At first I wasn't too into Wolf, always sticking with Wario for my Brawl play sessions, but then I got into Wolf's character and liked it, then I started playing as Wolf more and more, and I loved it, he quickly rose to being one of my favorite video game characters, and it was a blast to play as him, mainly because of who he was, and how he was represented in Smash Bros, a savage bad*** who lives to shred opponents to bits with his claws, and not let them do that. Plus his theme is bad***. I think the reason most of us (if not all of us Wolf supporters) are mainly upset about Wolf's cu mainly because he was one of our favorite video game characters, not because we miss him solely because he was a good competitive wise.
The main purpose of Super Smash Bros is to have all your favorite Nintendo characters battle it out in a fun fight. We have fun when we play as our favorite characters, but when they are cut, the game becomes much less fun. Whenever I play Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS, it just doesn't feel fun. Others probably feel the same. Its because we can't have fun with our favorite characters (

) from the last game in the new game. Whats the point of playing Smash bros if you're not having fun? However character DLC can make the game more fun than it already is, I think that's it,
Dear Masahiro Sakurai, we enjoy playing Super Smash Bros for Wii U/3DS, but we feel he game would be much more fun for us if we could play as Wolf O'Donnell from the Starfox series. We really love his character and want to have fun playing as him and play as him in matches against the likes of Fox, Shulk, and Little Mac. Its in his character to fight, and Wolf is one of our favorite video game characters, we heard a rumor that Wolf is your favorite Star Fox character, we also heard a rumor that the Namco dev team really likes Wolf, wouldn't you love to play as your favorite Star Fox character Wolf, in Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS?