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Canonical Video Game Tier List: Updated Omega Ridley vs. Perfect Chaos


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Purpose of This Thread

In the past there were two threads that went on for quite some time. It has been at least five to six months since these threads have been active. One involved the characters of the Super Smash Bros. series to go by how they worked based on in-game, while the other took a far more realistic approach and discussed what it would be like if these characters were actually real. While the former did permit some realism, the latter only permitted that which was scientifically feasible.

In this thread, because a canonical perspective of which character would be the most powerful has been done, I have decided to expand a bit on this. Instead of restricting the characters to the SSB series only, I thought that maybe this could become a bit more interesting if characters from other video game companies were added. This will be strictly video game characters, meaning that no character from literature, films, table-tops, or whatever are not allowed here. However, if a character started out as a video game character and there is also literature, it can be accepted if it is canon.

Using the Strongest Incarnation

This thread will consist of the characters in their strongest incarnations. This disregards composite forms and direct sequels. By this I mean that no character will be given every single item or upgrade from every game within the series. For example, Super Metroid occurs immediately after Metroid II: Return of Samus. Since Samus does not start off with the upgrades from RoS to SM, she will be permitted only her SM upgrades. However, it is permitted that a character, as long as he/she is the selfsame character, will be allowed to use techniques he/she used in previous titles, depending on how this works.

To offer an example of this, before Metroid: Zero Mission was released, Samus said in Metroid Fusion that she was taught by the Dachora and Etecoons to shinespark and wall-jump. Without MZM present, this would mean that prior to SM, Samus would not be allowed to shinespark or wall-jump. She would only be granted this if the SM or post-SM incarnation was used. At the same time, we never see Samus use SenseMove in any of the Metroid games, with the exception of the Metroid Prime trilogy, which used this in cut-scenes. Were we to use any incarnation, Samus would be permitted this ability.

All of the characters will not be based off of their most recent incarnation, unless the most recent incarnation is the strongest. The reason for this is because some characters may have been powerful in one game, but the most recent installment has reduced the character to a weaker state. For this reason, we will only be using the strongest form of every character. Since I do not know who the strongest character of every game is, or ever was, I will need some assistance in figuring this out.

In order to figure out which character is the strongest incarnation, this will have to be done from an overall perspective. Being very powerful is not simply from strength or firepower alone, but also speed and durability. If the character is a selfsame character, he or she will be granted all the feats he or she has ever performed from previous and post games, should the most powerful incarnation be in the middle of a list of games. For example, if Samus never showed the ability to use Overblast in SM, but she can use it in Metroid: Other M, she can use it, regardless of which incarnation we use, as it is unlikely or unknown that she could perform this technique in the previous games. Game limitations are not proof of inability.

The Folly of Gameplay


One problem with game play is determining the speed of a character, or the reaction time. Some may think that because a character can dodge a laser in-game, that it means that the character has nanosecond RT. Some even think that RT is equal to movement speed, although this isn't true. Lasers in-game do not travel at 186,282 miles per second, and even then, characters who run at supersonic speeds or higher do not demonstrate such during game play. For this reason, it can be difficult to figure out how fast a character can run.

If a character has certain items that allow him or her to move at faster speed than before, we can accept this. Determining the exact speed is really the only problem. We may offer the lowest denominator, meaning that a character running at supersonic speeds can run as low as Mach 1.2, and the highest denominator, such as Mach 5. Some have tried to demonstrate that Link, with the Pegasus Boots in The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, could run well over 200 mph. Although the number for this is from the fact that arrows today can move around 200 mph, it doesn’t really tell us how fast Link can run.

As noted before about lasers during in-game, if a character outruns that, does it mean the character moves faster-than-light? Hardly. It only means that during in-game. However, there can be an exception. Consider the following. Let’s assume a character is scripted to outrun an avalanche during the game. He/She will be allowed to come up with a certain speed range, depending on how fast avalanches go. Since those can move between 60 – 80 mph, it may be assumed the character can achieve at least the lowest denominator, 60 mph.


