Thanks guys!!
@ Keith Kadaj goes snake or mk against me. I beat his marth the last time we played in tourney

. I also beat zex. Zex is a really good marth too. I've gotten really good at spacing against marth. I read them real hard the whole match. And if they did get a grab I was close to the stage. And if they did a spike combo, I zap jumped every time. I was real clutch. But in their defense you have to remember currently I'm the top lucas and they haven't faced one like me, or seen all my tricks. I could see that my spacing and tactics was confusing them.
my opinion for top marths are
1. Mike Haze 2. Zex 3. Neo 4. Kadaj (I got ***** real hard by Neo tho in tourney once. He just ran away and I chased him. Now I no longer chase tho. That match prepared me for Mike Haze and Zex)
Richbrown and my matches were close. I just realized something and think I can beat top oli's now. Logic's matches were worse for me cuz he and I have played so much. He knew my playstyle from VA/MD tourneys. SN: my opinion is that Logic is the best oli in US currently.
@Kadaj No it was 2v1.
1st match. Was on SV. We double gimped shaky. Gimr then lost three stocks. I fought Nick riddle and shaky 2v1 and got the crowd real hyped with Fow screaming his had off cheering for me lol. I was styling

. Imagin it all baby. I was healing from nick and putting in work. I still lost tho in the end. But the effort was so amazing.
2nd match. Was on FD. It came down to a 2v1 of Gimr and I vs Nick Riddle. Nick clutched by chasing down Gimr and killing him, but I then clutched it and won a long 1v1 battle.
3rd match. was on Ps1. I got a gimp on shaky. Gimr got a clutch double down smash kill. In the end we 2v1 nick and I killed him. During all the matches I used my team spacing skills to mess up their team gimmicks. I kept healing from nick and just knew how to handle shaky from playing fow so much.
@Kadaj: Yeah lets get those training sessions in! I have new skills to test out!
In the end the tourney was so fun. I'm happy with what I accomplished and am not sad for not making it out of singles pools. Bracket was stacked. I mean fow played havok round 1. That is crazy.
I don't have any excuses either. I just gotta get better. And like a SS i've upgraded so much from that tourney. I'll be ready for apex in singles and please believe I'll ready for dubs and win dubs!! Time to enter the hyperbolic time chamber.