewtwo, Ridley, King K. Rool, and Dixie probably top the list. Among others, we have Isaac, A Rhythm Heaven rep, Krystal, Takamaru, Bandana Dee, and Paper Mario. Inklings are a shoe in for 5mash, in my honest opinion. I personally would like to see King Boo and as a new villain and Mach Rider as a classic character. Midna for a Zelda newcomer (I can dream). Wolf and Ice Climbers better come back too. This would make the perfect 5mash roster.

However, this roster is pretty good too. Aside from the lack of the first four mentioned above, the only problem I really have is that Dark Pit is in a roster for Nintendo's "All-Stars" before them. It's ridiculous, in my opinion. Medusa would have made the most sense as maybe a Palutena clone, but nonetheless, the roster is great overall. Bowser Jr. looks great. Duck Hunt was a cool choice for a shockingly fun looking classic character. Dr. Mario returning makes me upset because he gets back in, but not Mewtwo... Upsetting indeed. All of the confirmed characters are important enough, represent something new, or are popular enough to be justified. I think this roster is a lot better than people (and me from eight hours ago) are giving it credit for. I don't like all of the characters, but the ones I do like (Rosey is love, Rosey is life) make this game amazingly hype for me.


Smash Ace
Jul 20, 2014
Another reality
I'm actually pretty OK with the roster, barring some missed opportunities like Dixie and Bandana Dee. Even Dark Pit doesn't bother me too much... I know Sakurai couldn't have spent too much effort on him; honestly, I feel like he might have just been put in to even out the CSS.;)

The Mii Fighters, though... Now that is a bad decision that still bugs me. To spend what was essentially enough time to make upwards of three characters... Not to mention the amount of work to make their appearance entirely customizable... and for a character barely anyone wanted or asked for? It just seems like a waste. Even the WFT had a sort of identity, or will have (a'la G&W). I guess I do have to acknowledge their importance in Nintendo's history, though...

Ah, but I'll get over it. So will everyone else. And if nothing else, at least I've got Shulk!:chuckle:


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
Honestly what an "All-star" is, it's a matter of opinion, since the characters that we could consider a must for Nintendo's history are already there. Now if you believe Ridley, K. Rool and Mewtwo are in the same league as Mario and Link then i don't know what to tell you.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2010
Amelia won't let me say
Well it would give that Wii U icon some reason
Well we already knew there was connectivity. Sakurai has mentioned before now that custom character templates will be able to be transferred between 3DS and WiiU, stating that the 3DS is the more "single-player" experience, and the WiiU was for groups.

Although with online play that's quite untrue.

My point being that button could just be there for that reason alone.


How Long Have I Been Asleep?
Oct 10, 2007
Okay, there is something I'd like to know now. Anybody else remember right after the most recent roster (esrb) was leaked and a bunch of the mods indicated that they had got some insider knowledge alluding to extra characters, but refused to say anything allegedly to protect somebody? Umm, what the heck was that all about? Can you tell us now? Because well, this roster looks pretty much like the one we saw, except for the mii fighter icon. Were you all just duped?
I don't think any of the mods ever said there were more characters, just that they had heard from one of their sources there might be more. We won't really know until Sakurai either addresses the issue or the Wii U version is released.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
Honestly what an "All-star" is, it's a matter of opinion, since the characters that we could consider a must for Nintendo's history are already there. Now if you believe Ridley, K. Rool and Mewtwo are in the same league as Mario and Link then i don't know what to tell you.
I'm fairly sure the argument being made is that Ridley, Mewtwo, and the like are more 'all-star' than Dark Pit, Greninja, Rosalina, Wii Fit Trainer and a whole other slew of "Flavor of the year" characters who may not be at all relevant to Nintendo months or years down the line.

