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Carolina Brawl Power Rankings [1/27] Breaking Bad PRs!! YAY!

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Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
lol how am i supposed to care about something if its not tournament man? it's so pointless to try if it wont help me get paid


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
North Carolina
....... duo is good :(

if i had lost to some random scrub fox, then yeah i would expect criticism..
Don't sweat it kieth. I've won atleast one set against everyone in NC including PP. Only sushimen and kadaj remain. As a matter of fact I'm positive on my win/loss ratios with most the player in nc. Shady, sushi, and kadaj (kadaj just from mms) are currently up on me right now. Me and Dub are about even, maybe a win in his favor. I don't know exactly but thats just from memory.


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
North Carolina
I think me and you were about even when I quit. We've played so many times it's hard to tell. @_@
I agree, we had to play an unusual amount of time in tournament. Early in the bracket too most of the time, I sometimes thought it was staged. I would also say that you probably understand the fox match up the best out of everyone I fought in nc. I always had to do things alittle differently when fighting you. Its to bad you quit.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Maybe I'll enter brawl this weekend.

From what I can tell about the fox matchup, the main thing is that fox doesn't have much that can threaten horizontally. So if you throw out horizontal moves at the right time to threaten him, it can be a big problem for him. I remember mk fair ****** in that matchup.


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
North Carolina
duo, we're 1-1 ;_;

i'm coming to get you next time :D
We shall see my friend, if I make it to the end for once.

Brawl Fox makes no sense.

Edit: I beat you at PLUR's, Duo. I think we're even.
No we're not, my win was more recent so it counts more.

*edit: aw man, pp went off line... I wanted to troll him alittle. And I know pp I was just tryin to make myself look good 8D honestly both of those sets were so long ago that they don't really mean anything anymore. And thats true for alot of people I've fought. We need to play some more matches (just for fun) I like having to think against my opponents, not just play on auto pilot the whole time. That why I like fighting you, you make me think.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
Karn teach me the mk fox MU! You and duo said fair ***** fox... but what do i do when he jumps around over me? mk's air mobility and speed aint that good. I was seriously thinking about going to norfair with wario against duo, but i was like " if i cant win this as mk, i will never get better at it."

and fox's fair can threaten horizontally. It's also hard to sdi that thing.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
yeah duo I really would like to get mucho friendlies with you. i think the fox mu with mk isnt that bad (but who knows until I play you some more lol) but I need to learn it with ROB =[

and keith if he's approaching with fair horizontally you SDI down and the direction he came at you from...so if youre trying to dair camp on the right side and he runs from the left and fairs you, you SDI down and left and you'll get out mad easy

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Lol Duo you def woulda trolled me hard. XD

Yeah but I still have like no idea how to fight Fox so I'd probably lose lol. I'd MM you for the heck of it anyway just to see if I could do anything.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
just talk to kadaj on how to do that MU. im sure he knows, he fought duo before and Md/va had a good share of fox i do believe. I know you get like two grabs into tipper... thats all i know.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Karn teach me the mk fox MU! You and duo said fair ***** fox... but what do i do when he jumps around over me? mk's air mobility and speed aint that good. I was seriously thinking about going to norfair with wario against duo, but i was like " if i cant win this as mk, i will never get better at it."

and fox's fair can threaten horizontally. It's also hard to sdi that thing.
I think fox has one of the worst air mobilities in the game. If he's in the air, he can't move towards you and threaten you. This is why the fair isn't actually good for that reason (I think it's mainly an airdodge punisher). Basically, fox wants to get you below him or close enough to him that he can threaten you with grab and maybe usmash. Fox's only good tool to do this is his ground speed, but he doesn't have good enough moves to compliment this strength. If he just runs at you, you can just throw out a fair as mk if you have good reaction time and he can't do anything.

That's why fox has to camp. He can't approach players that can time and space horizontal moves. So he has to use lasers to try to get you either really close, or below him, but his lasers only hit horizontal, and have no knockback. For this reason, fox's lasers aren't really too great of a projectile in the sense that they can't actually force the opponent to be where fox wants them. Players that get really nervous when they start taking damage from the lasers jump above fox, which is exactly where he wants you to be. If you're above him he can threaten you with utlit or jump above you (remember fox reaches the apex of his jump really really fast) and then threaten you from above with dair). If you stop getting so worried about the good dmg they deal, then just patiently wall fox back to the edge. It doesn't matter that much if he racks up some dmg because he can't hit you. Don't run into the zone he wants you to be in just to avoid damage. If you do fair slightly out of distance it really pressures fox. Then when he gets forced to the edge punish him for whatever he does.

Fox is a mediocre character because, even though he has really good individual moves and attributes, none of them complement each other. He has no tools to force opponents into the zones that he threatens really well. This is why fox is really really good vs. people that don't know the matchup; they get scared of lasers and usmash and jump into the places that fox *****. Just learn the spacing and play patiently and fox can't do much of anything vs MK. Snake's ftilt, wario's air mobility, rob's ftilt and I'm sure many other moves can be used to really mess with fox. I'm not really sure about most of those matchups, but I'm pretty sure mk ***** him.


Smash Hero
Apr 10, 2009
i can now beat duo....

but wait. lets say the fox is shooting lasers at the edge of the stage, you approach him, and he jumps above you, onto the other side of u, then runs to the other side of the stage and starts shooting again. When he first jumps above, what is the best move to stop him?

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
If he jumps straight up and you're still grounded, I think you can do a few different things. One option is full jumped retreating fair (or I guess bair would work, too). An easier option is to just jump with him and uair. If he's going up he can't really threaten you with a rising dair. Another option is to abuse the fact that he has such horrible horizontal aerial mobility. If he just jumps in the air, run back a little and punish him where he lands. That's usually what I try to do. It doesn't require as good timing but does require good spacing. Remember, if you get close enough to him he can't shoot lasers.


Smash Ace
May 19, 2008
North Carolina
I can't wait to play you again at karn fest shady... You may have gotten a lucky break last time, but this time, I'm going to take the match with all seriousness.


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
North Carolina
yeah duo I really would like to get mucho friendlies with you. i think the fox mu with mk isnt that bad (but who knows until I play you some more lol) but I need to learn it with ROB =[

and keith if he's approaching with fair horizontally you SDI down and the direction he came at you from...so if youre trying to dair camp on the right side and he runs from the left and fairs you, you SDI down and left and you'll get out mad easy
Definitly dont di it down. I love it when people do this because its a free drill, epecially if your high in the air. just sayin.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
if you're rising with fair then you SDI out and theres no way that they will get drilled lol...unless you just stand there as they fall

and shady you have so much disrespect these days I swear.


Smash Ace
Jun 6, 2008
North Carolina
if you're rising with fair then you SDI out and theres no way that they will get drilled lol...unless you just stand there as they fall

and shady you have so much disrespect these days I swear.
I think I misunderstood what you meant. Do you mean fox's sh lagless fair? and no its not a true combo in the air, just really easy to land w/ shine stalling.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
dj find me some more mm's lol

and duo, keith was talking about how to get out of a fox that approaches with fair. I was saying if you were dair camping (which implies higher then sh height) then you would sdi down and the opposite direction fox is coming from. so you just go right through him basically
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