I'm gonna critique your Marth match, since I don't know much about Doc.
0:04 - Starting right off, please don't do back throw or forward throw at low percents and mid stage. Do them near the ledge to get them off. You should be doing down throw to nair against Marth, or up throw to uair and combo off of those two options.
0:06 - Knee is not a good option in neutral all the time. Substitute it for nair, knee only when you know exactly where the opponent is, because it is a laggy move. nair and short hop uair are your friends in neutral.
0:09 - OK, so the Marth Falcon matchup is all about punishment. You went in, that's not good all the time. You have to be very patient, and be aggressive with your DD's. Wait until Marth throws out a move before attacking like that. Your opponent DD'ed outside of your range, so be sure to keep your opponent in range when being aggressive/ waiting for an attack opportunity. You have more neutral options than Marth, so you can stay very close to him (i.e. just outside of tipper range).
0:15 - Excellent choice for uair here.
0:16 - Short hop uairs, work on them. You can rarely combo off of fullhop uairs. Remember, Marth-Falcon is all about punishes, so the better your combos are, the better you'll be.
0:22 - Ok, so let me break down a simple truth in this matchup. Don't get hit (when defending). Let me show you how.
Ok, so 1 is the top platform, 2, and 3 are the sides, and 456 are the base of the stage. Star just represents a space in the stage where there is no platform or whatever.
Always make sure to be opposite of your opponent at all times. So if he's on 2, be on 3 or 4. If he's on 1, be on 4, 5, or 6.
Get it? Good.
0:23 - Knee is not good neutral, especially blatantly thrown around like that.
0:28 - I don't know if that was a tech skill error, but pivot nair would've been just fine in stopping his approach, and even getting a grab which leads to combos.
0:33 - Best options on ledge (in order of effectiveness) 1) Uair 2) nair 3) knee (if you have HUGE balls) 4) stomp (only use if your opponent is an idiot) 5) bair (you won't ever use this when trying to get back on stage
0:43 - Only raptor boost within range. Never ever use it as an approach option, only as a punish tool.
0:48 - Do you have 20xx? You should definitely work on some bread and butter combos like
Raptor boost > knee
Uair > knee
Soft knee > uair
Stomp > knee/anything
u/dthrow > knee
nair > uair > uair
bair > knee
nair > grab
dthrow > nair
uthrow > uair
0:57 - Once again, work on SHFFLS
1:00 - No, never neutral getup. Falcon has an amazing waveland onto ledge, and it's very customizable as to how far you want to go.
1:08 - Good pressure to get him away.
1:12 - lol moonwalk

1:26 - You do this a couple times, but when you panic, you roll. Don't do this. be sure to mix it up.
1:28 - Good punish sequence, you pressured nicely and everything.
1:47 - Exactly what the commentator said, you're not getting your setups. If you have 20xx hack pack, work on your setups, otherwise, just practice comboing on lvl 7 CPU's
1:59 - Good patience on the ledge
2:23 - No back throw pls
2:24/5 - Only raptor boost when outside of Marth's range.
2:50 - This is an ideal, bread and butter combo any Falcon can do. Always go for these simple combos at
EVERY opportunity you get.
3:13 - Dash attack is Falcon's worst move. Opt for nair (spaced properly of course) or gentleman for shield pressure instead.
3:30 - You got lucky, use falcon kick very sparingly. That wasn't the right time to use it.
Game 2
Guide for not getting hit on pokestadium against Marth
If he's on 1, you better be on 3, 4, 5, or 2. If he's on 4, you better go to 6 or 1/2 depending on the situation. Remember, the rule of thumb is to be opposite or below your opponent at all times.
5:04 - Falcon's crouch cancel is not the best option. But you may be able to get a free grab.
5:05 - What you did out of the crouch cancel was a dtilt. Dtilt is only good against spacies in some odd situations. It has high lag, so don't use it after a CC, opt for grab/ dsmash at high percents.
5:13 - How to avoid SD'ing. Use the name entry glitch to play alone, then just fool around and try to spam tech skill as much as possible. Do this to the point where you can get anywhere by ANY means possible. If you have 20xx hack pack just do timed matches without any opponent and do the same.
5:25 - An example of where it is good to knee
5:26 - Taunt was absolutely necessary, go for these whenever you can.
6:20 - Just as a rule of thumb, Falcon is a fun character and super aggressive, but there is a difference between aggressiveness and recklessness.
6:30 - Damn, you must have massive balls
6:44 - Good sequence
8:06 - This was entirely necessary, you were not a Falcon main until you did this exact thing.
Ok, so overall, you're a good player. You need to work on SHFFLS,
movement, platform wavelands, and general comboing. You have the other fundamentals down nicely (spacing, baiting, patience (sometimes))
Dat beard is top tier tho.
Good luck man, hope this helped