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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Post it then. I want to see the two trophies side-by-side.

We've otherwise every reason to, again, think that Rayman won't be playable in the base game on part of how we've yet to be shown a playable character's trophy with a custom model. New models for trophies exist in this game, yes James, but that doesn't mean that will extend over towards playable characters when we've only proof that it doesn't.

You see any playabe characters in there with custom models? And I'm not talking about Boomerang Mario, I'm talking about how every single character there uses the same model in-game as they do for their trophies. Two Wii Fit Trainer trophies are visible here alone. A few seconds of panning out later shows a third at the top left.
I just did post it. But again for reference:

What most people would just glance over, I can spot many differences between the trophies.
-The eyes on this new one are wide open, while the old one had a more drunken appearance.
-The hair is positioned differently, while the mouth and most of the head is modeled completely different.
-His body is shorter, the strings of his hoodie are at a completely different angle, and his colour scheme is slightly different.
-His shoes are at a different angle, despite the same view of the trophy.
-The entire trophy isn't as glossy as the other one, similar to the Melee trophies, where the separate character trophies had a more toy-like, shiny appearance than the actual Smash character trophies.

None of that is proof that there aren't different trophy models, are you trying to say that those are all the trophies in the game now?
Characters could have five trophies each for all we know, three "Smash" trophies like in Brawl, and a custom one, etc.
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Deleted member

I actually wonder if the "Trophy Quiz Hints" actually hold some merit.
Tiki's trophy had Id~Purpose play, which is Robin's theme.
Pseudo-Palutena's trophy had The Return of Palutena play, which....is obviously is tied to Palutena.

By this (already known, I know) theory, that leaves:
King Kihunter's trophy had Ridley's Theme play, which would hint at well, Ridley.
Fi's trophy had Ballad of the Goddess play.

Unlike the other three, Ballad of the Goddess isn't directly tied as a character's theme.
Some people use the fact that it's from Skyward Sword to deduce that it hints at someone like Ghirahim. It could very well be. However, since Ghirahim has his own theme, it doesn't seem likely to me.

The theme could be tied to Zelda herself, considering that she's the mortal incarnation of Hylia, the goddess that the theme alludes to. But she's not a new character, nor is she one that we didn't know about prior to the Direct.
But...it could be tied to Impa as well. Not only was Impa Hylia's guardian, she, in her elderly form, was the one that taught Link the song. Impa doesn't have a theme of her own unlike Ghirahim, so Ballad of the Goddess could arguably be used for her if need be.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
I just did post it.

What most people would just glance over, I can spot many differences between the trophies.
-The eyes on this new one are wide open, while the old one had a more drunken appearance.
-The hair is positioned differently, while the mouth and most of the head is modeled completely different.
-His body is shorter, the strings of his hoodie are at a completely different angle, and his colour scheme is slightly different.
-His shoes are at a different angle, despite the same view of the trophy.
-The entire trophy isn't as glossy as the other one, similar to the Melee trophies, where the separate character trophies had a more toy-like, shiny appearance than the actual Smash character trophies.

None of that is proof that there aren't different trophy models, are you trying to say that those are all the trophies in the game now?
Characters could have five trophies each for all we know, three "Smash" trophies like in Brawl, and a custom one, etc.
Aside from the wider eyes and a lighter-colored tongue, there aren't any significant changes to this trophy. In fact, it's literally the same pose with a few changes. Considering how Rayman is known for being limbless, there's no reason why he wouldn't have much more different poses if he had two trophies. He's literally the one character that could have a dozen different trophies and still make each one look unique.

I challenge you to find me two separate trophies in any Smash Bros. game that look as similar to one another as these supposed two trophies, because I think this is just a retouched version. It doesn't even have to be of a fighter. Just show me we've had two near-identical trophies before at any point in the series.
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Smash Master
Dec 19, 2013
I'm actually sort of convinced that we're getting a Zelda-newcomer, I just have that hunch. And it's not necessarily because of the trophy quiz -theory, but I do admit that it is pretty interesting and maybe backs a new Zelda-character up a bit. I wouldn't mind Ghirahim because he's a cool character and villains are always good... but Impa is a really good choice too. I wasn't too keen on her before but she's growing on me (maybe because of Hyrule Warriors). Not only does the music playing during the trophy quiz sorta fit her (as Ghirahim DOES have his own theme) but we've seen how Sakurai has focused on adding female characters to the lot - why not have another one?


