*stomp, stomp*
Sidenote 2: Randall, this thread was started by you, and it needs some of your love and guidance to come to fruition.
Well, it's now gotten to the point where people are beginning to take things personally, so it's high time I make some sort of comment, but I can't guarantee how much it will help in the ways of fruition.
I posted this and sat back to watch it ferment for a few days. It is with resigned amusement that I was able to observe how it stewed for a half a day and then everyone was okay with the list. Then, the next day there were a few problems. Then there were a few more. Now, a week and a bit down the road, it's a full-blown controversy.
For a second there, I thought it was all going to go smoothly, but coming into this thread has been nothing but a headache for me. I appreciate that something that I post could incite such a reaction, but I was hoping that of all my "too long to read" threads, this one would actually get read. Drifting away from the criteria was a slippery slope, and then proposing to drop Saskatchewan and Manitoba right out of the running is completely counter-productive to everything I've been trying to accomplish. There are a few things that are being overlooked:
- I had an elaborate discussion with a few different Winnipeg players in an attempt to get the networking going over there. nYo is actually not a panelist for these power rankings any longer as he is primarily a tournament director, not so much a competitive smasher; that role is more likely to go to Rex, but he's proven difficult to get ahold of during the summer. Which is fine.
- This is the first draft of the list and this list AND the criteria were approved by the panelists (excepting nYo) as well as a few other smashers from all THREE Central Canada provinces BEFORE I even posted it. What gives these panelists the right to decide? Well, I do, because it wouldn't get done otherwise. This is the first draft or there would be no list at all.
- Finally, yes, I know that there are problems with the list, but I had no way of knowing that until I could get a feel for the community's reaction. It was hard enough to come up with something that didn't overlook certain players and I didn't even succeed on that front (sorry Beeble, you're like a shoe-in for draft #2).
And hey, that's another thing, guess what? There's gonna be a second draft! O. M. G. What. A. Concept. (Sorry to be so glib, but impatience and selfishness frustrates me more than anything.)
But there a few things that I must put to rest:
- This is a Central Canada Smash Circuit Power Rankings list. Three provinces: Alberta, Saskatchewa, Manitoba.
- Therefore, this will be a Top 25 list.
Sid! Thank you for addressing my first point!
The only problem I have with supporting the movement towards an Alberta only ranking is that it discourages competition with outside provinces by means of exclusion. BC has a very strong smash community, as does Alberta. Unless there is a strong leader to boost the competition level in Sask. and Manitoba, there will be little progress in terms of raising the bar for skill. Distance seems to be the inhibiting factor here, as regular play against Sask. and Manitoba smashers is near impossible to achieve. And correct me if I'm wrong, but those provinces don't have a solid, organized smash community. By making this a central Canada ranking, we could possibly be jumpstarting their own communities.
Your last sentence is particularly potent and you've hit the nail on the head. The reason that I'm doing all of this to spread a global interest in the game. There is no doubt in my mind that it would be
easier to do a strictly provincial power rankings, but I'm thinking ahead. Every growing special interest community that I have been a part of suffers extreme problems when the interest gets too big for the infrastructure to support. When you begin to draw in more and more people, you have to have the blocks in place to support them and make them feel welcome in the community.
By doing all of this interprovincial networking, I'm building a "community template" that is far larger than it needs to be....
for now. There is going to be an inevitable influx of Brawl players and there will be times in a few years when Brawl will be at the height of its popularity. That could mean a lot of things and we don't have any way of really foreseeing how popular the competitive game will be. However, it's better to think big and have low interest than to completely buckle under way too many people. If we don't have the blocks in place for A LOT of competitive smashers for Brawl, people won't even try and get involved. On the other hand, if the structure is set up like I hope it will be by December, we could conceivably have three bi-weeklies each in Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg and a monthly tournament with 80 smashers. You just never know. But it's not going to happen if we're not ready for it.
For further discussion: Please, when you are reading this discussion, read the posts and
assume that the speaker means well and is honestly trying to improve the list, whether they be right or wrong. This is not a place for any personal attacks, nor is it a place to explain in abrasive detail how much somebody sucks compare to somebody else. The root of
ALL ******** flame wars on the internet comes down to one of two things: people taking things personally when it really wasn't meant that way, or some dillhole intentionally insulting someone to incite that very same reaction. I can only hope that we have none of the latter in this thread.