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Calebyte's Smash Bash | Muncie, IN | October 9th


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Santa Cruz, CA

Link to Original Thread


$5 Singles

1. Count :diddy: ($25)
2. HadesBlade :yoshi2: ($15)
3. Sovereign :zerosuitsamus: ($5)
4. Asdioh :fox:, :kirby2:
5. Comrade Snake :rob:
5. RogueBlades :sonic:
7. Steep :mario2:
7. Spin :rob:
9. Calebyte :mario2:

Bracket Image


Winners' Finals
Losers' Finals
Grand Finals*
*Game 1 wasn't recorded :(. Count won it.

The Crews
  • Count's Crew: Asdioh, Calebyte, Count, RogueBlades, Steep
  • Hadesblade's Crew: ComradeSnake, Hadesblade, Sovereign, Spin

  1. Rogueblades (:sonic: ***) vs. Comrade Snake (:rob: ****)
    Rogueblades wins with 1 stock remaining.
  2. Rogueblades (:sonic: *) vs. Spin (:rob: ****)
    Spin wins with 3 stocks remaining.
  3. Calebyte (:mario2: ***) vs. Spin (:rob: ***)
    Spin wins with 2 stocks remaining.
  4. Asdioh (:fox: ***) vs. Spin (:rob: **)
    Asdioh wins with 2 stocks remaining.
  5. Asdioh (:fox: **) vs. Hadesblade (:yoshi2: ***)
    Hadesblade wins with 2 stocks remaining.
  6. Steep (:mario2: ***) vs. Hadesblade (:yoshi2: **)
    Hadesblade wins with 1 stock remaining.
  7. Count (:diddy: ***) vs. Hadesblade (:yoshi2: *)
    Count wins with 1 stock remaining.
  8. Count (:diddy: *) vs. Sovereign (:zerosuitsamus: ****)
    Sovereign wins with 2 stocks remaining.



Thanks to everyone for coming out! Hope the food was good and that everyone had a good time!


Smash Lord
Dec 17, 2009
Columbus, IN
It still makes me smile that in the second set of matches there were mario dittos AND rob dittos going on at the same time. Good **** everybody!


Game Reaper
Nov 10, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
Quite literally the best mini-tourney since the Knees of Drunkeness. <3 Calebyte. He hosts sexy tournaments.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
Needs crew results. I took out 7 stocks :p

1. Count ($25) - gg's. Kinda sucks that the EDIT: 1st match didn't get recorded. Thanks a lot for the ride and grats on first.

2. HadesBlade ($15) - how do you lose to diddy with a SSS tier char stupid noob >_> and read landings moar plz

3. Sovereign ($5)- Thanks for saving us from the parked cars and the red light. xD GG's, we need to play more yoshi vs zss in friendlies.

4. Asdioh-gg's. What does your name mean btw? And why do you think the yoshi kirby MU is so bad? O_o

5. Comrade Snake- I feel bad about forgetting your name xD. gg's you got better since last time we played.

5. RogueBlades- we didn't talk at all, but you did really good in crews.

7. Steep - gg's.

7. Spin - gg's. Good job in crews, you played really well.

9. Calebyte - Thanks so much for hosting. The macaroni was really good too. Kinda sucks you got last at your own tournament though ><. Also thanks for recording + uploading games.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Santa Cruz, CA
1. Count ($25) - gg's. Kinda sucks that 5th match didn't get recorded. Thanks a lot for the ride and grats on first.
It was the first match that wasn't recorded, not the fifth. :)

9. Calebyte - Thanks so much for hosting. The macaroni was really good too. Kinda sucks you got last at your own tournament though ><. Also thanks for recording + uploading games.
No problem man, thanks for coming. I get last a lot, I'm used to it. Gotta step my game up!


Game Reaper
Nov 10, 2008
Indianapolis, IN

$5 Singles
1. :diddy: Count ($25) : GGs and thanks for the ride. I can always depend on you. I'm getting closer to beating your Diddy, and I've found one of my better stages to play you on, now. I can feel my win coming. Count it!
2. :yoshi2: HadesBlade ($15): Dsmash - Footstool! Gotta watch the range of her Dsmash. No problem, when it comes to saving people from parked cars and red lights. It's what I do.
3. :zerosuitsamus: Sovereign ($5): Come on, you could've had first this time. Progression has been made.
4. :fox:, :kirby2: Asdioh : Fun friendlies. My MK can take you, now. Sad that it couldn't before.
5. :rob: Comrade Snake: Great seeing you, again. It's nice to see you've found a new character you feel comfortable with. Also, you've fallen under one of my biggest pet peeves in Smash. Your username doesn't match your current main. So therefore I'm scratching the 'Snake' part.
5. :sonic: RogueBlades: QUIT SDing! The next time you SD, I'm gonna find something horrendous to either do to you or give to you. I'll think of something. :mad:
7. :mario2: Steep: Nice meeting you. You are one of the most hype Mario mains I've ever seen. Stay in the scene, please. We need more people like you.
7. :rob: Spin: Good seeing you again. You have to come out to more smashfests, so that you can get better with us.
9. :mario2: Calebyte: Hosts don't have to come in first. They still make money. Great tournament. Come out to more of the smashfests on Friday and train with us. Choose a comfortable secondary, and I'll even work with you.