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Theres one thing i noticeing from the roster prediction display thread.

Serious even from 4 emblem characters lota of members thinks its impossible for pokemon to have 6 reps (mewtwo for short.)

And not to mention with the sal leak fake 50+ characters is almost 100% locked.


Luchador Extraordinaire
Jun 19, 2013
Dark Tapestry
Well, if we're going to "deep analyze" the trophy quiz music, I would say that each track hints at two character slots.

  • Ballad of the Goddess is Zelda's Lullaby backwards (a disguise if you will). This could be a hint for Sheik, who was revealed during the direct. Ballad of the Goddess plays in Skyward Sword, probably hinting at Ghirahim/Demise/Groose/Impa/etc...
  • Id-Because isn't exactly the Avatar's theme per se, but it plays during the final battle in Awakening (delving into this would tread into spoilers). Therefore, since it's not Robin's official theme the song itself just point towards 2 FE reps, which we got.
  • King Ki-hunters trophy sections logically hints at Ridley due to his theme. The fact that it's the theme that plays in Other M points towards ZZS, since that game focused on who Samus was underneath.
  • Finally with Pseudo-Palutena, we already got the goddess herself, but after Lucina's reveal Dark Pit seems more plausible as a clone. Since Pseudo Palutena is an enemy, it could also be hinting at Medusa/Hades.
I just recently finished watching Sherlock, so excuse my overly analytical mood.:yeahboi:



Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
Most Talked About (Replies) Possible Newcomers 7/16/2014:

1. Ridley (Duh) = 46,970
2. King K. Rool = 12,349
3. Shulk = 7,252
4. Bandana Dee = 4,253
5. Isaac = 3,675
6. Krystal = 2,954
7. Toad = 2,229
8. Geno = 1,410
9. Impa = 1,343
10. Chorus Kids = 1,198
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Deleted member

Post it then. I want to see the two trophies side-by-side.

We've otherwise every reason to, again, think that Rayman won't be playable in the base game on part of how we've yet to be shown a playable character's trophy with a custom model. New models for trophies exist in this game, yes James, but that doesn't mean that will extend over towards playable characters when we've only proof that it doesn't.

You see any playabe characters in there with custom models? And I'm not talking about Boomerang Mario, I'm talking about how every single character there uses the same model in-game as they do for their trophies. Two Wii Fit Trainer trophies are visible here alone. A few seconds of panning out later shows a third at the top left.
I was just about to point out the two WFT Trophies without realizing you were talking about them.
I think those trophies, like Melee, are for different 1-P Modes.
The standard character Trophies would be from Classic Mode. A secondary "SMASH!" Trophy would be for something like that campaign-like mode in the trailer (I'm guessing that's the new Adventure Mode). And another "SMASH!" Trophy would be for All-Star Mode.
Maybe there's even a 4th 1-P Mode for a Final Smash trophy like Brawl did.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
I was just about to point out the two WFT Trophies without realizing you were talking about them.
I think those trophies, like Melee, are for different 1-P Modes.
The standard character Trophies would be from Classic Mode. A secondary "SMASH!" Trophy would be for something like that campaign-like mode in the trailer (I'm guessing that's the new Adventure Mode). And another "SMASH!" Trophy would be for All-Star Mode.
Maybe there's even a 4th 1-P Mode for a Final Smash trophy like Brawl did.
Exactly. In Melee, we had three 1-P modes, which resulted in one "original" trophy leaned towards their original source material, and two Smash trophies that would talk about the character in Smash. The fact that we have three Wii Fit Trainer trophies already revealed, with none of them appearing based on her source material in Wii Fit, in addition to us still expecting a Final Smash trophy at some point, means that we're not getting "original" Classic trophies the way we did in Melee.
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Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
Aside from the wider eyes and a lighter-colored tongue, there aren't any significant changes to this trophy. In fact, it's literally the same pose with a few changes. Considering how Rayman is known for being limbless, there's no reason why he'd have much more different poses if he had two trophies. He's literally the one character that could have a dozen different trophies and still make each one look unique.

