Now just up front, I don't know a whole lot about Luigi. I've been talking to a lot of people recently and they gave me a lot of insight to the Match Up, but it's not a Match Up I'm familiar with personally.
But I'll give you the basics of what I know.
1) Edgeguard him, dont' let him edgeguard you. After watching all three videos, I've noticed the setups for both of you, and I noticed that he sat in the center of the stage MUCH more than you did, and you need to reverse that. I feel like, personally, this is going to come down to a edgeguard fight, where one person tries to out edgeguard the other. Unfortunately, he's much better at edgeguarding CF than we are at edgeguarding him. But just a few obvious things: try to end in a knee, or a stomp. You want him to go WAY out there, hopefully before he has charged his down b, and hopefully you want him low. Unfortunately, he'll usually recover high, and that'll lead to a side b. Whenever he sidebs, try to get out there with a knee/uair. You did fantastically
here , but other times not as much. Stomps actually work really well in this match, especially if he doesn't have a jump, because he just CAN'T come back horizontally. So if he's side bing and you jump out there with a stomp, he has to use his jump or up b. And if he uses his upb, he's already dead.
2) You have to keep him at arm's length in combos.
Here you didn't uair from the tip of your feet, and got punished for it. In a combo, if you mess up at all, that Nair WILL punish you. Which really sucks, but if you can bait it, and knee about head level, you can get over it
Once you start doing that a lot, a lot of Luigis will stop using it as much.
3) Respect his moves! From what I can tell, he has two major kill moves that **** your nair: His
fair and his Dair. It's a problem, because if you misspace/throw out nairs, you really will get punished. You can't really do stuff like that. In that respect, you have to watch and think about what you're going to do and what his response would be. I feel like a lot of times, you just ran in there and didn't give a **** about his moves, so he used them to smack you around. If you were a bit more patient with your spacing, you could have gotten him a lot more, rather than taking a bunch of fairs/nairs in the face.
4) Don't upB so high!
Here and
here literally had me looking at the screen going "what are you doing?" I know that Luigi can Dair/Bair you until you go crying to mommy, but going that high is just asking to be sent back out there. You need to wait and remember all of your options [airdodge, upb, even down b and side b] to get back on stage successfully. While Luigi doesn't have a great airgame, provided you space things correctly, he is fast enough to find you.
5) Remember his options. On the ground, he has a very predictable game. Out of a WD [which he will be doing back and forth] he has 4 main options: Dsmash, ftilt, grab, or utilt. Remembering this and the basic spacing for each will really help you. Dsmash can be beaten by a knee, and ftilt can be outspaced. utilt I'm not sure on.
6) Try not to get stuck in shield. This is a kind of general rule, but in this MU it can be really hard due to his long WD and the space he controls because of it. You have to mentally remember not to get stuck in shield, because all of Falcon's OoS can really be shut down by a nair or fair [evidence
here] without a lot of space. Try to know your options in shield, too. A Luigi will most likely jab the shield once, and then try to Dsmash to catch anything OoS that you try to do. Grabs are a lot more risky for him, because they require being a lot closer, so if you know the Dsmash is coming, just wait on it. I'm not sure what to do out of the shield, so you'll have to work on that on your own, but roll is usually safe. So try to remember to DD some more, and rely less on the shield.
Um I think that's about all I have to say right about now. If I remember the main thing I'm forgetting I'll let you know. But after talking to a few people, I've decided to include what you did really right as well.
So I wanted to say that you did really well in the third game, you really played your spacing well on that third life and kept out of his range. So good job.