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Character Discussion Thread

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Deleted member

Yeah but Toon Link and Luigi have very different models.
Young Link. I was talking about Young Link.
Or did you not see I said "in Melee"?

Toon Link has a very different model and design, yes, but Young Link was very slightly smaller and only major differences in character design were that he wasn't wearing tights or gloves.

As for Luigi....barely any different from Mario aside from his head shape. There's a reason Luigi's the posterchild of palette swaps.


Together now!
Jun 13, 2014
Glee Club
Switch FC
So Lucina gets her mask as an alt costume, but it can actually be put on and taken off using a taunt. Very cool.

Also, Kirby gets that mask as well when he inhales her. :love:


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Young Link. I was talking about Young Link.
Or did you not see I said "in Melee"?

Toon Link has a very different model and design, yes, but Young Link was very slightly smaller and only major differences in character design were that he wasn't wearing tights or gloves.

As for Luigi....barely any different from Mario aside from his head shape. There's a reason Luigi's the posterchild of palette swaps.
I actually had to reread it 3 times before I saw melee. lol


PPMD Kreygasm
Apr 6, 2014
What makes the most sense is Dark Pit is the stage boss on Paluten's Temple. Stage is too big not to have one, Dark Pit is crashing "Palutena's party" and he had no splash text. I think he's a boss


Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2013
Mr. Game & Watch was in Pac-Man's trailer, and there was no mention of it. No splash text, no confirmation, nothing.

let me state that i don't know or have an opinion on if DP will be in. however, there's a definite double standard being applied for the meaningless reason of "he's a veteran."

Second Power

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2012
What makes the most sense is Dark Pit is the stage boss on Paluten's Temple. Stage is too big not to have one, Dark Pit is crashing "Palutena's party" and he had no splash text. I think he's a boss
I'm of the opinion both Dark Pit and Ridley have the exact same role in this game.

Interpret that how you will.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Mr. Game & Watch was in Pac-Man's trailer, and there was no mention of it. No splash text, no confirmation, nothing.

let me state that i don't know or have an opinion on if DP will be in. however, there's a definite double standard being applied for the meaningless reason of "he's a veteran."
Game and Watch wouldn't get a splash text he's not a newcomer.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2014
Double Post Warning Received
I do not think Dark Pit is playable, if he was he would somehow be an even lazier clone than Lucina. Literally all they have to do is just change his colors. He seems way better suited as an alt.

Game and Watch wouldn't get a splash text he's not a newcomer.
Charizard did, but I guess Falcon did not either.
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Deleted member

Game and Watch wouldn't get a splash text he's not a newcomer.


Face it; it's difficult to determine what's going to happen.
Best to just wait it out and not make assumptions using logic that Sakurai has defied in one way or another.
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Smash Lord
May 19, 2014
I know this is your ideal roster and that's cute and all...
...but there is no way Snake would get in before Knuckles.
Jesus, i didn't realize the backlash that i would receive for putting Knuckles on this roster. One thing that I can say with confidence though is that Knuckles fits in with the Smash cast. Snake does not.


PPMD Kreygasm
Apr 6, 2014
Jesus, i didn't realize the backlash that i would receive for putting Knuckles on this roster. One thing that I can say with confidence though is that Knuckles fits in with the Smash cast. Snake does not.
True. But the thing is, both aren't happening this time around


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
Jesus, i didn't realize the backlash that i would receive for putting Knuckles on this roster. One thing that I can say with confidence though is that Knuckles fits in with the Smash cast. Snake does not.
...Snake was in Brawl. I'm pretty sure he fit really well. The argument that "he doesn't fit" is already invalid since he has already appeared in a Smash game.

Not to mention the whole stuff stated by Sakurai about not adding a slew of third parties, and companies not getting special treatment, etc.
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Deleted member

Charizard is a different story since he went from being part of Pokemon Trainer to his own unique fighter. I don't think you can use that as example.
People use that excuse all the time (that I even predicted you would use it), and yet it makes no sense whatsoever.

Big effing whoop that Charizard is solo this time around; he's still a veteran. He's the same character he was before (gameplay revamps aside). Literally, the only difference is that there's no Trainer giving him orders.
It's like saying Bowser should be announced in a trailer with his own splash card since he's new and improved and not the same slow, lumbering beast he was before.