I challenge you to find me two separate trophies in any Smash Bros. game that look as similar to one another as these supposed two trophies, because I think this is just a retouched version. It doesn't even have to be of a fighter. Just show me we've had two near-identical trophies before at any point in the series.
As an avid Rayman fan, I've noticed the slightest, most unnoticeable changes that Rayman has had over the years between games, I know what I'm looking at here, and this second trophy has a completely different head for the most part. It actually resembles Rayman's appearance in Legends far more than the UbiSoft model, ironically.

I could argue that, again, something doesn't have to happen in a previous game to happen in a new game, but I'll just give you what you asked for.

Of course, while you said "any Smash Bros. game," you probably meant "the same Smash Bros. game." Well, I can't find any then. But of course, again with "Just because it didn't happen before, doesn't mean it can't happen now."
I mean, who would have even thought that third parties were ever possible, until they actually happened?
Just like how we all swore up and down that Sakurai would never go through the trouble of getting the licensing for a third party for nothing more than a trophy...


Smash Lord
May 19, 2014
Guys I just had a scary thought

What if these creatures will be alternate costumes for Pikachu.
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God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
As an avid Rayman fan, I've noticed the slightest, most unnoticeable changes that Rayman has had over the years between games, I know what I'm looking at here, and this second trophy has a completely different head for the most part. It actually resembles Rayman's appearance in Legends far more than the UbiSoft model, ironically.

I could argue that, again, something doesn't have to happen in a previous game to happen in a new game, but I'll just give you what you asked for.

Of course, while you said "any Smash Bros. game," you probably meant "the same Smash Bros. game." Well, I can't find any then. But of course, again with "Just because it didn't happen before, doesn't mean it can't happen now."
I mean, who would have even thought that third parties were ever possible, until they actually happened?
Just like how we all swore up and down that Sakurai would never go through the trouble of getting the licensing for a third party for nothing more than a trophy...
You might be able to see that, but anyone else who isn't an avid Rayman fan, which is going to be a majority of the people who own the game, such a trophy appears to be nothing more than a better version, which isn't too hard to believe considering how the game goes through different builds. Again, if Wii Fit Trainer can use the same model and appear vastly different between her trophies, there's no reason why Rayman wouldn't have done the same beyond slightly moving his right foot towards the camera.

I did mean the same Smash Bros. game, but even then, the differences between the colors, lighting, and model itself is much more apparent than the "two" Rayman trophies we were shown. As to be expected, since they're from different games.

When the opposition delves into "Well, first time for everything", that's when I know they're arguing based off of hopes rather than what evidence has been provided. Just ignore everything I've said about our confirmation of no custom-models for character trophies, and how character trophies are never shown before their reveal for the base game, and how each game makes it a point to make every trophy distinct. You jump onto the bandwagon that Rayman is in the game because he's the exception to all of this. I'll be sitting here, hoping for my requested characters like Bandana Dee and Andy, but not deluding myself that they're all but confirmed at this point.

I hold no bias against Rayman. I played Rayman 2: The Great Escape when I was a kid. I loved Rayman Legends on the Wii U. But I'm not about to ignore the evidence all around us that says we will not be getting Rayman as a character in the base game, and I certainly hope I'm not seen as a detractor because of that.
Guys I just had a scary thought

What if these creatures will be alternate costumes for Pikachu.
Those tails indicate that those are all female Pikachu. The one in Smash Bros. is flat, meaning it's distinctly male.

Not that males couldn't possibly ever wear them, but I think the one in Smash Bros. is more known for being a fighter rather than a dancer.
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Smash Hero
Nov 8, 2007
Ecuador - South America
I wouldn't be surprised if we got a new Zelda character either.
And I know a newcomer DK trailer is also imminent.

I mean why not, with the exceptio of Little Mac, the roster is all about popular characters/franchises.
3rd party characters are in their own little category, but if we were to address the, anyway, the ones we got were the most obvious choices. Minus Snake who's fate is yet to be determined.

So yeah.. Outside maybe one more "surprise" character, SSB4's roster is just another popularity contest.

Rayman's inclusion would actually surprise me, because although I'm a fan, I don't see him AS popular as the rest of the 3rd party characters. (Maybe that's why he's just a trophy).
Should've figured this game was meant to save the Wii U first, and please longtime Nintendo fans second.