It should be noted that game mechanics are meant for the intent of an enjoyable game. For this reason, things like hit points will not be permitted. HP often is confused with the idea that a character has superhuman durability, even when such is not the case, nor is there any reason to accept it. There are a few exceptions where a character's durability does not need to be questioned as nothing more than a game mechanic or simply HP. See the list below.

Type: Body armor
Featured in: Grand Theft Auto; Batman: Arkham Asylum
Description: In games, such as the ones listed, body armor is seen as health. However, in reality, the only protection a character like Niko Bellic or Batman would have is where the body armor is protecting them. They may be able to take a few bullets, knives, and possibly explosives if they get out of the way, these types of weaponry would kill them if they were hit in a vital area.

Type: Powered armor
Featured in: Halo; Metroid
Description: Characters with powered armor have a form-fitting energy shield that protects them. Underneath is another hard exterior, often made of some type of alloy. Unlike body armor, these characters usually are able to withstand more impactful attacks or injuries that would otherwise kill them.

Type: Magic armor
Featured in: The Legend of Zelda
Description: Link has had different types of magic armor. Some are called "Magic Armor," while others go by different names, such as Nayru's Love or the Cane of Byrna. Like the powered armor, a character with magic armor is protected either by a form-fitting barrier, or by something that sticks out like Nayru's Love. Often, the kinds of attacks these characters are protected from are physical attacks.

Type: Psychic shield
Featured in: Metroid; Mother; Pokémon
Description: U-Mos from Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, as well as Fumbleye in MOM are protected by some kind of psychic shield. In the Mother series, Ninten, Ness, and Lucas can protect themselves with different types of shields. And of course, in Pokémon, characters like Mr. Mime or Mewtwo can create psychic barriers. Although in-game they may have reduced damage, based on the anime, they don't receive damage.

Type: Dense skin
Featured in: Megaman; Metroid; The Legend of Zelda
Description: Megaman's body is made of some kind of metal, while Metroid Prime has a durable carapace, and Gorons have a tough, rocky exterior.

Type: Bioelectric field
Featured in: Metroid; The Legend of Zelda
Description: The Chozo Ghosts are invulnerable to ice, electric, and plasma attacks, thanks to their bioelectric field. With the Zora Mask, Link can become a Zora and also produce some kind of bioelectric field.

All of these are demonstrated to offer you an idea of what is permissible, and does not need to be questioned if it is a game mechanic or not. Some characters have it easier than others when it comes to these things, either because it's so blatantly obvious, or because it has been confirmed.


We will be discussing each characters strength, speed, durability, and other feats that they have performed. If a character is unable to offer any of the first three, then this counts against them as the most powerful character. There is always one thing that can turn the tide, however. So if a character is lacks strength, speed, or durability, but has an ability to stop time or remove his or her opponent from the battlefield, that character can end up, and most likely will win.

All characters will be placed in a neutral area. Gravity is assumed to be standard, much like Earth's. Game limitations, such as being able to destroy certain objects, while not being able to destroy other certain objects of the same composition are ignored. For example, Samus can destroy a chunk of rock with her Charge Beam in Magmoor Caverns, but that same kind of material from which the rock was destroyed is not even affected.

Outside Assistance

Outside assistance is not permitted if it is sentient, i.e., conscious. This refers not just to human beings, but also artificial intelligence, gods, and the like. The only exception to this rule are Pokémon Trainer, Popo and Nana, and Olimar and his Pikmin, as they need each other in order to battle.

Inherent Abilities

Pokémon will be granted the ability to use any TMs or HMs they are able to learn. Any character who has a traint that he or she is capable of doing without the use of items or upgrades can be transfered over, as long as it is the selfsame character. An example would be Mario or Samus being able to wall-jump, as this is an ability a human can learn.