Neither Mr. Game & Watch nor Captain Falcon were given splash cards despite being first revealed in those trailers.
And to makes things even more awkward, only Captain Falcon was actually revealed as a character. Mr. Game & Watch to date only makes that brief cameo at the end of Pac-Man's trailer. Not even a character page on the website.

And before the "Sheik and Zero Suit Samus were made separate from Zelda and Samus and had their own mini splash cards as well" card is pulled to support the concept of Charizard having his own, Yoshi also had one. And the biggest announcement for him was that he stands even more upright than he did in Brawl.
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Smash Ace
May 18, 2014
I do think that there are now plenty of hints floating around that would strongly suggest almost all of our remaining newcomers. Here's how I follow it:

8-Bit Mario: In one of the images when discussing amiibos (I think it was Reggie's speech at the end of the Digital Event), we got a glimpse of various Nintendo characters that will have amiibos. The ones that at the time, were not playable characters were Lucina, Mr. Game & Watch, Annabelle, Pikmin, Toad, and 8-bit Mario (Mario himself was there too). We now know that Lucina is playable while G&W is almost guaranteed at this point. Annabelle is an Assist Trophy, and Toad a part of Peach's moves. And of course, the Pikmin are a part of Olimar. 8-Bit Mario isn't in either camp, and thus leaves the possibility open for the new retro joke character that reflects a great significance to Nintendo's history (similarly to ROB and Mr. Game & Watch before him). Nobody would know what to think of him, and yet it sounds like a very Sakurai thing for him to do. His color swaps would have Luigi, Jumpman, Fireflower, and Monochrome. His Alternate skin would be his Mario 3 appearance.

King K. Rool: At the very least, a role in the game beyond being a mere trophy. Kremlings practically confirms this.

Ghirahim/Impa: Fi's trophy suggests a character from Skyward Sword. The most likely possibility could be Impa due to Ballad of the Goddess being Zelda's Lullaby from OoT in reverse, and she could become a potential clone character of Sheik (she could have originally been planned to be an alternate skin for Sheik).

Ridley: Confirmed in the game, but teased with his shadow. Also has the trophy quiz and Ki Hunter enemy playing Ridley's theme all on top of that, too.

Dark Pit: Was teased at the end of Palutena's trailer and is even on her newcomer picture (the only other times this had happened were with Chrom in Robin and Lucina, and Annabelle in Villager--both of which had their roles confirmed rather quickly). Lucina's circumstances in how she got in could support Dark Pit getting in as well. Why he wasn't confirmed in the Palutena trailer could have been to tease such notions while Lucina was confirmed to tease us even further.

Mewtwo: Not a newcomer per se, but when asked about Mega Mewtwo Y appearing in Smash Brothers, Sakurai said from the audience (question wasn't targeted towards him), "We are thinking about it."

Shulk: Hasn't really been teased or hinted at yet, but given just how excited Monolith Soft got when we all heard of Sakurai's announcement last weekend that they retweeted the news, it seems very alarming at this point in time. Adam Snowden--the voice of Shulk--also tweeted about the voice over roles he finished up for games coming out this year, and that said that he'd tell us once he knows that "he won't get his balls cut off" for doing so. That, and the gematsu leak's credibility is now all riding on him being playable, it seems like he is the most surefire newcomer yet. But he better be wearing nothing but his underwear as his alternate skin

Chorus Kids: While at this point in time, it could really be any character from Rhythm Heaven, I'm going to hold on to them specifically even if the gematsu leak never gave them the guarantee; I do, after all, still believe the foul-mouthed leaker. The hint of there being a Rhythm Heaven character has to do with the Sneaky Spirit enemies in Smash Run, however. But, if you were to ask me that, assuming all the leaks are wrong, which character has the best shot at getting in, I'd say Marshall.