But at least the roster's done a better job since last time, so I'll cut it some slack. :p


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Most Talked About (Replies) Possible Newcomers 7/16/2014:

1. Ridley (Duh) = 46,970
2. King K. Rool = 12,349
3. Shulk = 7,252
4. Bandana Dee = 4,253
5. Isaac = 3,675
6. Krystal = 2,954
7. Toad = 2,229
8. Geno = 1,410
9. Impa = 1,343
10. Chorus Kids = 1,198
I hope people keep in mind this is only an indication of the most active fanbases on Smashboards for unconfirmed candidates and nothing else.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
I hope people keep in mind this is only an indication of the most active fanbases on Smashboards for unconfirmed candidates and nothing else.
That's why I worded it "Most Talked about" and not "Most Popular".


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2013
Studio Naux
You might be able to see that, but anyone else who isn't an avid Rayman fan, which is going to be a majority of the people who own the game, such a trophy appears to be nothing more than a better version, which isn't too hard to believe considering how the game goes through different builds. Again, if Wii Fit Trainer can use the same model and appear vastly different between her trophies, there's no reason why Rayman wouldn't have done the same beyond slightly moving his right foot towards the camera.

I did mean the same Smash Bros. game, but even then, the differences between the colors, lighting, and model itself is much more apparent than the "two" Rayman trophies we were shown. As to be expected, since they're from different games.

When the opposition delves into "Well, first time for everything", that's when I know they're arguing based off of hopes rather than what evidence has been provided. Just ignore everything I've said about our confirmation of no custom-models for character trophies, and how character trophies are never shown before their reveal for the base game, and how each game makes it a point to make every trophy distinct. You jump onto the bandwagon that Rayman is in the game because he's the exception to all of this. I'll be sitting here, hoping for my requested characters like Bandana Dee and Andy, but not deluding myself that they're all but confirmed at this point.

I hold no bias against Rayman. I played Rayman 2: The Great Escape when I was a kid. I loved Rayman Legends on the Wii U. But I'm not about to ignore the evidence all around us that says we will not be getting Rayman as a character in the base game, and I certainly hope I'm not seen as a detractor because of that.

Those tails indicate that those are all female Pikachu. The one in Smash Bros. is flat, meaning it's distinctly male.

Not that males couldn't possibly ever wear them, but I think the one in Smash Bros. is more known for being a fighter rather than a dancer.
Woah, I thought we already worked out that you're not against Rayman and that I'm not deluding myself into thinking he's playable. I've said before that I am just hoping, and that I highly doubt him to be playable, I'm just in on speculation for the sake of speculation. If he's not in, then yeah I'll be sad, but I won't be disappointed, particularly since I'm overjoyed that he's even a trophy. It won't stop me from supporting him for DLC though, and that's my main focus as of right now.

I know it might seem differently, but I assure you that I'm not trying to find any concrete proof that he's playable. Now if proof ever did come up, then I would certainly be on that. Right now, blindly speculating is exactly what I'm doing, and it's just for fun.

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Woah, I thought we already worked out that you're not against Rayman and that I'm not deluding myself into thinking he's playable. I've said before that I am just hoping, and that I highly doubt him to be playable, I'm just in on speculation for the sake of speculation. If he's not in, then yeah I'll be sad, but I won't be disappointed, particularly since I'm overjoyed that he's even a trophy. It won't stop me from supporting him for DLC though, and that's my main focus as of right now.

I know it might seem differently, but I assure you that I'm not trying to find any concrete proof that he's playable. Now if proof ever did come up, then I would certainly be on that. Right now, blindly speculating is exactly what I'm doing, and it's just for fun.
Really? The wording got really out of hand and I thought you were arguing the point that he is playable in the base game. You were hoping for DLC one minute, then immediately saying how he has a chance at being playable in the base game the next. I just thought you were turning into one of the very extremists I was talking about before that believe he's in the game. My main point in all of this is that Rayman won't be playable in the base game, nothing at all said of DLC.

That said, my mistake. I was trying to win an argument that didn't even exist!


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
I actually find it pretty funny that Geno is placed 7th on the "Most talked about" list.
I made my last list right before E3. So Pac-Man, Palutena, Robin, and Mii were all on the list, which pushed the others down farther. (Also Chrom, but he got the boot now.)
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Impressive how Isaac can still garner that much activity and support for, unlike any of the characters above him, there has been no content from his series revealed, no hints regarding him, no new games in his series announced, and no semi-credible leaks to help shift expectation to support. Not to mention that he hasn't been playable in over a decade. Pure popularity.