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
4. Asdioh-gg's. What does your name mean btw? And why do you think the yoshi kirby MU is so bad? O_o
I guess I should give it another try...which I would have if you guys had STAYED LONGER >=(
It's just that my Kirby was recently ***** by a Yoshi on wifi, whlie my Fox won. Of course, that's wifi, so it's hard to judge, but I remember losing to Yoshi a loooong time ago with Kirby.... but that was a long time ago, so yeah I need to give it another shot.

Oh and my name is just random letters that became my username a long time ago, that's what makes it so great

My MK can take you, now. Sad that it couldn't before.

fun time guys, too lazy for shoutouts except good job Caleb for hosting and nice mac & cheese :D
and thanks Joe for letting me stay and stuff

By the way Count/Caleb, I remembered that I won a match against Comrade using Kirby, so yes he DOES deserve to be next to my name :p


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
Hades-Good games. I was lucky to win on FD and glad we didn'nt have to play another set. I wish everybody else could know how good your Yoshi is. I'm really sorry about the ride back, I swear I'm not usually that bad. Our set was epic :) good stuff ****** me on FD in crews. If norfair isn't legal I'm banning FD I think lolol.

Sov-Good set! Norfair games were extremely close. Thanks for making us not die on the ride back, I'm really embarrassed about my ****ty driving lol. You played really well at this and you've gotten so much better. Can't wait for our future sets.

Asdioh-Good set! Sorry we couldn't play the 99 stock thing or whatever. You've gotten way better against Diddy, I was really lucky to win on Frigate. Fox vs Diddy is hard, you gotta stay really patient as Fox, I would say. Good seeing you again.

Joeeeeee-Sorry we didn't play a ton of friendlies. You shoulda had me on our Yoshi's friendly! GJ in the tournament and pools stop killing yourself! I'll try to hit up Muncie again sometime :)

Comrade-You've gotten way better since I last saw you! Love that ROB. We didn't play any, I think you were the only person at this I didn't play some, so we gotta change that. Good seein ya.

Steep-Nice Mario! Surprisingly good for somebody not too active! Hope you get to more tournaments. You were fun to be around :)

Spin-Tough luck on the ROB ditto, you've gotten way better though. I thought you were gonna beat me on Rainbow Cruise. Fun ride there its always fun to hang out. Hope you bring that car back!

Caleb-Amazing tournament and food! When is the next one? Good luck picking up a new char I will be there to help you, if you want the help :). You seemed much improved and I'm looking forward to the next time we play. Thanks again for hosting.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2010
great tournament everyone, then crew battles at the end were hella fun.

1. Count ($25) - great job on 1st. thanks for the ride man, i'm really hoping i can get the car so i can drive myself to Rens for practice/tournaments

2. HadesBlade ($15) - 2nd good stuff man, nom on people some more, please. it makes me rofl. you vs Count was a great set, forreal.

3. Sovereign ($5) - good stuff on 3rd. i'm going to come out to some of Ren's things often i hope

4. , Asdioh - had fun playing you in Crews. i need to remember Fox's upsmash is too good

5. Comrade Snake - good stuff man, i'm gunna beat you in the ditto next time.

5. RogueBlades - only played you in one stock of crew battles, but you are cool. stay sonic!!!!

7. Steep - good stuff in bracket, got killed twice by the fire. lol.

7. Spin - lost inthe ditto? cmon man, you can do better than this. forreal

9. Calebyte thanks so much for hosting the tourney. it was awesome. food, excellent. our crew battle match was lol. i got so lucky to get star KO'd. thanks again for hosting. it was awesome


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Santa Cruz, CA
They're in one giant video file that I have to parse and upload individually at my apartment without good internet. Step off my **** please... :urg:


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Santa Cruz, CA
I'll try to get crews up before the weekend guys, sorry this is taking so long. Feel free to keep the **** pressure, as I might forget.
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