Acquired Items/Upgrades

This refers to items or upgrades a character not just acquires, but also possesses during in-game and can be used in-game. This is excluded, however, if a character requires another person in order to use an acquired ability. An example would be that Samus does not get the Phazon Beam as she did in Metroid Prime, since she required a pool of Phazon to use it.

Let the Battle Begin!

Now we must start off with two characters that are at least somewhat equal so it can be a fair battle. Who do you think we should use to begin this thread?


Omega Ridley vs. Perfect Chaos

Strength: The ability to lift an object over one's head.

  • Ridley was able to survive on planet Zebes just fine, and is in fact a native of Zebes, according to the original Metroid manual. Since the mass of Zebes is 4.8 trillion teratons, and it's diameter is 11,700 km., it is likely that Ridley can lift many tons.

  • It is unknown how much weight Perfect Chaos can lift, if any.

Speed: The ability to travel distances within a certain amount of time.

  • Although Omega Ridley's flight speed is unknown, he was able to outrun and escape from Samus as she flew her Gunship during a chase to planet Tallon IV.

  • By comparison, Perfect Chaos moves slower.

Durability: The ability to withstand injury.

  • Omega Ridley is simply Ridley returning to a more organic form after being integrated with cybernetics, at which time he was referred to as Meta Ridley. Before Samus became the famous bounty hunter, Ridley has demonstrated several feats. In the manga, Ridley managed to survive the explosion of his ship, although he was at some distance. He was caught in the blast, nevertheless. In facing off against Samus, he was attacked by the Hunter's beam weaponry, such as the ice and wave beams.

    During Metroid Prime, Ridley's main weakness was his mouth and chest. However, the impressive thing about Ridley's durability, or at least survivability, is that he was knocked right off the Artifact Temple. Upon hitting the ground, a huge explosion occurs, and Ridley manages to survive this once again. During his encounter against Samus in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, he drops down a shaft that is 16,000 meters long, which is equal to 10 miles. Again, he manages to survive.

    Upon the battle against Samus again as Omega Ridley, he becomes resistant to all kinds of attacks with the exception of the Nova Beam and Hyper Beam. At this point, he disintegrates into nothing, but still manages to survive up to the point of Super Metroid, where he finally dies. Although in Metroid: Other M, Ridley is a clone, it is no doubt possible that the true Ridley is capable of taking plasma attacks, as well as creating a protective barrier.

  • Perfect Chaos may be durable to numerous attacks, at least based on his watery form. Because of his watery state, he may possess a few weaknesses, such as extreme heat, extreme cold, or electricity. One of Perfect Chaos' main problem here, however, is his brain. Unfortunately, it is exposed to attacks, making him not very durable by comparison.

Winner: Omega Ridley


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
this already happened:

Ganon, ike and Samus (in no order) are all super-mega GOD tier, everyone esle sucks compared to them

vVv Rapture

Smash Lord
Writing Team
Sep 20, 2009
this already happened:

Ganon, ike and Samus (in no order) are all super-mega GOD tier, everyone esle sucks compared to them
Pretty much this.

Samus would probably rip everyone's testicles out without even trying. Ganon would do the same. Ike would do it for his friends.


Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Nah, Ike is invincible to anythign except like this one random group of weapons after he's been blessed by this one chick in his games, making him essentially unstoppable.

Samus has super-tech and super-human capabilities that are just redonkulous

Ganon is the king of friggen evil

each of em are essentially neutral to each other, but as long as theyre involved nobody else matters


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Kirby gains incredible abilities through ingesting others. If that remains a factor, he should be in that top 3 as well, as he can attain their attributes.


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Nah, Ike is invincible to anythign except like this one random group of weapons after he's been blessed by this one chick in his games, making him essentially unstoppable.
I wonder if that blessing can protect you against a snapped neck! :snake:


Out of Obscurity
Sep 23, 2007
Not if he slices you in half before he gets close anyways.

Contrary to popular Brawlief, Ike is not as slow as *** and can actually like murder you on reaction.



Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
Snake couldn't harm Ike unless he had a certain kind of weaponry that was used in PoR, period.


Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010

He's a huge-*** fire breathing dragon with a protective shell that can survive being dropped in hot lava.



Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
We can start off with:

Mewtwo / Earthbound character
Ness / Lucas
Lucario/ Earthbound character

We could also try lower tier categories:

Luigi / Diddy Kong
Link/Toon Link
Fox / Pit



Smash Hero
Oct 5, 2008
Dedham, MA
It doesnt matter as long as ganon, samus and ike are here... theyre each unkillable by anyone, and they only go neutral with each other


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I had a feeling something like that would happen. I thought I would try to restart what was never finished. Oh well, I guess. Every time I thought about this, I thought, "Samus is still going to be too powerful." I thought the top three would be Ganondorf, Sonic, and Samus. I wasn't thinking about Ike, though. And the characters aren't composite form, so yeah. Oh well. :urg:


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2011
Cabimas, Venezuela
ganondorf is immortal, the legend says that there are only 3 things that can kill him:

the master word
the arrows of light
and captain falcon

you can stab ganondorfs heart with a normal sword, he´ll bleed and everything but he woudn´t die, all thanks to the triforce of power.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Maybe if I allowed characters outside of the SSB series, would anyone willing to debate who would come out on top?


Thane of Smashville
Jul 5, 2010
I'd say Ridley or Chaos would be pretty high tier here. Both are pretty much unkillable monsters.



Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
I'd say Ridley or Chaos would be pretty high tier here. Both are pretty much unkillable monsters.

Well, Ridley can die, as it has been proven in Metroid: Other M. The battle in Super Metroid was where he finally met his end, if not because of a direct kill from Samus, then because of the explosion. And of course, the Queen Metroid kills Ridley.

I don't know who Chaos is, unless you're referring to Castlevania. What feats has Chaos performed?

Also, if you guys want to debate some characters, we can use some like...

Master Chief
Megaman X


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
North Carolina
How is Ganondorf eligible for God tier if Link's standing around with the master sword in some lesser tier?
I get the feeling Link vetos Ganon's ticket.

I don't know who Chaos is, unless you're referring to Castlevania. What feats has Chaos performed?
While I'm not familiar with Castlevania,
I think they were referring to Chaos, the God of destruction, the water monster from Sonic Adventure.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Chaos isn't "God of Destruction". Chaos is the guardian of a safe haven that is home to an artificial life form (the chao). He goes mad after being fed chaos emeralds that grant him godlike power, though he still goes down after a few hits from Super Sonic, even in "perfect" form.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 10, 2010
A place.
Actually, he goes mad because the echidnas were trying to hurt the chao, so he was eventually sealed away and brought back by Eggman who tried to use him to rule the world.



Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
North Carolina
Chaos isn't "God of Destruction"
Well Robotnik referred to him as the God of destruction at one point. Then again it is Robotink he's prone to exaggerate.
Throughout the course of the game he went from peaceful protector, to raging beast, and back again. I think at the time the doctor made that remark he fit the description pretty well.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
How is Ganondorf eligible for God tier if Link's standing around with the master sword in some lesser tier?
I get the feeling Link vetos Ganon's ticket.
Well, when you think about it, you might wonder who has the most wins, Ganondorf or Link? Let's assume Link can defeat Ganondorf, and Ganondorf can defeat Samus. Samus can defeat Link, but she cannot defeat Ganondorf. Who do we place on top? Each can counter each other. So...

Top Tier:
Ganondorf, Link, Samus

Never mind this order. I am only making it in alphabetical order. Now, next we have someone like Sonic. If he went Hyper Sonic, he would be faster than the three in Top Tier. However, Ganondorf cannot be defeated by Sonic because Sonic lacks some ability or weapon to inflict harm on Ganondorf. So...

Top Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:
Link, Samus

Let's now throw in someone else, such as Captain Falcon. Captain Falcon is driving his Blue Falcon, traveling at transonic speeds. Samus moves faster than this, but Link does not. Samus has the equipment to take down Captain Falcon, but Link does not. So...