Rayman: Okay, first off, we never had a trophy reveal of a third party mascot before (I mean from an unrepresented franchise) and it came the night before the big reveal. I am convinced that Sakurai was letting us know that anything and everything we thought we knew about who was joining the fight may very well be wrong. That, and when his creator was asked if Rayman could kick Mario's @2$, he told us that we'll find out soon enough. Sounds like to me that he is being planned to appear as a playable character in Smash 4. But, assuming that the trophy simply disconfirms him from the final roster, he is now very likely to get in as a character DLC.

Captain Toad: One of the cardboard cutouts advertising his game had Captain Toad in Japanese saying something along the lines of, "I wish I could join the battle! Maybe someday....", potentially teasing him as character DLC.

Now, I am certain Captain Toad will be DLC. But the only way I can see Rayman getting in is if either 8-Bit Mario isn't at all playable, Lucas gets cut, or as DLC. And yes, 8-Bit Mario can swing in either way. Beyond all that, I am certain that the other seven characters will be in the game based on evidence provided (Chorus Kids and Ghirahim/Impa are less certain than the rest, but that's why their slots are flexible within their own series.

And for the record, the following characters revealed so far will be secret: Luigi, Toon Link, Pac-Man, and Lucina. Depending on whether or not Ness gets confirmed before launch (which may even determine Lucas' fate), Captain Falcon. Sonic and Mega Man are both maybes, however. Beyond all that, I believe that we currently have anywhere from 4-7 unlockable characters revealed to us already. Rest assured, however, that the entire roster will not be leaked (if anything, I'm predicting only Pac-Man being a really difficult unlockable condition).
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Smash Champion
Aug 1, 2013
Jesus, i didn't realize the backlash that i would receive for putting Knuckles on this roster. One thing that I can say with confidence though is that Knuckles fits in with the Smash cast. Snake does not.
sakurai is clearly of a differing opinion, considering that uh


Smash Lord
May 19, 2014
...Snake was in Brawl. I'm pretty sure he fit really well. The argument that "he doesn't fit" is already invalid since he has already appeared in a Smash game.

Not to mention the whole stuff stated by Sakurai about not adding a slew of third parties, and companies not getting special treatment, etc.
It was just an opinionated observation on my part. I just don't think he fits.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
It was just an opinionated observation on my part. I just don't think he fits.
To put it lightly, the fact that he was already in Brawl throws your observation out the window. I understand your sentiment towards him, but you simply cannot say he doesn't fit, when he clearly already has.
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Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
Dark Pit was in Palutena's trailer, and there was no mention of it. No splash text, no confirmation, nothing. I don't think he's an alt, but I also don't think he'll be playable either.

I think he'll be an Assist Trophy at most. Could be unlockable when you unlock Palutena.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
The reason Charizard received a splash text was due to him appearing solo as well as Sheik and Zero Suit Samus.

Also, I too am confused how Dark Pit would be implemented as a character. While yes I understand that he has potential to be a very unique character, but how would a metal battle work? Say, for instance, someone plays as Pit and an opponent is Dark Pit, how would one tell the difference visually? The only thing I could think of was if they gave him a different weapon. But I could see this causing some problems for some individuals.
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False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
So, with all the stuff that's happened recently... Here's a roster.

Prediction Roster.png

New Characters

King K. Rool: My personal choice for a Donkey Kong newcomer. With the Kremlings in Smash Run and the rumor of a Chunky Kong Assist flying around, I feel that he has a fair chance. Regardless of his chances, he would be a fantastic addition.

Ridley: Believe it or not, I am actually quite confident in Ridley's chances. And this is coming from someone who previously thought he was practically de-confirmed after the Direct. At this point, it seems clear to me that Ridley is playable.

Shulk: He's a good character from a good game with a lot to offer to Smash. An overall solid character choice, I think.

Mewtwo: My most wanted character by far, and one that I think has more than enough justifications. There's a fair amount of evidence in his favor, as well.

Rhythm Heaven Something: In case you didn't notice, I have a number of outdated or inaccurate pictures for this roster. Sorry, technical difficulties. Anyway, I do think it's likely that the Gematsu leak had at least some real information at some point, and the presence of a Rhythm Heaven enemy in Smash run makes it seem like a playable character is a real possibility. Chorus Men seem the most likely, but I suppose that could have changed as well. I have it as a placeholder for now.


Pokemon Trainer, Squirtle, and Ivysaur: I probably don't need to explain this one. With Charizard solo, there's no need for the others.

Snake: He's not entirely out of the question, but I feel like a Third Party reveal like him would have been shown at a big event by now. Pity...

Lucas: This one is kind of iffy. The Gematsu leak mentioned a debate about whether to cut Ness or Lucas, with Ness being the more likely to stay, but that information is outdated, and at this point we don't know if it's even trustworthy. But if it's true there was such a debate, I feel like keeping them both is a less than likely outcome. I could be wrong, though.


The three Miis on the side are meant to represent one large slot set aside for the Mii Fighters. I don't know if that's how that will actually work, but it gives me a nice place to put them.

So, any thoughts about this roster?

Deleted member

The reason Charizard received a splash text was due to him appearing solo as well as Sheik and Zero Suit Samus.
Again, someone using the coveted No Trainer Excuse.
AND, using Sheik and Zero Suit Samus as justification.

While conveniently ignoring this:

If standing even more upright than Brawl is enough to get a splash card, where the Hell is Bowser's?


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2013
Gainesville, Florida
Switch FC
So, with all the stuff that's happened recently... Here's a roster.

View attachment 18468

New Characters

King K. Rool: My personal choice for a Donkey Kong newcomer. With the Kremlings in Smash Run and the rumor of a Chunky Kong Assist flying around, I feel that he has a fair chance. Regardless of his chances, he would be a fantastic addition.

Ridley: Believe it or not, I am actually quite confident in Ridley's chances. And this is coming from someone who previously thought he was practically de-confirmed after the Direct. At this point, it seems clear to me that Ridley is playable.

Shulk: He's a good character from a good game with a lot to offer to Smash. An overall solid character choice, I think.

Mewtwo: My most wanted character by far, and one that I think has more than enough justifications. There's a fair amount of evidence in his favor, as well.

Rhythm Heaven Something: In case you didn't notice, I have a number of outdated or inaccurate pictures for this roster. Sorry, technical difficulties. Anyway, I do think it's likely that the Gematsu leak had at least some real information at some point, and the presence of a Rhythm Heaven enemy in Smash run makes it seem like a playable character is a real possibility. Chorus Men seem the most likely, but I suppose that could have changed as well. I have it as a placeholder for now.


Pokemon Trainer, Squirtle, and Ivysaur: I probably don't need to explain this one. With Charizard solo, there's no need for the others.

Snake: He's not entirely out of the question, but I feel like a Third Party reveal like him would have been shown at a big event by now. Pity...

Lucas: This one is kind of iffy. The Gematsu leak mentioned a debate about whether to cut Ness or Lucas, with Ness being the more likely to stay, but that information is outdated, and at this point we don't know if it's even trustworthy. But if it's true there was such a debate, I feel like keeping them both is a less than likely outcome. I could be wrong, though.


The three Miis on the side are meant to represent one large slot set aside for the Mii Fighters. I don't know if that's how that will actually work, but it gives me a nice place to put them.

So, any thoughts about this roster?
The fact that Lucas is not there physically pains me. Alas, I can not do without him. Other than that, good roster!

As for the Miis, I don't know where they'd be on the roster, or how, but I think they'll just be a regularly-sized slot, either replacing the random button or next to it.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2014
To put it lightly, the fact that he was already in Brawl throws your observation out the window. I understand your sentiment towards him, but you simply cannot say he doesn't fit, when he clearly already has.
Just because he got in doesn't mean everyone has to agree that he fit in with the rest of the cast. To me he always seemed too "realisitic," I thought he just stood out, and not in a good way.

If you think he did fit then that's perfectly fine, but people can still disagree despite his appearance in Brawl.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Again, someone using the coveted No Trainer Excuse.
AND, using Sheik and Zero Suit Samus as justification.

While conveniently ignoring this:

If standing even more upright than Brawl is enough to get a splash card, where the Hell is Bowser's?
Honestly I forgot about that due to it seemingly being similar to his Brawl stance. Bowser didn't receive a splash text, but he was mentioned during E3 2013 I believe. Also, I think all the veterans that were revealed during the Smash Direct received a splash text. I think this has been the only case for veterans. I don't really remember though.
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