Go Isaac fans! ^_^


Smash Cadet
Apr 17, 2014
Vancouver, Canada
Um, not sure if this has already been posted, but apparently a Famitsu scan located here:


States that Lucina was originally an alt. costume of Marth, but the development team had to cut one of the characters. So in order to keep the number of slots the same, Sakurai made Lucina into her own character.

Originally found on gamefaqs: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/69658047

If this is true, that's pretty interesting to say the least.

EDIT: Apparently there was a translation error, no character was cut
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Sep 19, 2010
A Mirror
Um, not sure if this has already been posted, but apparently a Famitsu scan located here:


States that Lucina was originally an alt. costume of Marth, but the development team had to cut one of the characters. So in order to keep the number of slots the same, Sakurai made Lucina into her own character.

Originally found on gamefaqs: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/69658047

If this is true, that's pretty interesting to say the least.
How very interesting. This is Famitsu, so it's hard to deny it's legitimacy. I wonder who was cut though...


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2012
Switch FC
Um, not sure if this has already been posted, but apparently a Famitsu scan located here:


States that Lucina was originally an alt. costume of Marth, but the development team had to cut one of the characters. So in order to keep the number of slots the same, Sakurai made Lucina into her own character.

Originally found on gamefaqs: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/69658047

If this is true, that's pretty interesting to say the least.
Lucas? Maybe the Gematsu leak was true when it said Lucas may be getting cut....

God Robert's Cousin

Smash Hero
May 20, 2013
Um, not sure if this has already been posted, but apparently a Famitsu scan located here:


States that Lucina was originally an alt. costume of Marth, but the development team had to cut one of the characters. So in order to keep the number of slots the same, Sakurai made Lucina into her own character.

Originally found on gamefaqs: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/69658047

If this is true, that's pretty interesting to say the least.
Whoa, so my theory from a little while back is somewhat right!

  • Chrom is conceived during middle of development on request of Intelligent Systems
  • Smash Team is hard-pressed on thinking of a creative moveset that would rival the rest of the newcomers in the game
  • Idea springs up to make Chrom pair with Robin, as Chrom's moveset being a clone of Marth's being justified as still unique if using the Pair Up system with Robin
  • Plan to make Lucina/Female Robin as alternate costume for Chrom/Robin after most of completion
  • Playtesting shows that, just like Diddy/Dixie concept in Brawl, asymmetrical duos do not balance well
  • Chrom and Robin pairing is scrapped, but Robin's moveset is still unique enough to where team decided to focus on Robin alone instead
  • The original Final Smash Chrom/Robin had is carried over to Robin, summoning Chrom to fulfill the same purpose
  • "What do we do with this leftover data if we're already using Chrom?" "Why don't we make it another character?" "Sounds economic enough!"
  • "Lucina alt" of Chrom is given final touches and made as the leftover data of Chrom, thus birthing "Lucina the Character"
This would explain why Lucina doesn't match Marth's attributes and wasn't scaled to match his model, why Chrom would be a part of Robin's Final Smash, why Gematsu originally understood Chrom to be a character by himself, why Lucina doesn't have a unique moveset, and why Lucina was molded into being her own character rather than being grafted last minute onto Marth. Lucina may not have been added for being Lucina, but rather, for being able to save all the time and effort that was put into Chrom without having to further change around two characters. It's a little left-field of a theory, but I think it fills in a lot of holes for both Lucina and Gematsu.


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2013
Crocodile Isle
Um, not sure if this has already been posted, but apparently a Famitsu scan located here:


States that Lucina was originally an alt. costume of Marth, but the development team had to cut one of the characters. So in order to keep the number of slots the same, Sakurai made Lucina into her own character.

Originally found on gamefaqs: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/633202-super-smash-bros-for-wii-u/69658047

If this is true, that's pretty interesting to say the least.
Here's the thread about it: http://smashboards.com/threads/smas...bin-captain-falcon-kirbys-lucina-mask.361393/

Apparently the "cut character" thing was bull****.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Lucas? Maybe the Gematsu leak was true when it said Lucas may be getting cut....
I'm not a big fan of Lucas, but it really sucks for those who enjoy a character just for them to get the boot in the following sequel...
Mine being Pokémon Trainer.
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