Yeah, Anna did somewhat decently! I at least wouldn't be surprised if Trickster Anna was on the next Awakening banner...
As someone who was voting for Marianne, I am pretty shocked to see her in first (well, fourth overall, but first among women). I really just wanted to see her post-timeskip form in the game in some form (a thing that seemed unlikely given how TH has been all pre-timeskip besides Brave and Legendary forms); I didn't expect her to knock out Eirika... Depending on designs though, I may pull for Eirika or Marth after freely summoning a Marianne. Sacred Stones was my first FE and does hold a special place in my heart.
As for next year, I struggle to predict anything when IS can add a NPC who takes the #1 spot lol. I imagine it'll depend somewhat on who gets added in-between now and then, in addition to if any Heroes OCs pull a Veronica and grow a major fanbase. As for new games... If we get anything new outside of FEH, then I'd expect it to be another Echoes title - which could, depending on the game it is remaking, plausibly not guarantee anything, as plenty of lords from remakeable games have already one at this point (obviously it'd still change stuff but, like, if we got a FE6 remake, then Roy's already won so it'd be a boosting FE6 side-characters instead of basically guaranteeing another lord victory).
Alternatively, Nintendo could announce Fire Emblem: The Dancing Rhythm Game spin-off and a dance that, like, Phina does becomes a meme, so she gets first place. This is hard to predict lol.