I doubt anybody would try arguing the case that Ridley is as important or as highly recognized as Mario or Sonic. :v


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
You don't?
Ok, i'll just say it, they are not "neccesary" for an "All star" roster. Would they be great to have? Well of course, but in the end this game already represents Nintendo's franchises and history pretty well.
Yes even DK and Metroid, and i'm pretty sure Pokémon is also well represented already.
And before anybody tries to tell me how badly represented DK is in comparison, i understand, and i kind of agree, but in the end DK and Diddy are the most prominent figures of his franchise, and thus, represent the franchise pretty well, that's all.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
I'm disappointed that Bandana Dee or Ridley didn't make it.

But here's hoping for DLC or for Smash 5.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2010
Amelia won't let me say
Huh, I'm actually really surprised how many people are taking this really well. People who like the roster, well, like the roster. People who are disappointed have been pretty rational about it. Then people extremely crazy upset are far fewer then I expected.

This is why I was really glad for the leak. It seemed to have lowered a lot of peoples expectations and softened the blow. I've already posted my thoughts on the roster, I don't think it's terrible but I don't find it amazing either, but I was hardly mad when the realization that this was the final roster came. It was the expected and most realistic outcome. I have some praises, and I have some gripes, but it was expected and not outlandish.

It seems during the Brawl era people had far wilder expectations then here. The character supports this time around IMO didn't seem that farfetched at all (Mewtwo, Ridley, K. Rool, Isaac, Dixie, etc.) and many had reasonable expectations for how big the roster will be. Even though many were optimistic about the possibility of more characters, these same people after the fact were just like "yeah, saw it coming."

Most will probably disagree, but I think this community handled this..."well", for a lack of a better term. I expected much worse.
I actually quite agree with your sentiment. I feel as though most people had a negative "knee-jerk" reaction to the finalized roster, and then settled into a "I like it" or "I'm fine with it." By majority, nobody really grossly overreacted. Although, perhaps the leak wasn't the only reason we as a community weren't furious, but the concept of DLC and the addition of that NeoGAF post with the 4 remaining characters that would be introduced along with the WiiU may have helped as well. It's a glimmer of hope for a lot of members, and leaves people several months to accept the roster if it's not true.


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2013
My opinion, once again what the hell did happen to Toad, Ridley, King K. Rool, Dixie Kong and Wars Series character, I can understand the development of Brawl but now? The only excuse Sakurai has is because he was making both versions the 3DS and the Wii U, like I have always thought, you make one version at time or not at all, it cost a lot of resources and halves the work of the team, making two games to correctly play in completely different systems is a nightmare with results in making cuts and taking bad decisions for the simple reason that one of the systems is inferior to the other one.

And then we have the result of cutting the Ice Climbers a unique character in the series that has develop huge fan following in the last two installments and now they are completely left behind with only a semi answer with a character that for now a lot of people question it is inclusion into the series, maybe if Sakurai waited until Smash 5 where her popularity still were strong would make a better addition than right now.

The lack of villains is another concern, this is one of the few series where you can play as them and what Sakurai did was give the middle finger to the fans of the evildoers and instead went for questionable picks, I am seeing you WFT, Miis, Robin, Palutena, Greninja, etc.

The only respectable choices were Mega Man, Shulk, Pac-Man, Little Mac, Villager, Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt.

Meh... I will still play the Wii U version but forget about getting a 3DS and Smash 3DS, if the roster were better, the levels and in general the content I would have bought it without thinking, still it has make my decision easier I will get Bayonetta 2 in October.



Smash Lord
Apr 3, 2013
A Menu Screen lol. I expect a Character confirmation.
if indeed a character is revealed, its gotta be Wario, he is the only character that was a starter before, but now he is unlockable. surly there has to be a reason for it, my reason for it, to get newcomer players knowing about what secret characters are in smash. then he will give us a small hint on how to get him.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2014
Well we already knew there was connectivity. Sakurai has mentioned before now that custom character templates will be able to be transferred between 3DS and WiiU, stating that the 3DS is the more "single-player" experience, and the WiiU was for groups.

Although with online play that's quite untrue.

My point being that button could just be there for that reason alone.
I feel like it could be a way to unlock certain characters, like maybe if you get a certain custom part for Diddy, you unlock Dixie.

Still that's me being hopeful, plus, we really don't know too much about the Wii U version, beyond characters.
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