Top Tier:

High Tier:

Mid Tier:
Captain Falcon, Samus

Low Tier:

So, as you can see, the tier list is based mostly on the match-ups. A person who has more wins will be higher than the person who has less, which is why Link would be lower than Ganondorf, even though he could win. Of course, that is if we accept PIS and CIS. Maybe.

While I'm not familiar with Castlevania,
I think they were referring to Chaos, the God of destruction, the water monster from Sonic Adventure.
I am just wondering what his feats are to see why he should even battle against Ridley. By feats, I am asking for things, such as strength, speed, durability, what the character is capable of doing, and so on.

By the way, if "God of Destruction" is being used to mean that because Chaos is a god, that he or it should be high up, then no. Titles, such as "god" or "demon" really don't mean anything. For example, Fierce Deity is supposed to be a god, hence the word "deity." Yet, he does not show anything impressive to really put him on top. A character is based on feats, not titles.


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
North Carolina
I am just wondering what his feats are to see why he should even battle against Ridley. By feats, I am asking for things, such as strength, speed, durability, what the character is capable of doing, and so on.

By the way, if "God of Destruction" is being used to mean that because Chaos is a god, that he or it should be high up, then no. Titles, such as "god" or "demon" really don't mean anything. For example, Fierce Deity is supposed to be a god, hence the word "deity." Yet, he does not show anything impressive to really put him on top. A character is based on feats, not titles.
@ the title "God of Destruction"
Haha, that did come to mind as a joke but, I understand titles don't mean anything in this list.

As for feats, as Perfect Chaos, he flooded an entire city, and could meld into the water and reshape elsewhere in the city. That's largely what protects chaos. Most fighters would be severely limited by the flood waters, at worst unable to get in close enough. For those able to work through this he had tentacles to swat them away and could fire a lazer from his mouth, which was powerful enough to take down an airship, he also has a weaker spread bream attack for long range. Those were the most note worthy things he could do.

Strength, and speed? The beam's his most devastating move. While he can meld into the water for quick escape he actually seems slow to attack but, again he was fighting super sonic, and lastly durability. Besides the eyes, teeth, and brain he's made of water most attacks not aimed at the brain, and I'd assume the eyes, are ineffective However this also means his key weak point the brain is literally exposed.

That said I'd imagine Chaos would have trouble against agile flyers. So really Ridley has the characteristics to win this match-up. While being a large target He's really fast in the air. I'm not a Metroid aficionado so someone else can elaborate on Ridley if they want.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
@ the title "God of Destruction"
Haha, that did come to mind as a joke but, I understand titles don't mean anything in this list.

As for feats, as Perfect Chaos, he flooded an entire city, and could meld into the water and reshape elsewhere in the city. That's largely what protects chaos. Most fighters would be severely limited by the flood waters, at worst unable to get in close enough. For those able to work through this he had tentacles to swat them away and could fire a lazer from his mouth, which was powerful enough to take down an airship, he also has a weaker spread bream attack for long range. Those were the most note worthy things he could do.

Strength, and speed? The beam's his most devastating move. While he can meld into the water for quick escape he actually seems slow to attack but, again he was fighting super sonic, and lastly durability. Besides the eyes, teeth, and brain he's made of water most attacks not aimed at the brain, and I'd assume the eyes, are ineffective However this also means his key weak point the brain is literally exposed.

That said I'd imagine Chaos would have trouble against agile flyers. So really Ridley has the characteristics to win this match-up. While being a large target He's really fast in the air. I'm not a Metroid aficionado so someone else can elaborate on Ridley if they want.
Okay, so I finally know who Chaos is. I played as it in Sonic Adventure 2 during multiplayer mode a long time ago. I guess the only things that can be determined from these two characters are what they have done on a global scale, how durable they are, and what they are capable of doing, which may aid one or the other in battle. When I asked for strength, I meant physical strength. You seem to be referring to firepower or abilities.

Perfect Chaos' durability is actually quite good because it is made up of water. Water only has several flaws: high temperature, electricity, freezing, or putting in some kind of coagulant. One of the things about Ridley is that he attacks with fireballs and plasma. I can't say this would be easy, though. If Ridley wanted to win, he would need to focus on the brain. After all, Perfect Chaos is larger than Ridley. Ridley, I'd guess based on what I've tested, is 18 ft. when standing.

How fast do the tentacles move that Perfect Chaos creates?

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Perfect Chaos is fairly slow at doing anything other than dissolving into goo (so that he can more slowly pop up elsewhere). Besides his brain and possible electric or freezing attacks, he is completely invulnerable.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Perfect Chaos is fairly slow at doing anything other than dissolving into goo (so that he can more slowly pop up elsewhere). Besides his brain and possible electric or freezing attacks, he is completely invulnerable.
So, what you're saying is that he is invulnerable to high temperature attacks like plasma? How would we determine this?


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2011
Cabimas, Venezuela
well, lets remember captain falcon is not just racing, in his anime he is able of other stuff, heck he even destroyed 4 superrobots in less of a second with his bare hands while he was sneaking in the enemy base (and he also "died" just to come back even stronger) and he also saved the whole universe be sacrificing himself AND was recognized by solid snake just be looking at him, you know, snake in his codecs rarely recognize his opponent, but in the captain falcon one he showed to be a fan of him (and so was otakon) and in a melee event it was revealed that ness is also a C. Falcon fan.


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
North Carolina
I'm not sure on that. It's never come up (though IIRC he was frozen or crystallised in the anime).
This is true, as Chaos 6 (the form prier to Perfect) he had to be frozen with a kind of ice bomb so he could be hurt. He'd get smashed, then reshape, rinse repeat. It's possible to assume he still has this weakness in the next transformation. However nobody ever tried to freeze him in this form, It'd probably require a much larger bomb/ray/ what have you.

So, what you're saying is that he is invulnerable to high temperature attacks like plasma? How would we determine this?
Again nobody ever really tried, the closest I can think to a high temperature attack being used on him would be the airship's lazers which had no effect.

physical strength
I wouldn't know how to gauge his physical strength, Though I suppose being able to swat a speeding super sonic back with the tentacles would count for something. The anime might of showed him wrecking skyscrapers with them though I don't recall. Haven't watched the anime in forever.

Just watched a clip. The anime really over powered him from what I'm seeing, water shields, and torrents, a ring of tentacles strong enough to deflect missiles, and he actually moved through the water much faster then I thought he could. Though it makes up for the fact he never got the chance to dissolve into the water.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
well, lets remember captain falcon is not just racing, in his anime he is able of other stuff, heck he even destroyed 4 superrobots in less of a second with his bare hands while he was sneaking in the enemy base (and he also "died" just to come back even stronger) and he also saved the whole universe be sacrificing himself AND was recognized by solid snake just be looking at him, you know, snake in his codecs rarely recognize his opponent, but in the captain falcon one he showed to be a fan of him (and so was otakon) and in a melee event it was revealed that ness is also a C. Falcon fan.
We're not talking about Captain Falcon right now. We're also focused on the original source, i.e., the video games, not anime. If the anime is canon, we could use that, I guess.

This is true, as Chaos 6 (the form prier to Perfect) he had to be frozen with a kind of ice bomb so he could be hurt. He'd get smashed, then reshape, rinse repeat. It's possible to assume he still has this weakness in the next transformation. However nobody ever tried to freeze him in this form, It'd probably require a much larger bomb/ray/ what have you.
I would think that ice would be an effective method, although Ridley does not have any freezing abilities.

Again nobody ever really tried, the closest I can think to a high temperature attack being used on him would be the airship's lazers which had no effect.
Is this in the game or anime?

Whether Perfect Chaos is water or some goo, it is malleable, meaning that it can be attacked with piercing weapons, and it won't affect it, but blunt forces or high temperatures would be able to.

I wouldn't know how to gauge his physical strength, Though I suppose being able to swat a speeding super sonic back with the tentacles would count for something. The anime might of showed him wrecking skyscrapers with them though I don't recall. Haven't watched the anime in forever.
Is the anime a part of canon? How can we make sure it is canon, and not its own universe using elements from the canonical source? For example, Smallville is about Clark Kent's life before becoming Superman. Of course, it has its own canon and is just using some elements found in the DC Universe. The same has been done with movies, such as Spiderman, Iron Man, Thor, and X-Men: First Class.


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
North Carolina
Being attacked by the lazers was canon, happening in the game. Still I think Ridley has better projectiles. It takes multiple hits to down Sonic's biplane with those lazers. so they're not that powerful. They're just the only high temperature attack he had to endured.

The games would be the only thing that's official canon in this series.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Being attacked by the lazers was canon, happening in the game. Still I think Ridley has better projectiles. It takes multiple hits to down Sonic's biplane with those lazers. so they're not that powerful. They're just the only high temperature attack he had to endured.

The games would be the only thing that's official canon in this series.
Well, I don't know about Sonic's biplan being able to take those "lasers" you keep on mentioning. I think that was just a game mechanic, but canonically, Sonic defeated Perfect Chaos.

How would Perfect Chaos be able to defeat Omega Ridley? I thought I'd use this incarnation. Unless my choice is inaccurate, Omega Ridley is the strongest form. I know Perfect Chaos has that beam attack, and although I could say nothing could defeat Ridley unless you had the Nova Beam, I think that just doesn't work very well, since we don't know how Omega Ridley would react to the attack if he was hit.

The only two aerial attacks Omega Ridley could use are his plasma attacks and meson bombs.


Smash Cadet
Mar 9, 2008
North Carolina
As you said Perfect Chaos' best bet would be in his large beam attack, it works as an anti air. The long range mini beams are probably not effective enough, especially against this Ridley's armor, and the tentacles have limited range best used for defense.

How effective are the plasma and bombs? If they could dissolve the body it would be a major nuisance, and coupled with Ridley's speed Chaos could have a major disadvantage.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2011
Cabimas, Venezuela
Well, I don't know about Sonic's biplan being able to take those "lasers" you keep on mentioning. I think that was just a game mechanic, but canonically, Sonic defeated Perfect Chaos.

How would Perfect Chaos be able to defeat Omega Ridley? I thought I'd use this incarnation. Unless my choice is inaccurate, Omega Ridley is the strongest form. I know Perfect Chaos has that beam attack, and although I could say nothing could defeat Ridley unless you had the Nova Beam, I think that just doesn't work very well, since we don't know how Omega Ridley would react to the attack if he was hit.

The only two aerial attacks Omega Ridley could use are his plasma attacks and meson bombs.
oooo, so were talking about videogames only....CAPTAIN FALCON DEFEATED "THE CREATOR OF EVERYTHING" IN F ZERO GX, if you don´t believe it search the cutscenes of the history mode of the game OR play the gamem and my point about how snake (one of the best videogame heroes ever) recognized captain falcon and is a fan of him stand stills.

ryuu seika

Smash Master
Jul 21, 2010
Amidst the abounding light of heaven!
Whether Perfect Chaos is water or some goo, it is malleable, meaning that it can be attacked with piercing weapons, and it won't affect it, but blunt forces or high temperatures would be able to.
Blunt force is useless as only the brain inside Perfect Chaos can be hurt. Piercing weapons are probably more useful as they will maintain a higher speed while passing through the liquid.

Is the anime a part of canon?
No. The ability to destroy skyscrapers came up in the game too though as IIRC you fought him in Central Square (or whatever it was called) and he'd covered practically the whole city and destroyed large chunks of it.

Not exactly. "The Creators" challenged Captain Falcon to a race within his mind in which they took on his form. This shows only his willpower and/or racing ability, not his combat strength.
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